This community houses work produced by South Dakota State University graduate students. The collection includes both born digital ETDs, and digitized versions of printed theses and dissertations from 1883 to present.
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Finally, the development of this collection is ongoing. If you are a former South Dakota State University graduate student and wish to include your work in Open PRAIRIE, please contact us.
ETDS from 1971
A Two Year Study of Potential Resistance in the Adult Western Corn Rootworm in South Dakota, John M. Wirtz
A Comparison of an Individualized English Program with a Traditional English Program in DeSmet High School, Beverly Jean Wolkow
The Influence of Various Stress Conditions on Cholinesterase Levels of Cattle Treated with an Organophosphorus Insecticide, Mitchell J. Wrich
A Study of the Endogenous Electron Donors for Nitrogen Fixation by Cell-Free Extracts of Klebsiella Pneumoniae M5al (Aerobacter Aerogenes M5al), Elisabeth Yi-Jan Wu
Speech Training and Speech Activities in Institutions of Higher Education in Taiwan, Chang Yuh-Sheng
Experimental Investigation of Shock Boundary Layer Interaction for Two-Dimensional and Axisymmetric Flow, A. Shawki Zahran
ETDS from 1970
Studies on Factors Affecting Stored Energy Characteristics of Baby Pigs at Birth and Subsequent Changes During Early Neonatal Life, R. Harry Anderson
The Quality of Surface Runoff from a Farmland Area in South Dakota During 1969, Rick D. Benson
Physical Conditioning and Ammonium Carbonate Affecting Blood Ammonium and Swimming Performance of Dogs, Larry Alan Bjurstrom
Lungworms of Mountain Goats in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Dale W. Block
The Preparation of Some Molybdenum and Tungsten Complexes, Linda Fay Bowden
Differential Reaction of Larvae of the Western Corn Rootworm to Certain Species of Gramineae, Terry Fred Branson
An Experiment on the Effects of Humidity on Screen-Process Stencils, Thomas R. Bresadola
The Primary Structure of Selected Peptides from Chymotryptic Digests of Nifungin, Burton D. Cardwell
A Survey of Alumni of South Dakota State University, Charles Fredrick Cecil
Ochratoxin in Poultry Feeds : Toxic Effects on Hens, Harlal Choudhury
An Adaptive Redundancy Reduction Technique, Seon J. Chung
An Eye-movement Analysis of Five Ink Colors Printed on Yellow Stock, Robert Charles Clappsy
A History of the Speech Association of South Dakota, Illona M. Clark
Studies of High Level Copper Supplementation to Rations for Growing-Finishing Swine, Larry Wayne De Goey
Student Instruction Manual for Black and White Film Processing and Printing, Stephen Michael Delay
The Effect of Fertilization of a Native Lowland Pasture on Forage Intake and Nutritional Value of Diet Selected by Grazing Sheep, John Joseph Doyle
A Chromosome Study of Chlorophytum Elatum, Dennis E. Driscoll
Infiltration Lagoons as a Tertiary Treatment Device, Terry L. Druyvestein
Rigidity of four-bolt and six-bolt end plate connections, Roger William Eastman
Pheasant Use and Waterfowl Production on State and Private Lands, Charles R. Elliott
A Study of Selected Factors Associated with Participation in the Bureau of Indian Affairs Employment Assistance Program on a Dakota Indian Reservation in the Northern Great Plains, Daniel Gregory Faas
The Effect of Harvesting and Storage Methods on Chemical Composition and in Vitro Digestibility of First Cutting Alfalfa Hay, Perry A. Fales
Three Methods of Cryotherapy and Their Effects Upon the Recovery Process, Byron Edward Foreman
Attitudes of Farm Operators in Four South Dakota Counties Toward the Conservation of a Natural Resource, Charles Thomas Fortney
South Dakota 4-H Members' and Leaders' Use of Two Types of 4-H Manuals, Barbara Kaye Froke
An Urban Comprehensive Planning Model for Resource Allocation, Thomas Francis Galligan
Predicting the Yield of Fat, Bone and Edible Portion from Pork Carcasses, Daniel H. Gee
The Effect of Sodium Hexametaphosphate on the Palatability of the Freeze-Dried Chicken, Ngoc Hoa Giang
Flannery O'Connor and the Development of the Grotesque in American Literature, Joan Rae Griffin
An Infrared Investigation of Triphenylphosphine, Triphenylphosphine Oxide, and some of their Complexes, Lynne L. Haas
Effects of Aldrin on Young Pen-Reared Pheasants, Joseph Edward Hall
Automatic Irrigation : Sensors and System, Herman G. Hamre
Effect of Rhythmical Disturbances on Repetitive Assembly Work, Ranganatha Hemmige
Feeding of Black Bullheads Ictalurus Melas (Rafinesque) in Experimental Cages, Kay R. Hill
Erosion Protection for the Outlets of Small and Medium Culverts, Robert A. Hipschman
I. Low Temperature Deoxygenation Reactions Involving Dihalophosphites. II. The Mechanism of Nucleophilic Substitution at Phosphorus : Evidence for an SNl(P) Mechanism, Henry Liland Horten
Effect of ductility on initiation and spread of fracture in solids, Tien Yu Hsieh
The Military Image in the Poetry of A. E. Housman, Richard Alan Hudson
Acceptable Regions for Approximations in Quality Control, Du Hung-Ching
Root Pulls and Root Ratings as an Analysis of Insecticide Performance in the Control of Corn Rootworms (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), James I. Jessen
The Influence of an Unusually High Water Table on Ground Water Quality at a Refuse Disposal Site, Charles Strock Johnson
A Differential pH Requirement for Extraction of Stable Polyribosomes from Winter Barley in Relation to RNase Activity of the Tissue, Clay G. Johnson
The Identification of Changing Sex Roles Within a Family Unit as Perceived by First Graders, Janelle Fridley Jones
American Indian Attitudes Toward Education in Select Areas of South Dakota, Glen Arthur Just
Elastic Stress Distribution in Square Plates Weakened by a Large Central Elliptical or Circular Notch, Sameh M. Kanan
Cost Evaluation of Municipal Water Hardness Reduction and Private Softening for the City of Brookings, South Dakota, Keith Allen Kelton
An Economic Analysis of the Brookings Study Area, Donald L. Kettering
A Rhetorical Criticism of the Defense in the People v. Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, Suzanne Kiesby
Scattering Parameters of VHF Semiconductor Devices, Young Dae Kim
Supplementation with Vitamins A and D of Beef Cattle Finishing Rations Containing Various Levels of Carotene from Corn Silage and Corn Grain, Harold Richard King
The Effect of 2,4-D and Atrazine on the Growth Rate of a Mixed Algae Culture, John P. King
A Proposed Model for the Implementation of Play Therapy in Elementary Schools, Nancy King
Characteristics and Distribution of Staphylococci and Micrococci Isolated from Bovine Udders, Clyde Arnold Kirkbride
Abnormal Milk Evaluations in Eastern South Dakota Milk Plants and Dairy Herds, Edwin J. Kleen
Methods for Rapid Identification and Enumeration of Streptococcus Bovis from Water, Lawrence Robert Koupal
The comparison of using the backboard versus the basket rim as a point of aim in basketball shooting, Ronald L. Kouri
Parametric Programming on an Analog Computer, Vinod B. Kumar
A Comparison of Management Systems for the Ewe Flock, Roger Allen Lind
Relationships of Homologous Erythropoietin, L-ascorbic Acid, and Iron Dextran to the Hemogram of Newborn and Doe Rabbits, Lloud Edward Lippert
Isolation an Characterization of the Virus of Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) of Deer, Hsing Kuei Liu
Optimization of a One-story Two-bay Steel Frame with Haunches by Linear Programming, Kenneth L. Loeschke
A Novel FM/AM Telemetry Transmitter, Robert L. Lounsbery
Spread of Plasticity from the Tip of a Penny-Shaped Crack, Zong Shyong Luo
The Effect of Group Counseling on the Self Concept, Richard Noel Manley
A Comparison of the Effect of Overt and Covert Responses on the Retention of Programed Material, Gary Merriam
The Influence of Sodium Phenobarbital on the Hepatic Adenosine Triphosphatase Activity and the Development of this Enzyme in the Rat, Gerald H. Mettler
Light and Color Responses of Apterous Cereal Aphids, Eugene Leslie Miller
Flavor Preference and Stability of a Low-Fat Dairy Spread, James Robert Miller
Effects of Off-Season Weight Training Programs on Development of Strength and Explosive Power of Football Players, Anthony Bartley Mitchell
The Effects of Selected Training Intensities and Durations on Blood Cholesterol and Selected Anthropometric Measurements, Alan Ingmar Molde
Mathematical Modelling of a First Order Transducer, Vijaykumar S. Monie
The Effects of Interval Training in Ambient Temperature Variations as Measured by Cardiovascular Endurance, Bernard Alexander Moore
A Comparison of a Low Protein Diet Plus Added Methionine with a Normal Diet for Three Strains of Laying Hens in Various Environments, Roger Dale Muller
The Origin and Development of Sunday Competition Between The Hartford Courant and The Hartford Times, James M. Neal Jr.
Physical and Chemical Properties of Unconjugated Thiones, Patrick Nicols
Replacement of Protein with Amino Acids in Diets for Laying Hens and Turkey Poults, Edwin J. Novacek
The American Negro in Selected Writings of Robert Penn Warren, H. Lynette Olson
Enhancement of Foliar Penetration and Herbicide Activity by Oils, James F. Peacock
A History of the Theatrical and Community Activities in the Early Dell Rapids, South Dakota, Opera House, Gerry A. Perrin
An Investigation of Eye-Movements When x-height and Line Length are Held Constant and Alphabet Length is Prismatically Varied, Harold D. Perry
The Effects of 2-Chloroethylphosphonic Acid on Bud The Effects of 2-Chloroethylphosphonic Acid on Bud Vascularization in Sorghum Halapense, L.ascularization in Sorghum Halapense, L., Robert Allen Peterson
Seasonal Thermal Expansion and Contraction Characteristics of a Precast Prestressed Concrete Composite Pavement on U.S. Highway 14 - Bypass, Richard A. Phillips
The Detection of Salmonellae from the Big Sioux River Using Fluorescent Antibody Technique and Improved Cultural Methods, Ralph Lamar Pierce Jr.
Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in the Big Sioux River Downstream from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, During Winter Conditions, Bernard Emerson Poppenga
Bridge Girder Webs Subjected to Horizontal Loads, Randall Felix Preheim
The "Republic of the Spirit" : Marital Love in Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth, The Custom of the Country, and The Age of Innocence, Nancy Lee Preszler
Some Factors Affecting the Growth of Grain Elevators in South Dakota, Albert E. Raeder
Analysis of the Flow Variation of the Big Sioux River, Kerwin Luther Rakness
Flexural Analysis of Two-way Slabs by Yield-line Theory, D. Bapu Rao
A History of Speech Education at Watertown Senior High School, Watertown, South Dakota, Richard James Reddy
Effect of Days Open on Lactation Production, Roger L. Ripley
Voltage (60 Hz) Breakdown Strength vs. Temperature of Octafluoropropane (C₃F₈) Gas Exposed to Uniform and Non-uniform Electric Fields, Edward J. Roman