This community houses work produced by South Dakota State University graduate students. The collection includes both born digital ETDs, and digitized versions of printed theses and dissertations from 1883 to present.
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    ETDS from 1964


    International Trade in Cattle and Beef Products with Emphasis on the Effects of the European Economic Community on the South Dakota Economy, Harold F. Bjarnason


    Football Training Film for Offensive Line Blocking, Leland Mark Bondhus


    The Effect of Environment on Heritability of Yield in Spring Wheat, Joseph J. Bonnemann


    Studies on the Limiting Amino Acids in Laying Hen Diets, Darwin Gene Britzman


    Cytohistological Studies on the Origin of Diploid Stem Apices in Colchicine-treated Tetraploid Sorghum Seedlings, Chen Ho Chen


    Problems in the Freeze-drying of Foods, Minakshi Desai


    A Plan of Trade and Job Analysis for Organizing Printing Instruction in School or Plant Situations, Ngo Dinh Duyen


    The Development of a Football Training Film and Manual of the Five-four Defense at South Dakota State University, Roger Roman Eischens


    Pork Carcass Quantity and Quality Components as Influenced by Live Weight, Robert Charles Fletcher


    An Evaluation of the Developmental Reading Program at South Dakota State College, Ruth L. Foreman


    The Relationship Between Muscular Strength and Predicted Academic Success Among Selected College Freshmen Male Students at South Dakota State University, Dwain S. Guelle


    Processing Costs for Fluid Milk Packaging Operations, Hollis D. Hall


    A Comparison of the Characteristics of the Ped Faces and Ped Interiors in the B Horizon of a Modal Chestnut Soil, Robert Dean Heil


    Homeostatic Relationships of Single- and Double-crosses of Corn, Rodney Orlyn Hexem


    A Study of the Scope of the Declamation Program in South Dakota and its Values as Measured by Presently Enrolled College Students, Jeanette U. Horn


    Observations of the Locomotor Responses of Diabrotica Virgifera lec., D. Undecimpunctata Howardi Barber and D. Longicornis (SAY), as Induced by Various Odoriferous Plant Materials, Donald L. Hostetter


    The Design of an Apparatus for Investigating Turbulent Mixing of Two Parallel Air Streams and an Analysis of the Half-jet Phenomenon, Roger Alden Iverson


    A Study of the Effectiveness of Shrink-resistant and Antibacterial Finishes on Wool Blankets After Repeated Launderings, Coila M. Janecek


    A Comparative Study of Selected Personality Traits of Varsity Athletes, Gordon Delancey Jeppson


    The Effect of Span Length on Ultimate Moment in Rectangular Plain and Reinforced Concrete Beams, Abolgasem Kazemi


    The comparison of two training programs, isometric ontractions and Calisthenics, on Strength and Selected Body Measurements of Female College Freshman, Willis R. Kelly


    The Effect of an Isometric Training Program Upon Speed of Forearm Muscle Contractions, Roger Dale Kerns


    Economic Comparison of Improved and Unimproved Pastures in Producing Beef in Eastern South Dakota, Duane D. Kluckman


    The Effect of Wave Formation on Open Channel Flow in a Triangular Closed Conduit, Yung Kuan Lo


    Growth Characteristics and Pathogenicities of Monospore Cultures of Septoria Glycines, Neil Everett Martin


    Food Habits of Bigmouth and Smallmouth Buffalo in Lewis and Clark Lake and the Missouri River, Thomas S. McComish


    Influence of Proportions of Concentrates to Roughage with Various Feed Additives on the Feedlot Performance of Growing and Finishing Steers, Wayne Bernard McGillick


    Skill Evaluation of Majors in Physical Education, Michael Byrnes McKay


    Antibiotic Accumulation in an Outdoor Anaerobic Poultry Manure Lagoon, Dennis A. Messmer


    An Appraisal of the Use of Soil Survey Information as the Basis for Valuing Land for Tax Purposes in Spink County, South Dakota, Donald Dean Patterson


    Stair-running as a Training Method, John D. Pearson


    Rate of Advance and Infiltration on Furrow Irrigated Blencoe Soils in Southeastern South Dakota, Richard C. Pedersen


    The Effect of an Isometric Training Program on the Speed of Selected Leg Movements, Larry Gene Rector


    An Inquiry Concerning Health as a Status-role, Robert S. Redhead


    The Influence of Carcass Maturity and Marbling on Beef Muscle Pigments and Color, John R. Romans


    A Guide for the Performance Review of County Extension Agents, Cecil D. Sanderson


    A Survey of the Girl Dropouts at the Port Angeles, Washington High School During 1960-61, 1961-62 and 1962-63 with Implications for Strengthening the Homemaking Program, Norma Swenson Sandison


    A Study of the Basic Strength Components of Asphaltic Concrete, Jalal Sarsam


    The Carbohydrate Composition and In Vitro Digestibility of Western Hheatgrass at Various Growth Stages as Determined by Leaf Number and Cutting Date, Dennis L. Schentzel


    Application of Revised Flesch Reading Ease and Human Interest Formulas to Locally-written and Associated Press copy in three South Dakota Dailies, Helen Kakonis Schultz


    The Effect of Frozen Storage on The Microflora of Raw Milk, Jaswant Singh


    Weekly Newspaper Editors' Acceptance and Use of 1963 State 4-H Contest Pictures and Captions Supplied by State and Local Extension Service Sources, Leland L. Sudlow


    A Selected Bibliography of Material on the College Basic Speech Course with Annotations of Material on Evaluation of Student Speeches, Patricia Ellwein Tanaka


    Dietary Selenium and Arsenic Additions in the Life Cycle of Laying Hens, Nirwan Tilak Thapar


    Molecular bonding in Rh6 (CO)16 Secular Determinants, Richard T. Thompson


    Application of Group Theory to the Alpha Particle Model of the S32 Nucleus, Jerald Arden Tunheim


    The Reactions of Selenium with Purines, Pyrimidines, and Certain Other Compounds, Sandor Laszlo Vander


    An Eclectic Teaching Approach to William Faulkner's Requiem for a Nun for Use in an Introduction to Literature Class, Wayne John Viitanen


    Comparative Study of Milk Quality Tests on Manufacturing Grade Raw Milk, Donald L. Wallace


    A Sociometric Study of Social Process and Structure with a Selected Sample of Rural Youth, Wendell D. Wessman


    Characteristics of Chicken Wastes and Disposal by Lagooning, Charles Roger Wieting


    Chronology of Subterranean Development of Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula L.) and Effects of Some Environmental Factors on Emergence of Buds on Roots, Leon J. Wrage


    Comparison of the Scope and Effectiveness of Soviet and United States Foreign Economic Aid Programs, Levon Yeganiantz

    ETDS from 1963


    A Column Chromatographic Analysis of Organic Acids in Silage, Roger Everett Bawdon


    Investigations of Inhibitors, Dormancy, and Photoperiod in Common Ragweed, Veryl E. Becker


    A More Quantitative Approach to Soil Morphology, George Jule Buntley


    The Effect of Erythromycin on Feed Consumption, Rate of Gain, Feed Efficiency and Fecal Bacteria of Growing Swine, Lawrence Eugene Carson


    Bonding in Octahedral Structures and Symmetric Organic Structures with Attached Phenyl Groups, Leon Duane Crossman


    Root-shoot Transition of Ranunculus Septentrionalis Poir, Ronald Maurice Duehr


    A Study of Physical Fitness of Selected Students in South Dakota and Iowa, Floyd Dean Farrand


    An Examination and Evaluation of the Internal Production Control Structure and Job-oriented Communication Methods Used in the Pinting Plant at South Dakota State College, Donald Murray Ferguson


    Synchronization of Estrus in Swine, Robert D. Fritschen


    Identification of Dimethyl Selenide as a Respiratory Product from Organisms Administered Selenium Compounds, James Donald Froom


    The Effect of Cycling Moisture Content on the Lateral Load Carrying Capacity of Three Member Nailed Wood Joints, Conrad Brian Gilbertson


    A Linear Programming Approach to the Optimum Farm Organizations for Selected Farm Sizes Under Dryland and Partially Irrigated Conditions in the Missouri Slope Region of the Oahe Unit, Kenwood James Gors


    The Installation and Operation of a Creep Testing Machine to Determine its Operating Characteristics, Lawrence L. Hansen


    Vitamin A and Carotene Requirements of Fattening Beef Cattle, Thomas M. Hansen


    A Comparison of Motor Abilities of Normal and Mentally Retarded Children, Dwayne G. Head


    The Effect of Immersion in a Heated Whirlpool Bath Upon Reaction Time, Arm and Shoulder Girdle Strength, and General Endurance, Dennis Leroy Hegle


    An Experimental Study of the Effects of Selected Roller Settings on the Ink Transfer Capabilities of a Polyurethane Roller, Christian Christian Hein


    Revegetating Native Grass Pastures with Tame Grasses and Alfalfa in the Northern James Valley Region of South Dakota, Laurel L. Howe


    The Use of Electrocardiographic Radio Telemetry to Determine Heart Rate in Ruminants, John Russell Jahn


    Leisure Time Interests and Recreational Patterns of Delinquent Boys and Girls Prior to Their Entry into the South Dakota Training School, Louis Job Jr.


    Dairy Product Demand Projections to 1975: Their Impact on South Dakota's Dairy Industry, Norman R. Kallemeyn


    The Effect of Organic Trenching on Grain Yields, Soil Moisture and Root Penetration on Claypan Soils in South Dakota, Quentin S. Kingsley


    The Relationship of Selected Characteristics of Farm Operators to Attitudes Toward Retirement, Wayne L. Larson


    Economic Development in Taiwan, Chan Tung Li


    Development of a Statistical Method of Determining "Bleed" for Offset Reproduction, Guang Shyon Liou


    An Analysis of Pari-mutuel Racing's Contributions to the South Dakota Tourist Industry and to Public Finance in the State, Gene Lohrke


    A Regional Comparison of Printing Management Salaries in the United States, Richard George Loken


    The Social System of a Rural Yugoslav-American Community, Oysterville, Frank M. Lovrich


    Earth-resistivity Measurements and Interpretations, Beverley Eugene Lundberg


    A Study of High School Journalism Surveyed in Works of Authors in Communication Studies and a Plan for Operating a Newspaper and Journalism Course in the Public High School at Flandreau, South Dakota, Jean E. Macksam


    A Study of a Legume Weevil, Sitona scissifrons say, in South Dakota, Gale B. Mast


    A Study of 43 Public School Printing Departments Located in Seven Upper Midwest States, Clyde W. Miller


    Preliminary Study of the Morphology, Genesis and Classification of Some Soils Developed from Pierre Shale, Earl Anthony Monnens


    An Analysis of Factors Affecting the Role of United States' Private Investment in Thailand's Economic Growth, by Patrick Moriarty


    The Effects of Gamma-irradiation on Ascorbic Acid Content in Raphanus sativus L., the Radish, and Its Resultant Effect on the Morphology and Growth of the Plant, Gerald A. Myers


    Adjustments of the Church and the Community to Population Change in a Rural South Dakota County, Charles Emmet Nielsen


    Group Theoretical Investigation of Octahedral and Cuboctahedral Bonding, David Peckham Olsen


    A Study of Teacher Effectiveness as Evidenced by Supervisor Ratings and Placement of Teachers and its Relationship to College Academic Success, Miles Curtis Olson


    Farming Opportunities, Career Choices, and Educational Aspirations of Farm Boys in South Dakota, Kenneth J. Ostroot


    Comparative Studies on the Effect of Nitrogen Supplements on Nitrogen Fixation by Aerobacter Aerogene, Ramachandra B. Patil


    Effectiveness of an Aspergillus Oryzae Culture on the Preservation Efficiency and Feeding Value of Alfalfa-Brome Haylage Stored in Gas-Tight and Concrete Stave Silos, Samuel C. Perry


    Solar-supplemental Heat Drying of Shelled Corn in Storage, William Henry Peterson


    A Comparison of the Effects of an Isometric Program, a Weight Training Program and an Isometric-weight Training Program on Strength Development, Michael D. Plinske


    A Proposed Rural Development Program and its Implications for Puktia, Afghanistan, Mohammed Afzal Puktianie


    An Analysis of Current Printing Programs at Southern Negro Universities and Colleges Granting the Bachelor of Science Degree, by Ford Ratcliff


    A Follow-up Study of the Graduating Classes of 1959, 1960, 1961, and 1962 from Belview High School, Belview, Minnesota, Delton J. Roelofs


    A Comparison of Some Limnological Changes Caused By The Brookings Sewage Treatment Plant On Six-mile Creek and the Big Sioux River, Richard Ruelle