"Scholastic Standards Committee Minutes" by SDSU Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library


UA 51.3




0.21 linear feet (1 small document case)


The Scholastic Standards Committee approved curricula, recommended graduate requirements, established policy, dealt with the scholastics probation, and served as an advisory committee to the Dean of Academic Affairs. This collection is composed of minutes of meetings held between 1956 and 1967.

Historical Note

The main duties of the Scholastic Standards Committee were to approve all curricula, including all course changes; recommend graduate requirements to the faculty; establish student trip policy; establish minimum standards in communication skills; be in charge of scholastic probation; and act as an advisory committee to the Dean of Academic Affairs.

Content Notes

This collection is composed of minutes of meetings held between 1956 and 1967.

SDSU Archives and Special Collections

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South Dakota State University Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library, Brookings, South Dakota.


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