This collection houses the Department of Economics Staff Paper Series

Papers in the SDSU Economic Staff Paper series are reproduced and distributed to encourage discussion of research, extension, teaching, and public policy issues. Papers are normally critiqued by some colleagues prior to publication in this series. However, they are not subject to the formal review requirements of SDSU Agricultural Experiment Station or SDSU Extension Service publications.


Submissions from 2015


Risk Management Considerations for Camelina and Carinata, Matthew Diersen and Sumaiya Saleh

Submissions from 2014


Grid Valuation of Beef Carcass Quality: Market Power and Market Trends, Scott Fausti, Bahir Qasmi, Matthew Diersen, and Bill Adamson


The Effect of Biotechnology and Biofuels on U.S. Corn Belt Cropping Systems., Scott Fausti, Evert Van der Sluis, Bahir Qasmi, and Jonathan Lundgren

Submissions from 2013


Rent Gradient of a College Town, George Langelett, Kuo-Liang Chang, Ekaterina Koromyslova, and Charles Appiah

Submissions from 2012


Alternative Annual Forage Crop Options for Northern Great Plains Cattle Producers: A South Dakota Case Study, Md Parvez, Scott Fausti, Thandiwe Nleya, Patricia Johnson, Kenneth Olsen, and John Rickertsen


Risk and Marketing Behavior: Pricing Fed Cattle on a Grid, Scott Fausti, Zhiguang Wang, Beshir Qasmi, and Matthew A. Diersen

Submissions from 2011


Farmland Leasing in South Dakota 2011: Emphasis on Share Lease Arrangements, Nelly Bourlion, Larry Janssen, and Burton Pflueger


Optimizing University Managed Resources for South Dakota Public Universities: A Simulation Approach, Michael Holbeck and David Chicoine


Uncertainty and Producer Fed Cattle Marketing Decisions: Theory and Evidence, Scott Fausti and Brent Lange

Submissions from 2010


Grid Pricing: An Empirical Investigation of Market Signal Clarity, Scott Fausti, Bashir Qasmi, and Jing Li


Insecticide Use and Crop Selection: A South Dakota Case Study, Tia McDonald, Ariel Keating, Scott Fausti, Jing Li, and Mike Catangui


Variance Risk Premiums and Predictive Power of Alternative Forward Variances in the Corn Market, Zhiguang Wang, Scott Fausti, and Bashir Qasmi

Submissions from 2009


Economic Analysis of SODSAVER Provision of the 2008 Farm Bill for South Dakota, Larry Janssen and Yonas Hamda

Submissions from 2008


Grid Marketing and Beef Carcass Quality: A Discussion of Issues and Trends, Scott Fausti, Bashir Qasmi, and Matthew Diersen


Review and Analysis of International and Budgetary Considerations for the 2007 U.S. Farm Bill, Bashir Qasmi and Evert Van der Sluis


The Economic Impact of CRP Acres in South Dakota Returning to Crop Production, Gary Taylor and Larry Janssen


The Efficacy of the Grid Marketing Channel for Fed Cattle, Scott Fausti, Bashir Qasmi, and Matthew Diersen

Submissions from 2007


Public Reporting of Fed Cattle Grid Prices: Policy Reform Consequences, Scott Fausti, Bashir Qasmi, and Matthew Diersen

Submissions from 2006


Public Price Reporting, Marketing Channel Selection and Price Discovery: The Perspective of Cow/Calf Producers in the Dakotas, Scott Fausti, Bashir Qasmi, Doug Landblom, Martin Beutler, Pat Johnson, Roger Gates, Hubert Patterson, and R. Salverson


Shifts in Agricultural Land Valuation in South Dakota: From Market-Based to Income Based Criteria, Tonya Hansen, Richard Shane, and Larry Janssen


The Effect of Early vs Normal Calf Weaning on Feedlot Performance and Herd Management: A Northern Plains Case Study, Scott Fausti, Douglas Landblom, Patricia Johnson, Martin Beutler, Roger N. Gates, Robin R. Salverson, Hubert H. Patterson, and Staeve I. Paisley


Working lands Agri-environmental Policy Options and Issues for the Next U.S. Farm Bill, Thomas Dobbs

Submissions from 2005


Agricultural Accounting Computer Software, Burton Pflueger


Better Business Management Through Financial Management, Burton Pflueger


Federal Farm Program Payments (1990-2001): An Analysis of Changing Dependency and The Distribution of Farm Payments in South Dakota, Larry Janssen and Yonas Hamda


Price Transparency in the Voluntary Price Reporting System for Live Cattle: Theory and Empirical Evidence from South Dakota, Scott Fausti and Matthew Diersen


Using Farm Cash Flow Statements for Management Decisions, Burton Pflueger


Using the Balance Sheet for Management Decisions, Burton Pflueger


Using the Income Statement for Management Decisions, Burton Pflueger

Submissions from 2004


Discontinued Voluntary Price Reports for live Cattle: Will They Be Missed By Producers?, Scott Fausti, He Sun, and Matthew Diersen


Economic Analysis Prepared for the Environmental Impact Statement on Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Conservation and Management on the Nebraska National Forest and Associated Units, Martin Beutler


Impacts of Federal Farm Program Payments on Cropland Values and Rental Rates: Evidence from County-level Data in South Dakota, Larry Janssen and Brian Button


The Role of Industry Attributes in Determining the Pattern of U.S.-Canada Intra-Industry Trade in 1997, Bashir Qasmi and Scott Fausti

Submissions from 2003


Did the Voluntary Price Reporting System Fail to Provide Price Transparency in the Cash Market for Dressed Steers: Evidence from South Dakota, Scott Fausti and Matthew Diersen


Evolutions of Institutions in China, Sun He and John Sondey


Examining Economic Impact and Recovery in South Dakota from the 2002 Drought, Matthew Diersen and Gary Taylor


French Quality and Eco-labeling Schemes: Do They Also Benefit the Environment?, Thomas Dobbs, Genevieve Nquyen, Sherry Bertramsen, and Bruno Legagneux


Irrational Markets, Irrational Investors: the Foreign Card, John Sondey and Tony Jacobson


Risk and the Economic Incentive to Retain Ownership of Steer Calves, Scott Fausti, Brad Johnson, William Epperson, and Nancy Grathwohl


The Interface of Agricultural Land Leasing, Conservation, and Value Sets: An Analysis, John Cole, Larry Janssen, and Bruce Johnson

Submissions from 2002


Agricultural, Resource and Ecological Economics with a ‘Multifunctionality’ Perspective, Thomas Dobbs


Analysis of U.S.-Canada Intra-Industry Trade, Bashir Qasmi, Scott Fausti, and Moore Liuyi


Economic Evaluation of Cropshare and Cash Lease Contracts in South Dakota and Nebraska, Larry Janssen, John Cole, Xuan Xu, and Bruce Johnson


Gleaning Information from Mandatory Livestock Price Reporting, Matthew Diersen


Grain Production & Handling Trends in South Dakota and Their Implications, Bashir Qasmi and Clayton Wilhelm


Mandatory Versus Voluntary Price Reporting: An Empirical Investigation of the Market Transparency Controversy, Scott Fausti, R. Keimig, Matthew Diersen, and Han Kim


‘Quality’ and ‘Eco-labeling’ of Food Products in France and the United States, Sherry Bertramsen, Genevieve Nquyen, and Thomas Dobbs

Submissions from 2001


An Empirical Investigation in to the Factors Influencing the Economic Incentive to Retain Ownership of Weaned Steer Calves, Scott Fausti, Brad Johnson, William Epperson, and Nancy Grathwohl


China's Wheat Production Projections and Implications for Imports, Bashir Qasmi, Yunqing Wang, Scott Fausti, and Han Kim


Does the Producer Have an Incentive to Sell Fed Cattle on a Grid?, Scott Fausti and Bashir Qasmi