This collection houses the Department of Economics Staff Paper Series
Papers in the SDSU Economic Staff Paper series are reproduced and distributed to encourage discussion of research, extension, teaching, and public policy issues. Papers are normally critiqued by some colleagues prior to publication in this series. However, they are not subject to the formal review requirements of SDSU Agricultural Experiment Station or SDSU Extension Service publications.
Submissions from 2001
Random Walks, Lemmings, and Behaviorism; The Search for a Market Lodestar, John Sondey
Selected Economic Implications and Policy Aspects of Agricultural Biotechnology, Evert Van der Sluis, Matthew Diersen, and Thomas Dobbs
South Dakota's Hog Market: Developments and Prospects, Matthew Diersen
The United Kingdom's Experience with Agri-environmental Stewardship Schemes: Lessons and Issues for the United States and Europe, Thomas Dobbs and Jules Pretty
Submissions from 2000
A Comparative Review of Structural Changes in South Korea and South Dakota Agriculture, Larry Janssen and Yong Kwon
Are Worker's Wages Driven by National or Local Factors?, Dwight Adamson, David Clark, and Mark Partridge
Asymmetric Information and Wage Differences Across Groups: Labor Market Discrimination or Nondiscriminatory Market Outcome, Dwight Adamson and Scott Fausti
Can Futures Markets Quell Money Market Volatility? A Look at US Money Markets Before and Since Commodities Futures Contracts, Joseph Santos
Developing and Implementing an Internet-Based Financial System Simulation Game, Joseph Santos
Grid Pricing Versus Average Pricing for Fed Cattle: Where is the Incentive, Scott Fausti and Bashir Qasmi
Impressions of Korea, Larry Janssen
Individual Characteristics, Spatial Labor Market Differences, and Amenity Influences on Nonmetro/Metro Migration Patterns, Dwight Adamson, David Clark, and Mark Partridge
The Change of Employment Structure in China's Urban Areas, Feng Xu
The Effect of China's Economic Reform Program on the Employment Structure in China's Urban Areas, Feng Xu, Scott Fausti, Dwight Adamson, and H. Kim
The Effect of Educational and Residential Characteristics on the Private Return to Education, Dwight Adamson and James Swenson
Uncertainty over the Quality of Labor Inputs: A Nonmonopoly Theory of Union Wages and Hours Worked, Dwight Adamson and Scott Fausti
Submissions from 1999
Agricultural land Values in South Dakota: A Comparison of Methods and Findings From Two Surveys, 1995-1999, Larry Janssen
Implications of “Freedom to Farm” for Crop System Diversity in the Western Corn Belt and Northern Great Plains, Thomas Dobbs and Linda Dumke
NAFTA Intra-Industry Trade In Agricultural Food Products, Bashir Qasmi and Scott Fausti
Submissions from 1998
Cropland Diversion Programs and Rural Nonfarm Population Change, Evert Van der Sluis and Willis Peterson
Factors Influencing Cash Marketing Decisions for Fed Cattle, Scott Fausti, Steve Schamber, and Dwight Adamson
Submissions from 1997
Economic Impact Analysis of Post-CRP Policy Options in South Dakota, Luarel Venuiszen, Martin Beutler, and Larry Janssen
Relative Profitability and Production Costs of Post-CRP Alternative Land Uses in South Dakota, Larry Janssen, Martin Beutler, and Luarel Venuiszen
Value Based Marketing for Fed Cattle: A Discussion of the Issues, Scott Fausti, Steve Schamber, and Dwight Adamson
Submissions from 1996
Ecological Balance on Individual Crop-Livestock Farms: An Idealistic Notion or Also Practically Feasible?, Donald Taylor and Diane Rickerl
Feedlot Manure Nutrient Loadings on South Dakota Farmland, Donald Taylor and Diane Rickerl
Internationalizing the SDSU Campus: Globalizing the Curriculum, Donald Taylor
Potential for Cost-Share Policies to Improve Groundwater Quality Without Reducing Farm Profits, Thomas Dobbs and John Bischoff
Submissions from 1995
CENDAK and South Dakota: An Economic Impact Study, Martin Beutler
Economic and Environmental Contributions of Wetlands in Agricultural Landscapes, Larry Janssen, Diane Rickerl, Eric Stebbins, and Tom Machacek
Factors Affecting Post-CRP Land Use Intentions in the Northern Plains, Larry Janssen and Tecleberhan Ghebremicael
Organic Versus Sustainable Fed Cattle Production: A South Dakota Case Study, Donald Taylor, Dillion Feuz, and Ming Guan
Profitability of South Dakota's Commercial Banks, C. Lamberton
South Dakota Coordinated Resource Management, James Johnson and Martin Beutler
Submissions from 1994
Agricultural Producer Responses to Water Quality Issues, Proposed Water Quality Policy Options, and Related Farm Management Practices, Burton Pflueger and John Cole
Capturing the Impacts of North American Free Trade Agreement on South Dakota's Economy, Bashir Qasmi and Scott Fausti
Comparative Efficiencies: National and Military Service, John Sondey
Economic Development and Trade Liberalization: The Indonesian Experience, Scott Fausti and Rony Bishry
Enhanced Human Capital Stock and the Military Experience: A Modest Policy Proposal, John Sondey
Factors Influencing Post-Contract CRP Land Use Decisions in South Dakota, Larry Janssen, Martin Beutler, and Tecleberhan Ghebremicael
Major Characteristics of and Post-Contract Land Use Intentions For Conservation Reserve Program Wetland Tracts, Larry Janssen, Martin Beutler, and Tecleberhan Ghebremicael
Production Uncertainty and Factor Price Disparity in the Slaughter Cattle Market: Theory and Evidence, Scott Fausti and Dillon Feuz
Production Uncertainty, Enforcement and Smuggling: A Stochastic Model, Scott Fausti
Risk and Market Participant Behavior in the U.S. Slaughter Cattle Market, Dillon Feuz, Scott Fausti, and John Wagner
The Effect of Joint-Product Export Smuggling on Export Tax Policy, Scott Fausti
The Influence of International on Union Firm Hiring and Worker Union Choice, Dwight Adamson and Mark Partridge
Three Monographs: International Monetary Fund; Treasury Systems; Military Conscription and Conscientious Objection, John Sondey
Uncertainty Over the Quality of Labor Inputs: A Nonmonopoly Theory of Union Wages and Hours Worked, Dwight Adamson and Scott Fausti
Submissions from 1993
ASEAN-4: Agricultural Diversification in the 1990s, Donald Taylor
Beef Cattle Producer "Sustainability" and "Organic” Indices, Donald Taylor and Dillon Feuz