Submissions from 1991
1991 South Dakota Beef Seedstock Symposium, December 13-14, 1991, Department of Animal and Range Sciences, South Dakota State University
Beef Cattle National Genetic Evaluation Programs, Larry Benyshek
Calving Difficulty in Beef Cattle: Part I, Harlan D. Ritchie and Peter T. Anderson
Calving Difficulty in Beef Cattle: Part II, Harlan D. Ritchie and Peter T. Anderson
Computations Associated with National Beef Cattle Evaluation Programs, Larry Benyshek
Current Status of National Cattle Evaluation Programs for Carcass Traits, Larry Benyshek
Establishing Genetic Lines for Goal Oriented Buyers, Richard Janssen
Impacts of Types on Feed and Market Requirements, Donald L. Boggs
Real-time Ultrasound to Predict Carcass Traits in Live Cattle, Gene Rouse
The State of Interbreed EPDs, Jim Gibb
Which Cows are More Efficient, D. M. Marshall