This community houses work produced by South Dakota State University graduate students. The collection includes both born digital ETDs, and digitized versions of printed theses and dissertations from 1883 to present.
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Finally, the development of this collection is ongoing. If you are a former South Dakota State University graduate student and wish to include your work in Open PRAIRIE, please contact us.
ETDS from 1970
Soluble Proteins and Lipoproteins of Legumes in Relation to Bloat, Loren M. Rommann
Factors Influencing Asexual Spore Formation by Ceratocystis ULMI, Richard J. Roster
Characteristics of Low Income Families in Eastern South Dakota : An Examination of the Culture of Poverty Concept, James Lee Satterlee
Signal Attenuation in V.H.F. Biotelemetry, John Schmelzer
Flavor Factors Involved in Acceptability of Carp for Human Consumption, Clarice E. Shank
Ecology of the Black-Footed Ferret and the Black-Tailed Prairie Dog, Robert G. Sheets
Studies on in Vitro Boar Semen Storage, Wayne L. Singleton
Characteristics of Low-Income Families in the Head Start Program in Three Eastern South Dakota Counties, Christopher Lee Smith
Reliability Study of a Modified Los Angeles Rattler Test, Joe H. Smith
A Study of Protein Content and its Relationships to Other Phenotypic Characters in Iterspecific Oat Crosses, Leroy A. Spilde
The Symbiotic Nitrogen-Fixing Endophyte of Shepherdia Argentea, Ronald J. Stangeland
Immunofluorescent Detection of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B in Food and Culture Media, Raymond Lloyd Stark
Effect of Atrazine and its Carriers on the Grain Sorghum Plant, Clair E. Stymiest
Teaching Selected Clothing Concepts Through Independent Study in Beginning Clothing Construction, Jeanette C. Sweet
The effects of selected training intensities and durations on Improvement and Maintenance of Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Joel Austin Swisher
Effects of Orally Administered Allopurinol (Hyroxyprazolo 3,4-d pyrimidine) on Uric Acid, Selected Blood Lipid and Hemogram Parameters in Rabbits, Gary A. Thibodeau
Management and Nutrition of Early Weaned Foals, Brian P. Thiel
Sensitivity Analysis of the SDSU River Basin Model, Kunjipalu Thoppil
An Investigation of the Pollutional Characteristics of Runoff from Two Feedlots, Paul E. Thormodsgard
Optimum Design of Transversely Loaded Concrete Beam, Sheng Lung Tsai
Demonstration of Glutamate Dehydrogenase in Azotobacter Vinelandii, Jack A. Turner
A Comparative Analysis of Selected Characteristics of Male and Female Felony Offenders in Washington State Adult Correctional Institutions, 1964-1969, Vincent A. Van Der Hyde Jr.
The Policies and Procedures of Financing Interscholastic Athletics in Selected Public High Schools in South Dakota, William V. Wheeler
Interseeding as a Grassland improvement Practice in Central South Dakota, Roger P. Wickstrom
Changes in the Physical Status of High School Wrestlers : Brought about by Deconditioning, Lloyd D. Wilson
An Economic Analysis of Selected Irrigation Systems Applicable to the Eastern Missouri Slope Area of South Dakota, Myron W. Wolff
Sinusoidal Oscillators Using Integrated-Circuit Gates, Andy Y. Young
Survival of Fecal Coliforms and Fecal Streptococci in River Water, Joseph Walter Zerfas
ETDS from 1969
Evaluation of the Ovulated Follicle Technique as a means of Determining Pheasant Production, C. Denis Allen
Certain Blood Parameters Effected by Acute Ammonia Toxicity in Pregnant Rabbits, James P. Apland
A Statistical Method of Screening Electrocardiograms, Roger G. Bailey
Preparation of a Future Homemakers of America Chapter Handbook for Local Chapters in South Dakota, Karen Hofer Balsbaugh
An Economic Analysis of Some Aspects of Medical Service Availability in Northwest South Dakota, Leland G. Bierman
Computer Simulation of a New Redundancy Reduction Technique, Uldis Birznieks
Effects of Rest, Abdominal Ice Packs and Ice Water Foot Baths in Improving the Recovery Process, James McKinley Booher
The Ionic Requirement for Isolation of Stable Polyribosomes from Cereal Plants and its Relation to Sulfhydryl Protection, Merlin Dennis Breen
The Effects of a Weight-Training Program Upon Selected Pole Vaulting Skills, Gary A. Busch
A Normative Study of the AAHPER Youth Fitness Test for Girls in Grades 7-10 in the State of South Dakota, Judy G. Busch
DNA Base Composition of Actinomyces and Related Anaerobic Diphtheroids, Patricia A. Campbell
Clothing Buying Practices of Junior Girls in South Dakota High Schools and Colleges in Relation to Size of Institution, Linda Petrich Clifford
Summer Movements of Bigmouth Buffalo in Lake Poinsett, South Dakota, Thomas J. Clifford
Wedge Flows of Power-law Fluids, Joseph H. Cothern
The Integration of Family Life Education in an Innovative Elementary School in Watertown, South Dakota, Sharon Lohr Devaney
The Current Attitudes of South Dakota State University Full-time Undergraduate Students Toward Basic Course Requirements, Jay E. Dirksen
The Effect of Replication on Queueing Simulations, Musvathy K. Dyanesh
The Chemistry of Rhenium (V) Chloride, George Warren Eastland
An Economic Analysis of Irrigation Potential on Terrace Soils of Brookings County, Norman M. Fischer
The Odonata of East-central South Dakota, Michael K. Fresvik
Water Quality Changes Under Ice Cover in Northern Prairie Lakes, Steven P. Gloss
Computer Evaluation of Error-correcting Codes for PCM Telemetry, William W. Goddard
Piecewise-linear Models for MOSFET Large-signal Operation, Marlin H. Golnitz
Structural Behavior of High-strength Bolted Connections with Varied Hole Diameters, William Thomas Haisch
Ecological and Trophic Distribution of Pesticides in Lack Poinsett, South Dakota, Michael Robert Hannon
The Effects of Three Selected Weight Training Programs on Muscular Strength, Endurance Girth, and Cardiovascular Endurance, Leslie Curtis Hansen
The Married High School Athlete in South Dakota:his Status and Information for Formulating a Fair Policy, Donald J. Hanson
Cost Analysis of Precast Prestressed Composite Pavement on U.S. Highway 14-bypass, Wayne R. Haug
Themes of Isolation and Relationship in Selected Novels of Frederick Manfred, Joan Hilmoe
Factors Influencing Urinary Calculi in Lambs, Donald W. Hoar
Investigation of a New Analog-to-digital Conversion Technique, Steven Kenneth Howell
The Changing Nature of Family Values in Pearl Buck's House of Earth, Sue Min Huang
Heat Transfer by Numerical Solution for a Class of Radiating Fins, Jia-Bo Hwang
Mare's Milk Composition as Related to "Foal Heat" Scours, Robert H. Johnston
Indoor Versus Outdoor Calf Rearing at Three Weaning Ages, Larry J. Jorgenson
Gama Ray Spectroscopy Employing a Geranium Crystal Detector, John Francis Keane
Isolation of Keratinophilic Fungi from Soil and Wild Animals in South Dakota, William Urban Knudtson
Investigation of the Dielectric Properties of Grain at Microwave Frequencies, Arthur A. Kruse
The Hall Method of Estimating Healthy Classification as Compared to the Current Method Employed by the South Dakota High School Activities Association, Frank Joseph Kurtenbach
Pharmacodynamics of Dieldrin-C14 in Pheasants, Donald Wayne Lamb
Blood and Tissue Ammonium-nitrogen Levels and Tissue Water in Pregnant Urea-treated Rabbits, Myron Leon Lang
Roughage Levels and Roughage Substitutes in High Concentrate Diets for Finishing Beef Cattle and Lambs, William M. Larson
Breeding for Resistance to Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus, Charles Lee Lay
Reactions of Oxotrichlorobis(triphenylphosphine)rhenium(V), Melvin Leitheiser
Studies on the Gallium-iodine and Scandium-iodine Systems, Hsu-Yuan Li
The Effects of Two Varying Distributions of Practice Sessions on the Improvement of Long Jump Performance of Women, Lucille Florence Lindskov
Phosphate Derivatives of 5-fluorouracil as Anticancer Compounds, Ho-Chih Lin
South Dakota Farm Boys Planning Farm and Nonfarm Occupations: A Comparative Analysis, Alan L. Loya
Vaporization of Scandium Chloride, William Vincent Lucas
Leg Strength and Vertical Jump of Basketball Players as Affected by Two Select Exercise Programs Conducted Throughout the Competitive Season, Larry L. Luitjens
Protestant Church Members' Attitudes Toward Community in Seven South Dakota Counties, Don Martin
A Study of South Dakota Future Farmers of America who Obtained the American Farmer Degree During the Years 1951 through 1967, Lester Wayne Mason
The Production and Behavior of Callus Tissue from Sorghum Vulgare, Vance J. Masteller
The Status of Journalism in North Dakota High Schools, Neil Rae McFadgen
A Study of the Relationship Between Ceratocystis Ulmi and Elm Callus In Vitro, Charles R. McMullen
A Study of the Origins and Development of KELO-LAND Television, William Craig McNamara
Some Thoughts on Quantum Mechanics and Some Approximate Methods for the Calculation of Electronic State Functions, James W. Mentele
Structural Behavior of High Strength Bolted Connections with Slotted Holes, Dennis Brian Micko
Organic Degradation of the Ground Water in the Proximity of a Refuse Disposal Site, Wayne Evan Mohler
Polynomial Approximation of a Magnetization Curve, Viswanath Narayan
Ground Water Treatment at a Refuse Landfill with an Intercepting Trench, David Charles Nelson
A Study of Land-grant University Alumni Magazines and of Reader Responses to the Montana Collegian of Montana State University, Jeffrey B. Nelson
Evaluation of the Yield and Organoleptic Quality of Split and Whole Country Style Cured Hams, Nickolas William Norder
Trimethylselenonium Chloride Metabolism and Toxicity in the Rat, Boyd D. Obermeyer
Instant Feedback via Video-tape and its Effect on the Learning of a Selected Side Horse Routine, Lloyd Charles Olson
Selected Social and Personal Factors Associated with the Educational and Occupational Aspirations of Rural South Dakota Youth, Jean D. Pederson
A Study of Some Physical and Chemical Properties of Hard Red Spring and Hard Red Winter Wheat in South Dakota, Richard A. Pence
A Mathematical Model of a River Basin, Leroy John Petrick
The Effects of Cryotherapy on the Velocity of a Pitched Baseball, John D. Pierson
An Analysis of the Variable Factors Affecting Terminees of the Boxelder Job Corps, Nemo, South Dakota, John Joseph Politi
The Velocity of a Pitched Baseball as Affected by Two Varying Training Programs, Anthony Joseph Porter
A Normative Study of the AAHPER Youth Fitness Test for Boys in Grades 7-10 in the State of South Dakota, Glenn L. Rasmussen