This collection houses publications generated by the faculty of the Department of Natural Resource Management.
Publications from 2009
Dietery Response of Sympatric Deer to Fire Using Stable ISotope Analysis of Liver Tissue, W. D. Walter, T. J. Zimmerman, D. M. Leslie Jr., and J. A. Jenks
Dual Scale Trend Analysis Distinguishes Climatic from Anthropogenic Effects on the Vegetated Land Surface, K. M. de Beurs, C. K. Wright, and G. M. Henebry
Molt Migration by Giant Canada Geese in Eastern South Dakota, Charles D. Dieter and Bobby J. Anderson
Nesting Ecology of Greater Sage-Grouse Centrocercus urophasianus at the Eastern Edge of their Historic Distribution, Katie M. Herman-Brunson, Kent C. Jensen, Nicholas W. Kaczor, Christopher C. Swanson, Mark A. Rumble, and Robert W. Klaver
Performance Characteristics of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fed Diets Containing Graded Levels of Fuel-Based Distllers Dried Grains with Solubles, T. W. Schaeffer, M. L. Brown, and K. A. Rosentrater
Planted Grasslands and Native Sod Prairie: Equivalent Habitat for Grassland Birds, Kristel K. Bakker and Kenneth F. Higgins
Reanalysis Data Underestimate Significant Changes in Growing Season Weather in Kazakhstan, C. K. Wright, K. M. de Beurs, Z. K. Akhmadiyeva, P. Y. Groisman, and G. M. Henebry
Remote Sensing of Vegetation 3D Structure for Biodiversity and Habitat: Review and Implications for LiDAR-RaDAR Spaceborne Missions, K. M. Bergen, S. J. Goetz, R. O. Dubayah, G. M. Henebry, C. T. Hunsaker, M. L. Imhoff, R. F. Nelson, G. G. Parker, and V. C. Radeloff
Publications from 2008
Channel and Island Change in the Lower Platte River, Eastern Nebraska, USA: 1855–2005, R. M. Joeckel and G. M. Henebry
Characterizing Tropical Forest Spatio-temporal Heterogeneity Using the Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index (WDRVI), N. Aguilar-Amuchastegui and G. M. Henebry
Factors Affecting Road Mortality of Whitetailed Deer in Eastern South Dakota, Troy W. Grovenburg, Jonathan A. Jenks, Robert W. Klaver, Kevin L. Monteith, Dwight H. Galster, Ron J. Schauer, Wilbert M. Morlock, and Joshua A. Delger
Northern Annular Mode Effects on the Land Surface Phenologies of Northern Eurasia, K. M. de Beurs and G. M. Henebry
Unlocking the Rhythm of the Seasons in the Face of Global Change: Challenges and Opportunities for Phenological Research in the 21st Century, J. T. Morisette, A. D. Richardson, A. Knapp, J. Fisher, E. Graham, J. Abatzoglou, B. Wilson, D. D. Breshears, G. M. Henebry, J. M. Hanes, and L. Liang
War, Drought, and Phenology: Changes in the Land Surface Phenology of Afghanistan Since 1982, K. M. de Beurs and G. M. Henebry
Publications from 2007
Assessing Sustainability Indicators for Tropical Forests: Spatio-temporal Heterogeneity, Logging Intensity, and Dung Beetle Communities, N. Aguilar-Amuchastegui and G. M. Henebry
Model Estimation of Land-Use Effects on Water Levels of Northern Prairie Wetlands, Richard A. Voldseth, W.Carter Johnson, Tagir Gilmanov, Glenn R. Guntenspergen, and Bruce V. Millett
Publications from 2006
Prairie Wetlands and Climate Change - Droughts and Ducks on the Prairies, Glenn R. Guntenspergen, W.Carter Johnson, and David E. Naugle
Publications from 2005
Cattle and Wooded Draws: A Second Look, Susan E. Boettcher and W.Carter Johnson
Vulnerability of Northern Prairie Wetlands to Climate Change, W.Carter Johnson, Bruce V. Millett, Tagir Gilmanov, Richard A. Voldseth, Glenn R. Guntenspergen, and David E. Naugle
Publications from 2004
Influence of Weather Extremes on the Water Levels of Glaciated Prairie Wetlands, W.Carter Johnson, Karen A. Poiani, and Glenn Guntenspergen
Publications from 2002
Riparian Vegetation Diversity Along Regulated Rivers: Contribution of Novel and Relict Habitats, W.Carter Johnson
Publications from 2000
South Dakota Fisheries: An Evaluation of a Chemical Immersion Marking Technique for Juvenile Yellow Perch and Application to a Stocking Assessment of Marsh-Reared Yellow Perch into Eastern South Dakota Lakes, Michael L. Brown, Todd St. Sauver, David O. Lucchesi, Jennifer L. Glib, and M. Elizabeth Reinhart
Tree Recruitment and Survival in Rivers: Influence of Hydrological Processes, W.Carter Johnson
Publications from 1998
Adjustment of Riparian Vegetation to River Regulation in the Great Plains, USA, W.Carter Johnson
The Mortenson Ranch: Cattle and Trees at Home on the Range. A Restoration Guidebook, Susan E. Boettcher, W. Carter Johnson, Scott Kronberg, F. Robert Gartner, Clarence Todd, Jeff Mortenson, and Scott Fausti
Publications from 1997
Effects of Weevil Larvae on Acorn Use by Blue Jays, M. D. Dixon, W.Carter Johnson, and C. S. Adkisson
Publications from 1933
An Economic Study of the Food Habits of the Ring-Necked Pheasant in South Dakota, H.C. Severin and South Dakota Department of Game and Fish