South Dakota State University, Communication Studies Publications | School of Communication and Journalism | South Dakota State University


Submissions from 2022


Attitudinal and Emotional Reactions to the Insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, Jenn Anderson and Kathryn D. Coduto


Finding the Invisible Leader: When A Priori Opinion Leader Identification is Impossible, Brian C. Britt, Rebecca K. Britt, Jenn Anderson, Nancy Fahrenwald, and Shana Harming


Listen Up!: Measuring and Mitigating College Students’ Most Commonly-Reported Listening Challenges, Karla Hunter, Erin Lionberger, Ashley Phillips, Kaitlyn Luebbert, and Andrea N. Briggs


The Shakedown of Warm-Ups: An Assessment of Pre-Speech Exercises' Impact on Public Speaking Anxiety, Joshua Westwick, Kelli J. Chromey, Karla Hunter, and Andrea Carlile

Submissions from 2021


Speaking of Values: Value-Expressive Communication and Exercise Intentions, Jenn Anderson, Maria Knight Lapinski, Monique Mitchell Turner, Tai-Quan Peng, and Ralf Schmälzle


“Sharing Hope and Healing”: A Culturally Tailored Social Media Campaign to Promote Living Kidney Donation and Transplantation Among Native Americans, Rebecca K. Britt, Brian C. Britt, Jennifer Anderson, and Nancy Fahrenwald


Cognitive Preoccupation with Breaking News and Compulsive Social Media Use: Relationships with Online Engagement and Motivations for Use, Kathryn D. Caduto and Jennifer Anderson


Online Teaching: Challenge or Opportunity for Communication Education Scholars?, Sherwyn P. Morreale, Janice Thorpe, and Joshua N. Westwick


Advancing an Agenda for Instructional Preparedness: Lessons Learned From the Transition to Remote Learning, Joshua N. Westwick and Sherwyn P. Morreale

Submissions from 2020

Stigmas and Filter Bubbles: How the Russian Misinformation Campaign in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign Links to Stigma Communication, Jenn Anderson


Measuring Essential Learning Outcomes for Public Speaking, Melissa A. Broeckelman-Post, Karla M. Hunter, Joshua N. Westwick, Angela Hosek, Kristina Ruiz-Mesa, John Hooker, and Lindsey B. Anderson

Best Practice for Fostering Student-Development in Online Courses with Dually-enrolled Students, Karla M. Hunter, Joshua N. Westwick, and Kelli J. Chromey

Best Practices for Mitigating the Challenges and Maximizing the Benefits of Online Dual-Credit Courses, Karla M. Hunter, Joshua N. Westwick, and Kelli J. Chromey

Submissions from 2019


Native Americans’ Memorable Conversations About Living Kidney Donation and Transplant, Jennifer Anderson, Rebecca K. Britt, Brian C. Britt, Shana Harming, and Nancy Fahrenwald


“I see your True Colors”: Mitigating Grouphate by Exploring Personality Differences, Karla M. Hunter and Joshua N. Westwick


Best Practices for Facilitating Difficult Dialogues in the Basic Communication Course, Kristina Ruiz-Mesa and Karla M. Hunter


Anxiety and Communication Competence in the Honors Basic Public Speaking Course: An Intervention and Formative Assessment, Joshua N. Westwick, Karla M. Hunter, and Barb Kleinjan

Submissions from 2018


Assessing Markers of Student Development for Dually and Non-Dually Enrolled Students in an Online Basic Public Speaking Course, Joshua N. Westwick, Karla M. Hunter, and Kelli J. Chromey

Submissions from 2017


Evaluation of the Volunteer Doula Program at Brookings Health System, Jenn Anderson and Rebecca A. Kuehl


Blending Qualitative, Quantitative, and Rhetorical Methods to Engage Citizens in Public Deliberation to Improve Workplace Breastfeeding Support, Jenn Anderson, Rebecca A. Kuehl, and Sara A. Mehltretter Drury


Brookings Supports Breastfeeding: Using Public Deliberation as a Community-Engaged Approach to Dissemination of Research, Jenn Anderson, Rebecca A. Kuehl, Sara A. Mehltretter Drury, Lois Tschetter, Mary Schwaegerl, Julia Yoder, Heidi Gullickson, Jammison Lamp, Charlotte Bachman, and Marilyn Hildreth


Metaphors that Communicate Weight-Based Stigma in Political News: A Case Study of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, J. Anderson, Y. Zhu, J. Zhuang, J.C. Nelson, M.J. Bresnahan, and X. Yan


The ‘Pumpgate’ Incident: Stigma against Lactating Mothers in the U.S. Workplace, Mary Bresnahan, Jie Zhuang, Jennifer Anderson, Yi Zhu, Joshua Nelson, and Xiaodi Yan


Media Presentation of Breastfeeding Beliefs in Newspapers, Rose Hitt, Jie Zhuang, and Jennifer Anderson


A Proven Public Speaking Course Design to Help Reduce Speakers Anxiety, Karla M. Hunter and Joshua N. Westwick


Breastfeeding Support in the Workplace: The Relationships Among Breastfeeding Support, Work–Life Balance, and Job Satisfaction, Amanda M. Jantzer, Jenn Anderson, and Rebecca A. Kuehl


Communicatively Making Sense of Doulas within the U.S. Master Birth Narrative: Doulas as Liminal Characters, Harley Kranstuber Horstman, Jennifer Anderson, and Rebecca A. Kuehl

Submissions from 2016


More Alike Than Different: Learning About Diversity From People with Disabilities, Jenn Anderson, Joshua Westwick, and Justin Anderson


“Governor of the House of Pancake”: A Content Analysis of the Political Framing of Chris Christie’s Size in Online News Media, Mary Bresnahan, Jie Zhuang, Jenn Anderson, Yi Zhu, and Gregory Viken


Obesity Stigma and Negative Perceptions of Political Leadership Competence, Mary Bresnahan, Jie Zhuang, Yi Zhu, Jennifer Anderson, and Joshua Nelson


“Reality” Revisited: Self-Assessment of Terministic Screens Through a Political Autobiography Assignment, Karla M. Hunter


Weight-Based Stigma and Self-Esteem: A Test and Extension of the Stigma Communication Model, Andie Malterud and Jenn Anderson


A Digital Divide? Assessing Self-Perceived Communication Competency in an Online and Face-to-Face Basic Public Speaking Course, Joshua N. Westwick, Karla M. Hunter, and Laurie L. Haleta

Submissions from 2015


Impact of Student Canvassing for Breastfeeding-Friendly Business Initiative, Jennifer Anderson


Student Feedback on Advocacy, Jennifer Anderson


Policies Aren’t Enough The Importance of Interpersonal Communication about Workplace Breastfeeding Support, Jenn Anderson, Rebecca A. Kuehl, Sara A. Mehltretter Drury, Lois Tschetter, Mary Schwaegerl, Marilyn Hildreth, Charlotte Bachman, Heidi Gullickson, Julia Yoder, and Jamison Lamp


Theoretical Implications Addressing Rural College Students’ Organ Donation Behaviors, Rebecca K. Britt, Brian C. Britt, and Jennifer Anderson

The Writing on the Wall: Exploring Student Experiences with Public Speaking Anxiety, Hanna Holmquist, Kama Konda-Varilek, and Joshua N. Westwick


Designing Public Communication About Doulas: Analyzing Presence and Absence in Promoting a Volunteer Doula Program, Rebecca A. Kuehl and Jenn Anderson


Civic Engagement and Public Health Issues: Community Support for Breastfeeding Through Rhetoric and Health Communication Collaborations, Rebecca A. Kuehl, Sara A. Mehltretter Drury, and Jenn Anderson


Social Networks and the Communication of Norms About Prenatal Care in Rural Mexico, Maria Knight Lapinski, Jenn Anderson, Shannon Cruz, and Peter Lapine


Report on the Community Conversation on Breastfeeding in Brookings Businesses, Sara A. Mehltretter Drury, Rebecca A. Kuehl, and Jenn Anderson


A Life-Changing GIFT: The Impact of Classroom Climate and Community Building, Joshua Westwick and Kelli J. Chromey


Shaking in Their Digital Boots: Anxiety and Competence in the Online Basic Public Speaking Course, Joshua N. Westwick, Karla M. Hunter, and Laurie L. Haleta

Submissions from 2014


The Impact of Personal Metaphors and Memorable Interpersonal Communication on Body Satisfaction, Jenn Anderson, Mary Bresnahan, and Briana N. DeAngelis


Combatting Weight-based Cyberbullying on Facebook with the Dissenter Effect, Jenn Anderson, Mary Bresnahan, and Catherine Musatics


Assessing Success: The Impacts of a Fundamentals of Speech Course on Decreasing Public Speaking Anxiety, Karla M. Hunter, Joshua N. Westwick, and Laurie L. Haleta

Instructor's Corner #1: Teaching Students to Face Their Fears Eases Public Speaking Anxiety, Karla M. Hunter, Joshua N. Westwick, and Laurie L. Haleta


Instructor's Corner #1: Teaching Students to Face Their Fears Eases Public Speaking Anxiety, Karla Hunter, Joshua Westwick, and Laurie Haleta


Community Conversation Guide: How Can Our Community Support the Breastfeeding Experience in Brookings Businesses, Becky Kuehl, Jenn Anderson, Sara A. Mehltretter Drury, Charlotte Bachman, Marilyn Hildreth, Jamison Lamp, Mary Schwaegerl, Lois Tschetter, and Julia Yoder


Y R U Not Responding Email Communication JCSTAND 2014.pdf, Rebecca Kuehl, Joshua Westwick, and Karla Hunter


Social Influence in Child Care Centers: A Test of the Theory of Normative Social Behavior, Maria Knight Lapinski, Jenn Anderson, Alicia Shugart, and Ewen Todd


Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety: Practical Applications for Classroom Instruction, Joshua Westwick


Exploring the Canons of Rhetoric through Phil Davison’s Campaign Stump Speech, Joshua N. Westwick and Kelli J. Chromey

Submissions from 2013


Communicating Stigma about Body Size, Jenn Anderson and Mary Bresnahan


Normative Beliefs and Social Support in Weight Loss Communication, Jennifer Anderson, Jennifer Cornacchlone, and Erin K. Maloney

My Eyes Adored You: A Content Analysis of Newsmagazine Cover Images in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election Campaign, Karla Hunter, Jerry Overton, and Jessica Lewis


Using an Ecological Framework to Understand Parent–Child Communication about Nutritional Decision-Making and Behavior, Khadidiatou Ndiaye, Kami J. Silk, Jennifer Anderson, Haley Kranstuber Horstman, Amanda Carpenter, Allison Hurley, and Jeffrey Proulx


Understanding Proxemics through Restrooms: A “Hands-Off” Approach to Personal Space and Communication, Joshua Westwick

Submissions from 2012


Whose Voice Counts? A Critical Examination of Discourses Surrounding the Body Mass Index, Jenn Anderson

Submissions from 2011


Vanity vs. Gluttony: Competing Christian Discourses on Personal Health, Jenn Anderson

Energizing a Collaborative Community, Karla Hunter, M. Moeller, and K. Miller


Concern as Motivation for Protection: An Investigation of Mothers' Concern About Daughters' Breast Cancer Risk, Lindsay Neuberger, Kami J. Silk, Doshik Yun, Nicholas David Bowman, and Jenn Anderson