"North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Center: A Comprehensive" by Krista Ehlert and Andrea Bjornestad

SDSU Beef Day 2021 Summary Publication

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The overall objective of this project is to work with mobilized partners to form the North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Center (NC FRSAC). The NC FRSAC will create and expand stress management and mental health resources and services to agricultural producers, advocates and stakeholders who support agricultural producers. This project is led by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. South Dakota State University is one of the partners and our supporting objective is to establish a state-wide task force to develop an assistance network, conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, develop and implement educational workshops to producers and their families, and develop training on farm stress for health care providers.




South Dakota State University


© 2021 South Dakota Board of Regents

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Beef Science Commons



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