This community contains the theses and dissertations of the South Dakota State University, Department of Natural Resource Management. Formerly known as Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences.
Due to copyright restrictions, the collection contains both open access and university access theses and dissertations. University access items are only available to SDSU users, and on-campus visitors. Non-SDSU users wishing to access restricted materials may request items through their institution’s interlibrary loan services.
ETDS from 1982
Distribution, Movement, and Temperature Selection of Adult Walleye and Muskellunge in a Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Jerry A. Younk
ETDS from 1981
Home Range, Home Range Expansion, Dispersal, and Mortality of Juvenile Red Foxes in Southeastern South Dakota, Floyd M. Demaray
Movement and Distribution of Esocids and Forage Fishes In A Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Douglas T. Henley
Woodpecker Nesting Habitat in a Prairie River Woodland, J. Barry Parrish
Initial Growth and Survival of Bluegills and Black Bullheads Stocked With Largemouth Bass in South Dakota Ponds, James J. Shelley
Growth and Survival of Largemouth Bass in Newly Stocked South Dakota Impoundments, Clifton C. Stone
ETDS from 1980
Summer and Fall Ecology of Gray Patridge in Eastern South Dakota, Jerry W. Hupp
Zooplankton and Ichthyoplankton in a Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Steven C. Johnson
Food Habits and Growth of Rainbow Trout in a Prairie Pond, Ronald Marvin Koth
Feeding Ecology of Fishes in a South Dakota Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Robert J. Krska, Jr.
Nesting and Brood Rearing Ecology of the Vancouver Canada Goose on Admiralty Island Southeast of Alaska, Charles S. Lebeda
Helminths of South Dakota Coyotes, Elizabeth C. Schitoskey
Macroscopic Benthos Populations in A South Dakota Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Gordon B. Sloane
Winter and Spring Ecology of Gray Partridge in East Central South Dakota, Loren M. Smith
Nesting Giant Canada Geese in Western South Dakota, Doyle M. Stiefel
Land Use Changes and Pheasant Declines in Eastern South Dakota, George M. Vandel
Forage Fish Populations and Growth of Muskellunge in a South Dakota Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, James R. Wahl
ETDS from 1979
Special Reflectance of Hydrophytes, Robert G. Best
Population and Productivity of a Flock of Giant Canada Geese in Northeastern South Dakota, Ted A. Clausing
Winter Limnological Conditions in a PRAIRIE Pothole and the Application of Molecular Oxygen, Richard A. Fike
Breeding Waterfowl Use of Intermittent Streams, McHenry County, North Dakota, Daniel E. Hubbard
Design and Evaluation of a Fisheries Information Storage and Retrieval System (FISARS) for the State of South Dakota, Richard P. Kramer
The Taxonomic Status of Coyotes From Western South Dakota, Susan E. Lauzon
Inbreeding in Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri): Analysis of Lethal Temperature Tolerence, Jospeh L. Mangiardi
Expectation of Genetic Alteration of Muscle Composition and Growth Traits in Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri), George W. Partelow