Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series | South Dakota State University: Open PRAIRIE: Public Access Institutional Repository

Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series

Discourse: The Journal of the SCASD

ISSN 2575-8136

Discourse: The Journal of the SCASD publishes original articles from academics and professionals of all levels in communication, rhetoric, forensics, and other speech-related activities.

Empowering Research for Educators (Teaching, Learning and Leadership)

Empowering Research for Educators is a South Dakota State University Publication dedicated to the accessibility and application of research- and evidence-based knowledge in teaching and learning.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

We're actively looking for submissions for our next issue! Submit a manuscript to be included. Check out About This Journal for submission guidelines. Also, see the call for papers below.

Check us out on YouTube!

Great Plains Sociologist

ISSN 0896-0054

The Great Plains Sociologist ceased publication in 2018.

iLEARN Teaching Resources (Department of Biology and Microbiology)

ISSN 2996-2587

Calling all K-12 STEM and Agricultural educators!

ILEARN Teaching Resources invites submissions for our peer-reviewed publication, dedicated to offering dynamic teaching modules. Showcase your expertise by contributing lessons developed and implemented after attending Professional Development programs sponsored by public organizations and funding agencies in the United States. Share your innovative approaches and inspire fellow educators in the vibrant landscape of STEM and Ag education.

Life Science Reports

Call for high-quality high school, undergraduate and graduate research, reviews, and reports:

Life Science Reports is a peer-reviewed journal committed to showcasing experimental, descriptive or review articles across a broad spectrum of topics in life sciences. This journal serves as a repository for researchers, scientists, educators, and students to stay informed about the latest advancements in the field. By emphasizing comprehensive reviews and showcasing cutting-edge research, Life Science Reportsstands as an indispensable resource. It aims to facilitate researchers in exploring new ideas, formulating research hypotheses, and advancing knowledge within the dynamic and rapidly evolving field of life sciences. Articles featured in the Life Science Reportsundergo a peer-review process, ensuring the dissemination of high quality and accurate information. Our primary goal is to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and communication by bringing together experts from different fields. This collaborative effort contributes valuable insights and perspectives on crucial issues and challenges faced by the life sciences community.
The Life Science Reports is believed to foster excellence and innovation within the scientific community.

We invite submissions of high-quality scientific papers for potential inclusion in the journal.

Please contact Dr. Madhav Nepal for questions about submissions.

Oakwood (School of English and Interdisciplinary Studies)

Oakwood is an annual literature and arts magazine published at South Dakota State University since 1975. SDSU students edit the journal, led by faculty advisors. Accepting diverse forms of literature and art, Oakwood is published during the spring of each year. We distribute handsomely printed hard copies to contributors, the campus community, and other interested parties, and shortly thereafter make this digital version available worldwide via SDSU’s Open PRAIRIE Repository.

The Journal of Undergraduate Research (Division of Research and Economic Development)

The Journal of Undergraduate Research publishes original scholarly research by undergraduate students at South Dakota State University. The journal publishes Research Articles and Abstracts. Submission is open to all undergraduate students and recent graduates of South Dakota State University.