"Scabbard and Blade Records" by SDSU Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library


UA 35.11




0.21 linear feet (1 small document case)


Scabbard and Blade raises the standard of military drill in college and universities, encourages qualities for food and efficient officers, and promotes good fellowship among the cadets. The collection is composed of initiation procedures, a manual, and minutes for Company I, 6th Regiment of Scabbard and Blade.

Historical Note

The National Chapter of Scabbard and Blade was founded in 1904 at the University of Wisconsin. The 1st Company, 6th Regiment of Scabbard and Blade was installed at South Dakota State College, May 15, 1927. The purpose of Scabbard and Blade was to aid in raising the standard of military drill in American colleges and universities, to unite in closer relationship their military departments, to encourage and foster the essential qualities of good and efficient officers, and to promote intimacy and good fellowship among the cadets. R.O.T.C. Cadets had to be enrolled in the advanced course before they were considered as prospective members for Scabbard and Blade. Qualifications for membership in the fraternity were similar to those found in other honorary fraternities. The cadet elected had to possess such qualities as efficiency, patriotism, obedience, honor, courage and good fellowship. This organization remained on the campus of South Dakota State University through sometime in the 1970s.

Content Notes

This collection is composed of initiation procedures, a manual, and minutes for Company I, 6th Regiment of Scabbard and Blade. The manual includes a calendar of events that the society had to follow throughout the year, procedures for initiation of candidates, jewelry, miscellaneous contact of company officers with national headquarters, standard forms furnished by the executive officer without charge, and duties of company officers. The initiation procedures detail the purpose, scope, time of initiation, nominations, and the objectives and conduct of pledge week. The minutes list members of Scabbard and Blade, elected officers, and treasury reports. Included are discussions on scholarships, amendments to the constitution, military balls, and other events on campus that the society was involved in, such as Hobo Day and Spring Sing.

SDSU Archives and Special Collections

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South Dakota State University Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library, Brookings, South Dakota.


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