This collection houses publications generated by the faculty of the Department of Natural Resource Management.


Publications from 2016


Can Commercial Soil Microbial Treatments Remediate Plant–soil Feedbacks to Improve Restoration Seedling Performance?, Lora B. Perkins and Gary Hatfield


Cannibalism During Early Larval Development of Hadena ectypa Morrison (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), J. Zhou and M. R. Dudash


Characterizing Cropland Phenology in Major Grain Production Areas of Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan by the Synergistic Use of Passive Microwave and Visible to Near Infrared Data, Woubet G. Alemu and Geoffrey M. Henebry


Climate Change Effects on Prairie Pothole Wetlands: Findings from a Twenty-five Year Numerical Modeling Project, W. Carter Johnson and Karen A. Poiani


Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Wetland Hydrology and Vegetation Cover Cycling Along a Regional Aridity Gradient, Philip A. Fay, Glenn R. Guntenspergen, Jennifer H. Olker, and W. Carter Johnson


Compensatory Response of Invasive Common Carp Cyprinus carpio to Harvest, Michael J. Weber, Matthew J. Hennen, Michael L. Brown, David O. Lucchesi, and Todd R. St.Sauver


Consequences of Hatch Phenology on Stages of Fish Recruitment, David M. Bogner, Mark A. Kaemingk, and Melissa R. Wuellner


Coupled Long-term Summer Warming and Deeper Snow Alters Species Composition and Stimulates Gross Primary Productivity in Tussock Tundra, A. Joshua Leffler, Eric S. Klein, Steven F. Oberbauer, and Jeffrey M. Welker


Development and Evaluation of a System Dynamics Model for Investigating Agriculturally Driven Land Transformation in the North Central United States., Benjamin L. Turner, Melissa R. Wuellner, Timothy Nichols, Roger N. Gates, Luis O. Tedeschi, and Barry H. Dunn


Development of Highly Variable Microsatellite Markers for the Tetraploid Silene stellata (Caryophyllaceae), Juannan Zhou, Michele R. Dudash, Charles B. Fenster, and Elizabeth A. Zimmer


Diet Breadth and Variability in Sander spp. Inferred from Stable Isotopes, M.J. Fincel, S. R. Chipps, B.D.S. Graeb, and M.L. Brown


Differential Heating in the Indian Ocean Differentially Modulates Precipitation in the Ganges and Brahmaputra Basins, Md Shahriar Pervez and Geoffrey M. Henebry


Effect of Grazing Prairie Dog—Colonized Rangeland on Cattle Nutrition and Performance: A Progress Report, Kenneth C. Olson, Christopher Schauer, Chanda Engel, Janna J. Kincheloe, Jameson R. Brennan, and Ben L. Hauptman


Effects of Historic Flooding on Fishes and Aquatic Habitats in a Missouri River Delta, Andrew K. Carlson, Mark J. Fincel, Chris M. Longhenry, and Brian D.S. Graeb


Effects of Short-Term Cattle Exclusion on Plant Community Composition: Prairie Dog and Ecological Site Influences, Aaron Field, Kevin Sedivec, John Hendrickson, Patricia Johnson, Benjamin Geaumont, Lan Xu, Roger N. Gates, and Ryan Limb


Effects of Urban Plume Aerosols on a Mesoscale Convective System, Stacey Kawecki, Geoffrey M. Henebry, and Allison L. Steiner


Escapement of Fishes from Modified Fyke Nets with Differing Throat Configurations, Bradley J. Smith, Brian G. Blackwell, Melissa R. Wuellner, and David W. Willis


Establishment and Persistence of Yellow-Flowered Alfalfa No-Till Interseeded into Crested Wheatgrass Stands, Christopher G. Misar, Lan Xu, Roger N. Gates, A. A. Boe, Patricia Johnson, Christopher S. Schauer, John R. Rickertson, and Walter W. Stroup


Establishment and Persistence of Yellow-Flowered Alfalfa No-Till Interseeded into Crested Wheatgrass Stands, Christopher G. Misar, Lan Xu, Roger N. Gates, Arvid Boe, Patricia S. Johnson, Christopher S. Schauer, John R. Rickertsen, and Walter W. Stroup


Evaluation of Microbially Enhanced Soybean Meal as an Alternative to Fishmeal in Weaned Pig Diets, S.M. Sinn, W.R. Gibbons, M.L. Brown, J.M. DeRouchey, and C.L. Levesque


Field Evidence of Strong Differential Pollen Placement by Old World Bat-pollinated Plants, Alyssa B. Stewart and Michele R. Dudash


Flower-visiting Bat Species Contribute Unequally Toward Agricultural Pollination Ecosystem Services in Southern Thailand, Alyssa B. Stewart and Michele R. Dudash


Genetic Structure of a Disjunct Peripheral Population of Mountain Sucker Pantosteus Jordani in the Black Hills, South Dakota, USA, Katie N. Bertrand, Justin A. VanDeHey, Tyler J. Pilger, Eli A. Felts, and Thomas F. Turner


Grassland Bird Response to Recent Loss and Degradation of Native Prairie in Central and Western South Dakota, Mitchell J. Greer, Kristel K. Bakker, and Charles D. Dieter


Greater Bud Outgrowth of Bromus inermis than Pascopyrum smithii Under Multiple Environmental Conditions, Jacqueline P. Ott, Jack L. Butler, Yuping Rong, and Lan Xu


Impacts of Mowing Treatments on Smooth Bromegrass (Bromus inermis) Belowground Bud Bank, L. Xu, J. Young, A. Boe, J. R. Hendrickson, and N. H. Troelstrup Jr.


Importance of Soil and Plant Community Disturbance for Establishment of Bromus tectorum in the Intermountain West, USA, A. Joshua Leffler


Invasive Grasses Consistently Create Similar Plant-soil Feedback Types in Soils Collected from Geographically Distant Locations, Lora B. Perkins, Gary Hatfield, and Erin K. Espeland


Long-distance Dispersal of a Subadult Male Cougar from South Dakota to Connecticut Documented with DNA Evidence, Jason E. Hawley, Paul W. Rego, Adrian P. Wydeven, Michael K. Schwartz, Tabitha C. Viner, Roland Kays, Kristine L. Pilgrim, and Jonathan A. Jenks


Modeling Common Carp Under-ice Movement Using Hierarchical Markov Simulation, Douglas E. Armstrong, Matthew J. Hennen, Christopher P. Saunders, Thomas Brandenburger, Michael L. Brown, and Cedric Neumann


Modeling the Effects of Tile Drain Placement on the Hydrologic Function of Farmed Prairie Wetlands, Brett Warner, John Tracy, W. Carter Johnson, Richard Voldseth, Glenn R. Guntenspergen, and Bruce Millett


Otolith Microchemistry Reveals Natal Origins of Walleyes in Missouri River Reservoirs, Andrew K. Carlson, Mark J. Fincel, and Brian D.S. Graeb


Potential Direct and Indirect Effects of Climate Change on a Shallow Natural Lake Fish Assemblage, Jason J. Breeggemann, Mark A. Kaemingk, Timothy J. DeBates, Craig P. Paukert, Jacob R. Krause, Alexander P. Letvin, Tanner M. Stevens, David W. Willis, and Steven R. Chipps


Rapid Surface Water Volume Estimations in Beaver Ponds, Daniel J. Karran, Cherie J. Westbrook, Joseph M. Wheaton, Carol A. Johnston, and Angela Bedard-Haughn


Research Update: Bud Bank Ecology for Understanding Perennial Grass Persistence, Lan Xu


Seed Source May Determine Field-Specific Germination and Emergence: The Source by Planting Environment Interaction, Erin K. Espeland, Lora B. Perkins, Matthew E. Horning, and Richard C. Johnson


Spatial and Temporal Distinction of Microelemental Signatures of Missouri River Tributaries, M. R. Wuellner, J.D. Grote, and M.J. Fincal


Spatial Ecology and Survival of Swainson's Hawks (Buteo swainsoni) in the Northern Great Plains, Will M. Inselman, Shubham Datta, Jonathan A. Jenks, Robert W. Klaver, and Troy Grovenburg


Synchrony in larval yellow perch abundance: the influence of the Moran Effect during early life history, Daniel J. Dembkowski, David W. Willis, and Melissa R. Wuellner


The Effects of Patch-Burn Grazing on Vegetation Structural Heterogeneity in the Northern Tallgrass Prairie of South Dakota, Alexander J. Smart, Lora B. Perkins, Pete J. Bauman, Tara N. Schramm, Matthew J. Nelson, Pete J. Bauman, Sharon A. Clay, and David E. Clay


Urban Heat Islands as Viewed by Microwave Radiometers and Thermal Time Indices, Lan H. Nguyen and Geoffrey M. Henebry


Urban–Rural Contrasts in Central-Eastern European Cities Using a MODIS 4 Micron Time Series, Monika Tomaszewska and Geoffrey M. Henebry


Use of Ecological Sites in Managing Wildlife and Livestock: An Example with Prairie Dogs, John R. Hendrickson, Patricia S. Johnson, Mark A. Liebig, Kevin K. Sedivec, and Gary A. Halvorson


Validation of a Technique for Estimating Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Biomass from Canopy Volume, Christopher G. Misar, Lan Xu, Arvid Boe, Roger N. Gates, and Patricia S. Johnson


Viewing Global Megacities Through MODIS 4-μm Radiance: Effects of Time of Year, Latitude, Land Cover, and View Zenith Angle, Monika Tomaszewska, V. Kovalskyy, Christopher Small, and Geoffrey M. Henebry


Where Do We Go from Here? ICE Connects Employers and Educators to Bring Fisheries to the Next Level, Trent M. Sutton, Katie N. Bertrand, James R. Jackson, Jeffrey C. Jolly, Quinton E. Phelps, James B. Reynolds, and Melissa R. Wuellner


Winter Habitat Quality but not Long- distance Dispersal Influences Apparent Reproductive Success in a Migratory Bird, Clark S. Rushing, Peter P. Marra, and Michele R. Dudash

Publications from 2015


A Comparative Study of the Effects of Non-starch Polysaccharide Gums on Physical Properties of Single-screw Extruded Aquafeed, Michael Brown, Parisa Fallahi, Kasiviswanathan Muthukumarappan, Poonam Singha, and Scott Sindelar


Annual Variation in Long-distance Dispersal Driven by Breeding and Non-breeding Season Climatic Conditions in a Migratory Bird, Clark S. Rushing, Michele R. Dudash, Colin E. Studds, and Peter P. Marra


Are Land-use Changes Reflected in Diets of Mourning Doves (Zenaida macroura) in Eastern South Dakota, Joshua B. Smith, Troy Grovenburg, Matthew A. Perrion, Jason M. Augspurger, Trevor W. Bultje, Anna M. Robinson, Brandi L. Crider, Datta Shubham, and Jonathan A. Jenks