This collection contains articles and research produced by the faculty of the Department of Health and Nutritional Sciences.


Publications from 2017


Innovation and Collaboration: Creating a Transdisciplinary Childhood Obesity Prevention Graduate Certificate Program, Becky Jensen, Mindy Anderson-Knott, Mary Bowne, Linda Boeckner, Suzanne Stluka, Kendra Kattelmann, and Jessica Meendering


Motivation for Obesity Prevention Among Adolescents in Low-income Communities in Three US States, Nancy Muturi, Tandalayo Kidd, Erika Lindshield, Kendra Kattelmann, Koushik Adhikari, and Susan Zies


No Influence of Ischemic Preconditioning on Running Economy, Gungeet Kaur, Megan Binger, Claire Evans, Tiffany Trachte, and Gary P. Van Guilder


Outputs and Outcomes at Year 5 of the Out-of-School Program for Youth and Adult Dyads: iCook 4-H, Adrienne White, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Kendra Kattelmann, Sarah E. Colby, and Melissa Olfert


Prevalence and Predictors of Household Food Insecurity Among iCook 4-H Participants at Baseline: A Multivariable Binomial Logistic Modeling Approach, S. McElrone, S. Colby, Adrienne A. White, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Melissa D. Olfert, and Kendra Kattelmann


Relationship of Weight-Related Eating Behaviors and Weight-Loss of Participants Enrolled in a Proprietary Weight Loss Program, Megan Tschakert, Kendra Kattelmann, Jessica Meendering, and Lacey McCormack


Skills Demonstrated in Cooking Videos in Response to Weekly Cooking Lessons, Chelsea Allison, Sarah E. Colby, Kendra Kattelmann, and et. al


Socio-demographic Correlates and Predictors of Food Insecurity among First Year College Students, A. El Zein, K. Shelnutt, S. E. Colby, M. Olfert, K. Kattelmann, O. Brown, T. Kidd, T. Horacek, A. White, W. Zhou, M. Vilaro, G. Green, J. Morrell, K. Riggsbee, and A. Matthews


Stage-based Healthy Lifestyles Program for Non-college Young Adults, Jennifer Walsh, Kendra Kattelmann, and Adrienne A. White


Survey Development to Assess College Students' Perceptions of the Campus Environment, Morgan F. Sowers, Sarah E. Colby, Geoffrey W. Greene, Mackenzie Pickett, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Melissa D. Olfert, Karla Shelnutt, Onika Brown, Tanya M. Horacek, Tandalayo Kidd, Kendra Kattelmann, Adrienne A. White, Wenjun Zhou, Kristin Riggsbee, Wangcheng Yan, and Carol Byrd-Bredbenner


Test-Retest Reliability of the King-Devick Test in an Adolescent Population., Tyler J Oberlander, Bernadette L Olson, and Lee A. Weidauer


The Prevalence of Food Insecurity and Its Association with Health and Academic Outcomes among College Freshmen, Aseel Elzein, Karla Shelnutt, Sarah E. Colby, Melissa D. Olfert, Kendra Kattelmann, Onikia Brown, Tandalayo Kidd, Adrienne A. White, Wenjun Zhou, Geoffrey Green, Kristen Riggsbee, Jessse Morrell, and Anne E. Matthews


Undergraduate Sport Management Students’ Perceptions of Leadership Skills Through Service Learning, Bryan Romsa, Katelyn Romsa, Jon Lim, and Scott Wurdinger

Publications from 2016


A Comparison of Peer Mentors' and Mentees' Health Behaviors: GetFruved, Morgan Sowers, Sarah E. Colby, W Yan, Wenjun Zhou, Melissa D. Olfert, Makenzie L. Barr, Kendra Kattelmann, and et al


A Data Summary of a Community-Based Participatory Research Project Targeted Toward the Prevention of Adolescent Obesity, Tandalayo Kidd, Erika Lindshield, Kendra Kattelmann, Susan Zies, Koushik Adhikari, and Nancy Muturi


An Evaluation of the Relationship Between College Students’ Cooking Skills, Frequency, and Self-Efficacy and Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Body Mass Index: GetFRUVED Study, Andrea Hanson, Kendra Kattelmann, and et. al.


An Examination of Factors Associated with Self-efficacy for Food Choice and Healthy Eating Among Low-income Adolescents in Three US States, Nancy W. Muturi, Tandalayo Kidd, Tazrin Khan, Kendra Kattelmann, Susan Zies, Erika Lindshield, and Koushik Adhikari


Antiretroviral Treatment and Time Since HIV-1 Diagnosis are Associated with Large Artery Stiffness in Sub-Saharan African HIV-1 Patients, Titus F. Msoka, Gary P. Van Guilder, Yvo M. Smulders, Marceline van Furth, John A. Bartlett, and Michael A. van Agtmael


A Social Marketing and Environmental Change Intervention: Get Fruved Years 01-02, Sarah E. Colby, W Zhou, Anne E. Matthews, Kendra Kattelmann, and et al


Assessing Physical Activity Determinants in Urban Settings: Comparison of Perceptions and Environmental Audit Findings, Daniel Remley, Susan Zies, Beth Stefura, Ryan Leone, Kendra Kattelmann, and Tandalayo Kidd


Assessing the Environment for Support of Youth Physical Activity in Rural Communities., Christopher Comstock, Kendra Kattelmann 6884045, Marjorie Zastrow, Lacey A. McCormack, Erika Lindshield, Yijing Li, Nancy Muturi, Koushik Adhikari, and Tandalayo Kidd


Assessing the Healthfulness of Campus Dining Environments Using “Full Restaurant Evaluation Supporting a Healthy (FRESH) Dining Environment” Tool, Tanya M. Horacek PhD, RD; E Yildirim; K Shelnutt; Melissa D. Olfert; J Morrell; Tandalayo Kidd; Kendra Kattelmann; M Burke; Sarah E. Colby; Carol Byrd-Bredbenner; Onikia Brown; Lisa Franzen-Castle; and Geoffrey Greene


Assessing the Healthfulness of Campus Dining Environments Using “Full Restaurant Evaluation Supporting a Healthy (FRESH) Dining Environment” Tool, T. Horacek, E. D. Yildrim, K. Shelnutt, M. Olfert, J. Morrell, T. Kidd, K. Kattelmann, M. Burke, S. Colby, C. Byrd-Bredbenner, O. Brown, L. Franzen-Castle, and G. Greene


Associations Between Sedentary Time, Physical Activity, and Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry Measures of Total Body, Android, and Gynoid Fat Mass in Children., Lacey A. McCormack, Jessica R. Meendering, Bonny Specker, and Teresa L. Binkley


A Streamlined, Enhanced Self-report Physical Activity Measure for Young Adults, Virginia Quick, Carol Byrd-Bredbenner, Suzanne Shoff, Adrienne A. White, Barbara Lohse, Tanya Horacek, Kendra Kattelmann, Beatrice Phillips, Sharon Hoerr, and Geoffrey Greene


Bigger ≠ Better: The Comprehensiveness and Strength of School Wellness Policies Varies by School District Size., Jessica R. Meendering, Emily Kranz, Tara Shafrath, and Lacey A. McCormack


Campus Environment Perceptions Impact Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Vigorous Physical Activity in College Students, Jade A. White; Melissa D. Olfert; Onikia Brown; Sarah E. Colby; Tanya M. Horacek PhD, RD; Kendra Kattelmann; Tandalayo Kidd; Karla P. Shelnutt; Adrienne A. White; and Geoffrey Greene


Childhood and Current Gardening Is Associated with Increased Fruit and Vegetable Intake among College-Aged Students Participating in the Get Fruved Study, J Loso; D Staub; Sarah E. Colby; W Zhou; Melissa D. Olfert; Kendra Kattelmann; M Vilaro; Onikia Brown; Tandalayo Kidd; Tanya M. Horacek PhD, RD; Adrienne A. White; Lisa Franzen-Castle; and A Mathews


Cooking, Eating and Playing Together: iCook 4-H Year 4, Adrienne A. White, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Kendra Kattelmann, Sarah E. Colby, and Melissa D. Olfert


Creating a Transdisciplinary Childhood Obesity Prevention Program: A Focus on Interprofessional Education and the Triple Aim, Jessica R. Meendering, Linda Boeckner, Becky S. Jensen, Suzanne Stluka, Kendra Kattelmann, Howard Wey, Elizabeth Droke, M Browne, and et al


Developing a Tool to Measure Workplace and University Wellness and Obesity-Prevention Policies, Opportunities, Initiatives and Notable Topics: The POINTS Audit, M Simon; Kendra Kattelmann; A Mathews; Lisa Franzen-Castle; Geoffrey Greene; Adrienne A. White; Onikia Brown; Melissa D. Olfert; Carol Byrd-Bredbenner; J Morrell; and Tanya M. Horacek PhD, RD


Diet and Physical Activity in Rural vs Urban Children and Adolescents in the United States: A Narrative Review., Lacey A. McCormack and Jessica R. Meendering


Examining Benefits of and Barriers to Physical Activity Among Meal Replacement Program Participants, Lacey McCormack, A Drooger, H Kleine, Jessica R. Meendering, Kendra Kattelmann, Suzanne Stluka, and Lacey McCormack


Extension Leadership Training Program for Teen Researchers to Deliver Community Based Programing Through the Health Science Technology Academy (HSTA), Melissa D. Olfert, O Famodu, Makenzie L. Barr, S King, Sarah E. Colby, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Kendra Kattelmann, and Adrienne A. White


Food-related Behavior and Intake of Adult Main Meal Preparers of 9-10 Year-old Children Participating in iCook 4-H: A Five-State Childhood Obesity Prevention Pilot Study, Ashley Miller, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Trina Aguirre, Michelle Krehbiel, Sarah E. Colby, Kendra Kattelmann, Melissa D. Olfert, Douglas Mathews, and Adrienne White

Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Physical Activity in Young Adults: Get Fruved Study, Kendra Kattelmann and et al.


High Prevalence of Vitamin D Insufficiency in Farming and Nonfarming Populations in South Dakota: Associations With Parathyroid Hormone, Body Fat, and Bone Density, Lee A. Weidauer, Lacey A. McCormack, Brittany Gorres-Martens, and Bonny Specker


I Am Roller Derby: the Serious Leisure and Leisure Identity of Roller Derby Participants, Hungling (Stella) Liu, Michael J. Bradley, and Brooke Burk


iCook 4-H: Using Mapping of Community Capitals Following a 2-Year iCook Program, Melissa D. Olfert, S. E. Colby, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Kendra Kattelmann, B. Baker, and A. White


Ignite-sparking Youth to Create Healthy Communities: A Protocol for a Community-centered Effort for the Prevention of Adolescent Obesity, Tandalayo Kidd, Erika Lindshield, Kendra Kattelmann, Koushik Adhikari, Nancy Muturi, and Susan Zies


Impact of Dietary Resistant Starch Type 4 on Human Gut Microbiota and Immunometabolic Functions, Bijaya Upadhyaya, Lacey McCormack, Ali Reza Fardin-Kia, Robert M. Juenemann, Sailendra Nichenametla, Jeffrey A. Clapper, Bonny Specker, and Moul Dey


Incline Treadmill Interval Training: Short vs. Long Bouts and the Effects on Distance Running Performance, D.D. Ferley and Matthew Vukovich


Increased Arterial Stiffness in South Dakota American Indian Children, Andrew M Litz and Gary P. Van Guilder


Intervention Planning and Baseline Characteristics of College Students Trained to Implement Wellness on Campus: Get Fruved Study, Melissa D. Olfert, A. E. Matthews, K. Riggsbee, K. Leichter, Kendra Kattelmann, and Sarah E. Colby


Jumpin’ Jacks: Social Marketing Campaign Aimed to Increase Awareness of Healthful Behavior in South Dakota Fourth Grade Students, Megan N. Olesen, Kendra Kattelmann, Jessica Meendering, and Suzanne Stluka


Let Them Eat Beef: Effects of Lean Beef Consumption on Markers of Metabolic Syndrome, Kristin Leigh Olson, Mary Beth Russell, Kelsey Rami, and Kendra K. Kattelmann


Low Cardiorespiratory Fitness Is Associated with Markers of Insulin Resistance in Young, Normal Weight, Hispanic Women., Chantal A Vella, Gary Van Guilder, and Lance C Dalleck

Peer Mentoring to Prevent Obesity in First Year College Students: Get Fruved, Kendra Kattelmann and et al.

Policy Changes, Kendra Kattelmann, B Chen, A Daniels, Susan Zies, B Stefura, Nancy Muturi, Y Li, Erika Lindshield, and Tandalayo Kidd


Preparing New Professionals in Studnet Affairs: A Supervisory Model to Maximize Graduate Student Success, Bryan Romsa and Katelyn Romsa

Recruitment Strategies Implemented Across a Four-State Lifestyle Intervention: Get Fruved Study, Kendra Kattelmann and et al.


Relationships of Cognitive Load on Eating and Weight-related Behaviors of Young Adults, Carol Byrd-Bredbenner, Virginia Quick, Mallory Koenings, Jennifer Martin-Biggers, and Kendra Kattelmann


Rural Adolescents’ Barriers and Facilitators to Physical Activity, Kendra Kattelmann, B. Chen, A. M. Daniels, S. Zies, E. Lindshield, and T. KIdd

Sleep and Stress Level of College Students Developing a Health Promotion Intervention: Get Fruved Study, Melissa D. Olfert, Makenzie L. Barr, W Zhou, K Riggsbee, Kendra Kattelmann, and et al.


Social Media and Dietary Patterns Among College Students, Kristin Riggsbee; Sarah E. Colby; Morgan Sowers; Anne E. Matthews; Melissa D. Olfert; Makenzie L. Barr; Kendra Kattelmann; Tandalayo Kidd; Tanya M. Horacek PhD, RD; Onikia Brown; and Adrienne A. White


The Effect of Six Days of Dietary Nitrate Supplementation on Performance in Trained CrossFit Athletes, Samuel J. Kramer, Daniel A. Baur, Maria T. Spicer, and Matthew D. Vukovich


The eNutrition Academy: Supporting a New Generation of Nutritional Scientists Around the World, Catherine Geissler, Paul Amuna, Kendra Kattelmann, Francis B. Zotor, and Sharon M. Donovan


The Impact of Perceived Value, Satisfaction, Service Quality on Customer Loyalty in Women’s Fitness Clubs, Jon Lim, Bryan Romsa, and Suzannah Armentrout


The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Physical Activity Behaviors in 6th to 8th Grade, Rural, Limited-Resource Adolescents in Kansas, Tandalayo Kidd, Y Li, Erika Lindshield, Koushik Adhikari, Nancy Muturi, Kendra Kattelmann, and Susan Zies

Publications from 2015


A Longitudinal Pilot Study of Depressive Symptoms in Concussed and Injured/Nonconcussed National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Student-Athletes, Trevor Roiger, Lee A. Weidauer, and Bryce Kern


Analyses of the Built Environment and Perceptions Related to Nutritious Foods in Rural Low-Income Ethnic Communities in Kansas, Y Li, Tandalayo Kidd, Erika Lindshield, Koushik Adhikari, Nancy Muturi, Kendra Kattelmann, and Susan Zies


A Simple Convenience Store SHELF (Supportive Healthy Environment for Life-promoting Food) Audit, Megan Mullin, E Yildirim, E Kelly, Kendra Kattelmann, and et al.


Assessment of Physical Activity in 9- to 10-Year-Old Children Participating in a Family-Centered Intervention, Alyssa R. Sorenson, Kendra K. Kattelmann, Jessica R. Meendering, Celine M. Kabala, Douglas R. Matthews, Meliisa D. Olfert, Sarah E. Colby, Lisa Franzen-Castle, and Adrienne A. White


Blood Pressure and Quality of Life in 9-11 Year Old Youth and Adult Dyad Pairs Over One Year: iCook 4-H, Melissa D. Olfert, O Famodu, Jade A. White, Makenzie L. Barr, R Hagedorn, Kendra Kattelmann, and et al


Changes in Body Composition in Division I Football Players Over a Competitive Season and Recovery in Off-Season, Teresa L. Binkley, Seth W. Daughters, Lee A. Weidauer, and Matthew Vukovich


Concordance of Self-report and Measured Height and Weight of College Students, Virginia Quick, Carol Byrd-Bredbenner, Suzanne Shoff, Adrienne A. White, Barbara Lohse, Tanya Horacek, Kendra Kattelmann, Beatrice Phillips, Sharon L Hoerr, and Geoffrey Greene


Cooking, Mealtime and Physical Activities Incorporated in the Home Environment One Year After Initial Intervention: iCook 4-H, Jade A. White, O Famodu, Makenzie L. Barr, C Merfeld, Kendra Kattelmann, and et al


Do Sex Differences Exist in Rates of Falls and Fractures in Hutterite, Rural, and Nonrural Populations, Aged 20 to 66 Years?, Lee A. Weidauer, Teresa L. Binkley, Tianna Beare, Maggie Minett, Lacey A. McCormack, Andrew Wey, and Bonny Specker


Do SNAP and WIC Programs Encourage More Fruit and Vegetable Intake? A Household Survey in the Northern Great Plains, Kuo-Liang Chang, Marjorie Zastrow, Christina Zdorovtsov, Ryan Quast, Larissa Skjonsberg, and Suzanne Stluka


“Get Fruved:” A Peer-Led, Trained-the-Trainer Social Marketing Intervention to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Prevent Childhood Obesity, Sarah E. Colby; Kendra Kattelmann; Melissa D. Olfert; Anne E. Matthews; Tandalayo Kidd; Onikia Brown; Tanya M. Horacek PhD, RD; and Adrienne A. White


Health Disparate Score Change Over 12 Months: iCook 4-H Study, Melissa D. Olfert, A Scatterday, O Famodu, Jade A. White, Makenzie L. Barr, R Hagedorn, K Woehrer, Kendra Kattelmann, and et al.


Hormonal, Lactate, and Subjective Responses to Various Resistance Training Protocols, W. Vincent, K. Berg, R. Buresh, R. Latin, J. French, and J. Meendering


iCook 4-H: Report of the Accelerometer Derived Physical Activity in 9-10 Year Old Children From Baseline to Post, C. Merfeld, Kendra Kattelmann, Jessica R. Meendering, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Melissa D. Olfert, Sarah E. Colby, and Adrienne A. White


Identifying Differences of Environmental Ethics and Place Attachment Among Visitors and Managers at State Parks, Michael J. Bradley, Hungling (Stella) Liu, Tatiana Chalkidou, and Lowell Caneday


iGrow Readers: A Literature-Based Nutrition and Physical Activity Program for Young Children, Mollie Loes, Erika Huber, E Browne, Suzanne Stluka, K Wells, T Nelsen, Kendra Kattelmann, and Jessica R. Meendering


Impact of Cognitive Load on Weight-Related Behaviors of Young Adults, Carol Byrd-Bredbenner, V Quick, J Martin-Biggers, M Koenings, and Kendra Kattelmann


It is Time to Contend with the Endothelial Consequences of Prehypertension., Gary P. Van Guilder


Let Them Eat Beef: Effects of Beef Consumption on Markers of Metabolic Syndrome, Kristen L. Olson and Kendra Kattelmann


Measurements of the Built Environment for Nutrition and Physical Activity in Rural Low-Income Ethnic Communities in Kansas, Yijing Li, Tandalayo Kidd, Erika Lindshield, Koushik Adhikari, Nancy Muturi, Kendra Kattelmann, and Susan Zies


Out-of-School Culinary and Physical Activity Program for Youth and Their Main Food Preparer: iCook 4-H Year 3, Adrienne A. White, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Kendra Kattelmann, Sarah E. Colby, and Melissa D. Olfert


Pick it! Try it! Like it!: A Grocery Store-Based Approach to Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption, Karlys Wells, Suzanne Stluka, and Lacey McCormack


Piloting iCook 4-H Prepares Program for Community Dissemination, Jodi Randall, Kate Yerxa, T Allan, C Brison, Kendra Kattelmann, and et al


Process or Outcome?, Kendra Kattelmann


Recruitment lessons learned from a tailored web-based health intervention Project YEAH (Young Adults Eating and Active for Health), Onika Brown, Virginia Quick, Sarah E. Colby, Geoffrey Greene, Tanya M. Horacek, Sharon Hoerr, Mallory Koenings, Tandalayo Kidd, Jesse Morell, Melissa Olfert, Beatrice Phillips, Karla Shelnutt, Adrienne White, and Kendra Kattelmann


Review of Fruit & Vegetable Food System in South Dakota: Application and Policy Suggestions for Other Rural States, Suzanne Stluka, Marjorie Zastrow, Christina Zdorovstov, Kuo-Liang Chang, and Larissa Skjonsberg


Rural vs. Non-rural Differences and Longitudinal Bone Changes by DXA and pQCT in Men Aged 20-66 Years: A Population-Based Study, Bonny L. Specker, Howard E. Wey, Teresa L. Binkley, Tianna Beare, Maggie Minett, and Lee A. Weidauer


Starting the Spark: An Updated Protocol for the Community-Based Participatory Research Model in the Prevention of Adolescent Obesity, Tandalayo Kidd, Erika Lindshield, Kendra Kattelmann, Susan Zies, Koushik Adhikari, and Nancy Muturi


Tailoring a Web-based Weight Maintenance Intervention for Northern Plains American Indian Public University Students, Kaitlyn Hemmingson, Roxanne Lucchesi, Elizabeth Droke, and Kendra K. Kattelmann


The Impact of a Fruit and Vegetable Intervention on Children and Caregivers, Emily Smith, karlys Wells, Suzanne Stluka, and Lacey A. McCormack


The Prevalence of Adverse Cardiometabolic Responses to Exercise Training with Evidence-based Practice is Low, Lance C. Dalleck, Gary Van Guilder, Tara B. Richardson, and Chantel A. Vella


Time-to-Fatigue During Incline Treadmill Running: Implications for Individualized Training Prescription, Derek D. Ferley and Matthew Vukovich

Use of a Systematic 3-Pronged Evaluation to Measure, Monitor, and Test Fidelity of the 5-State iCook 4-H Program, D Mathews, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Kendra Kattelmann, Sarah E. Colby, Melissa D. Olfert, and Adrienne A. White


Use of Word Clouds as a Novel Approach for Analysis and Presentation of Qualitative Data for Program Evaluation, Douglas Mathews, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Sarah E. Colby, Kendra Kattelmann, Melissa D. Olfert, and Adrienne A. White


Using High School Leaders in Dissemination and Implementation Through the Health Science Technology Academy (HSTA): iCook 4-H, Rebecca L. Hagedorn, Jade A. White, O Famodu, Makenzie L. Barr, S Hanks, A Chester, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Kendra Kattelmann, Adrienne A. White, and Melissa D. Olfert

Publications from 2014


A Community-based Exercise Intervention Transitions Metabolically Abnormal Obese Adults to a Metabolically Healthy Obese Phenotype, Lance C. Dalleck, Gary Van Guilder, Tara B. Richardson, Donald L. Bredle, and Jeffery M. Janot

An Evaluation of Restaurants in Low-income Communities Using the Nutrition Environment Measurement Survey for Restaurants (NEMS-R), Kendra Kattelmann and et al.

A Nutrition Environment Evaluation of Grocery and Convenience Stores in Low-income Communities Using the Nutrition Environment Measurement Survey for Stores (NEMS-S), Kendra Kattelmann and et al.


Assessing Blood Pressure and Quality of Life in 9- to 10-Year-Old Children: iCook 4-H Pilot Study, Erin Smith, A Root, S Flanagan, Sarah E. Colby, Kendra Kattelmann, and et al.


Assessing Effectiveness of the Implementation of a 12-Week Curriculum for Youth and Adults: iCook 4-H, Lisa Franzen-Castle, M Krehbiel, Adrienne A. White, D Mathews, K Yerxa, Kendra Kattelmann, and et al.


Characteristics and Kitchen Proficiency of Adults at Intervention Baseline: iCook 4-H, A Miller, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Adrienne A. White, D Mathews, Sarah E. Colby, R Meade, Kendra Kattelmann, C Kabala, Melissa D. Olfert, and Jade A. White