Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Advancing Karl Jaspers: The Connection Between the Theory of Existential Communication and Mentoring Satisfaction, Nolan Patrick Bowers
Organizational Culture's Impact on Job Satisfaction: A Reconceptualization of the Competing Values Framework, Isaac Thor Erickson
I Can't Look Away: Parasocial Relationships with Dance Mom Characters Across TV and Social Media, Kennedy Kay Pirlet
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Fighting for What is Right: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Fan Campaign to Save Anne with an E from Cancellation, Marie E. Anderson
"We Give Them the Most Important Thing Possible. We Give Their Dreary Lives Excitement”: Toward a Theoretical Model of Narrative Parasocial Engagement, Dominic Delbert Meyers
Theoretical Motivations for Posting in #MeToo, Shannon Pappas
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Disclosing for Closure: Negotiating Boundaries for Self-Expansion After Violence, Jadah M. Morrison
An Examination of Trust in News Mediums by College Students: A Comparison of Egypt and the USA, Karim Soliman
Identity Negotiations in Family Relationships: Discussing Substance Use Disorder Through the Communication Theory of Identity, Sarah-Michele Q. Weaver
The Impact of Facebook Affordances on Doomscrolling Behaviors during the Relational Dissolution Process, Emma Williams
ETDS from 2019
Make the Inaugural Great Again: A Rhetorical Analysis of Donald J. Trump’s Inaugural Address, Danielle F. Dickerson
Undoing Gender: An Analysis of How Women Communicate Within the Agricultural Industry, Shala R. Larson
Our Stigmatized American Heroes: Examining How Veterans with PTSD Communicatively Manage Stigma, Rikki A. Roscoe
ETDS from 2018
"I Don't Want to Hear About Your Dick": Communicatively Managing Stigma Surrounding Foreskin Restoration, Joshua Hartelt
Framed by Sexuality: An Examination of Identity-Messages in “Purity Culture” Reflections, Ashley Pikel
#Rest in Digital Peace: Examining Attachment Dimensions' Relationship to Grief Messages on Facebook, Kendall Uhrich
ETDS from 2017
Exploring the Relationship Between Immediacy Behaviors and Student Motivation in Engineering Classrooms: Immediacy as a Cause of Motivation, Andrea N. Barahona Guerrero
Do College Students Perceive Stigma the Same Way Experts Do? An Experimental Test of Lay Perceptions of Body-Size Stigma, Andie Malterud
Funny in a Man's World: Women Comedians' Use of Political Satire at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, Jessica M. Peterson
Account Service and Creative Personnel: Interpersonal Conflict and Dialectical Tensions in Advertising Agencies, Ashley Phillips
Graduate School Decisions: The Impact of Out-of-class Communication on First-generation College Students, Kaitlyn Voges
ETDS from 2015
Cliteracy and Justice For All : A Critical Rhetorical Analysis of Sophia Wallace’s Cliteracy Campaign, Vanessa Condon
The Effects of Media on the Financial Socialization and Spending Habits of Generation Y, Julia Rose DeCook
Investigating Work/Life Balance of Community Assistants in University Housing, Kama Konda-Varilek
Public Speaking Anxiety and Feedback Interactions in the Speech Center, Hanna Larsen
ETDS from 2014
Sugar and Spice and Everything Fabulous: A Thematic Analysis of Coming Out as a Drag Queen, Hannah Bowman
The Relationship Between Nonverbal Immediacy and Therapeutic Alliance in Higher Education Client-Counselor Interactions, Valerie Kleinjan
Symbolic Convergence of Family, Organizational, and Health Communication : Family-Staff Interaction and Quality of Care in Group Homes, Lindsay Quenzer
The Impact of Newspaper Opinion Writing on South Dakota Legislators, Elizabeth A. Reiss
Adopted Individuals’ Communication About Adoptive Identity Outside the Family Context : A Qualitative Content Analysis of Adoptees’ Disclosure of Identity, Haley Christine Vellinga
ETDS from 2013
Cultural Fit Wanted: A Content Analysis of Human Resource Generalist Job Advertisements, Kelli J. Chromey
Bullying Prevention Training in the Real World : A Thematic Analysis of New Teacher Experiences, Erica Gutzmer
An Analysis of Undergraduate Introductory Astronomy Syllabi from Physics and Astronomy Departments, Christopher J. Hunt
What if They Hate Me? An Examination of Counterfactual Narratives in Lesbian Coming Out Stories, Jade Metzger
Christ's Love in Comic Form: A Queer and Visual Rhetorical Criticism of Chick Tracts, Sarah Walker
ETDS from 2012
A Wink and a Nod: A Content Analysis of Facial Expressions in the Animated Film UP, Matt Delzer
You Throw Like a Girl: The Use of Nonverbal Communication in A League of Their Own, Kari E. Eliason
ETDS from 2007
Gender Portrayal in J.K. Rowling's “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”: A Feminist Rhetorical Criticism, Nicole Ackman
Female-to-Female On The Court : An Ethnographic Study of Athletic Communication in a Girls' Varsity Basketball Team, Katherine L. Gronewold
Teaching High School Journalism in South Dakota : A Case Study of 10 Veteran Female Educators, Jessica J. Jensen
Interviewee Perceptions of Group Interaction in An Employment Interview, Mary A. Kurtz
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Weekend Warriors : Relational Dialectical Tensions and Coping Strategies of Marital Partners in Nonresidential Stepfamilies, Becky DeGreeff
Nonverbal Communication Behavior of Successful Leaders on NBC's The Apprentice 3, Jocelyn M. DeGroot
Nonverbal Cues of Uncertainty Reduction and Perceived Attractiveness During Initial Interactions, Valerie J. Kazmerzak
The Stories They Share: Employee Perception of Consumer Self-disclosure During Service Encounters, Laura K. Keimig
An Analysis of Stephanie Herseth's 2002 Campaign for the United States House of Representatives, Stephanie L. Stubkjaer
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Remote Sensing of Phragmites Australis with The EO-1 Hyperion Sensor, Bruce W. Pengra
A Meta-Analysis of Gender Communication Courses, Jill M. Ward
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
A Study of Press Freedom in Taiwan From 1949 to 2003, Cheng-Huan Chen
A Rhetorical Analysis of Three Characters from Moises Kaufman's Playscript The Laramie Project Using Kenneth Burke's Dramatistic Pentad, Scott Gessford
The Perceived Empathicness and Attentiveness of the University Instructor, Michael L. King
The Competitive One-Act Play Program in South Dakota High Schools from 1974 to 2003, Mark W. Lindell
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
An Aristotelian Analysis of Campaign Speeches Given By President Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 and Senator John McCain in 2000, Travis Ryan Dahle
An Analysis Of Creative Arts Methods Used In Communication Disorders Intervention, Angie M. Guest
Interpersonal Communication: An Analysis of Curriculum, Cassandra LeClair-Underberg
An Analysis Of Disability Service Offices At Public Universities In South Dakota, Teresa Schoenfelder-Evans
An Assessment of the Oral Communication Training Given to Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives, Jeffrey S. Van Overbeke
A Statistical Analysis of Communication Apprehension and Graduate Teaching Assistants, Joshua N. Westwick
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
A Content Analysis of "Culture Matters, the Peace Corps Cross-cultural Workbook", Annie M. Clement
The Music Man : Costume Design and the Use of Gender Coding, Stacie Rose Horst
A Burkean Analysis of the War Speeches of Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and George W. Bush, Kristofer B. Kracht
Beauty and the Beast : Costume Design and Development, Kathy K. Laun
Propp's Fairy Tale Function in Braveheart : A Structural Analysis, Jerianne Moen
A Statistical Analysis of Communication Apprehension and International Students, Kyoko Okamoto
Success and Communication : An Analysis of High School Athletic Coaching Staffs, Kevin G. Sackreiter
Comparative Analysis of Ataka and Kanjincho, Yuriko Togashi
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Health Communication : Medical Students' Communication Training, Amy Kay Jacobson
The Nonverbal Messages of Tattoos, J.J. MnIntyre
Communication Between Health Care Professionals and Prostate Cancer Patients : Understanding the Bad News Interview, Rebecka Richter-Havlik
The Use of Film as an Instructional Method, April Lynn Semmler
Telling the American Story : The Construction of Arab World Reality in the Arabic and English Services of the Voice of America, Mervat A. R. Youssef
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
The Relationship Between Students' Time of Day Preferences and Academic Success, Deena M. Bisig
A Descriptive Analysis of the Work of Julie Taymor in the American Theatre, Anita K. Vogeler
An Analysis on Chinese Students' Intercultural Adaptation : Qualitative Study on Communication Competency, Mingya Zong
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Sexual Harassment Guidelines and The Use of Touch in The University Studio : A Communication Paradox?, Mary Jo Elizabeth Edeburn
E-mail : Its Effect on Student Family Communication, Joan Hogan
A Non-Aristotelian Analysis of Selected Press Briefings of Michael D. McCurry, Jason J. Kemnitz
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
A Statistical Analysis of Communication Apprehension and the Effects of Gender in the College Classroom, Stefanie L. Bakken
A Dramatistic Pentad Analysis of Louis Farrakhan's Million Man March Speech, Arnold Bell
A Feminist Rhetorical Criticism of Emma Donoghue's "Tale of the Apple", Cori Marx
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
An Analysis of the Use of Metaphor in the Keynote Speeches of the 1996 Republican and Democratic National Conventions, Thomas Bartl
The Effects of Public Performance on an Individual's Ability to Self-Monitor, Teresa L. Fester
The Watertown Public Opinion and the Way Family, Cindy Grantham
Communication and Maintenance of Gender Roles in Popular Film Rhetoric : a Feminist Analysis of When Harry Met Sally, Laura Holtey-Edeburn
A Narrative Analysis of the American Musical West Side Story, Julie A. Noonan
An Analysis of Conflict Resolution in the Classroom Between International and Non-International Students and Their Instructors, Angela D. Ray
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
The Role of Source Citation in Persuasive Communication: A Study Examining Source Citation in Persuasive Communication, Douglas L. Binsfeld
Wayne's World: A Rhetorical Analysis of Popular Culture Film, Jennifer M. Ell
Communication and Implementation of Motivation and Leadership in Hoosiers, Paul Turman
Student Expectations and Experiences of Communicator Style, Stacey Renae Wiskur
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
An Analysis of Interpersonal Conflict and Attribution on MTV's The Real World II, Elizabeth J. Gullickson
A Content Analysis Identifying Teaching Assistant Needs After an Orientation Program, Kip McKee
To Touch or Not to Touch: A Comparison of Modes in Tactile Communication, Cami M. Sanderson
Teacher Immediacy Behaviors and Social Presence: A Comparison Study of Perceived Student Satisfaction Between Face to Face and Mediated Classroom, Thomas J. Schulte
A Proposed Model of Interpersonal Communication: Using FIRO as an Antecedent to Verbal Aggression, Mark Lane Tolman
"Now He Belongs to the Ages": A Burkean Analysis of the Abraham Lincoln Funeral Ceremonies, Danny Lynn Udseth
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
A Burkean Analysis of Allegorical Representation in Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz, April A. Heeren
"The Dignity of Man is Inviolable": A Rhetorical Analysis of the German Government's Responses to Nationalist Agitation 1992-1993, Alan Christopher Jalowitz