This community houses work produced by South Dakota State University graduate students. The collection includes both born digital ETDs, and digitized versions of printed theses and dissertations from 1883 to present.
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    ETDS from 1948


    Lignin, Cellulose and Crude Fiber Changes in Maturing Western Wheatgrass: (Agropyron smithii Rybd.), Chester R. Anderson


    An Analysis and Interpretation of the Results of the Iowa Every-Pupil Test in Correctness in Writing as Evidenced by Brookings, S. Dak. High School and a Lesser Analysis and Interpretation of the Understanding Basic Social Concepts Test, Virgil A. Bell


    Responses of Oats and Barley to 2.4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2.4-D), Lyle A. Derscheid


    The Problem of Recreation for the Blind and a Survey of Present Conditions, Howard H. Hanson


    A Study Comparing the Educational Proficiency of the One-Room Rural School Graduates and the Town Elementary School Graduates Found in the Freshman and Sophomore Classes of Six East Central High Schools in South Dakota, William V. Hass


    Trends in Land Use and Crop Production 12 Federal Reclamation Projects Northern Great Plains, Earl F. Hodges


    The Relative Accuracy of One-Day and Three-Day Weights of Range Cows, Leroy Henry Holt


    Some Effects of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid on the Nitrogen and Carbohydrate Metabolism of the Corn Plant, Clifford H. Hullinger


    A Study of some Factors Influencing Alfalfa Seed Production, John Harold Miller


    The Apparent Digestibility of Prairie Hay Harvested at Three Stages of Maturity, Arnold Bernard Nelson


    The Yielding Ability of Bulked F2 Barley Crosses and Parents in Comparative Yield Trials, Walter Lowell Nelson


    Carcass Differences in Inbred Lines and Linecrosses of Swine, Ellis Andine Pierce


    The Effect of Grubs (Hypoderma lineatum and Hypoderma bovis) and Various Treatments for Grubs on Cattle in the Feed Lot, Odell L. Reinertson


    A Study of Achievement Made by Freshman Students of Vocational Agriculture Studying Soils in High School Vocational Agriculture Departments in Southeastern South Dakota Determining Achievement by Means of a Pre-Test and End-Test, R. Milton Rich

    ETDS from 1947


    A Pathological Investigation of the Lake Poinsett Fish Disaster, Herbert Bach


    A Study of the Relative Value of Marks in Various Amounts of High-School Subjects and Scholastic Aptitude Test Scores for the Prediction of Success in College Subjects at South Dakota State College, Norman Berg

    ETDS from 1946


    Response of Some Perennial Grasses to Fertilizer and Clipping, Ralph Monroe Arms


    Precipitation as a Basis for Estimating Crop Yields in Central South Dakota, Ray F. Pengra

    ETDS from 1945


    Fifteen Years of Future Farmers of America Progress in South Dakota 1929-1944, Arlington Eddy


    The Farmers Union "Triangle" Program in North Dakota, Harold S. Hepner


    Normal Levels for Hemoglobin, Phosphorus, Calcium, Carotene, and Vitamin A for Broad-Breasted Bronze Turkeys, Twila M. Paulsen


    A Study of Some of the Effects of the War Upon Town and City Schools and School Personnel in South Dakota, James C. Schooler

    ETDS from 1944


    A Ten Year Study of the Schools of Hamlin County, South Dakota with Objectives for the Post War Period, O.A. Shuck

    ETDS from 1943


    History of Vocational Agriculture in South Dakota High Schools, 1917-1940, Harold E. Urton

    ETDS from 1942


    Balancing Power and Heating Loads at South Dakota State College, William M. Becker


    Analysis of the Finances of the School Districts in Brookings County, South Dakota 1932-1941, Harvey G. Eitreim


    Studies on the Resistance of Spring Wheat Varieties to Grasshopper, Melanoplus bivittatus (Say), Attack, Erhardt Richard Hehn

    ETDS from 1941


    A Study of Extra-curricular Financing in the Larger Schools of South Dakota and Southwestern Minnesota, Lester D. Horrigan


    A Nephelometric Study of Silver Bromide Sols, Charles A. Kinsley


    Factors Influencing Farm Population Fertility in Brookings County, Oscar Markeseth


    The Condensation of Phenols with Succinic and Maleic Anhydrides, Lewis L. Sisson


    A Study of Some Factors Influencing the Nitrate Content of Oat Seedlings, Eugene I. Whitehead

    ETDS from 1940


    Financial History of the Newell School District, Guy W. Austin


    Fluidextract of Ephedra: A Study of the Methods for its Preparation and Standardization, Guilford C. Gross


    Relationships Between Basic Boy Scout Accomplishments and Levels of Social and Economic Status, Roy Dickens Herold


    Management of the Permanent School Fund of South Dakota with Special Reference to House Joint Resolution No. 10, Oral A. Holm


    The Declining Rural School Population in Brookings County, Verna M. Simon


    The Changing Role of the School of Agriculture at South Dakota State College, Herman Stallbaum

    ETDS from 1939


    A Study of the Sublingual Absorption of Insulin, Byrl E. Benton


    The Efficiency of Churn Washing Method and the Keeping Quality of Butter as Indicated by Yeast and Mold Counts, T. Allen Evans


    Relief and Family Welfare Problems of the Broken-Home Child in South Dakota, Robert L. McNamara


    The Spiders of South Dakota, Allan G. Peterson


    The Effect of Orally Ingested Selenium Upon the Blood Picture, Feed Consumption and Growth of the Normal Dog and the Effect of Arsenic in Chronic Selenium Poisoning, Morris Rhian


    Teacher Load in the Three, Four, and Five Teacher High Schools of South Dakota, Newton C. Staley


    A Study of the Piezoelectric Effect in Electrets, Perry Williams

    ETDS from 1938


    The Effects of Certain Salts upon the Saccharogenic Activity of Three Typical Enzymes, George F. Gastler


    Design Considerations in Food Irrigation, Hans G. Jepson

    ETDS from 1937


    The Association of Relief Status of the Farm Operators in South Dakota with the Size of Farms Operated and with Various Personal Characteristics of the Farm Operators, Zetta E. Bankert


    A Study of Production and Marketing of Butterfat and Butter in South Dakota, Lyle Morgan Bender


    A Critical Analysis of the Content of the Course of Study in Commerical Law for High Schools Appraised by Three Criteria of Value with Specific Recommendations for South Dakota, Dona Susan Brown


    The Ectoparasites of Some of the Rodents in the Vicinity of Brookings, South Dakota, Dermont E. Herreman


    Management of County-Owned Lands in Northwestern South Dakota: With Special Reference to Leasing Procedure, Charles W. Loomer


    An Investigation of Some Addition Complexes of Magnesium Bromide with Organic Substances, John E. Martin


    A Study of Business Activity in South Dakota, David Overacre Mesick


    The Effects of Diets Containing Selenium in the Form of Seleniferous Grains and Inorganic Salts on the Blood Picture of the Dog and the Selenium Content of the Tissues and Organs of These Animals, Alvin L. Moxon


    A Review of Certain Phases of Cosmetics, Dorothy Nelson


    The Effect of Cultivation on Certain Chemical and Physical Properties of Some South Dakota Soils, Oscar E. Olson


    The Relationship Existing Between the Extent of Education and the Relief Status of Rural Households in South Dakota, Vera Petheram


    Dehiscence of the Fruit of Porulaca Grandiflora, Roland V. Rethke


    Mortgage Loans on Farm Real Estate in Sample Areas in South Dakota, Howard C. Selvig

    ETDS from 1936


    An Analysis of Crop Production in South Dakota by Types of Farming Areas, Warren Richards Bailey


    Index Numbers of South Dakota Farm Prices, Leslie Max Brown


    An Investigation into the Bromate Method of Manganese Determination, Ray A. Bunday


    The Abortion of Essential Organs in the Imperfect Flowers of Benzoin Aestivale, Norris M. Paulson

    ETDS from 1935


    Selenium in Proteins from Toxic Foodstuffs, Edgar Page Painter


    An Analysis of the Expenditures of South Dakota Counties from 1919 to 1935, George H. Phillips


    A Study of Economic Activity in South Dakota, Glenn Aldrich Scott


    A Study of Inequalities in Farm Real Estate Assessment in South Dakota, Norman Victor Strand

    ETDS from 1934


    Dissociation and Life Cycle of Bacillus Subtilis, Herbert C. Batson


    A Study of the Sculpture of the Chorion of the Eggs of Eighteen South Dakota Grasshoppers (Acridiidae), Raymond Cecil Bushland


    Trends of Property Taxes in Brookings County and in South Dakota from 1915 to 1938, Adlowe Lyle Larson


    Reaction to Price Change by South Dakota Farmers, John Gordon McNeely


    A Comparison of Certain Methods of Assay Oil of Chenopodium, Orville Peterson


    An Analysis of the Bank Credit Situation in South Dakota, Roy James Smith


    The Effect of Fertilizer Applications on the Quality and the Quantity of the Oil in Flaxseed, Clarence O. Stockland

    ETDS from 1933


    The Effects of Temperature and Pressure Variation on the Process of Cooking Foods, Benjamin M. Aldrich


    Determination of the Limits and Accuracy of Potassium Ferricyanide as an Outside Indicator in the Determination of Iron and a Comparison of this Outside Indicator with Diphenylamine as an Inside Indicator, Eugene D. Burr


    The Latex System in the Root of Taraxacum Officinale, Eleanor Kelton Evenson


    An Investigation of the Reaction Between Ethylene Bromide and Magnesium, Charles E. Heacock


    Reliability and Adequacy of South Dakota Farm Price Data, John Muehlbeier


    The Influence of Feed and Sunshine on the Vitamin D Content of Cow’s Milk, Ben L. Robinson


    A Key to Differentiate Nymphal Stages of Melanoplus Differentialis (Thomas) from Those of Melanoplus Bivittatus (Say), (Orthoptera); also, Descriptions of Instars and a Key for Identification of Nymphal Stages of these Two Species, Gerald Bishop Spawn


    A Comparative Study of the Toxic Effects of Colloidal Arsenic and Certain Inorganic Arsenicals on the Grasshopper (Helanopus Differentialis), Nial K. Tidball


    Social Adjustments of Physically Handicapped Persons, Marie Van Maanen


    A Plant Efficiency Survey and Experimental Plant Results Obtained at The Sioux Falls Sewage Treatment Plant, Sioux Falls, S.D., Lowell A. Yost and Hans Jepson

    ETDS from 1932


    Anatomical Study of Water Shoots and Ordinary Twigs, Dorothea I. Bingham


    Some Effects of a Constant Temperature and Different Relative Humidities Upon Egg Laying of Melanoplus Bivittatus Scudder., Millard Jewell Hatten


    Public Charities in Brookings County, South Dakota, Anna Foulks Hubbell


    The Development of the Floral Organs of Glycyrrhiza Lepidota, Richard L. Matteson


    Stress Investigation and Design Methods for Composite Beams Consisting of Concrete Slabs on Steel I-Beams, Hjalmer T. Person


    The Morphology of the Seminal Vesicles, Accessory Glands, and the Ejaculatory Canal of Melanoplus Differentialis (Thomas) and an External Morphological and a Histological Study of the Seminal Vesicles, Accessory Glands, and Ejaculatory Canal of this Grasshopper, Wilbur T. Reierson


    Juvenile Delinquency in Brookings County, South Dakota, Cathryn Schaefer


    Farm Mortgage Experience of Life Insurance Companies Lending in South Dakota, Harry Allan Steele

    ETDS from 1931


    Studies in the Life History of the Croton Bug, Blatella Germanica (Linnaeus), Laurence Adams Carruth


    Greenhouse Studies on the Relationship of Age of Wheat Plants to Infection by Puccinia Graminis Tritici, George W. Eade


    Certain Cultural Characteristics of Digitalis Pupurea, (Linne) with a Proposed Chemical Assay, Clark W, Eidsmoe


    A General Discussion of Trichinella Spiralis (Owen), an Investigation of Infection of the Brown Rat, and a Life History Study of the Parasite in the White Rat, Carl A. Johnson


    Discrepencies of Theory as Against Empirical Results of Critical Speeds of Circular Cross Sectioned Shafting, Vern Kilpatrick


    The Effect of a Varying Moisture Supply at Different Periods of Growth on the Development, Yield and Quality of Flax, William K. Soule


    Comparative Metabolism of Several Calcareous Minerals in Poultry Feeding, John T. Tripp