This community contains the theses and dissertations of the South Dakota State University, Department of Natural Resource Management. Formerly known as Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences.
Due to copyright restrictions, the collection contains both open access and university access theses and dissertations. University access items are only available to SDSU users, and on-campus visitors. Non-SDSU users wishing to access restricted materials may request items through their institution’s interlibrary loan services.
ETDS from 1979
Habitat Preferences and Censusing of Waterfowl Broods On Stock Ponds In South Central South Dakota, Mark A. Rumble
Pheasant Use of Wetlands During The Winter and Application of Landsat Imagery For Assessing Winter Habitat, Signe Sather-Blair
Non-Game Bird habitat Associated With Haul Roads and Surface Mining for Bentonite Clay, Tim A. Schaid
Nesting Chronology of South Dakota Ducks, Stephen A. Tessmann
Catfish Cage Culture in a South Dakota Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Gary P. Wheeler
ETDS from 1978
Breeding Biology and Prey Selection of Ferruginous Hawks in Northwestern South Dakota, Charles L. Blair
Fungal Control Methods, Diets and Water Temperatures Used to Culture Paddlefish, Polydon spathula, Ronald L. Brandt
Bird Utilization of Woodland Habitat in the Eastern Quarter of South Dakota, John M. Emmerich
Diversity and Density of Shelterbelt Bird Communities, Thomas E. Martin
Effects of Grazing Systems on Sharp-tailed Grouse Habitat, Samuel N. Mattise
Diet and Nutrition of the Pronghorn Antelope, Norman C. Messenger
Evaluation of Fish Stocking in Southeastern South Dakota Ponds, Paul J. Peeters
Wildlife Habitat in the James River Valley, South Dakota, L. Paul Schneider
Non-game Birds in Relation to habitat Variation on South Dakota Wetlands, Michael J. Weber
ETDS from 1977
Digestibility of Common Forage Plants and Energetic Requirements of the Black-Tailed Prairie Dog, Maureen A. Beckstead
Food, Growth, and Reproduction of White Crappies (Pomixis Annularis) and Black Crappies (P. Nigromaculatus) in Lake Poinsett, South Dakota, Thomas R. Busiahn
Wildlife Habitat Evaluation of the Unchannelized Missouri River in South Dakota, James R. Clapp
Biology of the Porcupine (Erethizon Dorsatum) in northwestern South Dakota, Judith Johnson
Factors Affecting Waterfowl Brood Use of Stock Ponds in South Dakota, Gene D. Mack
Estimate of Production By a Population of Fathead Minnows, Pimpephales promelas, In a South Dakota Prairie Wetland, Ronald D. Payer
Cover Use and Activity Time Budget of Blue-Winged Teal, Mallard, and Pintail Broods, James K. Ringelman
Variables Associated With Breeding Waterfowl On South Dakota Stock Ponds, Jay A. Roberson
Population, Home Range, and Dispersal of Red Foxes in East-Central South Dakota, James D. Sweeting
ETDS from 1976
Use of Stockpods for Nesting by Giant Canada Geese, Paul M. Bultsma
The Aquatic Ecology of Two Seasonal Marshes in Eastern South Dakota, Walter K. Donaldson