This community houses work produced by South Dakota State University graduate students. The collection includes both born digital ETDs, and digitized versions of printed theses and dissertations from 1883 to present.
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    ETDS from 1966


    A Study of the Opportunities for South Dakota Growers to Produce and Market Horticulture Crops, Dean Martin


    A Survey of the Undergraduate Curriculum for Professional Preparation in Physical Education at South Dakota State University, 1946-1966, Reyna Maxine Martin


    Chemical Variation of Ground Water Quality in the Vicinity of a Refuse Landfill, James Henry McCormick


    The Isolation, Identification and Quantitative Determination of Some of the Organic Constituents of Prunus domestica, Juel Luverne Melstad


    A Study of Attitudes and Opinions of Subscribers Toward the Sisseton Courier, Donald P. Miller


    Attitudes Toward Physical Education of Students Enrolled in the Basic Instruction Program in Physical Education at South Dakota State University, Jerry P. Miller


    An Investigation of the Need for a High School Graphic Arts Program on the Monterey Peninsula, James Lee Mitchell


    The Effect of Methods of Storage on The Gross Energy, Chemical Composition and Feeding Value of Alfalfa, Guru Prasad Mohanty


    Experiments to Produce Contrasty Halftone Negatives from Originals with Below and Above Basic Density Ranges, Rafiqul Karim Molla


    The Effects of a Constant Work Load Isometric Exercise Program on Arterial Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate, Patrick Joseph Murphy


    Molecular Orbitals and Energy Levels for Eight Suggested Structures of IF7, RIchard L. Oakland


    Attitudes Toward and Extent of Leasing in the Printing Industry, Raymond Joseph Prince


    The Role of the Debate Ballot in the Consistency of Decisions by Inexperienced Debate Judges, Edward Purdy


    Development and Application of a Computer Program for the Steady-state Thermal Analysis of Nuclear Superheater, Delvin Gene Rapp


    Performance Evaluation of an Anaerobic Stabilization Pond System for Meat Processing Wastes, Dwayne Allen Rollag


    An Inquiry into the Legibility and Pleasingness of Five Ink Colors Printed on Yellow Stock, Philip Kent Ruggles


    The Correlation of Soil Tests with Yield Response and Uptake of Phosphorus by Barley, Anthony Unusa Salami


    Approximations to Structural Parameters by Various Numerical Methods, Ali Salehe-Rad


    Behavior of Thin Web Hybrid Beams Subjected to Static Loads, Jamal B. Sarsam


    Ground Water Quality Variation at a Refuse Landfill, Richard Jay Sawinski


    A Study of the Effects of the Bacterium Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (schroeter) Migula on the Southern Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi) and the Western Corn Rootworm (D. vigifera) (Coleoptera: chrysomelidae), Henry C. Schroeder


    Aflatoxin Formation on Selected Human Foods by Strains of Aspergillus Flavus, Link, and Penicillium Rubrum, Stroll, Ronald Arlyn Sonstegard


    A Comparison of Corn Silage and Forage Sorghum Silage in the Production of Beef, Herbert Lawrence Sorbel


    Population Distribution and Mobility of Deer in Eastern South Dakota, Rollin de Mers Sparrowe


    The Effectiveness of Teaching the Novice the Soccer Instep Kicking Technique as Compared to Teaching the Traditional Techniques of Kicking the Extra Point in Football, Michael James Sterner


    A Comparison of Role Perceptions of a University Director of Physical Education and Athletics and his Reference Groups, Wesley John Storm


    Study of Totipotency in the Leaf Cells of the Carrot Plant, Ch'I Sun


    Fluorometric Determination of Magnesium in Soil Extracts, Roger A. Swanson


    A Study of the Gothic and Promethean Themes in Frankenstein, Lawrence L. Syverud


    Factors Influencing Anaerobic Pond Treatment of Meat Packing Waste, Tracy James Tofflemire


    A Study of Reading Times and Reader Preference when Line Length and Alphabet Length are Simultaneously and Directly Varied, Joseph W. Truex


    A Study of the Significance and Interrelation of Data Gathered by the Bell Adjustment Inventory and a Teacher Rating Scale with Other Academic and Demographic Data for Guidance Purposes, Adeline Klamm Vanhove


    Evaluation of the Effects of Low Temperature on the Anaerobic Digestion of Animal Wastes, Anthony Thomas Voell


    A Study of the Status of Young Men's Christian Association Physical Directors and Assistant Physical Directors in the North Central area and Surrounding Areas, David Leroy Waggoner


    An Application of Tractive Force Theory to the Design of Rock Spillways, Franklin Alan Williams


    Fall Velocity as Affected by Fine Material Concentration, Albert Fook-Hung Yuen

    ETDS from 1965


    Relationship of Several Factors to the Incidence of Breast Blisters in Large Type Male Market Turkeys, Albert Whitten Adams


    Parasites of Fishes of Oahe and Big Bend Reservoirs, South Dakota, Gerald A. Alleman


    The Effect of Constricted Pipe Flow on Low-pressure Pneumatic Grain Conveyance, Daryl C. Anderson


    The Effect of Heterosis on Yield Components in Hybrids of Wheat, Verlin Gene Boeder


    The Effects of Physical Practice, Mental Practice and Mental-Physical Practice on the Learning of Selected Basic Tumbling Stunts, Norma Boetel


    The Results of One Year of Counseling and Tutoring on Two Seventh Grade Adjusted Curriculum Illiterates, Janet Broomfield Boone


    The Effects of Seasonality of Manufactured Milk Production on Dairy Manufacturing Firms' Efficiency, Law Nicholas Brod


    Suitability of Cheese Whey as a Substrate for Vitamin B12 Production by Propionibacterium Shermanii, Lloyd B. Bullerman


    Transmission of Two Strains of Two Stylet-Borne Viruses by Single Myzus persicae (sulz.) Aphids, Manolo Bautista Castillo


    Laminar Combined Convection from a Nonisothermal Spining Cone: An Integral Approach, Bobba Rama Krishna Choudary


    Evaluation of and Tentative Design Criteria for Anaerobic Lagoons as a Method of Swine Manure Disposal in South Dakota, David Richard Curtis


    Linkage Between Chromosomal Interchanges and Colchicine Mutated Genes in Sorghum Vulgare, John R. Deakin


    The Effect of Physical, Mental-Physical, and Mental Practice on the Learning of a Motor Skill, Clifford Lyle Eidsness


    A Modified Voges-Proskauer Method of Determining Diacetyl in Dairy Cultures, Dwain Finkenbiner


    Effects of a Trampoline Training Program on Selected Items of Motor Fitness, William Eugene Fritz


    Turbulent Mixing and Heat Exchange in a Parallel Stream of Air, Tek Chand Goel


    Evidence of Socio-Economic Classlessness in the Major Fiction of Daniel Defoe, Nicholas J. Goergen


    A Thematic Approach to John Steinbeck's In Dubious Battle, James W. Grinnell


    Comparisons of Ear Corn and Shelled Corn in Various Types of Rations for Finishing Cattle, Gary Bruce Haiwick


    Laboratory rearing of western corn rootworms and hybridization of the western corn rootworm (Diabrotica Virgifera) and northern corn rootworm (D. Longicornis) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Ada Mae Hintz


    Elastic Stress Distribution in Rectangularly Notched Members by Finite Differences, Paul Andrew Hoffman


    A Study of Parental Knowledge of Guidance in the Baltic Public School System, William E. Horeis


    A Survey of Several Bases Representative Nongraded Schools Use in Grouping Their Students, Ann Paul Karakash


    An Analytical Study of the Degree and the Nature of Association Between Problem Recognition and the Personal Characteristics of Farm Operators in Lake County, South Dakota, Amir Khalili


    A New Partial Differential Equation and a New Instantaneous Current-time Curve for Polarography, Russell B. Kidman


    The Design and Construction of a 6-inch Mach-Zehnder Type Interferometer and Its Use for a Study in Free Convection, Clayton W. Knofczynski


    A Comparison of Interval Running and All-out Running as Methods of Increasing Circulorespiratory Endurance, Donald Lee Kortan


    An Analysis of the Production Output Difference Between an 11-pica and a 15-pica Line Width, Albert George Leicht


    Effects of B Vitamin Deficiencies on Energy Metabolism of the Chick, William Clarence Lockhart


    Opportunities and Training Needs in Non-farm Agricultural Occupations in a South-western Iowa School District, Robert L. Madden


    Ability of Consumers to Ascertain "Quality" in Printing, Lawrence E. Mades


    The Total Energy Capacity and the Instantaneous Energy Release in Springs, Suhayl M. Mamoun


    A Study of the Present Status of Physical Education Facilities for Women in the Institutions of the South Dakota College Physical Education Association, Harold Robert Mansheim


    Mathematical Method for Determining Stable Geometric Configurations in Aromatic Hydrocarbon Molecules, Richard A. Marsh


    Energy Levels of the SI28 and the Alpha Particle Model, Dennis L. Nordstrom


    An Analysis of the Comparative Reading Times for 11-pica and 15-pica Copy, Jack Wesley Nuckols


    Student Attitudes Toward the Printing Industry in Two Chicago Area High Schools, Frank Arthur Ouseley


    The Decomposition of Ditriphenylmethyl Peroxide in Concentrate Sulfuric Acid, John Rodney Parker


    Design and Testing of Experimental Components Used on Photoelastic Analysis, Alan Rae Peterson


    Derivation of the Diffusion Equation and a Revision of Matsuda's Theory for Polarography, W. Patrick Rahilly


    Creep Tension Tests on Hastelloy Alloy X Bar, Predicting its Behavior and Applying the Data in a Design Problem, Y. V. S. Rao


    A Procedure for the Determination and Evaluation of the Relationship Between Accident Frequency Rates, Extent of Experience and Chronological Age of Operative Personnel, William Wayne Rasmussen


    The Effect of Positive and Negative Motivation Upon Selected Measures of Circulorespiratory Adjustment and All-out Running Performance, Stanley E. Richter


    An Investigation of 10 Selected Weekly and Small Daily Newspapers Pinted by Offset Lithography and Methods and Equipment Used in Their Production, Charles Allen Ridgeway


    An Inquiry into the Acceptability of Unjustified Composition and Omission of Column Rules to Newspaper Readers, Karl E. Ruthenbeck


    The Effect of Weight Training on Explosive Power and Leg Strength During a Basketball Season, LaVerne L. Schlekeway


    A Social System Analysis of the Changing Food Practices of the Teton Dakota Indians, 1800-1900, Norma R. Seerley


    A Study of the Image of Vocational Education in South Dakota Schools, Melvin T. Simek


    A Study of the Food Practices, Economic Position, and Conception of Health on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Kenneth H. Skogen


    The Nature of the Suspension Effect, With Special Reference to Clay Suspensions, Gary E. Spalding


    The Effects of a Cold Sitz Bath on Various Measures of Circulorespiratory Recovery from Vigorous Exercise, William Charles Talich


    Structural Relationships for National and Regional Production of Beef Calves, John E. Trierweiler


    The Effects of Selected Football Drills on Agility, Douglas Lee Tschetter


    Effects of Wind on Falling Drops, Charles Russell Umback


    The Effect of Change in Moisture Content on the Load Carrying Capacity of Three Member Nailed Wood Joints, William Theodore Welchert


    Phosphorous Uptake by Oat Seedlings from Phosphorus Fertilizer Applied to a Subsoil as Affected by Soil Moisture, Dean E. Wesley


    Utilization of the Air Permeameter to Determine the Intrinsic Permeability of in Situ Soil, Robert A. Wiles


    Genetic Components and Phenotypic Relationships of Blood Constituents and Production and Carcass Traits in Beef Cattle, Lowell Lewis Wilson


    Effect of Amino Acids on the Nature of the Nitrogenase System in Aerobacker Aerogens, Duane C. Yoch

    ETDS from 1964


    Soil Particle Size by Time-weight Accumulation of Sedimentation, Yasin E. Ahmad


    Characterization of Staphylococcus Species Isolated From Raw Milk with Special Reference to the Enterotoxigenic Coagulase-Positive Types, Adnan M. Ammouri


    Evaporation reduction investigation Pactola Reservoir, South Dakota 1962-1963 /by Jon Francis Bartholic., John Francis Bartholic


    Anatomy and Bud Formation of Subterranean Parts of Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia Esula L.), Charles A. Beasley


    Underemployment and Labor Force Reserves on Southeastern South Dakota Farms, Donald J. Biggar