This community contains the theses and dissertations of the South Dakota State University, Department of Natural Resource Management. Formerly known as Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences.
Due to copyright restrictions, the collection contains both open access and university access theses and dissertations. University access items are only available to SDSU users, and on-campus visitors. Non-SDSU users wishing to access restricted materials may request items through their institution’s interlibrary loan services.


ETDS from 2016


Assessing Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in South Dakota and Identifying Drivers of Assemblage Variation, Kaylee L. Faltys


A Physiological Assessment of Wetland Habitats for Spring-migrating Ducks in the Agricultural Landscapes of the Southern Prairie Pothole Region, Adam K. Janke


Survival, Abundance, and Relative Predation of Wild Rainbow Trout in the Deerfield Reservoir System, South Dakota, Jeremy L. Kientz


Evaluation of Bison (Bison Bison) Ecology at the Olson’s Bison Conservation Ranches, Pine River Ranch, Manitoba, Canada, Joshua L. Leonard


Fish Ladders Designed for Drop Culverts and Central Stoneroller Ecology Across a Latitudinal Gradient, John Arthur Lorenzen


Effect of Oil and Natural Gas Development on Survival and Health of White-tailed Deer in the Western Dakotas, Katherine L. Moratz


Impacts of Wetland Characteristics on Duck Use in the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) 1987-2013, Fred Thomas Oslund


The Contribution of Missouri River Reservoir Side-Channel and Floodplain Habitats to Mainstem Fish Populations: The Effects of Losing Connectivity Between Hipple Lake and Lake Sharpe, William Joseph Radigan


Effects of Visitors and Enrichments on Behavior of Captive Red Wolves’ (Canis rufus) at the Great Plains Zoo, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Kylee S. Shotkoski


Evaluation of Bobcat (Lynx rufus) Survival, Harvest, and Population Size in the West-Central Region of South Dakota, Brandon M. Tycz

ETDS from 2015


Effects of Altered Growing Season Precipitation and Management History on Aboveground Biomass Production in Tallgrass and Mixed Grass Prairie of South Dakota, Joe Bennett


Rapid Response to a Catastrophic Flood : Effects on Aquatic Resources in Missouri River Reservoirs, Andrew Kenneth Carlson


Development and Application of a Spatially-explicit Model for Estimating Growth of Age-0 Pallid Sturgeon in the Missouri River, David Deslauriers


An Assessment of Direct Mortality to Avifauna from Wind Energy Facilities in North Dakota and South Dakota, Brianna J. Graff


Evaluating Factors that Affect Recruitment of Young-Of-The-Year Walleye in Eastern South Dakota Natural Lakes, Jeffrey D. Grote


Evaluation of Mob Grazing and its Impacts on Soil Moisture and Temperature and Litter Decomposition in South Dakota, Emily R. Helms


Buteo Ecology: An Intensive Study of Swainson's Hawks on the Northern Great Plains, Will M. Inselman


Drought Resistance and Resilience of Non-native vs. Native Grasses in the Northern Tallgrass Prairie, Wyatt Kirwan


The Biogeography and Diversity of Termites in Southern Africa, Brianna Lind


The Effects of Chanellization and Channel Restoration on Aquatic Habitat and Biota of the Pecos River, New Mexico, Darrel J. Mecham


Classifying and Mapping Native Grasslands of South Dakota's Northern Prairie Coteau and Characterizing Habitat for Dakota Skipper Conservation, Diane M. Narem


Population Parameters of a Bighorn Sheep Herd Inhabiting the Elk Mountain Region of South Dakota and Wyoming, Brynn L. Parr


Floristic Inventory and Vegetation Analysis of Lands Adjacent to the Missouri River on the Lower Brule Sioux Reservation, Jordan M. Purintun


Status and Distribution of Franklin's and Richardson's Ground Squirrels in Eastern South Dakota, Tait Ronningen


Age, Growth, and Trophic Interactions of Lake Trout and Northern Pike in Pactola Reservoir: Implications for Lake Trout Management, Natalie C. Scheibel