This collection houses the proceedings and reports of the annual SDSU Sheep Day held on June 10th, 1993.
Submissions from 1993
Market lambs--yesterday, today and tomorrow, Leroy H. Boyd
How the new grading standards fit industry needs, Jeff Held
South Dakota performance ram resting program final reports: 1991-92 and 1992-93, Jeff Held
Lamb preference for commercial and grain-soybean meal based creep diets during the preweaning season, J. E. Held, B. Read, and A. L. Slyter
Lifetime productivity of Targhee vs. Finn-Dorset-Targhee ewes managed as farm vs. range flock, N. Iman, A. L. Slyter, Ron Swan, and Bruce Read
Scrapie, Melissa Libal
Polioencephalomalacia, Regg Neiger
Effect of breed of ewe and management system on lamb and wool production (progress report), A. L. Slyter, Nasir Iman, Ron Swan, and Bruce Read
Accelerated lambing performance of mature Hampshire cross ewes, A. L. Slyter, Bruce Read, and Ron Swan
A comparison of fall lambing vs. spring lambing performance of purebred and crossbred ewes, A. L. Slyter, Bruce Read, and Ron Swan