"Life Skills & Benefits from South Dakota 4-H" by Audrey Jo Rider

Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Human Development, Consumer and Family Sciences


This study focused on one primary research question "What life skills and educational benefits do members gain from being involved in 4-H". Communication skills, leadership skills, social skills, and technical skills were the main focus areas. To address my research question, a survey was conducted with 4-H alumni, current 4-H members, and parents/volunteers utilizing Survey Monkey, an online survey tool. Respondents were asked to identify whether they felt they definitely, somewhat, or not at all gained the skill from being involved in 4-H. Through analysis of my data, I came to the conclusion that there is not one particular skill that all three groups could agree was the most important. The skills listed under the social and leadership categories ranked higher on the percentage scales for all three groups and were more closely related to each other than the communication and technical categories. Drawing on the survey data, the main life skills a member perceived themselves as gaining from being involved in 4-H are: self-confidence, ability to handle competition, meet new people, responsibility, and trying new things. The data acquired was used to increase membership, communicate the impact to stakeholders, and help with future programming.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

4-H clubs -- South Dakota Life skills Youth development



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
