"An Exploratory Study of Managerial Assumptions Regarding the Promotion" by Laura Maria Molina

Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Counseling and Human Development

First Advisor

Marla J. Muxen


This exploratory study describes assumptions and concepts of personnel directors in corporate settings with regard to the topic of health promotion in the occupational setting, as well as their attitudes regarding the role of mental health counselors in the promotion of mental and physical health in such a setting. A questionnaire was mailed to a sample of 98 personnel directors of businesses in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, selected from the 1994-1995 South Dakota Business Directory. A total of fifty-eight personnel directors responded. Results of the data indicated that the majority of the respondents have a positive and supportive attitude toward the topic of health promotion in the work setting. This was manifested by the large number of respondents who reported offering different kinds of health promotion activities. Mental health counselors were considered significant contributors in the promotion of occupational health by a majority of the respondents. Counselors were seen as qualified professionals to address many aspects of occupational stress and psychological disorders in the workplace. This indicates that mental health counselors may have optimal opportunities to gain insight into the basic processes of human and group behavior in the context of work, and to contribute to making organizations more beneficial and human.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Personal directors -- South Dakota -- Attitudes
Health promotion
Mental health counselors




South Dakota State University



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