This community contains the theses and dissertations of the South Dakota State University, Department of Agronomy, Horticulture, and Plant Science.
Due to copyright restrictions, the collection contains both open access and university access theses and dissertations. University access items are only available to SDSU users, and on-campus visitors. Non-SDSU users wishing to access restricted materials may request items through their institution’s interlibrary loan services.
ETDS from 1969
The Production and Behavior of Callus Tissue from Sorghum Vulgare, Vance J. Masteller
A Study of the Relationship Between Ceratocystis Ulmi and Elm Callus In Vitro, Charles R. McMullen
A Study of Some Physical and Chemical Properties of Hard Red Spring and Hard Red Winter Wheat in South Dakota, Richard A. Pence
Some Field and Laboratory Observations on Morchella, Reed Sanderson
Tylenchorhynchus Nudus and Other Nematodes Associated with Turf in South Dakota, James D. Smolik
Agaricus Campestris and Sporocarp Initiation, Stephen J. Wallner
ETDS from 1968
Effects of Photoperiods and Temperatures Upon Early Growth of Tall Fescue & Ladino Clover at Various Lengths of Growing Period, Chavalit Chalothorn
Genetic Localization of Chlorophyll Mutant Genes in Barley, Sheria Chaio Chaio-Tong Chang
Some Factors Influencing Fungicide Control of Leaf Rust and Stem Rust of Wheat, Gilbert Eugene Cook
Drought Resistance of Ponderosa Pine and Eastern Redcedar on central South Dakota Soils, Gerald L. Jensen
Some Factors Influencing Rates of Parasitism of the Wheat Stem Maggot in South Dakota, Wendell Lee Morrill
A Three Year Soil Insecticide Control Study on Corn Rootworms (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in South Dakota, Lance J. Nearman
Tissue Culture of Carrot Leaf on Three Media Using the Growth Regulator Tordon, John O'Connell
The Influence of Zinc and Tryptophan on Polysome Stability and Growth Response of Corn Seedlings, Anthony Unusa Salami
Responses of Tall and Semi-dwarf Spring Wheats to Levels of Nitrogen and Moisture Supply, Vanrat Sompaew
The Reaction of Inbred, Single, Three-way and Four-way Hybrid Corns to Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus and Kernel Red Streak, Josetino B. Tunac
ETDS from 1967
The Competitive Effects of Wild Buckwheat (Polygonum convolvulus L.) on Spring Wheat (Triticum vulgare L.), James Darrell Arnold
The Relationship Between Phosphorus and Zinc in Corn Plants, Edward J. Deibert
The Relationship Between Forms of Soil Phosphorus and Uptake of Phosphorus by Barley, Timothy Okunola Fadayomi
Mist Irrigation for the Improvement of the Climate for Cool Season Crops, Jerry Lee Spears
The Effect of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic Acid on Flax, Richard J. Vetter
Sudangrass Studies: Yield, HCN Value, Nitrate Content, and Grazing Systems, Don T. Winch
Yield Components of Spring Oats as Affected by Seeding Rate and Fertility Level, Robert Yung-Yen Yeh
Effect of Environment on Seed Germination and Early Seedling Development of Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., Samuel Zilke
ETDS from 1966
Cytogenetics, Breeding Behavior and Tumor Formation in Progeny of a Homozygous Triploid Sorgham, Peck Sun Lin
A Study of the Opportunities for South Dakota Growers to Produce and Market Horticulture Crops, Dean Martin
The Correlation of Soil Tests with Yield Response and Uptake of Phosphorus by Barley, Anthony Unusa Salami
Study of Totipotency in the Leaf Cells of the Carrot Plant, Ch'I Sun
Fluorometric Determination of Magnesium in Soil Extracts, Roger A. Swanson
ETDS from 1965
The Effect of Heterosis on Yield Components in Hybrids of Wheat, Verlin Gene Boeder
Transmission of Two Strains of Two Stylet-Borne Viruses by Single Myzus persicae (sulz.) Aphids, Manolo Bautista Castillo
Linkage Between Chromosomal Interchanges and Colchicine Mutated Genes in Sorghum Vulgare, John R. Deakin
The Nature of the Suspension Effect, With Special Reference to Clay Suspensions, Gary E. Spalding
Phosphorous Uptake by Oat Seedlings from Phosphorus Fertilizer Applied to a Subsoil as Affected by Soil Moisture, Dean E. Wesley
ETDS from 1964
Evaporation reduction investigation Pactola Reservoir, South Dakota 1962-1963 /by Jon Francis Bartholic., John Francis Bartholic
Anatomy and Bud Formation of Subterranean Parts of Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia Esula L.), Charles A. Beasley
The Effect of Environment on Heritability of Yield in Spring Wheat, Joseph J. Bonnemann
Cytohistological Studies on the Origin of Diploid Stem Apices in Colchicine-treated Tetraploid Sorghum Seedlings, Chen Ho Chen
A Comparison of the Characteristics of the Ped Faces and Ped Interiors in the B Horizon of a Modal Chestnut Soil, Robert Dean Heil
Homeostatic Relationships of Single- and Double-crosses of Corn, Rodney Orlyn Hexem
Growth Characteristics and Pathogenicities of Monospore Cultures of Septoria Glycines, Neil Everett Martin
The Reactions of Selenium with Purines, Pyrimidines, and Certain Other Compounds, Sandor Laszlo Vander
ETDS from 1963
Investigations of Inhibitors, Dormancy, and Photoperiod in Common Ragweed, Veryl E. Becker
A More Quantitative Approach to Soil Morphology, George Jule Buntley
Root-shoot Transition of Ranunculus Septentrionalis Poir, Ronald Maurice Duehr
Revegetating Native Grass Pastures with Tame Grasses and Alfalfa in the Northern James Valley Region of South Dakota, Laurel L. Howe
The Effect of Organic Trenching on Grain Yields, Soil Moisture and Root Penetration on Claypan Soils in South Dakota, Quentin S. Kingsley
Preliminary Study of the Morphology, Genesis and Classification of Some Soils Developed from Pierre Shale, Earl Anthony Monnens
Somatic Chromosome Reduction in Sorghum After Colchicine Treatment, Gerald Milo Simantel
Dormancy in Green Needlegrass Seed :Its Nature, Mode of Action, and Methods of Reproduction, Loren E. Wiesner
Poinsett Silty Clay Loam: Its Genetic Factors, Norman Eugene Zischke
ETDS from 1962
A Characterization of the Inorganic and Available Phosphorus Content of Four South Dakota Soils, Robert O. Carlson
Genetic and Cytogenetic Aspects of Colchicine-induced Male Sterility in Sorghum, Alvin Wayne Erichsen
A Study of the Kranzburg Soils with Particular Regard to the Clay Separate, Elden Everett MacNamara
Oxygen Diffusion in Homogeneous Soil, Robert I. Papendick
Inheritance of Reaction of a Diallel Set of Diploid Alfalfa Clones to Two Pathogens of the Blackstem Complex, Sadi A. Tamimi
An Approach to Selection for Relative Water-use Efficiency Through its Relationship to Other Plant Characters in Eight Oat Varieties, Neil Wayne Widstrom
ETDS from 1961
Genetic Similarity of Colchicine-induced Grass-type Mutants in Sorghum, Jane-Ru Po Chen
The Use of Cucumber Seedlings to Measure Growth Regulator Activity, Paul E. Drangeid
Responses of Experimental 3, a Sorghum Variety, to Gamma Radiation and Colchicine, Hubert Dennis Haensel
Marked Chromosomes in Sorghum, Chester Chen-chiu Huang
A Study of Progenies of a Colchicine Treated F1 Hybrid of Zea mays L, Donald Elmer Kratochvil
Evaluation for Stalk Rotting in Some Dent Corn Inbred Lines Alone and in Top Cross Combination with a Single Cross, Surindar Mohan Parcer
Effect of Slope and Exchangeable Sodium on Run-off, Erosion and Electrical Conductivities of Leachates from Cheyenne Sandy Loam Soil, Abbas Shahrzad Tabatabai
Natural and Induced Dormancy in Sorghum vulgare Pers, Wayne G. Wright
ETDS from 1960
Physiologic specialization within Sphacelotheca reiliana (Kühn) Clint. on Sorghum and the Biology of its Chlamydospores in the Soil, Ibrahim Aziz Al-Sohaily
The Effectiveness of Various Phosphorus Carriers for Increasing the Yield and Phosphorus Content of Alfalfa and Barley, Lloyd E. Davis
Studies on the Persistence of Corynebacterium insidiosum in Soil and of an Antagonistic Variant of the Species, Gordon Albert Nelson
Response of Inbred Corn Lines to Drouth Under Several Different Environmental Conditions, Paul Terrence Nordquist
A Study of Some Herbicides Applied Pre-emergence and the Influence of Rainfall Upon their Activity, Walter E. Splittstoesser
The Interaction of Nitrogen and Moisture on Crop Yield and Water Use, Clinton D. Stoner
A Study of Certain Cultural Practices and Chemicals for the Control of Wild Oats (Avena fatua L.), Wilford Henry Wallace
Unidentified Growth Factor(s) in Soybean Oil Meal, Robert Wilcox
ETDS from 1959
Diffusion of Oxygen Through Saturated Porous Media, Paul Fruen
Determining Winter Hardy Apple Genotypes Prior to Seed Germination, Harry Eugene Lasn
Desorption of Ammonium from Montmorillonite Clay, Rein U. Mesdag
Effect of Time of Fertilizer Application on Yield and Quality of Oats and Barley, John J. Mortvedt
The Barnes and Houdek Soils Their Morphology and Classification, Ordell Pendor Olson
Leafy Spurge Studies of Vegetative Weed Activity and Seed Development, Gail A. Wicks
The Classification, Morphology, and Genesis of Sinai Soils, Lawrence Paul Wilding
Respiration Rate as a Measure of Performance in Adaptation Studies in Oats, Norman E. Williams
ETDS from 1958
Genetic Analysis of Colchicine-induced Diploid Mutants in Sorghum, A. Earl Foster
Studies of Colchicine Treated Maize and Sorghum Seedlings, George P. Hanson
The Effects of Colchicine on an Inbred Line of Corn, Raymond A. Moore
Yield and Maturity of Populations of Drilled Corn Hybrids on the Northern Great Plains, Darrold E. Termunde
Consumer Preferences and Attitudes Toward Butter and Advertising in Brookings and Madison, South Dakota, Paul M. Williamson
ETDS from 1957
The Effect of Moisture and Fertilizer on Drouth Resistance Factors, F. Paul Baxter
Reaction of Certain Diploid and Tetraploid Alfalfas to Some Phytopathogens Including the Blackstem Disease, Harry Geise
A Comparison Between Laboratory Nitrogen Determinations and the Response of Oats to Nitrogen Fertilization in South Dakota, Milo I. Harpstead
The Effect of Late Applications of Herbicidal Sprays on the Yield and Germination of Flax, Mark W. Johnson
Utilization of Nitrogen Fertilizer by Crops as Influenced by Time of Application, Carriers and Crop Residues, Wayne E. Lamke
Etiology and Control of a Seedling Blight of Flax Caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn, Vernyl D. Pederson
Some Factors Affecting 1957 Acreage Reserve Participation in the South Dakota Wheat Area, Allan M. Severson
Survey of the Attitudes of Parents Toward Vocational Agriculture in South Dakota, Ernest W. Wingen
Effects of Urea and Some Other Nitrogen Compounds on Germination of Wheat, Walter R. Zich