"The Impact of Community Cultural Wealth on Health" by Tracey R. McMahon

Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Rural Sociology

First Advisor

Diane Kayongo-Male


The following study explores the use of a variety of assets and resources available to international students attending a university in the upper Midwest to promote health and cope with illness in a culturally competent manner. This study used both qualitative methods and the case study method to explore how the following forms of capital can be used to promote health and cope with illness: (1) aspirational capital, (2) familial capital, (3) social capital, (4) navigational capital, (5) resistant capital, (6) economic capital, and (7) human capital. This study's findings suggest that the outcomes in the host country of the ten international students interviewed for this research are partly a function of maintaining those initial assets and resources brought with them from their native communities and partly a function of their ability to accumulate new assets and resources in their new community.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Students, Foreign -- Health and hygiene
Students, Foreign -- Attitudes
Students, Foreign -- Social networks




South Dakota State University



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