This collection houses the Department of Economics Staff Paper Series
Papers in the SDSU Economic Staff Paper series are reproduced and distributed to encourage discussion of research, extension, teaching, and public policy issues. Papers are normally critiqued by some colleagues prior to publication in this series. However, they are not subject to the formal review requirements of SDSU Agricultural Experiment Station or SDSU Extension Service publications.
Submissions from 1993
Biographical Essays of the Secretaries of the Treasury, 1824-1832, Scott Fausti
Deregulation and Trade Liberalization: The Indonesia Reform Program, Scott Fausti and Rony Bishry
Determining a "Fair" beef Cow Lease Agreement When Risk is Considered, Dillon Feuz
Implications of Sustainable Farming Systems in the Northern Great Plains for Farm Profitability and Size, Thomas Dobbs
Implications of Tomorrow's Environment for Agricultural Economics Programs in Different-Sized Departments and for Non-Land Grant Universities, Ardelle Lundeen
Results of Economics Department Alumni Survey, Ziahong Yu and Ardelle Lundeen
The Effect of Enforcement and Taxes in a Joint Export, Scott Fausti
The Effect of Uncertainty on a Joint Product Model of Smuggling, Scott Fausti
The Effects of Uncertainty on Market Structure: The South Dakota Slaughter Cattle Market, Scott Fausti and Dillon Feuz
The Skills and Training Needed by Farm Management Researchers in the Future: Discussion, Douglas Franklin
Submissions from 1992
An Empirical Analysis of the Efficiency of Four Alternative Marketing Methods for Slaughter Cattle, Dillon Feuz, John Wagner, and Scott Fausti
Deregulation and Trade Liberalization: The Indonesian Experience, Scott Fausti and Rony Bishry
Differences in Longitudinal Union Relative Wage Effects Across Gender and Race, Dwight Adamnson
Divestiture, By-Pass, Entry, Cross Subsidization: Conflicting Forces in the Deregulation of the South Dakota Telecommunications Market, Dwight Adamnson and Jack Triweiler
Economic Impact of Livestock Grazing and Recreation on the Ft. Pierre National Grasslands, Martin Beutler
Retained Ownership Revisited: The Economic Significance of Genetic Variability, Dillon Feuz, John Wagner, and Larry Held
Teaching Introductory Statistics: A Graphical Relationship Between The Cumulative Distribution Function and the Probability Distribution Function, Dwight Adamnson and Scott Fausti
The Effect of Uncertainty on a Joint Product Model of Smuggling, Scott Fausti
The Empirical Issue of Smuggling: A Discussion of Methodology, Scott Fausti
Underlying Values and Beliefs "Modern Science" Versus "Sustainable Development", Donald Taylor
Submissions from 1991
CROPBUDGET: Review and Application, John Cole and Burton Pflueger
Crop Production Management in South Dakota: LISA Farmers Compared to farmers in General, Donald Taylor, David Becker, John Cole, and Thomas L. Dobbs
Effects of Including Alfalfa in Whole-Farm Plans: Comparison of Conventional, Ridge Till, and Alternative Farming Systems, Clarence Mends and Thomas Dobbs
Family Farms: Farming Shaping Their Future, Larry Janssen
Impacts of Rising Energy Prices on the Attractiveness of Sustainable Farming Systems, Thomas Dobbs and John Cole
Labor Unions and Racial Wage Differentials: A Longitudinal Analysis, Dwight Adamson
PLANETOR: Review and Application, John Cole and Burton Pflueger
Smuggling and Parallel Markets for Exports, Scott Fausti
Why Do We Need To Study This? Computer Simulations as a Bridge Between Theory and Application, Carol Cumber
Women in Agriculture: Balancing Family and Farm: Summary of the 1991 Conference, Rebecca Lafferty and Burton Pflueger
Submissions from 1990
Economic Analysis of Rangeland Leasing Practices and Rates, Larry Janssen, Martin Beutler, and John Cole
Sustainable Agriculture Development in China: Report of A Field Visit, Donald Taylor
Sustainable Agriculture Policy Analyses: South Dakota On- Farm Case Studies, Thomas Dobbs, David Becker, and Donald Taylor
Typical Farm Theory in Agricultural Research, Dillon Feuz and Melvin Skold
Women in Agriculture: Challenging the Future: Summary of the 1990 Conference, Burton Pflueger and Rebecca Lafferty
Submissions from 1989
Farm Program Participation and Policy Perspectives of Sustainable Farmers in South Dakota, Thomas Dobbs, David Becker, and Donald Taylor
Issues of Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Legislation: Analysis of Chapter 12 Bankruptcies in South Dakota, Burton Pflueger, Mark Goodenow, and Larry Janssen
Linkages Between Prices of Agriculture Commodities and Processed Final Products, Bashir Qasmi and Brian Schmiesing
Management Practices of Successful Family Farms, Burton Pflueger and Rebecca Lafferty
Management Strategies of Successful Brookings County Producers, Burton Pflueger and Rebecca Lafferty
Planning for Tomorrow-Today: A Financial Management Program for South Dakota Agricultural Producers, 1985- 1988, Burton Pflueger
South Dakota's Sustainable Agriculture Technology, Donald Taylor, Thomas Dobbs, and James Smolik
The Economic Value of Grazing Public Lands in Western South Dakota, Martin Beutler
Submissions from 1988
Characteristics of Chapter 12 Farm Reorganization Bankruptcy Filings and Approved Reorganization Plans, Larry Janssen, Scott Peterson, and Burton Pflueger
Farm/Ranch Financial Management Issues for 1990 Extension Programming, Cindy Snyder and Burton Pflueger
Instructions for Using CROP INSURE, Bart Wittnebel, Gerald Toland, and Burton Pflueger
International Lending to the Third World, Mark Leddy
Multiple Peril Crop Insurance: What is It? Should You Buy It for Your Fall Seeded Crops?, Burton Pflueger and Gerald Toland
Multiple Peril Crop Insurance: What Is It? Should You Buy It for Your Spring Seeded Crops?, Burton Pflueger and Gerald Toland
The Economic Impact of Crop Insurance on South Dakota Counties, Burton Pflueger and Gerald Toland