SDSU Beef Day 2020 Summary Publication
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Annually in the United States, billions of livestock are marketed and transported for breeding, feeding, exhibition, and slaughter. On any given day, several hundred thousand head of livestock are on the road. The transport of livestock is an integral and economically significant part of all livestock industries, especially in South Dakota where animal agriculture ranks number one and animal recreational activities are prevalent. South Dakota roadways are also common truck routes for the movement of livestock within North America. Accidents involving livestock have increased over the years and pose unique challenges to first responders, law enforcement, and the public. The national Bovine Emergency Response Plan (BERP) program trains first responders on recommendations to address local accidents involving livestock transport vehicles to protect their safety, public safety and animal well-being. Creating an awareness of the sensitivity of livestock transport accidents and enhancing the response by first responders can protect public safety and minimize potential impacts on the livestock industries overall from the incident or subsequent actions.
South Dakota State University
Copyright © 2020 the Authors
Recommended Citation
Carroll, Heidi, "Bovine Emergency Response Plan (BERP) Program" (2020). SDSU Beef Day 2020 Summary Publication. 14.