This community houses work produced by South Dakota State University graduate students. The collection includes both born digital ETDs, and digitized versions of printed theses and dissertations from 1883 to present.
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    ETDS from 1957


    The Effect of Vitamin D. Supplementation on the Growth and Development of Swine, Darwin Eugene Stolte


    A Survey of the Value of the Homemaking Curriculum in South Dakota with Implications for Revision, Carol Siemann Wagner


    Survey of the Attitudes of Parents Toward Vocational Agriculture in South Dakota, Ernest W. Wingen


    Effects of Urea and Some Other Nitrogen Compounds on Germination of Wheat, Walter R. Zich


    A Local Cost-sharing Plan for Watersheds Under the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act, Henry N. Ziegler


    A Genetic Analysis of Economic Characteristics of Range Beef Heifers, Keith O. Zoellner

    ETDS from 1956


    A Study of Pupil Reporting Practices, School to Home, in Illinois Junior High Schools Organized on a Seven-Eight Grade Basis, Gale Edwin Anderson


    Morphology of Stamens and Staminodia of Echinocystis Lobata (Michx.) T. & G., Engracia B. Arguelles


    Differential Reaction of Two Varieties of Sorghum to Colchicine Treatment, Glenn Francis Atkinson


    The Virgil Independent School District and Reorganization, Kenneth E. Bandy


    The Condensation of the Aminophenols with Maleic Anhydride, Robert H. Becker


    Factors Affecting Prices Received by South Dakota Egg Producers : A Pilot Study, J. Patrick Brown


    The Effect of Body Temperature Upon Accuracy in Performing Specific Motor Skills, Roger William Denker


    Studies of pleuropneumonia-like organisms, John A. Duerre


    The Effect of Prescibed Weight Training on a Selected Group of Varsity Basketball Players, Bernard Eugene Duffy


    Evaluating the Mode of Inheritance in Tetraploid Alfalfa by Means of Genetic Intra-class Correlation, Wesley D. Dunlap


    A Determination of Relationship Between Seven Known Factors and a Student's Success in Debate, Kenneth J. Erickson


    Research on a Portable Floor Plate Brooder with Electric Heating Elements for Use in South Dakota, Virgil H. Flesher


    Farm Equipment Retailing in South Dakota, C. John. Fliginger


    The Effect of a Basketball Training Program on Cardiovascular Condition as Shown by the Cameron Heartometer, Harry L. Forsyth


    Genetic Analysis of F2 Populations from Crosses Involving Colchicine-induced Mutants in Sorghum, A. Earl Foster


    A Comparison Study of State Farmers and Non-state Farmers on Academic Achievement and Post-high School Accomplishment, Hilding W. Gadda


    A Student Evaluation of Graduate Education Courses at South Dakota State College by 1956 Summer Session Graduate Students Who had Taken Work Prior to January 1, 1956, Donald F. Gerriets


    A Plan for the Development of a School Farm for Sturgis High School, Wayne C. Gray


    Community Resources in Watertown for Use in American Government, Melvin Hanson


    A Survey to Select Area Headings to be Included in a Handbook for School Administrators to Administer Departments of Vocational Agriculture in South Dakota, James P. Harper


    Locker and Shower Room Facilities Used for Physical Education in Class "A" High Schools in South Dakota, Arthur T. Jansen


    A Study of Selected Characteristics and the Extent of Church Activity of the Membership and Officials in the Free Methodist Church, Upper Midwest Region, Bruce Leffingwell Kline


    Alfalfa Seedling Rot in Relation to the Quantity of Pythium in South Dakota Soils, Michael Komanetsky


    Growth and Selenium Content of Wheat as Affected by Applications of Salts to Soils, Frederick J. Kurpjuweit


    Investigations of Methyl Donors and Linseed Oil Meal in Alleviating Selenium Poisoning, Eriks Leitis


    The Effect of High Temperature Contact Treatment on Hard Seeds in Alfalfa, Allyn O. Lunden


    An Analytical Survey of Census, Enrollment and Financial Trends of the Harrisburg Independent Consolidated School District C-1 Over the Years 1940 to 1953, Ernest W. Lunn


    A Study to Determine the Importance of Pre-service Training in Teaching Farm Mechanics Jobs in Vocational Agriculture, Morris W. Magnuson


    Time and Tide : A Study of the Conflicting Concepts of Time of the Dakota Indian and Western Civilization, R. Clyde McCone


    A Comparison of Aerial and Ground Application of 2,4-D, Using Different Formulations and Rates of 2,4-D, and Different Kinds and Volumes of Carrier, Russel L. Nash


    Marketing Cream in Plastic Bags, James L. Olson


    An Evaluation of the Success of the Rural Youth Program in South Dakota, John Orr


    Modification of Selenium Distribution in the Rat, Ivan S. Palmer


    A Farm Building Evaluation Technique for Tax Assessment, Joshua F. Robinson


    Consumption and Preference Patterns for Butter and Margarine in Two South Dakota Cities, Norman L. Rollag


    The Effects of Temperature and Leaf Sugar Content on the Electrical Conductance of Strawberry Leaf Exudates, Kenneth C. Schneider


    A Status Survey of Twelve Teacher Training Institutions Pertaining to Graduate Majors in Industrial Education, Duane R. Serlet


    Present Practices in Grading Boys' Physical Education in Secondary Schools of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota, Wayne E. Sinning


    A Study on the Inter-communication System as Used in South Dakota Schools for the Instruction of Non-ambulatory Students from 1951-1956, Samuel Edwin Stein


    Digestibility of Rations and Nitrogen Balance by Lambs as Influenced by Animal Fat, Urea, Soybean Meal and Linseed Meal, James King Turner


    Effects of the Intensity of Grazing on Range Livestock Production, the Native Vegetation, and the Soil Complex, George Mason Van Dyne


    The Effect of a Soccer Unit on the Agility and Cardiovascular Fitness of Ninth Grade Boys, Archie Edgar Ward


    The Relationship of Scholastic Achievement to Regularity of Attendance and Participation in Extra-curricular Activities in the Brookings High School Senior Class of 1955, Frank Williams

    ETDS from 1955


    The History of Track and Field in South Dakota High Schools, Donald Hayes Allan

    A Comparison of the Academic Achievement of Athletes and Non-athletes at South Dakota State College, Lyle Vernon Belk


    A Study of Vocational Choices and Preferences of Freshmen Male Students at State College in Terms of Their Abilities and Scholastic Achievement in College, Robert G. Christianson


    A Study of School Costs in the Wolsey Independent School District from 1944 to 1954, Mark E. Cogswell


    Participation in Physical Education Activities by Athletes and Non-Athletes after their Graduation from College, Harold John Cordts


    The Financial Procedures Utilized in the Administration of Athletic Programs in the Eight Eastern South Dakota Conference High Schools, Wallace Maurice Diehl


    Pan Evaporation Measuremnts as a Criterion for Predicting the Irrigation Requirements for Various Crops, Niel A. Dimick


    Condition of Football Players During and After the Season as Indicated by Cardiovascular and Strength Tests, John Homer Englund


    Percent of Blend of Male Sterile and Male Fertile Corn Seed for Optimum Fertilization in Hybrid Corn at two Locations in South Dakota, Gerhardt Walter Erion


    A Survey of the Occupational Status of Post World War II Agriculture Education Graduates of South Dakota State College, Harry Franz


    A Study of the Relationship of Antibiotics on Fecal Microflora of Chicks, Robert C. Halseth


    The Morphology of the Esophageal First Instar Larvae of Hypoderma Lineatum Devillers, Richard F. Halvorson


    An Analysis of Biology Workbooks to Determine the Completeness of their Content as Measured by a Previous Comprehensive Study, Donald A. Henrickson


    Discharge from a Sandpoint Well System for a Thin Aquifer in the Sioux River Area, Harold Holmen


    A Comparison of the Scientific Background of Ninth Grade Students who have Received their First Eight Years of Schooling in Rural Schools with those Educated in the Brookings City Schools, Floyd A. Johnson


    Relationship Between Academic Achievement of Vocational Agriculture Students and the Academic Achievement of Non-Vocational Agriculture Students in Brookings High School, Jerome Kleinsasser


    A Physiological Study of Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus, Delmer H. Koehn


    The Effects of Varying Levels of Alfalfa Hay in a Growing Fattening Ration for Pigs, LaVerne J. Kortan


    A Study of the Preparation and Activities of Thirty-Two Junior High School Principals, Lester L. Luttmers


    Effects of High Temperature on Fruit Set in Tomatoes Lycopersicon Esculentum, Hashem M. Moghrabi


    A Preliminary Study of Farmer Bankruptcy Experiences in the Dakotas 1928-1952, James Munger


    The Effect of Wrestling Training and Required Physical Education Upon the Physical Condition of College Students as Determined by the Rogers Strength Test and the Harvard Step Test, Thomas Eugene Neuberger


    A Study of Psychorophilic Bacteria in Frozen Foods, Donald E. Pederson


    History of the Kidder Consolidated School Covering the Fourteen-Year Period from 1941 through 1954, Francis W. Richter


    Factors Pertaining to the Employment of Married-Women Teachers in Public Schools of Minnesota, Kenneth W. Sandboe


    A Study of the Education and Careers of Eighth Grade Graduates of Harding County, South Dakota from 1945-1954, Clifford A. Scherer


    Gymnasium, Shower Room, and Dressing Room Facilities in the Upper Sioux and Hamlin County Conferences, Fred M. Smith


    Suitability of South Dakota Locations for Straw Pulping Plants, Winston K. Ullman


    A Status Study of Elementary School Principals in South Dakota, James Wade


    Status of the Curriculum and the Practices and Regulations Affecting it in the Four-Teacher High Schools of South Dakota, George Webbenhurst


    Attitudes and Opinions Relating to the 4-H Junior Leadership Program in South Dakota, John F. Younger

    ETDS from 1954


    A Study of the Effects of Aureomycin Upon the Microflora of the Ovine Rumen, Milton Allison


    A Survey of Selected Methods of Arsenic Analysis in Biological Materials and a Proposed Modification of the Evans-Bandemer Method, Howard Beers


    Why Former South Dakota Teachers of Vocational Agriculture Left the Profession in South Dakota 1946 through 1953, Lester Clarke


    Development of Devices Which Might Be Used in the Classifcation of Freshman Students in Foods Classes, Zora Ruth Colburn


    Problem Areas of Beginning Teachers of Vocational Agriculture in South Dakota, Wendell DeBoer


    Effect of Alfalfa Meal and Brewers Dried Yeast on Digestibility of Different Qualities of Prairie Hay by Cattle and Sheep, Leo DuBose


    Evaluation, Design and Use of Infiltration Measuring Equipment, Leonard Erie


    Chemical Weed Control in Shelterbelts, Elvin K. Ferrell


    Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer, and Synthetic Soil Conditioner Treatments, as They Affect Small Grains on Eastern South Dakota Soils, Ray Gene Gresham


    A History of Vocational Agriculture in South Dakota from 1940 to 1953 Inclusive, Aden R. Gronlund


    Nine Years of FFA Progress in South Dakota 1944-1953, E.W. Gustafson


    A Study of the Factors Affecting the Financial Status of Consolidated School District #74, Jeffers, Minnesota for the Fiscal Years, 1949 Through 1954, Leroy J. Henning


    Drought Resistance of Inbred and Hybrid Corn Under Artificial and Natural Conditions, Stanley Dean Jensen


    A Microchemical Modification of the McCarthy and Sullivan Method for the Determination of Methionine, Emilia Rodelas Joson


    Effects of Antibiotics Fed to Pigs During the Growing-Fattening Period, Harold John Kurtz


    Relation of Rate of Gain to Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle, Leo E. Lucas


    A Market News Service for Livestock Auctions in South Dakota, Gerald E. Marousek


    A Study of the Administrative Problems Related to the Scheduling of Regular Classes and Extracurricular Activities in Ninety-Two High Schools in Eastern South Dakota, G. Wesley Peppers


    Methods of Storing Alfalfa for Fattening Cattle, Leonard Herman Timmerman


    Temperature Conditions Existing in a Diffusion Type Cloud Chamber, Vance D. Vandervelde