Submission Guidlines
Oakwood is the literary and arts annual of South Dakota State University, publishing the work of writers and artists of the Northern Great Plains region. We define this region as those states that adjoin South Dakota (Wyoming, Minnesota, North Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Montana). By “writers and artists of,” we mean people who (a) live in this region now, or (b) had a significant, long-term relationship with this region but currently live elsewhere.
Our submissions period runs from mid-November through mid-January annually. Please visit our website SDSUOakwood.com for more specific dates.
- Indicate your relationship with the Northern Great Plains region in your submission email.
- Author name and genre (poetry, art, fiction, etc.) and SUBMISSION must appear in subject line (e.g., SUBMISSION Doe_poetry)
- Submission limits: five poems or artworks, 3000 words for prose.
- Literary attachments must be in .doc or .docx format. Group work together so that you have one attachment per email.
- Visual art attachments must be in .jpeg or .jpg format and should be separate files.
Please send all submission materials to sdsu.oakwood@sdstate.edu
We ask for first North American serial rights and pay in copies. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but please email us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.