This community contains the theses and dissertations of the South Dakota State University, Department of Natural Resource Management. Formerly known as Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences.
Due to copyright restrictions, the collection contains both open access and university access theses and dissertations. University access items are only available to SDSU users, and on-campus visitors. Non-SDSU users wishing to access restricted materials may request items through their institution’s interlibrary loan services.
ETDS from 2018
Quantifying Potential Long-term Changes in Erosion, Discharge, and Total Suspended Solids Resulting from Agricultural Land Use Change in South Dakota, Hector Manuel Menendez III
Distribution, Ecology, Disease Risk, and Genetic Diversity of Swift Fox (Vulpes Velox) in the Dakotas, Emily Louise Mitchell
Evaluation of Methods Used to Improve Grasslands as Ring-Necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) Brood Habitat, Mandy Orth
Effects of Large-scale Density Reduction on Brown Trout Growth and Movement in Spearfish Creek, South Dakota, Travis Rehm
Impacts on Salmonid Rearing Performance with Use of Dietary Bioprocessed Plant-Based Protein and Water Velocity, Jill Voorhees
ETDS from 2017
An Evaluation of Deer and Pronghorn Surveys in South Dakota, Kristopher W. Cudmore
Improving Survey Methodology to Monitor Rare Grassland Birds in South Dakota, Kassondra Hendricks
Mountain Lion (Puma concolor) Population Characteristics and Resource Selection in the North Dakota Badlands, Randy D. Johnson
Biotic Integrity in the Northwestern Great Plains and Mechanisms Regulating Stream Condition in South Dakota, Chad Kaiser
Indexing Walleye Recruitment in Eastern South Dakota Natural Lakes, Todd M. Kaufman
Reassessing Survival, Movement, Resource Selection, and SIghtability of Pronghorn in Western South Dakota, Adam Kauth
Effects of a Large-scale Habitat Enhancement Project on Largemouth Bass Behavior, Feeding, and Growth in Grand Lake, Texas, Chance Kirkeeng
A Statewide Assessment of Drivers Influencing Biotic Integrity in Perennial, Wadeable Prairie Streams of South Dakota, Lyntausha Kuehl
Interactive Effects of Cover Crops, Invertebrate Communities and Soil Health in Corn Production Systems, Claire LaCanne
Evaluation of Gamebird Use and Thermal Characteristics of Alfalfa and Perennial Grasses in Eastern South Dakota, Neal P. Martorelli
Development and Application of a Fish-Based Index of Biotic Integrity for Lakes in Eastern South Dakota, Daniel T. Nelson
Swift Foxes in Southwestern South Dakota: Assessing the Current Status of a Reintroduced Population, Sarah Ann Nevison
Invertebrate Prey Selectivity of Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in Western South Dakota Prairie Streams, Erin D. Peterson
An Integrated Evaluation of the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in South Dakota, Jarrett D. Pfrimmer
Growth Potential and Genetic Diversity of Yellow Perch in South Dakota, Alex J. Rosburg
Measuring Aquatic Organism Responses to Grassland Restoration: Does the Field of Dreams Really Exist?, David A. Schumann
Phenotypic Plasticity of Native and Invasive Cool-Season Grasses in Response to Frequency of Moisture Availability, Ming-Yu Stephens
Human Dimensions of Habitat Loss in the Plains and Prairie Potholes Ecoregion, Lily A. Sweikert