This collection houses the proceedings and reports of the 17th annual SDSU Cattle Feeders Day held on November 2,1973.
Submissions from 1973
Adaptation of Feedlot Cattle to Urea and Antibacterial Compounds, J.D. Burkhardt, L.B. Embry, and L.B. Dye
Backgrounding of Feedlot Cattle - Levels of Grain on Pasture, L.B. Embry
Carcass Characteristics of Bulls, Heifers and Steers as Influenced by Ration and Market Weight, Peter B. Smith, W.J. Costello, Peter J. Thiex, and L.B. Embry
Effects of Confinement Feeding Systems on Beef Cattle Production, R.D. Goodrich, J.C. Meiske, R.E. Smith, and H.E. Henke
Growing and Fishing Bulls, Heifers and Steers, P.J. Thiex and L.B. Embry
Growth Stimulant Substitutes for Stilbestrol, James J. O'Connell
Growth Stimulating Products for Feedlot Heifers Fed High-Concentrate Diets of High-Moisture Corn, J.D. Burkhardt and L.B. Embry
Investigation of Western Yellow Pine (Pinus ponderosa) Abortion, C. Cogswell and L.D. Kamstra
Meeting the Protein Needs of Growing and Finishing Cattle, William W. Schneider
Seventeenth Annual Cattle Feeders Day, Animal Science Department
Storage Methods and Protein Supplements for High-Moisture Ear Corn, W.S. Swan and L.B. Embry
Weaning Age and Management Systems for Fall Born Beef Calves, William McCone