The Dairy Science Publication Database is a comprehensive bibliography of the scholarly output of the Dairy Science Department. The overall majority of items in this series are metadata only.

This bibliographical database is no longer maintained as of 2022.
Departmental publications produced from 2022 to present can be found in the Dairy Science and Food Science Faculty Publications collection.


Publications from 1971


Effects of Feeding Leptaden to Dairy Cows, Sitakantha Dash


Rapeseed, Sunflower and Soybean Meals as Protein Supplements in Dairy Calf Starters, Paul E. Stake


Responses of Rumen Microflora to Whey Products Added to High-Grain Low-Roughage Rations, Virgil L. Metzger


The Lipid Composition of Milk as Affected by High Grain-Limited Roughage Rations Containing Whey Products, Roger Charles Peper

Publications from 1970


Abnormal Milk Evaluations in Eastern South Dakota Milk Plants and Dairy Herds, Edwin J. Kleen


Effect of Days Open on Lactation Production, Roger L. Ripley


Flavor Preference and Stability of a Low-Fat Dairy Spread, James Robert Miller


The Effect of Harvesting and Storage Methods on Chemical Composition and in Vitro Digestibility of First Cutting Alfalfa Hay, Perry A. Fales

Publications from 1969


A Comparison of Cheese Yields Produced from Normal and Abnormal Milk, Raymond L. Rennich


Indoor Versus Outdoor Calf Rearing at Three Weaning Ages, Larry J. Jorgenson

Publications from 1968


A Study of Some Physico-Chemical Changes in a Spread-Type Dairy Product During Storage, Alfredo E. Gudeikis

The effects of moldy alfalfa hay feeding on rumen activity, rumen protozoa and dairy steer performance, and analysis of toxic substance(s) associated with molding., G. P. Mohanty


The Feeding Value of High Dry Matter Corn Silage, Myers J. Owens

Publications from 1967


A Modified Prill and Hammer Method Used in The Study of Diacetyl Production by Single Strain Lactic Streptococci, Burdell D. Alfke


Comparison of Two Cultures for Use in Preacidified Skimmilk for Cottage Cheese Manufacture, Daryl D. Boddicker


Consumer Evaluation of a New Low-Fat Spread-Type Dairy Product, Walter W. Wosje


Factors Affecting Body, Texture, and Water Holding Capacity of a New Low-Fat Spread-Type Dairy Product, Basil K. Dalaly


The Influence of Artificial Insemination in Three Midwestern States, Wendell Lee. Kucker

Publications from 1966


The Effect of Methods of Storage on The Gross Energy, Chemical Composition and Feeding Value of Alfalfa, Guru Prasad Mohanty

Publications from 1965


A Modified Voges-Proskauer Method of Determining Diacetyl in Dairy Cultures, Dwain Finkenbiner

Publications from 1964


Characterization of Staphylococcus Species Isolated From Raw Milk with Special Reference to the Enterotoxigenic Coagulase-Positive Types, Adnan M. Ammouri


Comparative Study of Milk Quality Tests on Manufacturing Grade Raw Milk, Donald L. Wallace

Processing costs for fluid milk packaging operations., H.D. Hall


The Effect of Frozen Storage on The Microflora of Raw Milk, Jaswant Singh

Publications from 1963


Effectiveness of an Aspergillus Oryzae Culture on the Preservation Efficiency and Feeding Value of Alfalfa-Brome Haylage Stored in Gas-Tight and Concrete Stave Silos, Samuel C. Perry

The use of electrocardiographic radio telemetry to determine heart rate in ruminants., J. R. Jahn

Publications from 1960


A System for Making Selective Matings in Dairy Cattle, Basil Ralph Eastwood


Effects of Reserpine (Serpasil) on Bloat, Edward P. Michalewicz


The Effects of Different Methods of Freezing on the Viability of Rabbit Ova, Mansur Ferdows

The effects of different methods of freezing on the viability of rabbit ova., M. Ferdows


The Production and Ingestion of Antibodies in Milk, George Donald Marx

Publications from 1959


A Study of the Manufacture of Cultured Butter and Retail Store Sales in Brookings, South Dakota, Shirley W. Seas


Physiological Studies on Bloat, Clarence Leonard Moore

Physiological studies on bloat., C. L. Moore


Supplemental Milkroom Heating Using the Heat Extracted by the Bulk Milk Cooling System, Harvey Gordon Young

Publications from 1958


An Attempt to Develop Resistance in the Udder Against Streptococcus Dysgalactiae and Escherichia Coli, Donald E. Otterby


The Blood Picture in Correlation with Bloat, Dale A. Yarns


The Effects of Relaxin on The Composition of Bovine Milk, Chris H. Nissen

Publications from 1957


Bloat Results From Various Drenchings Including Effectiveness of Penicillin For Prevention, Clarence Leonard Moore


Some Observations Pertaining to the Effects of Relaxin Upon the Bovine, Vincent Allen Hall


The Effects of Low Temperature on Survival of Rabbit Ova, Mansur Ferdows

Publications from 1953


Growth and Respiratory Studies of Saccaromyces Cerevisiae in the Presence of Selenium, Robert M. Pengra

Publications from 1952


Some Mechanical and Horomonal methods of Dilating the Bovine Cervix, Edmund F. Graham


The Improvement in Type of South Dakota Dairy Cattle Through Artificial Breeding, Kenneth I. Gross

Publications from 1951


A Study of Bovine Noseprints, Morris W. Hirsch

Publications from 1950


A Survey of the Microflora Obtained by Flushing the Normal Bovine Uterus, Johannah Jane Wulf


Influence of Winter Housing Conditions on Growth Rates and Feed Consumption of Dairy Heifers, Emery H. Bartle

Publications from 1939


The Efficiency of Churn Washing Method and the Keeping Quality of Butter as Indicated by Yeast and Mold Counts, T. Allen Evans

Publications from 1933

Growth characteristics of bifidobacteria in ultrafiltered milk., B.L. Ventling and V.V. Mistry


The Influence of Feed and Sunshine on the Vitamin D Content of Cow’s Milk, Ben L. Robinson

Publications from 1928

Sunflower silage., E. O. Herried

Publications from 1926


The Relative Feeding Value of Ground Soybeans and Soybean Oilmeal for Milk and Butterfat Production by the Dairy Cow, Harold J. Brooks

Publications from 1925


The Influence of Starter on the Keeping Quality of Butter, J. Kenneth Muse

Publications from 1924


An Experimental Comparison of the Feeding Value of Soy Bean with Alfalfa Hay for Feeding Dairy Cows, Wilard R. Beall

Publications from 1923


The Influence of the Diet of the Cow and the Effect of Heat Upon the Antiscorbutic Potency of Milk, Lynn Copeland


The Relative Feeding Value of Soybean Meal Compared to Linseed Meal As A Protein Supplement for Dairy Cows for Milk and Fat Production, and Their Effect on the Quality of the Butter Fat, John R. Bollinger

Publications from 1922


The Effect of Diet of the Cow and the Pasteurization of Milk in Closed Bottles Upon the Nutritive and Antiscorbutic Properties of Cows' Milk, George C. Biggar