This collection houses the Extension Extra newsletter. The Extension Extra is issued by the SDSU Cooperative Extension Service in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.
Submissions from 2008
Health of the Herd Bull, Russ Daly
Leadership for Today Effective Decision Making Strategies for Groups, Karla Trautman
Leafy Spurge Flea Beetle Collection Recommendations, Darrell L. Deneke
Managing Leafy Spurge Flea Beetle Releases in South Dakota, Darrell L. Deneke and Irene Graves
Micotoxinas en granos de destilería Una preocupación en rumiantes?, A. Garcia, K. Kalscheur, A. Hippen, and D. Schingoethe
Monitoring Calcium, Phosphorous, and Vitamin D₃ Deficiencies in Starter, Growing, and Finishing Pigs, Chris Hostetler and Bob Thaler
Mycotoxins in Corn Distillers Grains A Concern in Ruminants?, A. Garcia, K. Kalscheur, A. Hippen, and D. Schingoethe
Organic Production: Practices and Prevalence, Joan Hegerfeld-Baker
Prairie Dog Management in South Dakota, Sandy Huber and Jim Wilson
Preventative Feeding of the Dairy Cow in Transition, Alvaro Garcia and Arnold Hippen
PVPs and QSAs Opportunities to AddValue to South Dakota Cattle, Russ Daly
Replant Restrictions After herbicide applications in small grains, Mike Moechnig and Darrell Deneke
Reproductive Fertility in Herd Bulls, George Perry, Julie Walker, and Russ Daly
Sulfur in Distillers Grains for Dairy Cattle, D. Schingoethe, A. Garcia, K. Kalscheur, and A. Hippen
Threshold Levels for Selected Rural South Dakota Retail and Service Businesses, Saileza Khatiwada, Michael McCurry, and Trevor Brooks
Threshold Levels for Selected South Dakota Retail and Service Businesses (2004), Mike McCurry and Trevor Brooks
Submissions from 2007
2006 South Dakota Flax Variety Evaluations, Kathleen Grady and Lee Gilbertson
2007 Winter Wheat Variety Yield Results and Planting Tips, John Rickertsen, Thandiwe Nleya, Richard Little, and Amir Ibrahim
After Wildfire: Range Recovery, Alexander J. Smart, Roger N. Gates, and Heather Richter
Cash Farm Lease, Burton Pflueger
Clostridium perfringens Infections in Baby Calves, Russ Daly and Lori Rotert
Coping with High-Priced Corn, Cody Wright, Ken Olson, Julie Walker, Erik Loe, and Alvaro Garcia
Crop Cash Lease Agreements, Burton Pflueger
Crop Insurance Alternatives for Hay in South Dakota, Matthew A. Diersen
Crop Share Farm Lease, Burton Pflueger
Crop Share Lease Agreements, Burton Pflueger
Custom Farming Contracts, Burton Pflueger
Definitions and Descriptions: Conventional, Natural, and Organic Beef Production and Consumption, Tyler A. Melroe and Erik R. Loe
Drought— But Not Dust Bowl, Mike McCurry, Trevor Brooks, and Donna Hess
Drying Chokecherries, Lorna Saboe-Wounded Head and Gabrielle Tiomanipi
Drying Plums, Lorna Saboe-Wounded Head and Gabrielle Tiomanipi
Efectos del Medio Ambiente Sobre los Requerimientos Nutricionales del Ganado en Pastoreo, Alvaro Garcia and Cody Wright
Effects of Shipping and Heat Stress on Embryonic Mortality in Cattle, Sarah Fields and George Perry
Effects of the Environment on the Nutritional Needs of Grazing Livestock, Alvaro Garcia and Cody Wright
Flexible-Cash Farm Lease, Burton Pflueger
Flexible-Cash Lease Agreements, Burton Pflueger
Heat Stress, Fairs, and Achievement Days: Animal Considerations, Russ Daly
High Priced Corn and Dairy Cow Rations, Alvaro Garcia, Kenneth Kalscheur, Arnold Hippen, and Rebecca Schafer
If you find a dead bird— and wonder if it has the bird flu virus, E. Kim Cassel, Tanya D. Graham, and Lon Kightlinger
Leadership for Today Effective Group Communication, Karla Trautman
Leadership for Today Manageable Meetings, Karla Trautman
Leadership for Today Managing Conflict Within Groups, Karla Trautman
Livestock Risk Protection: Insuring Calves, Matthew Diersen
Management Considerations Before Adding More Corn Acres, Burton Pflueger, Jack Davis, and Agustin Arzeno
Managing Livestock Grazing Distribution on South Dakota Rangelands, Eric M. Mousel
Managing Smooth Bromegrass Pastures in South Dakota, Eric M. Mousel and Alexander J. Smart
Pasture Lease, Burton Pflueger
Pasture Lease Agreements, Burton Pflueger
Raising Cattle “Naturally” The Significance of Animal Health, Russ Daly
South Dakota Agricultural Rental Agreements: Farm Leasing Arrangements, Burton Pflueger
South Dakota Agricultural Rental Agreements: What is a Fair Lease Arrangement?, Burton Pflueger
Using Dried Corn, Lorna Saboe-Wounded Head and Gabrielle Tiomanipi
Submissions from 2006
2006 South Dakota Forage Grass Variety Performance Trials, Peter Jeranyama, Vance N. Owens, and Chris Lee
2006 Winter Wheat Variety Yield Results and Planting Tips, John Rickertsen, Thandiwe Nleya, and Amir Ibrahim
Acute Interstitial Pneumonia (AIP)* In Range Cattle, Cooperative Extension Service
Alternative Forages for Dairy Cattle: Soybeans and Sunflowers, Alvaro Garcia
An Alternative to Leasing: Custom Farming, Burton Pflueger
Avian Influenza (Bird Flu): Questions and Answers for 4-Hers, Russ Daly
Blue-Green Algae Poisoning, Cooperative Extension Service
Calibrating a Food Thermometer, Lorna Saboe-Wounded Head
Cold Stress and Newborn Calves, Lanette Butler, Russ Daly, and Cody Wright
Crop Insurance and Soybean Rust, Matthew Diersen
Dealing with Drought Stress in Home Lawns, Leo C. Schleicher and Shane M. Andersen
Dealing with Heat Stress in Dairy Cows, Alvaro Garcia
Determining the Value of Drought-Stressed Corn, E. Kim Cassel, Lester R. Vough, and Stanley W. Fultz
Distillers Grains for Dairy Cattle, D. J. Schingoethe, K. F. Kalscheur, and A. D. Garcia
Economics of Feeding Distillers Grains to Diary Cows, Alvaro Garcia and Gary Taylor
Economics of Grazing or Haying Conservation Reserve Program Land, Matthew Diersen
Economics of Managing a Livestock Enterprise During Drought, Martin K. Beutler
El daño térmico en el ensilaje de alfalfa, Alvaro Garcia
Energy Savings: Home Lighting and Appliances, Liz Gorham, Donna Bittiker, and Dick Nicolai
Enrolling in Medicare: Steps to Take, Liz Gorham and Corrine Huber
Ensiling Wet Distillers Grains with Other Feeds, A. D. Garcia and K. F. Kalscheur
Exploring Leadership Skill Development: Adolescents, Kenneth S. Rasmussen and Marilyn F. Rasmussen
Exploring Medicare: Is It For Me?, Liz Gorham and Corrine Huber
Feeding Natural Cattle, Tyler A. Melroe and Erik R. Loe
Feeding Soy Hulls and Dried Distillers Grain with Solubles to Sheep, Jeff Held
Forage Shortages … Low Milk Prices … and How to Beat Them, Alvaro Garcia
Fruit Varieties for South Dakota 2006-2007, Rhoda Burrows and Anne Fennell
Fuel Savings: Family Transportation, Donna Bittiker, Liz Gorham, and Dick Nicolai
Fuel Savings: Farm/Ranch Enterprise, Dick Nicolai, Liz Gorham, and Donna Bittiker
Fuel Savings: Home Heating and Cooling, Liz Gorham, Dick Nicolai, and Donna Bittiker
Grapes for South Dakota, Rhoda Burrows and Anne Fennell
Handling Heat Stress in Cattle, Cooperative Extension Service
Harvesting and Feeding Drought-Stressed Corn, E. Kim Cassel and Lester R. Vough
Health Insurance: Is Your Child Covered?, Liz Gorham
Hiring and Managing Spanish-Speaking Employees, Alvaro Garcia
How to Activate Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Insurance, Elizabeth E. Gorham
How to Enroll in Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Insurance After May 15, 2006, Elizabeth E. Gorham and Nancy J. Pauly
How to Talk to Your Children About Unemployment, Liz Gorham
La Economía en el Suministro de Granos de Destilería en el Ganado Lechero, Alvaro Garcia and Gary Taylor
Managing Soybean Rustin South Dakota in 2006, Martin A. Draper, Don Hershman, Anne Dorrance, Bradley Ruden, and Kimberly L. Maxson-Stein
MCS: Interior Finishes, Linda L. Nussbaumer
MCS: Materials to Avoid, Linda L. Nussbaumer
MCS: Strategies for Individuals, Linda L. Nussbaumer
MCS: Types of Housing, Linda L. Nussbaumer
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Linda L. Nussbaumer
Nitrate and Prussic Acid: How to Obtain a Representative Sample, Robert G. Hall
Nitrate Poisoning of Livestock Causes and Prevention, Lester R. Vough, E. Kim Cassel, and Scott M. Barao