This community houses work produced by South Dakota State University graduate students. The collection includes both born digital ETDs, and digitized versions of printed theses and dissertations from 1883 to present.
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Finally, the development of this collection is ongoing. If you are a former South Dakota State University graduate student and wish to include your work in Open PRAIRIE, please contact us.
ETDS from 1989
A Systems Analysis of Senior Center Structures, Environments, and Impacts, Donald E. Arwood
Evaluation of Single, Backcross and Three Way Crosses to Introduce Non-adapted Germplasm into Adapted Spring Wheat, Jorge Enrique Autrique
Field Evaluation of a Catenary Trail Tube Irrigation System, Mohammad Hossein Bagherzadeh
Comparison of the Parallel Squat and Hip Sled for Development of Quadriceps Femoris Strength, Richard E. Bartling
The Effect of Fibers on the Physical Properties, Serviceability, and Ultimate Load Capacity of Cellular Concrete Beams, Hamid Behdad
Evaluation of a Power Plant Reservoir as a Fingerling Walleye Rearing Facility, Louis N. Berg
Evaluation of the Big Stone Power Plant Cooling Reservoir as a Source of Largemouth Bass and Bluegill Broodstock, Edward A. Bettross
Design and Evaluation of an Event-actuated Soil Water Sampling System, David L. Bjorneberg
Effects of Health Promotion on Exercise of Self-care Agency in Independent Older Adults, Rebecca J. Blue
Northern and Western Corn Rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) : Flight Activity and Oviposition Behavior in Corn and Nonhost Plant Habitats, Mark A. Boetel
Crystal and Molecular Structures of Divalent Metal Complexes with cis, cis-1,3,5-Cyclohexanetriol and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Diamagnetic Metal Complexes in Solution, Christine Seagren Boever
Stand Establishment and Production of Alfalfa Cultivars in Legume Residues, Robin Renae Bortnem
The Relationship of Selected Preprogram and Intraprogram Standardized Examination Scores and Age to National Council Licensure Examination-RN Scores in a Rural Associate Degree Nursing Program, Marge Scudder Brchan
Mapping Components of Partial Resistance to Northern Corn Leaf Blight, Vickie Brewster
Allelopathic Effect of Crop Residue Extract on Oat (Avena sativa L.), Mark Joseph Brinkman
Readily Fermentable Nonstructural Carbohydrates in Lactating Dairy Cattle Rations, David Paul Casper
An Economic Analysis of Public and Private Rangeland Lease Arrangements and Land Values in South Dakota, John David Cole
Batch Regeneration Manganese Greensand Filters for Removal of Ra 226/228 from the Garretson South Dakota Drinking Water Supply, Bryan DeSmet
Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Human Adipose Tissue in Relation to Disease State, Lisa J. DeSmet
Social Indicators and Infant Mortality: A Regional Study of South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana, 1980, Dana C. De Witt
Education Needs of New Mothers: A Comparison of Prenatal and Postnatal Women's Perceptions, Carla J. Dieter
Tensionmeters for Measuring Moisture of a Peat Moss Casing Layer, Rahmad Djakaria
Satellite Cells of Growing Turkeys : Influence of Donor Age, Sex, Serum and Muscle on Proliferation and Differentiation in Vitro, Matthew Eli Doumit
Effects of Ivermectin on Lungworm Infection and Lamb Survival of Bighorn Sheep in Custer State Park, South Dakota, Thomas G. Easterly
Relationships Between Parameters of Combine Design and Soil Compaction, Patrick Gene Ellwein
Production and Flow Cytometric Identification of Triploid Walleyes, Rebecca R. Ewing
Cheddar Cheese Manufactured from Condensed Milk, Steve J. Foster
The Effects of Biological Traits on Efficiency of Beef Production to Weaning, Brad A. Freking
Colchicine-Induced Variation in Saintpaulia Propagated in Vitro, Delores A. French
The Effect of Intrabronchial or Subcutaneous Immunization on the Respiratory Tract of Calves, Alethea M. Fry
Comparison of Earth Loop Systems for Livestock Housing, Barbara J. Glawe
Development, Design and Testing of an Electric Chore Loader, Regg A. Glawe
Calcium Intake of Nursing Home Residents, Paula Goddard
The Relationship of Wetland Characteristics to Avian Cholera (Pasteurella Multocida) Outbreaks in the Rainwater Basin Area of Nebraska, Christine Constance Gordon
The Effect of Flooding and Ethephon on Root Bud Growth of Euphorbia Esula, Scott Greenfield
The Effect of Ozonation on Pipe Corrosion and Water Stability, Jan E. Hardie
A Comparative Study of the Effects of Stress Raisers in Steel Specimens on Fatigue Life in Bending, Mohammad Ali Hassibi
Sediment Transport Procedure for Nonuniform Bed Sediment by Modification of the Ackers and White Procedure, Hock Hwee Heng
Protein-Sparing Modified Fasts : Body Composition Changes and Selected Physical Effects, Marilyn Hofer
Bench-Scale Ozonation Pilot System for Manganese Removal from Ground Water, Soonpil Ho
The James River Lowland : A Regional Study, Lee A. Howland
The DRIS (Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System) as a Plant Analysis Interpretation Tool for Corn Management in South Dakota, Syed Dara Tazul Islam
Evaluation of Two Cycles of Mass Selection for Percent Oil in SDHAR1 Sunflower Restorer Population, James Michael Johnson
The Influence of Weather Factors Upon the Predictability of Oat Yield and Related Factors, Sapol Bahari Jusman
Effects of Various Stresses on Single Seed Descent in Oats Avena Sativa L., Omar M. Kafawin
Use of a Landsat Ground Truth Radiometer to Estimate Rangeland Vegetation in West Central South Dakota, Assetou Kanoute
Response By Upland Nesting Birds to Three Rejuvenation Treatments Applied to Two Types of Seeded Nesting Cover in Eastern South Dakota, Donald Paul Kemner
Reductive Catabolism of Pyrimidine Bases by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Seunghee Kim
The Effect of Visuo-Motor Behavior Rehearsal on the Accuracy of the Overhand Throw, Beth A. Kirchner
Effects of Introduced Muskrat Populations on Emergent Vegetation in South Dakota Wetland, Michael Lynn Kjellsen
Effects of KC1 on Reproductive Development and Water Relations in Spring Wheat, Adrian L. Kooiman
The Effective Use of Graphic Design in Public Relations, Alvera Kromer
An Assessment of Superposition of Free Convection and Surface Radiation Heat Transfer in a Square Enclosure, Oh-Joon Kwon
Identification of the Crack in Composite Shells, Jaesuk Lee
Role Conflict Between Work and Family : The Scarcity Approach Versus the Expansion Approach, Melodie Lynne Lichty
Dynamics of a Rectangular Foundation Resting on an Elastic Half-space, Kaibai Liu
Health Beliefs and Compliance with a Diabetes Treatment Regimen, Mary M. Lobb
South Dakota's Evolving Settlement Landscape : Primary Factors of Site Selection, Catherine Marion Lockwood
Characterization of Composition, Fermentation and Antinutritional Constituents of Frost Damaged Immature Soybeans for Ruminants, Jay Anderson Loesche
The Appeal of C.S. Lewis and The Screwtape Letters, Ruth E. Manson
Nurses' Stress, Support, and Need for a Support Group: A Comparison of Critical Care and Surgical Nurses, Lois J. McMahon
Determinants of Infant Feeding Practices : A Preliminary Ethnographic Study in Rural Nigeria, Saba Mebrahtu
Alkalinity and pH Adjustment in Wastewater Treatment Using Lime Sludge, Eric W. Meintsma
Effect of Phosphate Loading on Maximal Oxygen Uptake of Highly Trained Distance Runners, Daniel Joseph Mika
Interaction of Insulin-Like Growth Factor I with Turkey Satellite Cells and Satellite Cell-Derived Myotubes, Richard Dale Minshall
Religion, Women and Culture in the Works of Ole E. Rølvaag, Nancy Gwen Moose
Effects of Barley Yellow Dwarf and Aphid Feeding on Winter Wheat and Rye, Benjamin Moreno
Testing the Glow CubeR Display Pixel, Layne R. Mostad
Binding and Storage Properties of Structured Beef Steaks Produced with the algin/calcium/adipic Acid Gel, Tony Scott Muller
Lactational Evaluation of Ruminally Protected Methionine in Diets Containing Extruded Soybeans and Urea, Ronald L. Munneke
An Interdenominational Study of Responses to Evangelical Christian Language, Loren O. Murfield
Genome Electropherotypic Identification of Typical and Atypical Rotaviruses in Swine of the Upper Midwest, Julia Mary Kann Nelson
A Simplified Control Multipurpose Robot (SCMPR), Terry Dean Neville
Degradation of Organophosphate Pesticides by Indigenous Soil Microorganisms, Tim T. Oien
Field Evaluation of a Subsurface Irrigation Drainage System in North Central South Dakota, Dean I. Olson
Truth Telling Tales : the Verbal Economy of Antony and Cleopatra, Thomas Pearson
Forage Quality of Key Native Species in Northwestern South Dakota, Kevin R. Peterson
Evaluation of Closely Related Corn Hybrids for Tolerance and Resistance to Two Vascular Pathogens and a Foliar Pathogen, Franklin W. Philips
Factors Influencing Grasshopper Oviposition Site Selection on South Dakota Rangelands, Paul D. Pooler
Education for the Handicapped and the Social Construction of Reality in Two Rural School Districts, Rachel Froiland Quenemoen
Genotype X Environment Interactions for Five Corn (Zea mays L.) Populations Synthesized on the Basis of Seedling Root Morphology, Hidayat- ur- Rahman
A Portrait of a Blue Collar, Female, Rural Manufacturing Labor Force Facing Unemployment, Jennifer Lynn Reinbrecht
The Application of a Predictive Fall Risk Index Among the Elderly, Joan T. Reisdorfer
Nurses' Knowledge of and Misconceptions Regarding Selected Pain Management Concepts, Carla Ries
Physical Properties, Serviceability and Ultimate Strength of Fibrous Lightweight Concrete Beams, Aqil F. Sawalma
Use of a Water Jacketed Incubator as an Accelerated Aging Chamber for Determining Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) Seed Vigor, James Walter Schneider
Floral and Faunal Colonization of Restored Wetlands in West-Central Minnesota and Northeastern South Dakota, Russell W. Sewell
Vibrational Analysis of Cracked Rotors, Shang-Hyon Shin
Pedogenesis Models of a Closed Drainage System Using Soil Micro-Climate Data, Gail M. Simonds
How Readers Perceive and Use a Company-Sponsored Magazine : A Readership Research Model, Stephen H. Simons
Optimal Dietary Crude Protein Levels for Steer Calves Limit-Fed High-Concentrate Backgrounding Diets, Mark L. Sip
Chemical Treatment of Monodominant Cattail Stands In Semipermanent Wetlands: Duck, Invertebrate, and Vegetation Response, Kent Loren Solberg
Effects of Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH) on the Transformation of Phaeo- to Eumelanogenesis in the Lethal Yellow Mouse (C57BL/6J;Ay/a), Alexander W. Van Amerongen
The Aesthetics of Springboard Diving : A Realistic Rendering in Ceramics and Wood, Peter W. Vanderpan
Wall Lake, South Dakota : A Case Study in Geographic Planning, Jane E. Van Hunnik
Cropping System Effects on Soil P Availability to Corn, Manjula Vivekanandan
Earthen Storage Facilities for Management of Peak Electric and Water Demands, Glen L. Vortherms