This collection houses various data sets generated within the Department of Natural Resource Management.


Submissions from 2024


Data supporting the journal manuscript: From Past Habitats to Present Threats: Tracing North American Weasel Distributions Through a Century of Climate and Land Use Change, Amanda E. Cheeseman, David S. Jachowski, and Roland Kay


Data supporting the manuscript : Plains Spotted Skunks (Spilogale interrupta) Occur Independently of a Predator and Competitor., Kara M. White, Amanda E. Cheeseman, Joshua Stafford, and Robert Lonsinger


Data supporting the manuscript : The Difference in Aboveground Response of c3 and c4 Grass Dominated Plant Communities to Future Larger and Less Frequent Rainfall, Zigeng Chen and A. Joshua Leffler


Data supporting the manuscript : "Pasture and diurnal temperature are key predictors of regional Plains Spotted Skunk (Spilogale interrupta) distribution", Kara White, Amanda E. Cheeseman, Joshua Stafford, and Robert Lonsinger


Importance of a Lake-Wetland Complex for a Resilient Walleye Fishery, Logan Cutler, Steve R. Chipps, Brian G. Blackwell, and Alison A. Coulter


The Fraction of Biomass of C3 and C4 Plants in the C3 Plant Community and C4 Plant Community, Zigeng Chen and A. Joshua Leffler

Submissions from 2023


Capacity Development Priorities for Enduring Conservation in Peru, Jennifer Cheek Zavaleta


Data supporting the manuscript: Herbicide Effects on Native Plants of the Northern Great Plains, Gabrielle A. Bolwerk, Greg A. Cooper, A. Joshua Leffler, and Lora B. Perkins


Data supporting the manuscript "Genetic Analysis of Harvest Samples Reveals Population Structure in a Highly Mobile Generalist Carnivore", Stuart C. Fetherston, Robert Lonsinger, Lora B. Perkins, Chadwick P. Lehman, Jennifer R. Adams, and Lisette P. Waits


Image Classification Data and Covariates for Assessing Efficacy of Machine Learning Image Classification for Automated Occupancy-based Monitoring, Randy T. Larson and Marlin Dart


Opportunities for Regional Collaboration and Prevention: Assessing the Risk of the Live Bait Trade as a Pathway of Invasive Species, Hannah Mulligan, Benjamin J. Schall, Tanner Davis, and Alison A. Coulter


Seasonal Resource Selection of a Grassland Bird in a Dynamic Landscape: Importance of a Heterogeneous Landscape, Sprih Harsh

Submissions from 2022


Current and Predicted Future Environmental Conditions for 38 Wisconsin, USA rivers, D. A. Coulter, Z. S. Feiner, A. A. Coulter, and M. W. Diebel


The Effect of Scent Lures on Detection is not Equitable Among Sympatric Species Data, Marlin M. Dart, Lora B. Perkins, Jonathan A. Jenks, Gary Hatfield, and Robert C. Lonsinger


Wild Foods Contribute to Higher Dietary Diversity in India (Dataset and Code), Jennifer Zavaleta Cheek


Movement Probabilities of Bigheaded Carps (Hypophthalmichthys spp.) in the Illinois River Estimated from Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods, A. A. Coulter, M. K. Brey, M. Lubjeko, J. L. Kalis, D. Coulter, D. C. Glover, G. W. Whitledge, and J. E. Garvey

Submissions from 2021


Carnivore Detection Data, Robert C. Lonsinger, Robert N. Knight, and Lisette P. Wells

Submissions from 2020


Conservation of Kit Foxes in the Great Basin Desert: A Review and Recommendations, Robert Lonsinger, Brian M. Kluever, Lucas K. Hall, Randy T. Larsen, Eric M. Gese, Lisette P. Waits, and Robert N. Knight