Department of Modern Languages & Global Studies, South Dakota State University | School of American and Global Studies | South Dakota State University

This collection houses publications produced by the Department of Modern Languages and Global Studies.


Publications from 2023


Desiring Women in Contemporary Senegal: Nafissatou Dia Diouf and Kalista Sy’s Inclusive Afrotopos, Molly Krueger Enz


Using Enclave Groups to Discuss Workplace Cultural Diversity and Community Inclusion, Rebecca A. Kuehl, Molly Krueger Enz, and Sara A. Mehltretter Drury

Publications from 2022


Teaching Global Citizenship in Tense Times: Promoting Inclusion and Equity Through the Liberal Arts, Molly Krueger Enz


Unto the Next Generations: The Blurring of Binaries and the Re-creation of the Social in Lola Arias’s El año en que nací, Maria C. Spitz

Publications from 2021


The Workplace Intercultural Competence Certificate: Showcasing How Language Study Does Work in the World, Christine Garst-Santos


Place-Based Interdisciplinary Study Abroad in Senegal: Geography, Global Studies, and Francophone Studies, Hilary Hungerford and Molly Krueger Enz


Grateful To Be There but the Nightmare Continues: Life in a German Refugee Camp, Eckhard Rolz

Publications from 2020

Welcoming New Americans: A Perspective from South Dakota, Christine Garst-Santos and Luz Angélica Kirschner

Publications from 2019

Modernist Aesthetics and the Question of Ownership in Borges’s “Funes el memorioso” and Heidegger’s “The Origin of the Work of Art”, Jose J. Alvarez


Wiebke Beuhausen, Miriam Brandel, Joseph Farquharson, Marius Littschwager, Annika McPherson, & Julia Roth (eds.) (2018) Practices of Resistance in the Caribbean: Narratives, Aesthetics, Politics, Luz Angélica Kirschner


Basketballs and Heart Attacks: Lies and Deceptions in Two German Movies: Wo ist Fred and Good-bye Lenin, Eckhard Rolz

Publications from 2018


Joseph Gaï Ramaka and Nicolas Sawalo Cissé Promote Change Through Cinema: Representations of Flooding and Trash in the Margins of Dakar, Molly Krueger Enz


The Haitian Flight for Freedom in Maryse Condé’s Rêves amers and Marie-Célie Agnant’s Alexis d’Haïti, Molly Krueger Enz


Forging a New Path: Plurality, Social Change, and Innovation in Contemporary Senegalese Cinema, Molly Krueger Enz and Devin Bryson


After asylum: Hermeneutic Composability in Former Refugee Narratives, Jeremy A. Rud

Publications from 2017


Naturalism, Criminology, and Archivization in Holmberg’s La bolsa de huesos, Jose Alvarez


Crossing the Mediterranean: deterritorialised identities in Perdus entre deux rives, Des vacances malgré tout, and La traversée, Marie-Pierre Caquot-Baggett


Critical Ethics: Witnessing Otherness in La última niebla, Christine Garst-Santos

Publications from 2016


Dorotea, Ruy Pérez, and Zoraida: Modeling the Art of Paradoxy in a Binary World, Christi Garst-Santos


Book Review “Crawford, Joseph. The Twilight of the Gothic: Vampire Fiction and the Rise of Paranormal Romance 1991-2012”, Maria T. Ramos-Garcia


A Patchwork Family: The Struggle for Survival in Pölsler’s Austrian Movie Die Wand, Eckhard Rolz

Publications from 2015


Ghost-Watching American Modernity: Haunting, Landscape, and the Hemispheric Imagination, by María del Pilar Blanco (Review), Jose J. Alvarez


L’Amour est dans le pré: Cultural Representations and Social Hierarchisation of Farmers, Marie-Pierre Caquot-Baggett and Alexis Annes


Between Confession and Realism: Lack, Vision, and the Construction of Identity in Rafael Arévalo Martínez’s Una vida and Manuel Aldano, Maria Spitz

Publications from 2014


Posthumous Voices in the Antología de la literatura fantástica: Santiago Dabove, Horacio Quiroga, and Edgar Allan Poe, Jose J. Alvarez


Nafissatou Dia Diouf’s Critical Look at a “Senegal in the Midst of Transformation”, Molly Krueger Enz


Introduction Fed Up: Creating a New Type of Senegal Through the Arts, Molly Krueger Enz and Devin Bryson


Engendering Childhood: The Autobiographical Novel in Eighteenth-Century German Literature, Eckhard Rolz


A “Clearing in the Jungle:”Adolescence in Martín Adán’s La casa de cartón.", Maria Spitz

Publications from 2013


Redefining France from the Border: (Im)migration and National Identity in Olivier Baroux’s L’Italien, Marie-Pierre Caquot-Baggett


Review of The Baker Who Pretended to Be King of Portugal by Ruth MacKay, Christine Garst-Santos


Mama’s Boy is Daddy’s Girl: Eccentric Gender Performance in Johann Heinrich Jung-Stilling's Heinrich Stillings Jugend, Jünglingsjahre, Wanderschaft und häusliches Leben, Eckhard Rolz

Publications from 2012


“La Modernización y sus Fantasmas: Violencia, Exceso y Ritual en ‘La Gata de Mi Madre’ de Carlos Fuentes, Jose J. Alvarez


RAANAN REIN (coord.): Más allá del Medio Oriente. Las diásporas judía y árabe en América Latina., Luz Angélica Kirschner


A New Frontier in the Eighteenth Century: Karl Philipp Moritz and the Exploration of the Human Mind, Eckhard Rolz


His Name is Not Tadzio, or Death in Marseilles: Anna Seghers’s Transit, Eckhard Rolz

Publications from 2011


Who Belongs to Whom?: Codes, Property, and Ownership in Madame Charles Reybaud's "Les Épaves", Molly Krueger Enz


Dorotea’s Displacement: Performing the Possible in Early Modern Spain, Christine Garst-Santos

Publications from 2009


It Takes A Village…: Transgressing Rural Geographies In Sinapi's Camping à la ferme, Marie-Pierre Caquot-Baggett

Publications from 2008


Ex/île on the Île-de-France: Gisèle Pineau’s L’exil selon Julia, Molly Krueger Enz


A Reconsideration of Martín Adán: The Case of La casa de cartón, Maria Spitz

Publications from 2006

“The Mulatto as Island and the Island as Mulatto in Alexandre Dumas’s Georges”, Molly Krueger Enz

Submissions from 2004


Avoiding Binary Thinking: Using Multiperspectivism as a Classroom Tool, Maria T. Ramos-Garcia

Publications from 2000

Book Review of "La novela naturalista en Argentina (1880-1900)" by Rita Gnutzmann, Maria T. Ramos-Garcia