This community houses work produced by South Dakota State University graduate students. The collection includes both born digital ETDs, and digitized versions of printed theses and dissertations from 1883 to present.
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Finally, the development of this collection is ongoing. If you are a former South Dakota State University graduate student and wish to include your work in Open PRAIRIE, please contact us.
ETDS from 1930
A Study of the Farm Shop Curriculum, Robert B. Fall
A Traffic Survey of the City of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, George Everett Thompson
The Anatomy of the Germinating Bulbil of Lilium Tigrinum, Katherine Harris Tripp
Abortive Stamens and Carpels in Lychnis Alba, Gus B. Ulvin
ETDS from 1929
The Morphology, Life History, and Control of Some Common Species of Oniscoidea Found in South Dakota, M. T. Fredricksen
A Systematic Treatise of the Coccidae (Scale Insects) of Brookings County, South Dakota, Merrill K. Riley
A Contribution on the Staminate Flower of Cucumis Sativus, Kenneth W. Simons
The Effect of Treatment With Ethylene Chlorhydrin Upon the Respiration of Sweet Potatoes (Ipomea Batatas), Leon J. Tyler
The Founding of the Brookings Register, Neva Whaley
Bridge Survey Practice, R. B. Yule
ETDS from 1928
The Origin of Adventitious Roots In Coleus, Ethel Belk
Reversal of Polarity In Some Woody Dicotyledonous Angiosperms, Ida J. Rude
ETDS from 1927
The Ontogeny of the Vascular Elements in Zea Mays, George L. Cross
A Consideration of Methods of Securing Historical Price and Production Data and a Survey of Their Relationship for South Dakota, Owen L. Dawson
A Study in the Metabolism of the Adult Honey Bee, M. D. Farrar
The Introduced Plants of South Dakota, William Houk
A Study of Atropa Belladonna, (Linne) Grown in South Dakota, Floyd J. LeBlanc
The Effect of Treatment With Ethylene Chlorhydrin Gas Upon the Respiration of Dormant Potato Tubers, Leon M. Pultz
A Study of Pollen, Sterility, and Blossoming Dates of Plum Varieties in the Experimental Nursery at South Dakota State College During the Spring of 1926, Russell W. Vance
ETDS from 1926
The Relative Feeding Value of Ground Soybeans and Soybean Oilmeal for Milk and Butterfat Production by the Dairy Cow, Harold J. Brooks
Studies on the Epidemiology of Stem Rust in South Dakota, Raymond O. Bulger
Recent Developments in X-Rays, Orville G. McMillan
ETDS from 1925
A Chemical and Morphological Study of Grindelia Squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal, Marcus A. Chase
Resonance in Magnetically Coupled, Tuned Circuits, H. D. Craun
Quantitative Determination of the Elements in the Nodes and Internodes of Normal and Abnormal Corn Plants, Percy Danielson
The Relation of Respiration, Transpiration, and Loss of Weight to Surface Area and Number of Lenticles in Potato Tubers, Walter H. Michaels
The Influence of Starter on the Keeping Quality of Butter, J. Kenneth Muse
ETDS from 1924
An Experimental Comparison of the Feeding Value of Soy Bean with Alfalfa Hay for Feeding Dairy Cows, Wilard R. Beall
ETDS from 1923
The Influence of the Diet of the Cow and the Effect of Heat Upon the Antiscorbutic Potency of Milk, Lynn Copeland
The Influence of the Size and Design of Nails On Their Efficiency With Respect to Driving and Pulling From Various Species of Wood, George Emil Heck
The General Cytology of the Aecium of Dicaeoma Distichlidis, Lynn D. Hutton
A Comparative Study of Methods of Proportioning Concrete, Lawrence C. Maugh
ETDS from 1922
The Effect of Diet of the Cow and the Pasteurization of Milk in Closed Bottles Upon the Nutritive and Antiscorbutic Properties of Cows' Milk, George C. Biggar
A Chemical and Morphological Study of Nicandra Physalodes (L) Pers., Anton Hogstad
Concerning the Degree of Self Fertilization in Corn (Zea mays indentata) That is Obtained Under Normal Field Conditions, George Janssen
ETDS from 1921
Cooperative Marketing of Farm Products in South Dakota, Wendell Frichiof Kumlien
ETDS from 1919
The Indians and the Agriculture of Crow Creek Indian Reservation, Thomas J. Jackson
ETDS from 1917
Some Studies on the Effect of Different Storage Temperatures Upon the Fat Constants and Acidity of Print Creamery Butter, Arthur D. Lynch
ETDS from 1916
Correlation of Certain Characters in Ears of Moody County White Dent Corn, Jens L. Bolland
ETDS from 1913
The Potato, I. S. Oakland
ETDS from 1905
The Influence of Habitat Structure and Environmental Variability on Habitat Use by Fish in the Vermillion River, South Dakota, Patrick J. Braaten
Chimney Design and Chimney Formula Comparison, W. F. Schaphorst
ETDS from 1899
The Evolution of Cooking Apparatus With Some Tests With the Aladdin Oven, Hattie Dibble
ETDS from 1898
Course in Sewing For Children, Lilla Harkins
Thesis, William H. Knox
ETDS from 1897
A Comparative Study of Degenerative Tissue, Homer Davis
Hygienic Analysis of some of the Potable Waters of Brookings, Lloyd E. Work
ETDS from 1896
The Trend Towards Socialism in Recent Law-Making, James Arthur Brown
ETDS from 1895
Specifications for a System of Irrigation for College Grounds, Harry M. Cornell
A Study of the Wheat Market, William J. A. Schoppe
ETDS from 1894
The Power Absorbed by a 60 in. Circular Saw and Other Wood Working Machines, Duston W. McKenney
ETDS from 1893
A Study of the Forage Plants of South Dakota with Their Fungous and Insect Enemies, David Griffiths