This collection houses the Department of Economics Staff Paper Series
Papers in the SDSU Economic Staff Paper series are reproduced and distributed to encourage discussion of research, extension, teaching, and public policy issues. Papers are normally critiqued by some colleagues prior to publication in this series. However, they are not subject to the formal review requirements of SDSU Agricultural Experiment Station or SDSU Extension Service publications.
Submissions from 1988
The Economic Impact of Crop Insurance on Wheat Producing Counties in South Dakota, Burton Pflueger and Gerald Toland
Whole Farm Analysis of Low-Input Sustainable Farming Systems Using An Extension Farm Financial Management Package, Mark Leddy, Thomas Dobbs, and Burton Pflueger
Submissions from 1987
Characteristics of Farm Reorganization Bankruptcy Filings, Larry Janssen and Brian Schmiesing
Electric Rate Structures for Irrigation: A Tool for Energy Conservation, Don Taylor and Ardelle Lundeen
Lenders' Perception of Borrower Participation in Crop Insurance Programs, Burton Pflueger and Brian Schmiesing
Loan Management Controls: Economic Friend or Foe of the Irrigator?, Don Taylor
Planning for Tomorrow - Today: Project Report - 1987, Burton Pflueger and Julie Hedin
Some Issues of Security and Stability Associated With Farmland Leasing, Michael Lundeen, Larry Janssen, Bruce Johnson, and Scott Peterson
Submissions from 1986
A Methodology for Evaluation of Alternative Electric Irrigation Rate Structures, Ardelle Lundeen, Don Taylor, and Todd Lone
An Alternative Portfolio Estimation Procedure as Applied of Wheat Hedging, Tyler Stowater and Brian Schmiesing
An Economic Analysis of Farm Machinery Complement Selection, Todd Lone, Larry Janssen, and Herb Allen
Cooperative Theory: A Review of Recent Literature, Brian Schmiesing and Julie Bleyhl
Farmland Rental Markets: Current Issues, Practices and Conditions, Bruce Johnson, Larry Janssen, and Michael Lundeen
Land Prices: An Estimate Based on the Capitalized Value Approach, Brian Schmiesing and Julie Bleyhl
Lender Attitudes and Practices Towards Agricultural Marketing Alternatives: Implications for the Extension Service, Brian Schmiesing, Mark Edelman, Cindy Swinson, and Tyler Stowater
Planning for Tomorrow – Today: Report on the Piloting Project, Burton Pflueger
Submissions from 1985
A General Overview of Risk Theory and its Application to Agriculture, Burton Pflueger
Agricultural Lender Attitudes on Farm Finance Crisis Management Programming by the Cooperative Extension Service, Mark Edelman, Brian Schmiesing, Diane Kolmer, and Cindy Swinson
Analysis of Agricultural Assessment Sales Ratios for Property Tax Purposes During Changing Trends in Land Values, Larry Janssen, Mark Edelman, and Cindy Swinson
Basic Cooperative Principles and Methods of Doing Business, Brian Schmiesing
Combining Causality Tests and Path Analysis to Model Agricultural Markets, Steven Blank and Brian Schmiesing
Computers in Extension: Thoughts for Decisionmakers, Donald Peterson
Determinants of Farmland Prices During Periods of Rising and Declining Farmland Values, Larry Janssen and Cindy Swinson
Implications of Basis Changes to Put Option Trading, Brian Schmiesing
Mergers--What to Look For, When Should We Study, What Signals a Potential Merger, Brian Schmiesing
Observations on Tax Policy and Education, Mark Edelman
Observations on the Future of South Dakota Agriculture and Rural Communities, Mark Edelman
South Dakota Farmland Market Trends - Current and Future Research, Larry Janssen
The Problem of Aggregation in Spatial Equilibrium Analysis, Brian Schmiesing and Steven Blank
Submissions from 1984
Accounts Receivable Management at Local Cooperatives: A Review of Actual Practices and Strategies for improvement, Brian Schmiesing and Julie Bleyhl
Agricultural Economics in Multidiscipline Research and Extension: Leading, Following, Integrating, Thomas Dobbs
Changing Times in South Dakota Agriculture: Implications for our Citizens, Larry Janssen
Comparing Faculty and Alumni Expectations of Future Agricultural Economics Curriculum Content, Steven Blank
Determining an Effective Teaching/Research Composition for Agricultural Economics Faculty Positions, Steven Blank
Policy Interdependence, Causality and Supply Response in World Markets: The Case of U.S. and Australian Tobacco, Steven Blank
Price Dependence and Futures Price Theory, Steven Blank
Role-Playing, Case Studies and Simulation Games as Teaching Aids in Applied Economics Courses, Steven Blank
The Impact of Government Intervention in the Australian Dairy Industry, Steven Blank
The Influence of Technological Change on Grain Elevator Pricing Efficiency, Brian Schmiesing, Steven Blank, and Steven Gunn
Two Basic Option Strategies for Producers: Buying Puts and Shorting Calls, Brian Schmiesing
Submissions from 1983
Agricultural Processing Possibilities in South Dakota: The Alcohol Fuels Case, Thomas Dobbs
Principles of Public Policy Education, Mark Edelman
What Should be the Farm Credit Policy: An Overview of the Problem and Options Available, Mark Edelman
Submissions from 1982
Crop Budgets for Irrigated Agriculture in Central-East Central South Dakota- 1982, Richard Shane
Evidence on the Economic Feasibility of Small Scale Fuel Alcohol Production, Thomas Dobbs, Randy Hoffman, and Ardelle Lundeen
Submissions from 1981
Citizenship Programs for 4-H in South Dakota, Philip Favero
Framework for Examining the Economic Feasibility of Small Scale Alcohol Plants, Thomas Dobbs, Randy Hoffman, and Ardelle Lundeen
Taxpayers Rights Amendment: A Sequel to Dakota Proposition?, Philip Favero
U.S. Policy: Food Production in Low Income Countries, Donald Taylor
Submissions from 1980
Friedman's Television Series: Free to Choose, Felix Hsia