This collection houses publications generated by the faculty of the Department of Natural Resource Management.


Publications from 2014


Assessing the Impacts of Climate and Land Use and Land Cover Change on the Freshwater Availability in the Brahmaputra River Basin, M. S. Pervez and G. M. Henebry


Beaver Pond Effects on Carbon Storage in Soils, Carol A. Johnston


Bed-Site Selection by Neonatal White-tailed Deer in Central North Dakota, Brian A. Schaffer, Jonathan A. Jenks, Troy Grovenburg, and William F. Jensen


Biomass yield from Planted Mixtures and Monocultures of Native Prairie Vegetation Across a Heterogeneous Farm Landscape, Cody J. Silverberg, W.Carter Johnson, Vance Owens, Arvid Boe, Tom Schumacher, Kurt Reitsma, Chang Oh Hong, Craig Novotny, Malia Volke, and Brett Werner


Biomass Yield from Planted Mixtures and Monocultures of Native Prairie Vegetation Across a Heterogeneous Farm Landscape, Cody J. Zilverberg, W.Carter Johnson, Vance Owens, Arvid Boe, Tom Schumacher, Kurt Reitsma, Change Oh Hong, Craig Novotony, Malia Volke, and Brett Werner


Climate Forcing of Wetland Landscape Connectivity in the Great Plains, N. E. McIntyre, C. K. Wright, S. Swain, K. Hayhoe, G. Liu, F. Schwartz, and G. M. Henebry


Competition, Legacy, and Priority and the Success of Three Invasive Species, Lora B. Perkins and Gary Hatfield


Detecting the Influence of Best Management Practices on Vegetation Near Ephemeral Streams With Landsat Data, Matthew Rigge, Alexander Smart, Bruce Wylie, and Kendall de Van Kamp


Disease and Predation: Sorting out Causes of a Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) Decline, Joshua B. Smith, Jonathan A. Jenks, Troy Grovenburg, and Robert W. Klaver


Distribution and Population Density of Jackrabbits in South Dakota, Charles D. Dieter and Dustin J. Schaible


Dueling Land Ethics: Uncovering Agricultural Stakeholder Mental Models to Better Understand Recent Land Use Conversion, Benjamin L. Turner, Melissa R. Wuellner, Timothy Nichols, and Roger Gates


Dynamic Connectivity of Temporary Wetlands in the Southern Great Plains, L. Ruiz, N. Parikh, L. J. Heintzman, S. Collins, S. Starr, C. Wright, G. M. Henebry, N. van Gestel, and N. McIntyre


Bromus inermis and Elymus canadenis but not Poa pratenis Demonstrate Strong Competitive Effects and All Benefit from Priority, Emily Ulrich and Lora Perkins


Environmental Variables Measured at Multiple Spatial Scales Exert Uneven Influence on Fish Assemblages of Floodplain Lakes, Daniel J. Dembkowski and L.E. Miranda


Evaluation of Five Herbicide Treatments to Control Yellow Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris), Randy D. Johnson, Troy W. Grovenburg, Lora B. Perkins, Jonathan A. Jenks, Will M. Inselman, and Christopher C. Swanson


Gape:Body Size Relationship for Smallmouth Bass, Craig L. Schake, Daniel J. Dembkowski, and Melissa R. Wuellner


Growing Spartina Pectinata in Previously Farmed Prairie Wetlands for Economic and Ecological Benefits, Cody J. Zilverberg, W.Carter Johnson, Arvid Boe, Vance Owens, David W. Archer, Craig Novotny, Malia Volke, and Brett Wener


Growing Spartina Pectinate in Previously Farmed Prairie Wetlands for Economic and Ecological Benefits, Cody Zilverberg, W.Carter Johnson, Arvid Boe, Vance Owens, David W. Archer, Craig Novotny, Malia Volke, and Brett Werner


History of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences (through 2011) And Department of Natural Resource Management (as of August 2011) South Dakota State University, Department of Natural Resource Management


Hydrological Dynamics of Temporary Wetlands in the Southern Great Plains as a Function of Surrounding Land Use, S. D. Collins, L. J. Heintzman, S. M. Starr, C. K. Wright, G. M. Henebry, and N. E. McIntyre


Incorporating Detection Probability Into Northern Great Plains Pronghorn Population Estimates, Christopher N. Jacques, Jonathan A. Jenks, Troy Grovenburg, Robert W. Klaver, and Christopher S. DePerno


Influence of Landscape Characteristics on Retention of Expandable Radiocollars on Young Ungulates, Troy Grovenburg, Robert W. Klaver, Christopher N. Jacques, Todd J. Brinkman, Christopher C. Swanson, Christopher S. DePerno, Kevin L. Monteith, Jaret D. Sievers, Vernon C. Bleich, John G. Kie, and Jonathan A. Jenks


Invasion is Contingent on Species Assemblage and Invasive Species Identity inExperimental Rehabilitation Plots, A. Joshua Leffler, Eamonn D. Leonard, Jeremy J. James, and Thomas A. Monaco


Land Surface Anomalies Preceding the 2010 Russian Heat Wave and a Link to the North Atlantic Oscillation, C. K. Wright, K. M. de Beurs, and G. M. Henebry


Migrating Ducks in Inland North America Ignore Major Rivers as Leading Lines, Benjamin J. O'Neal, Joshua D. Stafford, and Ronald P. Larkin


Movement and Spatial Distribution of Common Carp in a South Dakota Glacial Lake System: Implications for Management and Removal, Matthew J. Hennen and Michael Brown


Phenology of Annulus Formation in Walleye and Smallmouth Bass Otoliths, Brianna J. Graff, Daniel J. Dembkowski, and Melissa R. Wuellner


Profitable Prairie Restoration: The EcoSun Prairie Farm Experiment, Cody Zilverberg, W.Carter Johnson, David Archer, Scott Kronberg, Thomas Schumacher, Arvid Boe, and Craig Novotny


Projections of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Precipitation Downscaled from GCM Predictors, M. S. Pervez and G. M. Henebry


Rainbow Trout Rearing Performance, Intestinal Morphology, and Immune Response after Long-term Feeding of High Levels of Fermented Soybean Meal, Michael E. Barnes, Michael Brown, Timothy Bruce, Scott Sindelar, and Regg Neiger


Re-Evaluating Neonatal-Age Models for Ungulates: Does Model Choice Affect Survival Estimates?, Troy W. Grovenburg, Kevin L. Monteith, Christopher N. Jacques, Robert W. Klaver, Christopher S. Deperno, Sophie L. Gilbert, Todd J. Brinkman, Kyle B. Monteith, Joshua B. Smith, Vernon C. Bleich, Christopher C. Swanson, and Jonathan A. Jenks


Relating the Movement of a Rapidly Migrating Ungulate to Spatiotemporal Patterns of Forage Quality, Patrick E. Lendrum, Charles R. Anderson, Kevin L. Monteith, Jonathan A. Jenks, and R. Terry Bowyer


Reproductive Effects on Fecal Nitrogen as an Index of Diet Quality: An Experimental Assessment, Kyle B. Monteith; Kevin L. Monteith; R. Terry Bowyer; David M. Leslie, Jr.; and Jonathan A. Jenks


Response of Vegetation Growth and Productivity to Spring Climate Indicators in the Conterminous United States Derived from Satellite Remote Sensing Data Fusion, Y. Kim, J. S. Kimball, K. Didan, and G. M. Henebry


Survey of Turtles Nesting on the Missouri River on the South Dakota–Nebraska Border, Charles D. Dieter, Laura A. Dixon, Samantha L. Ronneingen, and Tait Ronningen


The Dammed Missouri: Prospects for Recovering Lewis and Clark's River, W.Carter Johnson, Malia A. Volke, Michael L. Scott, and Mark D. Dixon


Wetland Issues Affecting Waterfowl Conservation in North America, Heath M. Hagy, Scott C. Yaich, John W. Simpson, Eduardo Carrera, David A. Haukos, W.Carter Johnson, Charles R. Loesch, Fritz A. Reid, Scott E. Stephens, Ralph W. Tiner, Brett A. Werner, and Greg S. Yarris

Publications from 2013


Analysis of Waveform Lidar Data Using Shape-based Metrics, J. D. Muss, N. Aguilar-Amuchastegui, D. J. Mladenoff, and Geoffrey Henebry


An Investigation into Land Use Changes and Consequences in the Northern Great Plains Using Systems Thinking and Dynamics, B.L. Turner, R. Gates, M. Wuellner, B. H. Dunn, and L. O. Tedeschi


Annual Cover Crops Do Not Inhibit Early Growth of Perennial Grasses on a Disturbed Restoration Soil in the Northern Great Plains, USA, Erin K. Espeland and Lora B. Perkins


A Survey of Aquatic Invertebrate Communities in Nebraska Sandhill Lakes Reveals Potential Alternative Ecosystem States, J.C. Jolley, E.S. Albin, M.A. Kaemingk, and D.W. Willis


Continuous, Pulsed and Disrupted Nutrient Subsidy Effects on Ecosystem Productivity, Stability, and Energy Flow, Michael J. Weber and Michael L. Brown


Density-Dependence and Environmental Conditions Regulate Recruitment and First-Year Growth of Common Carp in Shallow Lakes, Michael J. Weber and Michael L. Brown


Detecting Channel Riparian Vegetation Response to Best-Management-Practices Implementation in Ephemeral Streams With the Use of Spot High-Resolution Visible Imagery, Kendall Vande Kamp; Matthew Rigge; Nels H. Troelstrup, Jr.; Alexander J. Smart; and Bruce Wylie


Development of an Asian Carp Size Structure Index and Application through Demonstration, Quinton E. Phelps and David W. Willis


Effects of Plant Phenology and Vertical Height on Accuracy of Radio-telemetry Locations, Troy Grovenburg, Christopher N. Jacques, Robert W. Klaver, Christopher S. DePerno, Chad P. Lehman, Todd J. Brinkman, Kevin A. Robling, Susan P. Rupp, and Jonathan A. Jenks


Effects of Simulated Cold Fronts on the Survival and Behaviour of Yellow Perch Perca Flavescens Yolk-sac Fry, J. A. VanDeHey, M. A. Kaemingk, A. C. Jansen, B. D. S. Graeb, and D. J. Dembkowski


Evaluation of a Coupled Event-driven Phenology and Evapotranspiration Model for Croplands in the United States Northern Great Plains, V. Kovalskyy, G. M. Henebry, D. P. Roy, B. Adusei, M. Hansen, G. Senay, and D. M. Mocko


Evidence for 20th Century Climate Warming and Wetland Drying in the North American Prairie Pothole Region, Brett A. Werner, W. Carter Johnson, and Glenn R. Guntenspergen


Exploring the Middle Infrared Region for Urban Remote Sensing: Seasonal and View Angle Effects, C. P. Krehbiel, V. Kovalskyy, and G. M. Henebry