This community contains the theses and dissertations of the South Dakota State University, Department of Economics.
Due to copyright restrictions, the collection contains both open access and university access theses and dissertations. University access items are only available to SDSU users, and on-campus visitors. Non-SDSU users wishing to access restricted materials may request items through their institution’s interlibrary loan services.
ETDS from 1960
An Analysis of Prices Paid by Fifteen Eastern South Dakota Slaughter Hog Market Outlets, 1959-1960, Gene E. Murra
Comparisons of the Profitability of Certified and Uncertified Alfalfa Seed Production in South Dakota, Arnold Lyle Aspelin
Economic and Organizational Aspects of Cooperative Feedyards, Harlan J. Dirks
Least-cost Sites for Cooperative Egg Marketing Federations for Eastern South Dakota, John S. Arnold
The Cost of Manufacturing Butter and Non-fat Milk Solids in Two Model plants in South Dakota, Cleveland Aldridge Christophe
ETDS from 1959
A Linear Programming Approach to the Optimum Farm Organization for a Typical 480-Acre Farm Under Partially Irrigated Conditions in Central South Dakota, Clifford Dwaine Harmelink
An Analysis of Farm Enlargement by Owner-Operators in Spink County, South Dakota, 1958, Kenneth J. Binkley
A Search for Rules for International Wheat Surplus Disposal, James L. Liebfried
A Study of Selected Factors Related To Differential Participation of Members in a Sample of South Dakota Purchasing Cooperatives in 1958, Donald F. Novey
Economic Opportunities Available to Farmers on 160-Acre Farms in Southeastern South Dakota, Leonard R. Benning
Estimating Output and Operating Expenses of Municipally-Owned Public Utilities in Brookings, South Dakota, 1959 to 1970, Rodney Delos Peterson
Grain Merchandising at the Country Elevator, Arthur B. Sogn
Indexes of Seasonal Variation for South Dakota Egg Production: A Method, Iva Lee Marie Skov
Livestock Auctions in South Dakota, Dale Eldon Roth
Marketing Northern Alfalfa Seed, Dale C. Dahl
United States Wheat Surpluses and the Role of the Farmer Organizations in Their Utilization, Gangadhar Kori
ETDS from 1958
Acreage Response of South Dakota Wheat Producers to Expected Price Changes, 1955, Richard Hoyt Kruse
Estimating Commercial Expansion in Brookings Resulting from the Anticipated Increases in South Dakota State College Enrollments, Norma Ruth Koch
Local Financing of Small Watershed Projects, Gordon D. Rose
The Feasibility of Organizing a Federation of Egg Marketing Cooperatives in Eastern South Dakota, Walter R. Swanson
ETDS from 1957
A Preliminary Study of the Relationship of Yield to Preseasonal Climatological Factors in Central South Dakota, Donald T. Searls
A Study of the Opportunities for Beginning Farmers to Become Established in Farming in Spink County, South Dakota, Gordon F. Ferguson
Factors Influencing the Consolidation of Cooperative Creameries in South Dakota, Ivan R. Hanson
Farm Business Management Data and Practices in the North James Area, Roland J. Brunsma
Marketing Eggs in Eastern South Dakota : A Study of Pricing Policies and Practices of Country Egg Dealers, Turner Leo Oyloe
Obstacles to Increased Production of Meat-Type Hogs : A Report of Surveys of Swine Producers and Marketing Agencies, Edward Dailey
Tenant Interest in Alternative Leasing Arrangements in Moody County, South Dakota, 1955, Vernon E. Bau
The Economic Feasibility of Whole Milk Procurement by Creameries in Eastern South Dakota, Ralph O. Felberg
ETDS from 1956
A Farm Building Evaluation Technique for Tax Assessment, Joshua F. Robinson
Consumption and Preference Patterns for Butter and Margarine in Two South Dakota Cities, Norman L. Rollag
Factors Affecting Prices Received by South Dakota Egg Producers : A Pilot Study, J. Patrick Brown
Farm Equipment Retailing in South Dakota, C. John. Fliginger
Marketing Cream in Plastic Bags, James L. Olson
ETDS from 1955
A Preliminary Study of Farmer Bankruptcy Experiences in the Dakotas 1928-1952, James Munger
Suitability of South Dakota Locations for Straw Pulping Plants, Winston K. Ullman
ETDS from 1954
A Market News Service for Livestock Auctions in South Dakota, Gerald E. Marousek
ETDS from 1953
Achieving Farm Ownership in South Dakota Through the Farm Ownership Program of the Farmers Home Administration, Canute M. Johnson
Adjustments by a Central South Dakota Farmer to Weather and Price: 1928-1951, Robert W. Luken
Agricultural Production Trends in South Dakota, 1925-51, Robert J. Antonides
Estimating Commercial Expansion from Irrigation Development in the Oahe Unit, John E. Thompson
Farm Labor, Power and Machinery Performance for Selected Operations Under Dryland and Irrigated Conditions in Central South Dakota, James A. Ulvilden
Financing of Agricultural Cooperatives, Robert O. Gunderson
ETDS from 1952
A Study of Local Poultry Market News Service in South Dakota with Particular Reference to the Turkey Industry, Eugene B. Leugers
Effect on Yield and Grade of Holding Lambs in Packer's Yards, Jonathan Harvey Glover
ETDS from 1951
An Economic Study of Specialized Swine Production Possibilities in Southeastern South Dakota, Clarence A. Hustrulid
The Econometer : A Heuristic Device for the Study of Macro-economics, Marshall Leopold Remund
ETDS from 1950
Factors Affecting Loss in Quality of South Dakota Eggs, Robert J. Treacy
Farm Tenure Patterns and the Family Circle, Fred A. Wiswall
ETDS from 1949
A Study of the Marketing of Feeder Cattle and Calves by the Farmers and Ranchers of South Dakota, 1947, Charles C. Micheel
ETDS from 1948
Trends in Land Use and Crop Production 12 Federal Reclamation Projects Northern Great Plains, Earl F. Hodges
ETDS from 1946
Precipitation as a Basis for Estimating Crop Yields in Central South Dakota, Ray F. Pengra
ETDS from 1940
Management of the Permanent School Fund of South Dakota with Special Reference to House Joint Resolution No. 10, Oral A. Holm
ETDS from 1937
A Study of Business Activity in South Dakota, David Overacre Mesick
A Study of Production and Marketing of Butterfat and Butter in South Dakota, Lyle Morgan Bender
Management of County-Owned Lands in Northwestern South Dakota: With Special Reference to Leasing Procedure, Charles W. Loomer
Mortgage Loans on Farm Real Estate in Sample Areas in South Dakota, Howard C. Selvig
ETDS from 1936
An Analysis of Crop Production in South Dakota by Types of Farming Areas, Warren Richards Bailey
Index Numbers of South Dakota Farm Prices, Leslie Max Brown
ETDS from 1935
An Analysis of the Expenditures of South Dakota Counties from 1919 to 1935, George H. Phillips
A Study of Economic Activity in South Dakota, Glenn Aldrich Scott
A Study of Inequalities in Farm Real Estate Assessment in South Dakota, Norman Victor Strand
ETDS from 1934
An Analysis of the Bank Credit Situation in South Dakota, Roy James Smith
Reaction to Price Change by South Dakota Farmers, John Gordon McNeely
Trends of Property Taxes in Brookings County and in South Dakota from 1915 to 1938, Adlowe Lyle Larson
ETDS from 1933
Reliability and Adequacy of South Dakota Farm Price Data, John Muehlbeier
ETDS from 1921
Cooperative Marketing of Farm Products in South Dakota, Wendell Frichiof Kumlien
ETDS from 1895
A Study of the Wheat Market, William J. A. Schoppe