This community contains the theses and dissertations of the South Dakota State University, Department of Animal Science. The Department of Animal Science offers graduate programs leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Animal Science, or the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Biological Sciences.
Due to copyright restrictions, the collection contains both open access and university access theses and dissertations. University access items are only available to SDSU users, and on-campus visitors. Non-SDSU users wishing to access restricted materials may request items through their institution’s interlibrary loan services.


ETDS from 1959


A Study of Factors Influencing Weaning Weights of Beef Calves, Joe Allen Minyard

ETDS from 1958


Some Factors Influeneced by Honey Bees on Alfalfa Seed Production in South Dakota, Paul William Bergman


Results Obtained from New and Remodeled Poultry Houses in South Dakota, Boyd J. Bonzer


Comparison of Cellulose Digestion In vivo and In vitro, Charles Frederick LeFevre


Stilbestrol for Growing-fattening Cattle, Dean Vinton Radabaugh


Some Effects of Environment on Laying Hens, Lawrence U. Rubida


A Study of the Aspects of Vocational Agriculture Teacher Travel in South Dakota, Sylvan D. Vigness


A Study of the Spotted Alfalfa Aphid and the Potato leafhopper and Their Abundance in Relation to Certain Climatic Condition in Five Specific Areas in South Dakota, Mitchell J. Wrich


Effect of Various Feed Additives on Gain, Feed Efficiency and Digestibility of Rations by Lambs, Paul R. Zimmer

ETDS from 1957


Relative Attractiveness of Sugar and Liver to Phormia regina Meigen, David L. Billman


A Geographical Study of Housefly Resistance, Vernon H. Lee


The Posterior Spiracles of Hypoderma Lineatum de Villers (Diptera: Hypodermatidae) Larvae : Their Morphology and Development, Neal O. Morgan


The Effect of Vitamin D. Supplementation on the Growth and Development of Swine, Darwin Eugene Stolte


A Genetic Analysis of Economic Characteristics of Range Beef Heifers, Keith O. Zoellner

ETDS from 1956


Digestibility of Rations and Nitrogen Balance by Lambs as Influenced by Animal Fat, Urea, Soybean Meal and Linseed Meal, James King Turner


Effects of the Intensity of Grazing on Range Livestock Production, the Native Vegetation, and the Soil Complex, George Mason Van Dyne

ETDS from 1955


The Morphology of the Esophageal First Instar Larvae of Hypoderma Lineatum Devillers, Richard F. Halvorson


The Effects of Varying Levels of Alfalfa Hay in a Growing Fattening Ration for Pigs, LaVerne J. Kortan

ETDS from 1954


A Study of the Effects of Aureomycin Upon the Microflora of the Ovine Rumen, Milton Allison


Effect of Alfalfa Meal and Brewers Dried Yeast on Digestibility of Different Qualities of Prairie Hay by Cattle and Sheep, Leo DuBose


Effects of Antibiotics Fed to Pigs During the Growing-Fattening Period, Harold John Kurtz


Relation of Rate of Gain to Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle, Leo E. Lucas


Methods of Storing Alfalfa for Fattening Cattle, Leonard Herman Timmerman

ETDS from 1953


Effect of Level and Source of Protein on Digestibility of Different Qualities of Prairie Hay by Cattle and Sheep, Ralph Louis Braun


The Quality and Quantity of Ewe's Milk as Affected by Breed, Stage of Lactation, and Somatotropin, Darold Dean Shaffhausen

ETDS from 1952


Immature Corn for Growing-Fattening Pigs, Charles J. Heidenreich

ETDS from 1951


The Effect of Supplementing Winter Range Grazing on Beef Cow Body Weights, Calf Production, and Calf Gains, James Joy Kiser


Beef Production on Irrigated Pastures in South Dakota, John L. Leibel


The Influence of Time of Mating, Number of Matings, Injection of Stilbestrol and Pregnant Mare Serum Upon Fertilization Rate in Swine, Ward William Repp

ETDS from 1950


A Comparison of Feebar Barley, Norghum Sorghum, and Yellow Corn for Growing and Fattening Pigs, Hugh Raymond Barnett


A Study of Ovarian Abnormalities in Fowls, Donald F. Petersen

ETDS from 1949


Correction Factors for Adjusting Weights of Range Calves to a Constant Age, Christian Alfred Dinkel


The Effect of Wrapping Material on Freezing Rate, Quality and Cooking Losses of Beef Frozen and Stored in Home Freezer Units, James Robert Dynes


The Effect of Age of Gilt on Size of Litter, Clifford Inman Iverson


The Apparent Digestibility by Sheep of Prairie Hay Harvested at Three Stages of Maturity, Robert Manseau Jordan


A Study of the Heel Flies, Hypodermia Lineatum Devillers and Hypoderma Novis DeGeer, in South Dakota, John A. Lofgren


Systems of Producing Fat Yearlings for South Dakota, William Clark McCone


The Apparent Digestibility by Steers of a Wintering Ration Consisting of Prairie Hay Cut at Three Different Stages of Maturity Supplemented with Oats and Soybean Oil Meal, George Emmett Staples

ETDS from 1948


The Relative Accuracy of One-Day and Three-Day Weights of Range Cows, Leroy Henry Holt


The Apparent Digestibility of Prairie Hay Harvested at Three Stages of Maturity, Arnold Bernard Nelson


Carcass Differences in Inbred Lines and Linecrosses of Swine, Ellis Andine Pierce


The Effect of Grubs (Hypoderma lineatum and Hypoderma bovis) and Various Treatments for Grubs on Cattle in the Feed Lot, Odell L. Reinertson

ETDS from 1947


A Pathological Investigation of the Lake Poinsett Fish Disaster, Herbert Bach

ETDS from 1939


The Spiders of South Dakota, Allan G. Peterson

ETDS from 1937


The Ectoparasites of Some of the Rodents in the Vicinity of Brookings, South Dakota, Dermont E. Herreman

ETDS from 1934


A Study of the Sculpture of the Chorion of the Eggs of Eighteen South Dakota Grasshoppers (Acridiidae), Raymond Cecil Bushland

ETDS from 1933


A Key to Differentiate Nymphal Stages of Melanoplus Differentialis (Thomas) from Those of Melanoplus Bivittatus (Say), (Orthoptera); also, Descriptions of Instars and a Key for Identification of Nymphal Stages of these Two Species, Gerald Bishop Spawn

ETDS from 1932


Some Effects of a Constant Temperature and Different Relative Humidities Upon Egg Laying of Melanoplus Bivittatus Scudder., Millard Jewell Hatten


The Morphology of the Seminal Vesicles, Accessory Glands, and the Ejaculatory Canal of Melanoplus Differentialis (Thomas) and an External Morphological and a Histological Study of the Seminal Vesicles, Accessory Glands, and Ejaculatory Canal of this Grasshopper, Wilbur T. Reierson

ETDS from 1931


Studies in the Life History of the Croton Bug, Blatella Germanica (Linnaeus), Laurence Adams Carruth