Content Posted in 2020
Job Fair/ Recruiting, South Dakota State University
Job Fair/ Recruiting and Exhibitors, South Dakota State University
Jones County, SD Air Photos (1938 and 1954 Part A), Plant Science Department
Jones County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part B), Plant Science Department
Jones County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part C), Plant Science Department
Jones County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part D), Plant Science Department
Juxtaposition of Self, Shelby Meyer
Keresan Myth and Tradition in the Writings of Leslie Silko, Bernita L. Krumm
Kernel-Controlled DQN Based CNN Pruning for Model Compression and Acceleration, Romancha Khatri
Keynote: Machine Learning and the Evaluation of Forensic Evidence, Alicia Carriquiry
Keys to Buymanship: Bonded Fabrics, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Keys to Buymanship: Children's Clothes, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Keys to Buymanship: Durable Press, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Keys to Buymanship: Fabrics, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Keys to Buymanship: Men's Clothing, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Keys to Buymanship: Shoes, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Kingsbury County, SD Air Photos (1951), Plant Science Department
Know Your Apples, Ronald M. Peterson and Dean M. Martin
Know Your Community, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Know Your Fertilizer, Cooperative Extension
Know Your Grades of Butter, Leonard Benning and Shirley Seas
"Know Your Land" Program for South Dakota, E. J. Williamson, Robert Papendick, and Lloyd E. Davis
Laboratory Evaluation of the Theory of Catenary Irrigation Trail Tubes, Abbas Toghiani-Pozveh
Laboratory Study of Trail-tube Irrigation, Mohamed O. Shanna
Lac qui Parle, Its Missionaries, Traders and Indians, Donald Dean Parker
Lactitol: Production, properties, and applications, S. I. Martinez Monteagudo, M. Enteshari, and L. Metzger
Lamb Feeding Guide, Laverne J. Kortan
Land Judging in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Land Judging in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Landscape Planning for Farm and Home, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Landscaping Your Home, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Land Surface Phenology in the Highland Pastures of Montane Central Asia: Interactions with Snow Cover Seasonality and Terrain Characteristics, Monika A. Tomaszewska, Lan H. Nguyen, and Geoffrey Henebry
Land use Plan Canby, Minnesota, John William Meyer
Land Use Planning -- An Overview, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Land Use Planning -- An Overview, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Land Use Planning -- Critical Areas, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Land Use Planning -- Critical Areas, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Large Hay Packages: Harvesting Through Feeding, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Large Hay Packages: Harvesting Through Feeding, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Large-scale evaluation of growth performance and health of dairy calves supplemented with condensed whey solubles on a commercial dairy calf ranch, N. Senevirathne, J. Anderson, L. Metzger, and C. Marella
Late gestation conditions leading to postpartal subclinical ketosis in dairy cows affects offspring growth and performance, N. A. Carpinelli, J. Halfen, S. D. L. Ramirez, and J. S. Osorio
Lateral Deflections and Stress Analysis of Plate Girder Webs Subjected to Horizontal Loads, Hong-To Lam
Lawn Care, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Lawns for South Dakota, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Lawns for South Dakota, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Lawrence County, SD Air Photos (1961-Part A), Plant Science Department
Lawrence County, SD Air Photos (1961-Part B and 1967), Plant Science Department
Laws Passed by the 1976 South Dakota Legislature Concerning Estates, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Laying Out the Foundation for a Building, Ralph L. Patty
Layman's Hour Christmas Program
Leadership Participation and Style in the Extension Homemaker Study Group Program, Shirley Jean Anderson
Leafy Spurge, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Legislative Article 1974, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Legislative Article 1974, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Legislative Efforts Pertinent to the Subject Matter of Selected Debate Propositions from 1920 to 1967, Michie J. Wienk
Leg Power as Affected by Selected Weight Training Exercises and Forced-Stretch Training, James P. Thorson
Leg Strength, Leg Power, and Sprinting Speed as Affected by a Select Weight Training Program, Paul David Flynn
Lemons to Lemonade: Refining an Active Learning Course for Delivery During a Pandemic, Jeremy Straub
Leptospirosis, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Leptospirosis : A Costly Disease to Livestock and Man, Gordon McNeilly and G. S. Harshfield
Lessons from the Field: A Collection of Findings from Teacher Candidate Field Experiences, Tony Durr
Liability Risks for Hunter Hosts, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Life Satisfaction in Time Orientation, Narang Park, Jae Min Lee, and Wookjae Heo
Light and Color Responses of Apterous Cereal Aphids, Eugene Leslie Miller
Lighted Path, Carey Kilmer
Liquid Crystal Display Interface Method, Seth Thomas Hansen
Listeriosis (Circling Disease), Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Lithium-Ion Battery and Beyond: Oxygen Vacancy Creation in Tungsten Trioxide and Surface Modification of Lithium Metal, Rajesh Pathak
Livestock Judging : A Manual for 4-H Club Members, G. A. McDonald
Livestock Pest Control Guide, Cooperative Extension
Livestock Theft in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Livestock Theft in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Livestock Theft in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Live Trap for Nuisance Animal Control, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Live Trap for Nuisance Animal Control, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Living Bicentennial Floral Designs, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Living Bicentennial Floral Designs, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Living Bicentennial Floral Designs, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Living Bicentennial Floral Designs, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Look to the Label, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Love in Major Novels of Carson McCullers, Lynn Margaret Butterbrodt
Love, Language, Place, and Identity in Popular Culture : Romancing the Other, Maria T. Ramos-Garcia and Laura Vivanco
Low Voltage Electrical Stimulation of Beef Carcasses Slows Carcass Chilling Rate and Improves Steak Color, C. E. Bakker, K. R. Underwood, J. K. Grubbs, and A. D. Blair
Lunch, South Dakota State University
Lungworms of Mountain Goats in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Dale W. Block
Lyanna Chu - Iowa State University
Lyapunov Stability Analysis of Power Systems, R. Unnikrishnan
Lyman County, SD Air Photos (1938 Part B and 1939 Part A), Plant Science Department
Machinery Costs -- Own, Lease or Custom Hire, Merlyn M. Dahl and Wallace G. Aanderud
Machinery Costs -- Own, Lease or Custom Hire, Merlyn M. Dahl and Wallace G. Aanderud
Maintenance of Irrigation Wells (Chlorination and Acidizing), Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Maintenance of Irrigation Wells (Chlorination and Acidizing), Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Maintenance of Irrigation Wells (Chlorination and Acidizing), Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Major Themes in the Novels of Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., June A. Anderson
Making and Feeding Alfalfa Haylage, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Making the Most of Your Meal Money, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Making the Most of Your Meal Money, Roberta Hershey
Making the Transition to Active Learning, Byron G. Garry
Management and Nutrition of Early Weaned Foals, Brian P. Thiel
Management Guide for Planning a Farm or Ranch Business, Wallace G. Aanderud, Perry Fales, John N. Maher, and Francis Crandall
Management Guide for Planning a Farm or Ranch Business, Wallace G. Aanderud, Ronald Thaden, John N. Maher, and Francis Crandall
Management Guide for Planning a Farm or Ranch Business, Wallace G. Aanderud, Lawrence Madsen, and John N. Maher
Management Guide for Planning a Farm or Ranch Business, Arnold Rieckman, John Maher, and Lawrence Madsen
Management Implications of a Rye Cover Crop on Nutrient Cycling and Soybean Production in Southeast South Dakota: Focus on Rye Seeding Rates and Termination Timing, Benjamin Brockmueller
Management in Families : Managing Resources, Georgianne Baker
Management in Families : What is Home Management?, Lucile Ketchum
Management of Sow and Litter, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Managerial Decision-Making and the Homemaker, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Managing Invasive Plants on Great Plains Grasslands: A Discussion of Current Challenges, John Gaskin, Erin Espeland, Casey D. Johnson, Jane M. Mangold, Rachel A. McGee, Chuck Milner, Shishir Paudel, Dean E. Pearson, Lora B. Perkins, Chadley W. Prosser, Justin B. Runyon, Sharlene E. Sing, Zachary A. Sylvain, Amy J. Symstad, and Daniel R. Tekiela
Managing the Pig Herd, Cooperative Extension
Managing the Pig Herd, LaVerne Kortan
Managing Wetlands, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Managing Wool, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Man and Nature in Herman Melville's "The Encantadas", Jay J. Jackson
Manganese Greensand Contact Bed Filtration of a Municipal Groundwater Supply for Iron and Manganese Removal, Terry Kirschenman
Manganese-iron Relationships Influencing Certain Blood Parameters and Organogenesis in Pregnant and Fetal Rabbits, Gerald R. Cizadlo
Manpower Training Programs in South Dakota : Socio-economic Attributes of Participants Associated with Training Outcomes, James W. DeLong
Manufacture of culture-based acid curd using micellar casein concentrate, A. R. A. Hammam and L. E. Metzger
Manufacture of imitation Mozzarella cheese without emulsifying salts using acid curd and micellar casein concentrate, A. R. A. Hammam and L. E. Metzger
Manufacturing of process cheese without emulsifying salt using acid curd, A. A. R. Hammam and L. E. Metzger
Manure Use in Cropping, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Mapping and Monitoring of Mangrove Forests in the United States Using Landsat Satellite Imagery 1984-2009, Krishna P. Bhattarai
Mapping Components of Partial Resistance to Northern Corn Leaf Blight, Vickie Brewster
Mapping of Photoperiod-induced Growth Cessation in the Wild Grape Vitis riparia, Amanda Garris, Lindsay Clark, Chris Owens, Steven McKay, James Luby, Kathy Mathiason, and Anne Fennell
Mapping the Genetic Architecture of Grapevine Bud Growth-cycling Quantitative Traits, Anne Fennell, D. Alahakoon, J. Luby, and M. Clark
Marek's Disease -- Leukosis, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Marketing Alternatives for Producers of Wheat and Other Grains : A Workbook, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Marketing Alternatives for Producers of Wheat and Other Grains : Teaching Guide, Arthur B. Sogn and Richard K. Rudel
Marketing Farm Products : An Elementary Discussion Prepared Especially for Boys' and Girls' 4-H Clubs, A. M. Emberle
Market Structure and Conduct of the South Dakota Beef Industry, Annette Lorraine Clauson
Martha Ostenso : Romance Versus Realism, Laura Bosch
Mathematical Modelling of a First Order Transducer, Vijaykumar S. Monie
Mathematical Simulation of Sediment Deposit in Estuaries, Yuh- Hua Tsai
Matthew Arnold, the Development of a Social Critic, Annette Hoines
McPherson County, SD Air Photos (1939 + Field Notes), Plant Science Department
McPherson County, SD Air Photos (1939 Part A), Plant Science Department
McPherson County, SD Air Photos (1939 Part B), Plant Science Department
Meade County, SD Air Photos (1938 Part A), Plant Science Department
Meade County, SD Air Photos (1938 Part B), Plant Science Department
Meade County, SD Air Photos (1938 Part C), Plant Science Department
Meade County, SD Air Photos (1938 Part D, 1939, and 1954 Part A), Plant Science Department
Meade County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part B), Plant Science Department
Meade County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part C), Plant Science Department
Meade County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part D), Plant Science Department
Meade County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part E), Plant Science Department
Meade County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part F), Plant Science Department
Meade County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part G), Plant Science Department
Meade County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part H), Plant Science Department
Meade County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part I), Plant Science Department
Meade County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part J), Plant Science Department
Meade County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part K), Plant Science Department
Meal Planning Project Guide : Suggestions for 4-H Girls Enrolled in the Meal Planning Project`, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
Meals with Ease, Rosemary Ingram
Meals with Ease, Ruth Amidon
Mealtime for Little Folks, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Means and Variances of Early Generation Bulked Populations in Spring Wheat as Predictors of Derived Line Performance, Zahoor A. Swati
Measurement of Denitrification Rates in Agricultural Soils, Pamela A. Bonrud
Measurement of Sprinkler Evaporation Loss, Kris Daniel Kohl
Measuring Forage and Grain in Storage, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Measuring Forage and Grain in Storage, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Meat Sundries : How to Prepare and Use Them, I. B Johnston and Susan Z. Wilder
Mechanism and Regulation of Nitrogen Assimilation in Klebsiella pneuminiae M5al, Ming- Liang Li
Mechanistic Studies to Understand the Role of Human Gut Microbiota in Colonization Resistance and Gut Health, Sudeep Ghimire
Media Habits of Students at South Dakota State University, Craig Lee Derscheid
Mediation Efect of Financial Education between Financial Stress and Use of Financial Technology, Wookjae Heo, Jae Min Lee, and Abed G. Rabbani
Meeting Wastewater Discharge Standards by Use of High-Rate Infiltration-Percolation Basins, Larry D. DeMers
Meiotic Studies of Callus Culture-Derived Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans. L. Nash), Long-Fang Oliver Chen
Melanosome Differentiation in Hair Bulb Pigment Cells of Yellow Albino (AŁ/a C²j/C²j) Compound Mutant Mice, Vivian A. Andrawis
Mellette County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part A), Plant Science Department
Mellette County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part A - Field Notes/Soil Lines), Plant Science Department
Mellette County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part A - Final Soil Lines), Plant Science Department
Mellette County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part B), Plant Science Department
Mellette County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part B - Field Notes/Soil Lines), Plant Science Department
Mellette County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part B - Final Soil Lines), Plant Science Department
Mellette County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part C amd 1955), Plant Science Department
Mellette County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part C and 1955 - Field Notes/Soil Lines), Plant Science Department
Mellette County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part C - Final Soil Lines), Plant Science Department
Mellette County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part D - Final Soil Lines), Plant Science Department
Mellette County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part E and 1955 - Final Soil Lines), Plant Science Department
Mending the Family's Clothing, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Mentoring in An Impostor World: An Analysis on the Effects of Mentors on Mentee and the Impact of Mentor Disclosure, Emma Williams
Mentoring Native American Students for Future Science and Agriculure Workforce through FAST-REEU, S. Janaswamy
Mercury-Selenium-Arsenic Interrelationships in Broiler-Type Growing hicks, Jiing-Chnan Chern
Merrell Q. Sharpe Radio Address
Merry-Go-Round, Terese Svoboda
Metabolic Studies of 2, 2', ³⁶4, ³⁶4', 5, 5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl in Guinea Pigs, Margaret Ann Pearson
Methods for Rapid Identification and Enumeration of Streptococcus Bovis from Water, Lawrence Robert Koupal
Microprocessor Control of a TTL Median Filter Circuit, Scott Warren Pladsen
Microprocessor Used in DC Motor Control, Kuie-Lin Lo
Milk composition testing: from dairy farmer payment to dairy processor efficiency to dairy farm and animal diagnostics, L. E. Metzger
Milk House Planning, Cooperative Extension
Milk House Planning, Cooperative Extention, South Dakota State University
Milk House Planning, Ervin Kurtz, Louis Lubinus, and Clyde Helsper
Milk Production, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Milk Production, N. A. Jorgensen and E. J. Kleen
MInds Claim, Adrian Day
Mineral ions modulate carbohydrates functionality: Toward developing novel edible films, A. Sidgel and S. Janaswamy
Mineral Nutrition for Beef Cattle – Extension Program, Adele Harty
Minimum Requirements for Farmhouses, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
Minimum Tillage for Corn, Lyle A. Derscheid, George R. Durland, and Fred E. Shubeck
Minimum Tillage for Corn, Lyle A. Derscheid, George R. Durland, and Fred E. Shubeck
Missionary Work and Assimilation, Freddy Moran
Mixing Characteristics of an Aerated Lagoon Treating Municipal and Industrial Wastes, William J. Heyer
Mobile Home Buying, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Mobile Home Buying, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Model Development for Predicting Soil Moisture by Thermography, Gerard Alan Beutler
Modeling and Testing of a Solar Energy Intensifier System, Rita M. Polak
Modeling the subcritical hydrolysis of ice-cream wastewater, M. Enteshari and S. I. Martinez Monteagudo
Model Study of Laterally Loaded Piles in Sand, Jeong- Shwu Liu
Model Study of Swine Manure Pit Ventilation Systems, Gary W. Buller
Modernizing Your Wiring System, Cooperative Extension
Modernizing Your Wiring System, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Modernizing Your Wiring System, William H. Peterson
Modification of Plant Proteins and Their Potential Application as Fish Meal Replacements in Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Feeds, Miran Jaza Hama Salh
Modification of the Ackers and White Transport Equation to Permit Calculation by Size Fractions, Jeff A. Lewandowski
Modification of Toffaleti's Procedure for Sediment Transport, Janice Froehlich
Modified Dugdale Model, Prem Chandra Gupta
Molecular Facet of Host-Pathogen Interactions in Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat ( Triticum Aestivum L.), Bimal Paudel
Molecular Orbital Calculations for [Mo(CN)₈]⁴⁻ an Investigation of Eight Coordination Geometries, Patty S. Herman
Molybdenum Phthalocyanine Compounds, Robert John Losinski
Monitoring Methods and Performance Assessment for Implementation of Low Impact Development Practices in South Dakota, Farhana Akhter
Monks Enjoying the Morning Sun, Ken Curtis
Monthly Consumers’ Complaints reported to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: Utilization of Automatic Keywords Extraction Techniques, Wookjae Heo, Narang Park, and Lorna Saboe-Wounded Head
Moonflowers, Lindy Obach
Moral Drama : The Rhetorical Style of Geraldine Ferraro, Patricia R. Boik
Morphological Abnormalities of the t¹²/t¹² Preimplantation Mouse Lethal as Revealed by Electron Microscopy, Curtis J. Hesla Jr.
Morphological, Biochemical and Fluorescent Antibody Studies of Haemophilus Somnus, Danny W. Chladek
Mortimer's Memories, Roger Bommersbach
Mosquito Control in and Around Homes and Farmsteads, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Motivating Factors in the Purchase of Specific Clothing Items by Selected Groups of Men in South Dakota, Sandra Schroder Moore
Motivating Students Positively Through Restorative Justice Discipline, Peyton DeJong, Emily Trupe, and Eric Zwingel
Motivation in Voluntary Organizations, Arnold J. Bateman
Mourning Dove Facts, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Multi-Jurisdictional Planning and Development Districts, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Multi-Stage Transfer Learning System with Lightweight Architectures in Medical Image Classification, Rajesh Godasu, David Zeng, and Kruttika Sutrave
Murat Sincan – Sanford Research – Sanford Imaginetics
Murphy's Law: Modeled After Me?, Symmone Gauer
Music School : A Dance with John Updike's Poetry, Nan Steinley
My Rangelands: What Kinds? How Good?, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
N-acetyl-DL-tryptophan and DL-tryptophan Supplementation to Low Protein Starter Diets for Swine, Michael Walrod Cox
Nails, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Nano-technological potential for fisheries and water resource management: A review, M. Muruganandam, P. R. Ojasvi, and S. Janaswamy
National Beef Referendum, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
National Beef Referendum, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
National Farmers Union 1963 Convention Highlights
National Farmers Union 1963 Convention Interviews
National Farmers Union 1967 Convention, Part 1
National Farmers Union 1967 Convention, Part 2
National Farmers Union 1967 Convention, Part 2
National Farmers Union 1970 Convention Interview with Congressman Graham Purcell
National Farmers Union 1970 Convention Report
National Farmers Union 1970 Convention Wrap-up
National Farmers Union 1973 Convention, Part 1
National Farmers Union 1973 Convention, Part 2
National Farmers Union 1973 Convention, Part 3
National Farmers Union 1991 Co-op Month Advertising
National Farmers Union Advertisement About New Beef Tax Votes
National Farmers Union All States Camp Broadcast
National Farmers Union All States Camp Speaker
National Farmers Union Co-op Month Advertising
National Farmers Union Promotional Advertising
National Farmers Union Weekly Radio News Report from Washington, D.C.
National Farmers Union Weekly Radio News Report from Washington, D.C.
National Farmers Union Weekly Radio News Report from Washington, D.C.
Native Grasses for Pasture or Hay, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Native Shrubs of South Dakota, Larry Helwig
Natural Air/Low Temperature Grain Drying, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Nature of Panspots and Their Improvement in Range, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Navigating a Farmer's Passing, Jeremy Yoder
Needles and Thread, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Networking Break / Exhibitors, South Dakota State University
Neutron Activation Analysis for Trace Metal Content of Brookings Sludge for Land Application, Daniel George DeWall
New Label Uses for PICLORAM (Tordon 22K) in Pasture and Rangeland, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
New Label Uses for PICLORAM (Tordon 22K) in Pasture and Rangeland, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
New Life for Old Clothes, Linda Manikowske
New Life for Old Clothes, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
News Diffusion Among South Dakota State University Students, Vadakkeveetil Alexander Thomas
Newspaper Coverage of the Woman's Suffrage Movement in South Dakota at the Time of Statehood, Cecelia M. Wittmayer
Newspaper Ownership and the Weekly Editorial in Illinois, Mark Lee Goodman
News Writing Handbook for Extension Workers, John M. Ryan
Next Generation Mapping of Enological Traits in an F2 Interspecific Grapevine Hybrid Family, Shanshan Yang, Jonathan Fresnedo-Ramírez, Qi Sun, David C. Manns, Gavin L. Sacks, Anna Katherine Mansfield, James L. Luby, Jason Londo, Bruce I. Reisch, lance Cadle-Davidson, and Anne Y. Fennell
Nitrates in Livestock Waters, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Nitrates in Livestock Waters, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Nitrates in South Dakota Drinking Water, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Nitrates in South Dakota Drinking Water, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Nitrogen Demand Associated with Increased Biomass Yield of Switchgrass and Big Bluestem: Implications for Future Breeding Strategies, Michael D. Casler, DoKyoung Lee, Robert B. Mitchell, Paul R. Adler, R. Mark Sule, Keith D. Johnso, Robert Kallenbach, Arvid A. Boe, Russell D. Mathison, Kim A. Cassida, Doohong Min, and Kenneth J. Moore
Nitrogen Fertility Requirements, Dry Matter Production and Nutrient Uptake of the Sunflower, Robert Andrew Narem
Nitrogen Fixation and Other Microbial Activities in Soil on Antelope Range Station, Thomas J. Schneeweis
Nitrogen Fixation by and Isolation of Rhizobium Species from Native Legumes from a Tall Grass Prairie in South Dakota, Richard S. Steece
Nitrogen Fixation by Selected Native Legumes of South Dakota, Ronald S. Shave
Nitrogen Management, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Noise Pollution, Jacob John
Nonlinear System Identification Using an Analog Technique, G. N. Govindan
Norby Collection Photograph List, SDSU Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library
North Dakota Congressional Delegates Telephone Interviews
Northern and Western Corn Rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) : Flight Activity and Oviposition Behavior in Corn and Nonhost Plant Habitats, Mark A. Boetel
No Time for Tears : A Look at Death in the Salinas Valley Novels of John Steinbeck, Bill Anderson
Noxious Weed Control, Leon J. Wrage and Paul O. Johnson
Nucleophilic Substitution at Phosphorus : Phosphorothioates, Yuh-Geng Tsay
Numbers and Activity of Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria Associated with Spring Wheat, Mark W. Dott
Nursery Plants Available from South Dakota Nurseries, James E. Klett, Dean Martin, Stan Rhoads, and Bruce Gabel
Nutrient Intake of Extension Homemakers, Bernadine L. Enevoldsen
Nutritional and Cultural Aspects of Fifth Grade Dietaries, Janice R. Jensen
Nutrition and Your Health Dietary Guidelines for Americans : Avoid Too Much Fat, Saturated Fat, and Cholesterol, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Nutrition and Your Health Dietary Guidelines for Americans : Avoid Too Much Sodium, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Nutrition and Your Health Dietary Guidelines for Americans : Avoid Too Much Sugar, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Nutrition and Your Health Dietary Guidelines for Americans : Eat a Variety of Foods, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Nutrition and Your Health Dietary Guidelines for Americans : Eat Foods with Adequate Starch and Fiber, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Nutrition and Your Health Dietary Guidelines for Americans : If You Drink Alcoholic Beverages, Do So in Moderation, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Nutrition and Your Health Dietary Guidelines for Americans : Maintain Desirable Weight, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Oahe Area Water Resource Development for Community and Commerce, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Oahe Conservation Sub-district
Oahe Intermediate Wheatgrass, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood, English Department
Oakwood Cover, Erik Ritter
Oakwood Lakes-Poinsett Project: A Rural Clean Water Program, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Oasis on the Prairie, Sogan Okami
Oat Grain Rations for Growing and Finishing Cattle, Randal W. Rosenboom
Oat Production, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Oat Production in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Oat Production in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Oat Production in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Oat Production in South Dakota, Elmer E. Sanderson and Leon S. Wood
Oat Production in South Dakota, Elmer E. Sanderson and Leon S. Wood
Oat Production in South Dakota, Donald J. Reid, Leon S. Wood, and Leon J. Wrage
Oats Production in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension
Oats Production in South Dakota, Elmer E. Sanderson
Obtaining a Water Right, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Obtaining a Water Right, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Ochratoxin in Poultry Feeds : Toxic Effects on Hens, Harlal Choudhury
Oliva Tanka, Sara Henning
On Acoustic Measurement of Soil Moisture, Douglas George Knabe
Once Upon a Pond, Paul Gaillard
On Coming Out, Gracie Terrall
One in the Hand Worth Two in the Bush? Reproductive Effort of Young Males Is Not Affected by the Presence of Adult Males, Kevin L. Monteith, Kyle B. Monteith, Jonathan A. Jenks, and Rhiannon P. Jakopak
One-Way Disc Plow …Adjustment and Operation, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
One-Way Disc Plow …Adjustment and Operation, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
One way of Stabilizing a Bipedal Walking Machine, Gerald Paul Berger
On His Case Tractor, Dana Yost
Online Course Preperation - 101: Summary of Online Course Certification Training, Albena Yordanova
On-The-Farm Swine Selection, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
On the Road to Hooper Island, Alan Weltzien
Opening Session: Welcome and Introduction, Kurt Cogswell
Operating and Maintaining Irrigation Wells, Fred Sonmer
Operation of Induction Motor Open-delta Transformer Banks, Gautam C. Das
Operations Control Manual for Star Circuits Inc., Steven Wynia
Opinions and Sources of Information and Influence of South Dakota High School Guidance Counselors Concerning South Dakota Colleges and Universities, Roger A. Christianson
Opinions of Graduated Majors in Physical Education Concerning the Professional Preparation Program at Western State College, Brent Ralph Getchel
Opinions of the Graduated Majors in Physical Education, 1950-1972, Concerning their Undergraduate Professional Preparation at Augustana College, Meta Louise Johnson
Opportunity Costs of Diverting Water from Agriculture to Industry in Portions of Northeastern Wyoming, Woodrow Elbert Murray
Optimal Dietary Crude Protein Levels for Steer Calves Limit-Fed High-Concentrate Backgrounding Diets, Mark L. Sip
Optimization-based Fast-frequency Support in Low Inertia Power Systems, Ujjwol Tamrakar
Optimization of a One-story Two-bay Steel Frame with Haunches by Linear Programming, Kenneth L. Loeschke
Optimization of Conditions for Heat Pretreatment and Enzymatic Predigestion of DDGS for Pigs, Kevin Jerez-Bogota
Optimizing Family-Centered Care in the PICU: Literature Review, Leah Keune
Optimum Design of Multiple Source Pipeline Networks, Sheelendra S. Kulkarni
Optimum Design of Transversely Loaded Concrete Beam, Sheng Lung Tsai
Optimum Irrigation Loading Rates of Highly Saline Wastewater on a Montmorillonitic Soil, John H. Bischoff
Optimum Shipment Patterns of Feeder Cattle and Feed Grains in South Dakota and Their Implications, Mark J. Powers and Val Heier
Oral Microbiome and Its Affect on Human Systemic Diseases, Hee Chang Shin
Ordered carbohydrate systems as host materials of bioactive compounds, S. Janaswamy
Ordered carbohydrate systems as host materials of bioactive compounds, S. Janaswamy
Ordered carbohydrate systems as host materials of bioactive compounds, S. Janaswamy
Organic Fertilizer Abrasive Grits Increase Soil Available Nitrogen, Plant Height, and Biomass, Michael Carlson, Frank Forcella, Sam Wortman, David Clay, and Sharon A. Clay
Organizational Objectives, Arnold J. Bateman
Organizing Irrigation Districts in South Dakota, F. F. Kerr and Raymond Lund
Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Human Adipose Tissue in Relation to Disease State, Lisa J. DeSmet
Ornamental & Shade Tree Evaluation, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Ornamental & Shade Tree Evaluation, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Oshá (Bear Root): Ligusticum porteri J.M. Coult. & Rose var. porteri, Bernadette Terrell and Anne Fennell
Our Children: Recommendations from the White House Conference on Children and Youth, Cooperative Extension
Our quest together to find newer solutions for Listeria control, S. K. Anand
Outdoor Recreation in the Wagner Irrigation Unit, F. F. Kerr and Raymond Lund
Outlook for Family Living in 1964, Lila Dickerson
Over the Tree Row Cultivators, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Ovine Body Composition as Influenced by Live Weight, Wallace Jon Koester
Oxidation Kinetics of Bioactive Milk Lipids Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry, S. Cheng, L. Wei, M. Muthukumarappan, and S. I. Martinez Monteagudo
Ozonation and Manganese Greensand Filtration for Iron and Manganese Removal from a Municipal Groundwater Supply, Cary Pieterick
Ozonation of a Municipal Groundwater Supply and Water Purification Plant Treatment Process Modifications to Prevent Trihalomethane Formation, Warren William Kersten
Ozonation of a Municipal Groundwater Supply to Reduce Iron and Manganese, Steven Lance Schjodt
Ozonation of a Municipal Surface Water Supply to Reduce Odor and Enhance Flocculation, David Edward Nusz
Ozonation of a Municipal Surface Water Supply to Reduce Organics and Chlorine Demand and Enhance Flocculation, Lawrence James Van Hout
Ozonation of a Municipal Surface Water Supply to Reduce Trihalomethane Formation and the Use of Surrogate Parameters to Predict Trihalomethane Concentrations, Daniel John Graber
Ozonation of a Municipal Surface Water Supply to Reduce Trihalomethanes, Odor, Chlorine Demand, and Organics, Pen-Shi Peter Lee
Ozonation Pilot Treatment of a Surface Water Supply for Odor Control, Fairmont, Minnesota, Lyle Duane Munce
Panel Discussion: Perspectives on Data Science in Organizations, Steve Cross, Charles Hendrickson, David Groeneveld, Valerie Bares, and Dhiraj Sharon
Parallel Plate Viscous Dampers, Mohammd Mawid
Parallel Processing of the Fast Fourier Transform, Ke Zhou
Parameters of the Super-beta Transistor, Ho-An Au
Parametric Programming on an Analog Computer, Vinod B. Kumar
Parasites of Horses, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Parasites of Horses, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Parasites of Salmonid Fishes from Southcentral Alaska, James Carl Riis
Parasites of Shrews in Brookings County, South Dakota, Gary D. Collins
Parasites of Three Species of South Dakota Lagomorphs, Glenn E. Kietzmann
Parenting on Your Own : Be In Control of Your Finances, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Parenting on Your Own : Discipline, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Parenting on Your Own : Feeling Good About Yourself, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Parenting on Your Own : Finding the Job You Want, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Parenting on Your Own : Friendship and Support, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Parenting on Your Own : Getting and Using Credit, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Parenting on Your Own : Helping Children Adjust, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Parenting on Your Own : How Divorce Affects Kids, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Parenting on Your Own : Managing Stress, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Parenting on Your Own : Merchandizing Your Job Talents, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Parenting on Your Own : Providing Care for Your Children, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Parenting on Your Own : Sharing Parenting Responsibilities, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Parenting on Your Own : Turning Lonely Into Alone, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Parenting on Your Own : When There's Not Enough Time, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Parenting Styles, Parenting Practices, and Dietary Intakes of Preschoolers and Their Parents, Biyi Chen
Parkinson’s Disease: Current Treatment Options, Luke Kovaleski
Partial Cooling of the Environment in Free Stalls for Sows During Farrowing and Lactation, Thomas R. Gannon
Partial demineralization and deacidification of Greek yogurt acid whey by nanofiltration for improving the drying characteristics of Greek yogurt acid whey, V. Sunkesula, A. R. A. Hammam, and L. E. Metzger
Particle Injection Simulation on Cold Spray Technology, Christopher A. Santini
Partitioning Energy Requirements of Angus, Charolais and Reciprocal Cross Cows, Vernon L. Anderson
Partitioning Variation in Measurements of Beef Carcass Traits Made Using Ultrasound, Bradie M. Schmidt
Pasmo of Flax, Leon S. Wood and V. D. Pederson
Pastor Alice, Lindy Marshall Brummels
Past to Present (P2P): Road Thermal Image Colorization, Yuseong Park
Pastures for Maximum Production, Lyle A. Derscheid and Raymond A. Moore
Pastures for South Dakota, Ralph E. Johnston
Pasture Supplementation of Beef Cattle Followed by Drylot Finishing with High-concentrate Rations and Antibiotic Supplement, Cecil R. Graber
Pathogenesis of CTE: A Review of PTau, Lewy Bodies, and Cytokine Involvement in CTE, Karter Keefer
Pathogenicity, Synergism, and Control of Xanthomonas Translucens and Septoria Avenae f. sp. Triticea on Spring Wheat in South Dakota, Bruce Lloyd Davidson
Pathos and its Paradox : The Vision of J. M. Synge, William K. Schultz
Patient Demand for Nursing Home Care, Kenneth Ray Spear
Patterns : Selecting and Altering, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Peeking Through, Alison Simon
Penance and Confession in Medieval Literature for the Laity, Mary J. Daniel
Pennington County, SD Air Photos (1938 - Part A), Plant Science Department
Pennington County, SD Air Photos (1938 - Part B, 1939, and 1954 Part A), Plant Science Department
Pennington County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part B), Plant Science Department
Pennington County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part C), Plant Science Department
Pennington County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part D), Plant Science Department
Pennington County, SD Air Photos (1954 Part E and 1955 Part A), Plant Science Department
Pennington County, SD Air Photos (1955 Part B, 1962, and 1968 Part A), Plant Science Department
Pennington County, SD Air Photos (1968 Part B), Plant Science Department
Pennington County, SD Air Photos (1968 Part C), Plant Science Department
Pennington County, SD Air Photos (1968 Part D), Plant Science Departments
Pennington County, SD Air Photos (1968 Part E), Plant Science Department
Pennington County, SD Air Photos (1968 Part F) and Fall River County (1938 Part A), Plant Science Department
People, Problems, and the Future : Reading List for 1965-1967, Mercedes B. MacKay
Perceptual Regions of Minnesota, John L. Faundeen
Performance and Evaluation of Swine House Heating with a Solar Energy Intensifier-thermal Energy Storage System, Albert J. Heber
Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Life Cycle Assessment of Cattle Grown Utilizing Different Combinations of Growth Promoting Technologies, M. J. Webb, J. J. Block, A. A. Harty, R. R. Salverson, R. F. Daly, J. R. Yeager, K. R. Underwood, R. N. Funston, D. P. Pendell, C. A. Rotz, K. C. Olson, and A. D. Blair
Performance Testing Beef Cattle, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Performance Testing Beef Cattle, F. W. Crandall
Permeability and Consolidation Characteristics of Soils Producing Irregular-Shaped Compaction Curves, Terry L. Forest
Peroxyacetic Acid Delignification of Wood and Bark from Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa), Danny C. Ronning
Personality Survey of Senior ROTC Cadets at South Dakota State University Preferring Combat Arm Service as Compared to Non-combat Arm Service, Wayne P. Kubasko
Perspective, Jocelyn Rutten
Pesticide Applicator: Training and Certification, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pesticide Applicator: Training and Certification, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pesticide-pesticide Interaction in Organophosphorus Insecticide Degradation, Peter E. Cheng
Pesticides and Poultry, Wayne L. Berndt and Boyd Bonzer
Pests of Trees and Shrubs: Gall Formers and Sucking Insects, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pests of Trees and Shrubs: Gall Formers and Sucking Insects, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pests of Trees and Shrubs: Leaf Chewing Insects, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pests of Trees and Shrubs: Leaf Chewing Insects, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pests of Trees and Shrubs: Stem, Branch and Trunk Insects, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pests of Trees and Shrubs: Stem, Branch and Trunk Insects, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Peter Claussen – Gylling Data Management, Inc, SDSU
Pheasant Nesting Ecology, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pheasant Nesting Ecology, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Phlorotannins from Undaria pinnatifida Sporophyll: Extraction, Antioxidant, and Anti-Inflammatory Activities, X. Dong, Y. Bai, Z. Xu, Y. Shi, Y. Sun, S. Janaswamy, C. Yu, and H. Qi
Phosphoramidates : Metal Ion Catalyzed Ligand Exchange, Paula R. Andenas
Photoinduction of Floral Development in Hard Red Winter Wheat, Jose Ernesto Robles WiJangco
Photosensitization in Animals, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Photovoltaic Investigations Utilizing Stannic Oxide Single Crystals, Teresa L. Hein
Physical and Chemical Properties of Unconjugated Thiones, Patrick Nicols
Physical Characteristics, Body Composition and Somatotype of Selected NCAA Division II Collegiate Baseball Players, Ronnie Carda
Physical Conditioning and Ammonium Carbonate Affecting Blood Ammonium and Swimming Performance of Dogs, Larry Alan Bjurstrom
Physical Features of the Pollock-Herreid Irrigation Unit, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Physical Properties, Serviceability and Ultimate Strength of Fibrous Lightweight Concrete Beams, Aqil F. Sawalma
Physiological and Molecular Characterisation of Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) Germplasm with Improved Seedling Freezing Tolerance, M. Rokebul Anowar, Anne Fennell, Arvid Boe, Ivan W. Mott, Michael D. Peel, and Yajun Wu
Physiological, Anthropometrical, and Self Concept Changes in Overweight College Women as Affected by Exercise and Voluntary Diet, Connie J. Edlund
Physiological Effects of Nine Months of Training and Competition on College Distance Runners, Deane Donald Bjerke
Physiological Maturity of Grain Sorghum in South Dakota, Leroy E. Johnke
Physiological Responses and Thermal Comfort of Subjects in a Tractor Cab, Kenton Richard Kaufman
Physiological Responses of Holstein Steer Calves to Winter Climatic Conditions, Jay A. Runestad
Physiological Responses to Feeding a Yeast Culture Supplement to Transition Dairy Cows, Nathaly Ana Carpinelli
Phytoremediation of Saline-Sodic Soils in East Central South Dakota Utilizing Perennial Grass Mixtures, Douglas J. Fiedler
Picture Hanging in Interior Decoration, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Picture Selection : Editorial Reactions to Ten Violent News Photographs, Jacquelyn Ann Louise Elnor
Pig Pose Estimation Based on Extracted Data of Mask R-CNN with VGG Neural Network for Classifications, Sang Kwan Lee
Pilot Plant Production of Cellulase by Trichoderma Reesei QM9414 and the Effect of Dimethyl Sulfoxide on Cellulase Production by T. Reesei MCG77, Paul J. Whalen
Pink Eye: Infectious Keratitis, Keratoconjunctivitis, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pit and Trench Silos, Ralph L. Patty and Roy A. Cave
Pit Ventilation Systems Performance in a Model Swine Building, Stephen H. Pohl
Planning and Holding Productive Meetings, Arnold J. Bateman
Planning and Zoning in … South Dakota, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Planning and Zoning Rural South Dakota, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Planning and Zoning : South Dakota Compiled Laws, Galen Kelsey
Planning for More Profitable Use of Resources, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Planning for Rural Industries -- Local Employment, Thomas L. Dobbs
Planning Prices and Livestock Budgets, Wallace Aanderud, John Maher, Larry Madsen, and Erwin Anderson
Planning Prices and Livestock Budgets, Burton Pflueger; Arnold Rieckman; John Maher Thaden, Ron; and Larry Madsen
Planting Corn in South Dakota, Lyle A. Derscheid
Planting Corn in South Dakota, Lyle A. Derscheid
Planting Corn in South Dakota, Lyle A. Derscheid
Planting Tame Pastures and Hayland, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Planting Tame Pastures and Hayland, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Planting Tame Pastures and Hayland, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Planting Tame Pastures and Hayland, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Planting Tame Pastures and Haylands, Lyle A. Derscheid and Elmer E. Sanderson
Planting Tame Pastures and Haylands, Lyle A. Derscheid and Elmer E. Sanderson
Plant Materials for Dried Arrangements: Collecting and Preserving, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Plant Microbial Interactions in Wheat: Fusarium Head Blight and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Yaqoob Rashid Thurston
Plant Regeneration in Callus Cultures Derived from Young Inflorescences of Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), Wayne A. Sargent
Plant Science : Agronomy, Plant Pathology, Entomology at South Dakota State University : A Centennial Report, Lyle A. Derscheid
Plants Poisonous to Livestock in Botswana, Pearl Dijeng Motsepe
Plasma Ceramides and Triglycerides Are Elevated during Pregnancy in Association with Markers of Insulin Resistance in Hutterite Women., Jorge Eduardo Rico, Bonny Specker, Cydne A Perry, and Joseph William McFadden
Plasma Pepsinogen Test for Hypobiotic Nematode Larvae in Abomasal Glands of Sheep, Richard Alex Jensen
Play, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Plugging Up the Holes, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pocket Gophers, W. Alan Wentz
Pointing the Ways to New Opportunity, John T. Stone
Political Preference and Economic Rationality: An Interdisciplinary Study on the 1972 presidential, Roger A. Ferris
Pollock-Herreid Irrigation Unit: Benefits and Costs, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Polyperiod Linear Programming Analysis of a Brookings County Irrigated Farm, Paul Kiendl
Polysaccharide architecture & functionality, S. Janaswamy
Population Change in Incorporated Places in South Dakota, 1940-60, Donald R. Field and Robert M. Dimit
Population Change in West Africa : 1954-1972, Ndidi Odashionu Okwumaba
Population Changes Associated with Net Out-migration from South Dakota Counties, 1950-1960, Gerald F. Heil
Population Modeling of Greenbug Aphids in Spring Wheat, Marie Ann Coffin
Populations of Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria in Soil and Rhizospheres in Eastern South Dakota, Edward B. Anderson
Population Trends in South Dakota Counties, 1880-1980 : A Geographical Analysis, Abdur Rahim
Pore Pressure Influences on Irregular Compaction, Steven Keith Cutler
Positive Improvements on Body Composition and Muscle Strength in Older Adults Consuming the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet Containing Beef, M. Hossain and C. Perry
Possibilities, Chole Speas
Possible Relationships Between Surface Water Chemistry and Aquatic Plants in the Northern Great Plains, Kristin K. Sletten
Poster Session: Student Poster Competition, South Dakota State University
Postmergence Grass Control in Soybean Using Diclofop-methyl, Difenopenten and Sethoxydim, Jim Klauzer
Potato Production in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Potential Biological Control of Nuisance Blue Green Algal Species by Najas Guadalupensis and Hydrodictyon Reticulatum, Mary Kathryn Norris
Potential Industry Possibilities for South Dakota Indian Reservations, Yus Rusman
Pot-Hole Drainage, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
Potter County, SD Air Photos (1939 - Part B) and Faulk County SD Air Photos (1939 Part A), Plant Science Department
Poultry Houses for South Dakota, Ralph L. Patty
Poultry Management : A Manual for 4-H Poultry Club Members, O. J. Weisner
Poultry Pest Control, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Poultry Pest Control, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Poultry Pest Control, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Poultry Pest Control, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Poultry Project Guide for South Dakota 4-H Club Members, Boyd Bonzer and Lloyd Shinnick
Poverty Welfare : Charts and Graphs, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Poverty Welfare : Designing a Welfare System, Fern L. Chamberlain
Poverty Welfare : Historical Perspective, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Poverty Welfare : Opinions and Facts, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Poverty Welfare : Poverty Awareness Worksheet, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Poverty Welfare : Poverty, Welfare and Reform, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Poverty Welfare : South Dakota Poverty Data, James L. Satterlee
Poverty Welfare : Welfare : the Poor, the Near Poor, the Recipients, the Cost, Wanda M. Leonard
Poverty Welfare : What Are Your Beliefs about Welfare?, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Poverty Welfare : What Are Your Feelings About Welfare?, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Poverty Welfare : What Is Welfare?, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Practical Hog Production for South Dakota Farmers, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Prairie Hay at Its Best, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Prairie Trees, Lawrence Diggs
Preconditioning Feeder Calves, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Predicting Farinograph Stability of Wheat Flour with Mixograph and Glutomatic Tests, Brooke Shumate
Predicting Severity and Frequency of Automobile Accidents, and Identification of Accident Hotspots in the US, Zhuoyu Yang and Sayeed Sajal
Prediction of Beef Palatability Factors and Relationships Between Live and Carcass Traits, Richard J. Berns
Prediction of Efficient Player Combinations Among Members of the South Dakota State University Women's Basketball Squad, Maren Elaine Michaelson
Prediction of Lake-level Changes for Various Climatic Scenarios using a Water-balance Model, Waubay Lakes Chain, Northeastern South Dakota (Task 2), Northern Great Plains Water Resources Research Center and Patrick J. Emmons
Pre-Emergence Crabgrass Control, William G. Macksam, Kenneth R. Frost, and Dean M. Martin
Pre-emergence Weed Control, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Pre-inoculation and Field Inoculation, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Preparation and Reactions of 1, 5-bis (p-substituted Phenyl) Octahydro-3, 7-Disubstituted-1, 5-Diazocines, Roy R. Odle
Preparation and Spectral Properties of Substituted Heterocyclobutan-3-Ones, Peter Nickias
Preparing Fabric for Cutting, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Preparing Fabric for Cutting, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Preparing Fabric for Cutting, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Preparing Fabric for Cutting, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Prescribed Burning Guidelines in the Northern Great Plains, Kenneth F. Higgins, Arnold D. Kruse, and James L. Piehl
Presence of cyclodextrins in the ordered biopolymer systems enhances the bioactive compounds load, M. Elfaruk and S. Janaswamy
Pressing Fabrics, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Prevalence of Listeria Monocytogenes in a Bovine Associated Environment, Verne D. Brakke
Preventing Electric Shocks by Proper Grounding, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Preventing Electric Shocks by Proper Grounding, William H. Peterson
Preventing Waterfowl Crop Damage, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Price Relationships Between South Dakota Wheat Markets, Destination and Futures Markets, Tyler J. Stowater
Price Relationships of Selected South Dakota Cash Corn Markets with Destination and Futures Markets, Steven P. Gunn
Prices, Wages, and Causality, Marshall Ugo Constantino
Primary Production and Nutrient Limitation in Two Prairie Lakes, Roger A. Steinberg
Principle Stored Grain Insects of South Dakota, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Probabilities of Solar Weather, Hand-Hung Chen
Problem-Based Cooperative Learning, Karl A. Smith and Byron G. Garry
Proceedings of the International Conference of Extension Administrators, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Process and product innovation, L. E. Metzger
Process for manufacture of process cheese without emulsifying salt, L. E. Metzger and A. Hammam
Process for valorization of spent coffee ground, S. I. Martinez Monteagudo
Process Parameters for Separate-Stage Nitrification Activated Sludge Systems in Cold Environments, Kenneth T. Scheffler
Produce Quality Milk, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Produce Quality Spring Wheat, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Producing Earlier Cantalopes in Souh Dakota, Paul Prashar
Producing Oats for Milling, Lyle A. Derscheid, Elmer E. Sanderson, Ralph A. Cline, and Edward Langin
Producing The Drunkard with Wing and Drop Design : Construction, Painting, and Use of Roll Drop Scenery, Desiderio Roybal
Production and Environmental Simulations for Livestock Housing, Mark Allen Diesch
Production of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B in Foods with Varied Environmental Conditions, Robert Jefferey Heidelbauer
Production Test for More Dairy Profits, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Production Test for More Dairy Profits, Hollis D. Hall
Professional Preparation of Head Coaches for Girls Interscholastic Track and Field in South Dakota, Maxine Marie Johnson
Profiling Transcription and Retrotransposition of Mouse L1 Subfamilies, Lingqi Kong
Program Determination, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Program Determination, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Propagation of Selected Native Prairie Plants by Leaf Tissue Culture, Bernard Erlyn Ellis
Proper Range Use: How to Rate Use on Your Native Pastures, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Properties of Six South Dakota Bovine Picornaviruses, Janet Marie Mattson
Proposed Amendment: Investment of School Lands Funds, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Proposed Amendment: Length of Legislative Sessions, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Proposed Amendment: Mineral Rights on School Lands, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Proposed Amendment: Two-thirds Vote on Tax Increases, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Proposed Constitutional Amendments C & D: Limits on Legislative Powers, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Proposed Solid Waste System for Rural Areas of Brookings County, South Dakota, Arnold A. Putman
Proposing an Engineering Gendered Racial Microaggression Scale, Arielle True-Funk, Cristina Poleacovschi, Gloria Jones-Johnson, Scott Grant Feinstein, and Meghan Berger
Protecting South Dakota's Environment, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Protecting Trees frm Animal and Bird Damage, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Protecting Wetlands, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Protein Identification and Quantification from Riverbank Grape, Vitis riparia: Comparing SDS‐PAGE and FASP‐GPF Techniques for Shotgun Proteomic Analysis, Ingra S. George, Anne Y. Fennell, and Paul A. Haynes
Protein-Sparing Modified Fasts : Body Composition Changes and Selected Physical Fffects, Marilyn Hofer
Protein Supplementation as Related to Protein Sources for Growing and Finishing Lambs, Luis Fernando Palmer
Proteomic Analysis of Shoot Tissue During Photoperiod Induced Growth Cessation in V. riparia Michx. Grapevines, Kim J. Victor, Anne Fennell Dr, and Jerome Grimplet
Protest Music and Public Discourse: How P!NK Uses “Dear Mr. President” to Create Conversation, Olivia R. Knippling
Protest of Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson's Policies
Protocol for Human Trafficking in the Emergency Department, Amy Clay
Pruning Black Hills Pine, E. K. Ferrell and James A. Brown
Pruning Fruit Trees, R. M. Peterson and Dean Martin
Pruning Junipers, Arborvitae and Yews, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pruning Junipers, Arborvitae and Yews, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pruning Pines, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pruning Pines, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pruning Shade Trees, Cooperative Extension
Pruning Shade Trees, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pruning Shade Trees, E. K. Ferrell, Dean Martin, and Paul Collins
Pruning Shade Trees … with Special Notes on Dutch Elm Disease and Elm Tree Pruning, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pruning Shade Trees … with Special Notes on Dutch Elm Disease and Elm Tree Pruning, L. L. Helwig, Dean Martin, and Paul Collins
Pruning Spruce and Firs, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pruning Spruce and Firs, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pruning Tomato Plants, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Prussic Acid Poisoning, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Prussic Acid Poisoning, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Public Housing for the Elderly : The Relationship of Selected Physical Standards to Resident Satisfaction, Kathleen L. Zoellner
Public Services Available to Rural Residents, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Public Services Available to Rural Residents, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Pure Live Seed, R. C. Kinch
Pure Live Seed, R. C. Kinch
Put Protein in Your Diet, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Puzzles, Leah Hofer
Quackery … The Billion Dollar Miracle Business, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Quality and Quanity of Surface Runoff from a Cropland Area in South Dakota During 1970, Terry Allen McCarl
Quantifying Undisturbed (Native) Lands in Western SD : September 2020 Preliminary Data Files, GIS Layers, Geodatabase, Pete Bauman, Brad Richardson, and Tanner Butler
Quantifying Undisturbed (Native) Lands in Western SD : September 2020 Updated County Maps: JPEGs, Pete Bauman, Brad Richardson, and Tanner Butler
Quantifying Undisturbed (Native) Lands in Western SD : September 2020 Updated County Maps: PDFs, Pete Bauman, Brad Richardson, and Tanner Butler
Quantifying Undisturbed (Native) Lands in Western SD : September 2020 Updated Data Files, GIS Layers, Geodatabase, Pete Bauman, Brad Richardson, and Tanner Butler
Quantitation and Identification of Free Sugars from Vascular Plants by Gas-liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry, Darnell A. Nehlich
Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Stalk Quality Characteristics in a Corn Synthetic, Maria Magdalena Held
Quantitative Imaging of Cell-Level Auxin Cytokinin Outputs in Soybean and Model Plants, Paul Gaillard
QUBIC: A Bioconductor Package for Qualitative Biclustering Analysis of Gene co-Expression Data, Yu Zhang, Juan Xie, JInyu Yang, Anne Fennell Dr, Chi Zhang, and Qin Ma
Rabies in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Rabies in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Raccoons and Their Control, John L. Schmidt
Radio Interview Regarding Insurance
Radio Report on South Dakota Attorney General Candidate Kermit Sande
Radium-226 and -228 in the Groundwater of Southeastern South Dakota, Terry Lee Randall
Radium-226 Detection by Radon Emanation and Rapid Simultaneous Scintillation Counting Methods, Richard Dean Wittmeier
Raising Dairy Calves, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Raising Dairy Herd Replacements, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Raising Pheasant Chicks, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Raising Pheasant Chicks, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Randall RC&D Project : Welcome to a Better Place to Live, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Range Seedlings: Kinds that Succeed and Kinds that Fail, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Rates Paid for Custom Work in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Rates Paid for Custom Work in South Dakota, Ron Thaden and Wallace G. Aanderud
Rates Paid for Custom Work in South Dakota, 1986, Ron Thaden
Reactions of Reduced Glutathione with Some Methylated Selenium Compounds, Nancy Wendt Thiex
Reactions of Trans-trichlorooxobis(triphenylphosphine)Rhenium(V), Sujit Kumar Swar
Reciprocal Ovary Transplantation as a Means to Study Reproductive Function in Female Lethal Yellow Mice (A̲y̲/a̲: C57BL/6J), Gerald Alan Dickens
Recreational Use of Six Prairie Wetlands in Eastern South Dakota, Timothy Allen Thompson
Recurrent Themes and Forms of Support in Selected Speeches by Russell H. Conwell and Robert H. Schuller, Marty J. Birkholt
Redemptive Strategies in the Novels of Bernard Malamud, Patrick B. Bjork
Rednecks and Hillbillies: A Thematic Analysis of the Construction of Pride and High Self-Esteem Exhibited by Southern Characters, Casey R. White
Reduced Tillage, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Reduced Tillage, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Reduced Tillage Effects on Weed Control, Soil Properties, and Dominant Weed Species in Southeastern South Dakota, Mark A. Wrucke
Reduce Grain Sorghum Harvest Losses, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Reduce Grain Sorghum Harvest Losses, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Reduce Grain Sorghum Harvest Losses, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Reduce Wind Erosion: East-Central South Dakota, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Reduce Wind Erosion : Eastern South Dakota, Lyle A. Derscheid, Edward J. Williamson, and Paul Boden
Reduce Wind Erosion : West-Central South Dakota, Lyle A. Derscheid, Edward J. Williamson, and Paul Boden
Reduce Wind Erosion : Western South Dakota, Lyle A. Derscheid, Edward J. Williamson, and Paul Boden
Reducing Blackbird Damage, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Reducing Blackbird Damage, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Reductive Catabolism of Pyrimidine Bases by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Seunghee Kim
Reestablishing the Juneberry on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation: Cultural, horticultural, and educational connections, Kerry E. Hartman
Refitting and Altering Ready-to-Wear, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Refitting and Altering Ready-to-Wear, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Reflectance Measurements for the Detection and Mapping of soil Limitations, Lawrence A. Benson
Reforms of the U.S. Banking System, Monica Shun-oi Lun
Relationship Between Pre-meet Anxiety Level and Gymnastic Meet Performance in Women's Intercollegiate Gymnastics, Barbara Kae Langemo
Relationship Between Soil Moisture and Soil Surface Temperature, Steven Darwin Ness
Relationships Between Parameters of Combine Design and Soil Compaction, Patrick Gene Ellwein
Relationships of Food Faddism to Critical Thinking, Nutrition Knowledge and Some Demographic Characteristics, Mary Angelyn Auch
Relationships of Homologous Erythropoietin, L-ascorbic Acid, and Iron Dextran to the Hemogram of Newborn and Doe Rabbits, Lloud Edward Lippert
Relationships of Scores Achieved on a Crawl Stroke Rating Form and Selected Measures of Stroke Efficiency in Swimming, Bradley Laverne Erickson
Reliability of Laboratory Germination and Tetrazolium Tests in Predicting Soil Emergence of Five Grasses Native to South Dakota, William H. Bohl
Reliability Study of a Modified Los Angeles Rattler Test, Joe H. Smith
Reliability Study of a Revision of the Modified Los Angeles Rattler Test Using Class "C" Graded Aggregates, Dallas L. Hofer
Religion, Women and Culture in the Works of Ole E. Rølvaag, Nancy Gwen Moose
Relocation on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation : Problems and Programs, Ben Reifel
Remember Wildlife When You Plan Water Developments, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Remote Sensing of Water Quality in Prairie Lakes, Brian D. Thoreson
Repairing Innerspring Cushions, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Repeatability of Cow Efficiency, Weaning Weight and Milk Production in Angus, Charolais and Reciprocal Cross Cows, Brent A. Buckley
Replication of Bovine Parainfluenza-3 Virus in Bovine Alveolar Macrophages : Effects on Phagocytosis and Phagosome-Lysosome Fusion, Richard Allen Hesse
Report on South Dakota Governor Richard Kneip's State of the State Address
Reproductive Performance of Anestrous Crossbred Ewes Subjected to Artificial Photoperiod or Melatonin, Kelly Ann Weiskircher
Requiem, Codi Vallery-Mills
Research Based Classroom Practices that Improve Student Learning, Suzette R. Burckhard
Reseed Native Range Grasses? or Plant a Tame Pasture?, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Residual Effects of Chloride Fertilization on Selected Plant and Soil Parameters, William Karl Schumacher
Resource Development, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Response of Five Corn Inbred Lines to Line Source Irrigation, Terry J. Foley
Response of Oat to Chloride Fertilization, Paul E. Gaspar
Response of South Dakota Adapted Sorghum Cultivars to Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Strains A and B, Chang Won Choi
Response of Strain to Amino Acid Supplementation and Lysine Requirements in Low Protein Layer Diets, John B. Carey
Responses of Land Surface Phenology to Wildfire Disturbances in the Western United States Forests, Jianmin Wang
Reverse Genetic Analysis of Ehd1 for an Association between Flowering Time and Seed Dormancy in Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Yeter Karakoc
Revising a Portfolio Initiative to Assess Student Progress in a Mechanical Engineering Program, Nancy B. Barr
Rheological, texture, structural, and functional properties of Greek-style yogurt fortified with cheese whey-spent coffee ground powder, J. Osorio-Arias, A. Pérez-Martínez, O. Vega-Castro, and S. Martinez-Monteagudo
Rhetorical Analysis of Federico Fellini's film La Strada, Randall Scott Hanzen
Rhetorical Theory in Homiletics Training at the St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary, Laurie L. Haleta
Rhodium Complex Catalyzed Alcohol Carbonylation Reactions, Joseph Leo Nothnagel
Ribonuclease II :A Glycoprotein with Differential Distribution in Tissues of two Nonacclimated Cultivars of Winter Barley, Gregory James Bunkers
Ridge Vent and Wind Direction Effects on Airflow Characteristics in a Model Open Front Beef Building, Robert K. Egan
Ridge Vent Influence on Airflow Characteristics in a Model Open Front Beef Confinement Building, Donald P. Froehlich
Rigidity of four-bolt and six-bolt end plate connections, Roger William Eastman
Ritual Patterns in Shakespeare's Comedies, Margaret M. Eno
RNA and Cell Volume Distribution Analysis of VEE Virus Infected Mosquito Cell Cultures, Clayton Werner Naeve
Robert Bly and the Twofold Consciousness, Mary A. Thelen
Robin Williams, Emily Cass
Role Conflict Between Work and Family : The Scarcity Approach Versus the Expansion Approach, Melodie Lynne Lichty
Role Expectations of the Clinical Nurse Specialist, Michele Jans Crissman
Role of Adiponectin in Neuroinflammation & Neuroprotection, Nathan Stadem
Role-taking and Power in Health Care, Dana Charles De Witt
Rong Zheng -- Western Illinois University
Root Pulls and Root Ratings as an Analysis of Insecticide Performance in the Control of Corn Rootworms (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), James I. Jessen
Root Rating : Corn Yield Interactions, Kenneth G. Miller
Rootstock Effects on Scion Phenotypes in a ‘Chambourcin’ Experimental Vineyard, Zoë Migicovsky, Zachary N. Harris, Laura L. Klein, Mao Li, Adam McDermaid, Daniel H. Chitwood, Anne Fennell, Laszlo G. Kovacs, Misha Kwasniewski, Jason P. Londo, Qin Ma, and Allison J. Miller
Rose: A Winter Hardy Wheat, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Rural Community Water Systems: Update 1978, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Rural Community Water Systems: Update 1978, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Rural Community Water Systems: Update 1978, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Rural Community Water Systems: Update 1978, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Rural Crime, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Rural Electrification in South Dakota
Rural Leaders' Hand Book, S. W. Jones
Rural Life Sunday…. : May 2nd, 1948, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
Rural NPO Leadership in Time of Volatility: A Study of Nonprofit Organizations in South Dakota, Mellissa Heermann
Rural Sewage Disposal for Individual Homes, Louis Lubinus and Blaine B. Barker
Rural Sewage Disposal for Individual Homes, Louis Lubinus and James Nelson
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Aurora County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Beadle County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Bennett County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Bon Homme County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Brookings County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Brown County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Brule County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Buffalo County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Campbell County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Charles Mix County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Clark County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Clay County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Codington County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Custer County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Davison County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Day County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Deuel County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Dewey County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Douglas County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Edmunds County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Fall River County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Faulk County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Grant County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Gregory County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Haakon County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Hamlin County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Hand County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Hanson County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Harding County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Hughes County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Hutchinson County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Hyde County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Jackson County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Jerauld County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Jones County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Kingsbury County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Lake County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Lawrence County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Lincoln County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Lyman County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Marshall County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : McCook County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : McPherson County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Mellette County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Miner County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Minnehaha County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Moody County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Perkins County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Potter County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Roberts County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Sanborn County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Shannon County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Spink County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Stanley County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Sully County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Todd County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Tripp County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Turner County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Union County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Walworth County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Washington County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Yankton County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural Water Supplies in South Dakota : Ziebach County, Walter V. Searigh and Elmer E. Meleen
Rural water supplies of South Dakota : Butte County, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
Rural water supplies of South Dakota : Corson County, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
Rural water supplies of South Dakota : Meade County, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
Rural water supplies of South Dakota : Pennington County, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
Rural Water System Easements, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Rural Water System Easements, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Rural Zoning and Economic Development, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Rural Zoning for Economic Development, F. F. Kerr
Russian Knapweed, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Safe Rural Water Supplies, F. F. Kerr and John Hatch
Safe Sleep Behaviors Among South Dakota Mothers and the Role of the Healthcare Provider., Bonny L. Specker, Maggie Minett, Tianna Beare, Nicole Poppinga, Mary Carpenter, Jill Munger, Katelyn Strasser, and Linda Ahrendt
Safe Use of Pesticides, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Safe Use of Pesticides, Lyle A. Derscheid
Safe Use of Pesticides, Wayne Berndt
Safe Use of Pesticidies, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Salmonella Detection by Coulter Counter Volume Displacement Using Specific Antibody Coated Latex, Gita Chandulal Parikh
Salmonella in Livestock, Thomas E. Lucas and James H. Bailey
Salt and High Blood Pressure, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Salt and High Blood Pressure, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sanitary Landfill Site Selection and Operation, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sanitary Landfills… the Situation and Legal Requirements, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sarcocystis of Deer in South Dakota, Charles William Emnett
Satellite Cells of Growing Turkeys : Influence of Donor Age, Sex, Serum and Muscle on Proliferation and Differentiation in Vitroitro, Matthew Eli Doumit
Saving Energy in High Temperature Grain Drying, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sayeed Sajal – Minot State University
Scattering Parameters of VHF Semiconductor Devices, Young Dae Kim
Scours in Pigs, Gordon McNeilly and G. S. Harshfield
Screening of Catalysts for the Subcritical Water Depolymerization of Lignin, Balawanthrao Jadhav
Screening Tests for Abnormal Milk, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Scrupulosity, Caitlin Irish
S. Dak. Small Watershed Development Under Public Law 566, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
S. D. Extension Trapper Program, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
S. D. Extension Trapper Program, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
SDState Sustainability Newsletter: Vol. 4 Issue 1, Jennifer McLaughlin
SDState Sustainability Newsletter Vol. 4 Issue 2, Jennifer McLaughlin
SDState Sustainability Newsletter: Vol. 4 Issue 2, Jennifer McLaughlin, Tanner Aiken, and Jonathan Meendering
SDState Sustainability Newsletter Vol. 5 Issue 1, Jennifer McLaughlin
SDState Sustainability Newsletter: Vol. 5 Issue 2, Jennifer McLaughlin
SDSU Assembler Generator, Stephen John Stalzer. Stalzer
SDSU Beef 2020 Increases Beef Industry Knowledge for Participants, C. Bakker, K. Underwood, J. K. Grubbs, J. Walker, C. Wright, K. Olson, W. Rusche, and A. Blair
SDSU Beef Day 2020 Complete Proceedings, Department of Animal Science
SDSU Data Science Symposium 2020
SDSU Data Science Symposium 2020
SDSU Data Science Symposium 2020
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SDSU Data Science Symposium 2020
SDWRI Water News, South Dakota Water Resources Institute
Seasonal Effect of Large-scale Gravel Excavation on Ground Water Quality, James R. Rasmussen
Seasonal Losses of Surface Litter in Northern Great Plains Mixed-Grass Prairies, Deepak R. Joshi, David E. Clay, Sharon A. Clay, and Alexander J. Smart
Seasonal Thermal Expansion and Contraction Characteristics of a Precast Prestressed Concrete Composite Pavement on U.S. Highway 14 - Bypass, Richard A. Phillips
Sediment Transport Procedure for Nonuniform Bed Sediment by Modification of the Ackers and White Procedure, Hock Hwee Heng
Seed Treatment for Small Grains and Other Field Crops, Leon Wood
Seismic Performance of Mechanically Spliced Bridge Columns through Analytical Studies, Mathew Ray LaVoy
Selected Anatomical and Physiological Responses as Affected by a Rope-skipping and Cycling Program for College Women, Betty Jane Lengkeek
Selected Flexibility Exercises and Baseball Hitting Proficiency, Kenneth Bernard Krogman
Selected Metaphors in Elie Wiesel, Jane Frances Sundal
Selected Physiological Changes in College Distance Runners as Affected by a Year-round Competitive, Lyle L. Claussen
Selected Physiological Changes in College Men and Women Participating in Social Dance, Barbara Dale Bovee
Selected Socio-demographic Factors Associated with Fertility Change in South Dakota, 1960-1970, John M. Butterbrodt
Selected Traits for Predicting Success in Football as Determined by College Football Coaches, Dennis Waldon Van Berkum
Selecting Dairy Sires, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Selecting Dairy Sires, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Selecting Easy Care Clothes, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Selecting Rugs and Carpets, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Selecting Swine Breeding Stock, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Selecting Your Irrigation System … Comparing Five Common Types, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Selection of Pumping Equipment for Irrigation, Michael Fogel
Selenium and Arsenic Interaction in the Rat, Cecile Younan Andraos
Selenoamino Acids in Wheat and High-selenium Yeast, Jinq lih Lee. Lee
Self-regulation and the Maturing Mind, Laura Ackerwold, Lauren Adrian, and Katey Krager
Semantic Segmentation Using Modified U-Net Architecture for Crack Detection, Michael Sun
Senator George McGovern Addresses the South Dakota Farmers Union
Senator Hubert Humphrey Speech
Senator Walter Mondale Telephone Address to the South Dakota Farmers Union
Sensitivity Analysis of the SDSU River Basin Model, Kunjipalu Thoppil
Serological, Chemical, and Morphological Comparison of Four Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Strains, Barbara J. Schroeder
Serological Groupings of Rhizobium Isolated from Native Legumes of South Dakota, Pamela Van De Rostyne Tranby
Serological Survey and Pathogen Exposure of Adult Female White-tailed Deer in the Western Dakotas, Katherine L. Moratz, Bailey S. Gullikson, Eric S. Michel, Daniel M. Grove, Jonathan A. Jenks, and William F. Jensen
Serum Progesterone Levels as a Means to Study Reproductive Function in Female Lethal Yellow Mice (Ay/a; C57BL/6J), Jon Andrew Gonsor
Session 11 - Methods: Bootstrap Control Chart for Pareto Percentiles, Ruth Burkhalter
Session 12 - Finance: Bias In, Bias Out? How to Fight Biases in AI and Create Trust, Gerald Fahner
Session 13 - Data Science and Startups: Get Answers and Insights from your Data, Dhiraj Sharan
Session 14 - Healthcare: A Dense-Inception Network for Medical Image Classification, James Boit and David Zeng
Session 14 - Healthcare: A Patient-Centered Approach to IT Enabled Diabetes Self-Management: The Case of Saudi Arabia, Hassan Alyami
Session 14 - Healthcare: Exploring Task Decomposition with Ensemble Approach using Reinforcement Learning, Raisa Nusrat, Daniel Elliott, and KC Santosh
Session 1 - Tools: Introduction to Machine Learning in SAS, Melodie Rush
Session 1 - Tools: SAS Viya Tour, Melodie Rush
Session 2: Opportunities for Improving Health through Big Data and Data Science: Floor Discussion, Arielle Selya
Session 3 - Precision Agriculture: Imputing Data without Replication, Jixiang Wu
Session 3 - Precision Agriculture: Multi-Resolution Approximations for Precision Agriculture, Paul May and Hossein Moradi
Session 3 - Precision Agriculture: Towards Deep Learning for Weed Detection: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Architectures for Plant Seedling Classification, Martinson Ofori and Omar El-Gayar
Session 4 - Advances in Probabilistic Modeling for Machine Learning: On Finite Mixture Modeling of Change-point Processes, Yana Melnykov
Session 5 - Natural Language Processing: Large-window Techniques for Geospatial Raster Data, Anne Denton
Session 6 - Nonparametric Methods for Data Science: Some of These Things is Not Like the Others: Visual Statistics and Testing in Statistical Graphics, Susan Vanderplas
Session 7 - Application: Speed Session by Grad Students, Rajesh Godasu, Lawrence Segbehoe, Josh Eason, Ganga Basyal, Ayorinde Ogunyiola, and Omar Sharif
Session 8 - Tools: Introduction to Git and Github, Seema Bhandari
Session 8 - Tools: Jupyter Notebook & Python for Data Scientists, David Zeng
Session 9 - Forecasting: Data Science in the Life Insurance Industry, Gary Hatfield
Session 9 - Forecasting: Multi-Step Forecast of the Implied Volatility Surface Using Deep Learning, Zhiguang Wang
Session 9 - Forecasting: Using Prophet Methodology for Forecasting, Ally Pelletier
Set-Aside Acres, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Set-Aside Acres, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Set-Aside Acres for 1979, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Set-Aside Acres for 1979, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sewing Corduroy and Velveteen, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sewing Lightweight Knits, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sewing Modern Fabrics, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sewing Modern Fabrics, Elizabeth K. Easton
Sewing Quilted Fabrics, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sewing Silky Woven Fabrics, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sewing Stretch Terry, Velour, and Chenille, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sewing Wools and Wool Blends, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Shade Trees to Replace the Elm (Especially the American Elm), Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Shade Trees to Replace the Elm (Especially the American Elm), Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Shape Up With Interfacing, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Shaping Hedges, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Shaping Hedges, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sheep in South Dakota : A Manual for 4-H Club Members, I. B. Johnson
Sheep Ked, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sheep Production Guide, J. M. Thompson and L. F. Bush
Shelterbelt Care, E. K. Ferrell
Shelterbelts and Windbreaks: Fixing Shrub Rows, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Shelterbelts and Windbreaks: Getting Rid of the Grass, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Shelterbelts and Windbreaks: Plugging Up the Holes, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Shelterbelts : No Place for Livestock, Larry Helwing
Shelterbelts/Windbreaks: How to Assess Partial Damage, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Shopping Hints for Buying Clothes for Tots, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Shopping Hints for Buying T-Shirts, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Shopping Hints for Walking in Comfort, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Shopping Savvy, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Short Day Transcriptomic Programming During Induction of Dormancy in Grapevine, Anne Fennell, Karen A. Schlauch, Satyanarayana Gouthu, Laurent G. Deluc, Vedbar Khadka, Lekha Sreekantan, Jerome Grimplet, Grant C. Cramer, and Katherine L. Mathiason
Shotgun Proteomic Analysis of Photoperiod Regulated Dormancy Induction in Grapevine, Iniga S. George, Anne Y. Fennell, and Paul A. Haynes
Siblings, Richard Skorupski
Signal Attenuation in V.H.F. Biotelemetry, John Schmelzer
Significance of Exchangeable Soil Sodium on Implement Draft, Samuel Schaefer
S.I. Hayakawa and the Use of Danger Indicators of General Semantics, Janine Rae Rudnick
Similitude Study of Airflow Characteristics and Evaluation of Ridge Vent Design for an Open Front Confinement Beef Barn, Ivar R. Dybwad
Simple Solutions to Sewing Machine Problems, Carolyn Joyner
Simplified Sewing: Hems, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Simplified Sewing: Hems, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Simplified Sewing: Hems, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Simplifying User Interfaces for Data Science and Machine Learning Applications, Ziad Kadry and Sayeed Sajal
Simulation of a Surface Thermal Anomaly, Corwyn Richard Meyer
Single Droplet Drying Technology for the Optimization of the Dairy Ingredients with Best Quality and Functionality, Hiral Narendrabhai Vora
Sinusoidal Oscillators Using Integrated-Circuit Gates, Andy Y. Young
Sitting in a Café by the River, Scott F. Parker
Skin transcriptome affected by digital dermatitis in lactating dairy cows, F. Rosa, N. A. Carpinelli, J. T. R. Carvalho, K. Mjoun, and J. S. Osorio
Small Grain Production : A Summary of Recommendations, L. A. Derscheid, R. A. Cline, E. E. Sanderson, and E. J. Langin
Small Grain Production: A Summary of Recommendations, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Small Grain Production Guide : A Summary of Recommendations, L. A. Derscheid, R. A. Cline, E. E. Sanderson, and E. J. Langin
Small Grain Production Guide: A Summary of Recommendations, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Small Grains for Forage, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Small Grains for Forage, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Small Grains for Forage, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Small Grains for Forage, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Small RNAs: Big Roles in White Mold Infecting Crop Plants, Achal Neupane
Smooth Sleeves are Smart, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Smuts of Small Grain and Their Control, B. R. Fenn and William J. Leary
Snout Ventilation and Cooling Effects on Swine, Leslie R. Heard
Social and Economic Impact of the Pollock-Herreid Irrigation Unit, F. F. Kerr
Social and Structural Factors Associated with Career Mobility Among South Dakota Registered Nurses, Mercedes Iverson
Social/Physical Impacts and Water Consumption Characteristics of South Dakota’s Rural Water Systems, Matt Pajl and Delvin E. DeBoer
Social time (Cash bar), South Dakota State
Sociocultural Factors Associated with Grassland Plowout in South Dakota Counties, Peter Froelich
Socioeconomic Determinants of Expenditures on Fortified and Unfortified Fruit Juice, Cole Sellnow
Sodium Bentonite, Sodium Bicarbonate and Limestone Supplementation in High-Concentrate Diets for Ruminants, Barry Howard Dunn
Soil Atlas and Crop Production Guide for North Central South Dakota, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Soil Atlas and Crop Production Guide for Northeastern South Dakota, Lyle A. Derscheid and Fred C. Westin
Soil Conservation Pays, Walter V. Searight and Elmer E. Meleen
Soil Degradation Comparisons of Corn Rootworm Insecticides in the Field and Laboratory, Michael J. Haas
Soil Detection using Panchromatic and Infrared Films, Bruce O. Kunze
Soil Infiltration Tertiary Treatment of Stabilization Pond Effluent, Charles Allan Tiltrum
Soil Insects Attacking Corn, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Soil Physical and Hydrological Properties, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions under Integrated Crop-Livestock Agroecosystems, Navdeep Singh
Soil Salinity, Sodium Levels, and Corn Production as Affected by Rates of Applied Beef Wastes, James L. Halbeisen
Soils and Irrigation Management, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Soil, Soil Management and Soil Conservation : A Manual for Youth Groups, Leonard L. Ladd
Soils, Water, Drainage of the Wagner, Tower, and Greenwood Irrigation Units, F. F. Kerr and Raymond Lund
Soil, Water and Drainage of Oahe Project Lands, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Solar Energy Intensifier-Thermal Energy Storage System Evaluation for Ventilation Air Pre-Heating, Scott R. Astleford
Solodized Solonetz Soil Core Model Studies of Reclamation, Dennis G. Shannon
Solubility Curves of Nitrogen-Sulfur Liquid Fertilizer Systems, Dallas D. Parker
Solving Family Clothing Problems, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
Solvolytic Lignocellulosic Biomass Liquefaction, Mustafa Alluhaibi
Some Effects of Dietary Fats or Copper on Growth and Lipid Composition of Turkeys and Rats, Richard A. Nelson
Some Factors Affecting the Growth of Grain Elevators in South Dakota, Albert E. Raeder
Some Guidelines for Organizing Economic Development Efforts in South Dakota Along Trade Area Lines, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Sooyong Kim – Sanford Research
Sorghum and Soybean Production Guide : A Summary of Recommendations, L. A. Derscheid, R. A. Cline, E. E. Sanderson, and E. J. Langin
Sorghum and Soybean Production Guide : A Summary of Recommendations, L. A. Derscheid, R. A. Cline, E. E. Sanderson, and E. J. Langin
Sorghum and Soybean Production Guide: A Summary of Recommendations, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sorghum Production in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension
Sorghum Production in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Sorghum : Weed Control, Lyle Derscheid and Kenneth R. Frost
Sorgum : Production Varieties Fertilization, Lyle A. Derscheid, Elmer E. Sanderson, Ralph A. Cline, and Edward Langin
Source Data: Evaluation of Batch Fraction, Corn Silage Inclusion Level, and Mixing Duration on Long Particle Distribution of Finishing Diets for Beef Cattle, Elizabeth Buckhaus, Dathan Smerchek, and Zachary K. Smith
South Dakota 4-H Members' and Leaders' Use of Two Types of 4-H Manuals, Barbara Kaye Froke
South Dakota Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women Records, SDSU Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library
South Dakota Beef Industry, David Bruce Bau
South Dakota Burn Injuries : Description and Analysis, Sheila Kay Frederick
South Dakota Committee for Education Radio Message
South Dakota Conservation and Home Beautification, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
South Dakota Constitutional Amendments 1976, Wanda M. Leonard
South Dakota Counties Delineated into Economic Subregions by an Application of Cluster Analysis to Selected Variables for the Periods 1940-1950, 1950-1960, and 1960-1970, Robert Alan Coplan
South Dakota Elevator's Winter Wheat Marketing Practices and Seasonality of Cash Wheat Prices, Boyd Milton Ober
South Dakota Extension 1963, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
South Dakota Extension Review, April 1922, Cooperative Extension Service
South Dakota Extension Review, April 1923, Cooperative Exension Service, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
South Dakota Extension Review, August 1922, Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
South Dakota Extension Review, August 1923, Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
South Dakota Extension Review, Jan., Feb., March 1924, Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
South Dakota Extension Review, January- February 1922, Cooperative Extension Review, South Dakota State College of agriculture and Mechanic Arts
South Dakota Extension Review, July 1922, Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
South Dakota Extension Review, July 1923, Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanics Arts
South Dakota Extension Review, June 1922, Cooperative Extension Service
South Dakota Extension Review, June 1923, Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State University of Agriculture aand Mechanic Arts
South Dakota Extension Review, March 1923, Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
South Dakota Extension Review, May 1922, Cooperative Extension Service
South Dakota Extension Review, May 1923, Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
South Dakota Extension Review, November 1923, Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
South Dakota Extension Review, Oct., Nov., Dec., 1922, Cooperative Service, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
South Dakota Extension Review, October 1923, Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
South Dakota Extension Review, September 1922, Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
South Dakota Extension Review, September 1923, Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
South Dakota Farmers Union 1955 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1956 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1956 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1956 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1956 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1958 Convention Junior Banquet Report
South Dakota Farmers Union 1958 Convention Part 1
South Dakota Farmers Union 1958 Convention Part 2
South Dakota Farmers Union 1958 Convention Political Panel, Part 1
South Dakota Farmers Union 1958 Convention Political Panel, Part 2
South Dakota Farmers Union 1958 Convention Political Panel, Part 3
South Dakota Farmers Union 1963 Annual Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1963 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1963 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1963 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1964 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1964 Convention Political Panel
South Dakota Farmers Union 1965 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1966 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1966 Convention Interview
South Dakota Farmers Union 1970 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1970 Convention Political Panel
South Dakota Farmers Union 1970 Convention Political Panel
South Dakota Farmers Union 1970 Convention Political Panel
South Dakota Farmers Union 1971 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1972 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1972 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1972 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1972 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1972 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1972 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1972 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1972 Convention, Part 1
South Dakota Farmers Union 1972 Convention, Part 2
South Dakota Farmers Union 1973 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1973 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1973 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1973 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1973 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1973 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1973 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1974 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1974 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1974 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1974 Convention Political Panel
South Dakota Farmers Union 1974 Convention Political Panel
South Dakota Farmers Union 1974 Convention Young Farmer Panel
South Dakota Farmers Union 1975 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1975 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1975 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1975 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1975 Convention Political Panel
South Dakota Farmers Union 1976 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1976 Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union 1976 Convention Drought Panel
South Dakota Farmers Union 1978 Convention Annual Report
South Dakota Farmers Union 1978 Convention Annual Report
South Dakota Farmers Union 1978 Convention Annual Report
South Dakota Farmers Union 1978 Convention Young Farmers Banquet
South Dakota Farmers Union 1982 Co-Op Month
South Dakota Farmers Union 1982 Co-op Month Advertising
South Dakota Farmers Union 1983 Co-Op Month
South Dakota Farmers Union 1984 Co-op Month Radio Advertisements
South Dakota Farmers Union Ag Report
South Dakota Farmers Union Ag Report, short.
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Agriculture in Review News Program
South Dakota Farmers Union and Agricultural Prices, Part 1
South Dakota Farmers Union and Agricultural Prices, Part 2
South Dakota Farmers Union Convention
South Dakota Farmers Union Convention Addresses Regarding Membership
South Dakota Farmers Union Convention Political Panel
South Dakota Farmers Union Convention Speakers, Part 1
South Dakota Farmers Union Convention Speakers, Part 2
South Dakota Farmers Union Co-op Month Advertising
South Dakota Farmers Union Daily Legislative Report for September 10, 1981
South Dakota Farmers Union Daily Legislative Report for September 10, 1981
South Dakota Farmers Union Delegates in Washington, D.C. and Interviews with Senator Karl Mundt
South Dakota Farmers Union Delegates in Washington, D.C. Interviews, Part 1
South Dakota Farmers Union Delegates in Washington, D.C. Interviews, Part 2
South Dakota Farmers Union Douglas County Local Christmas Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Energy Conservation Panel, Part 1
South Dakota Farmers Union Energy Conservation Panel, Part 2
South Dakota Farmers Union in Washington, D.C. to Discuss Farm Legislation, Part 1
South Dakota Farmers Union in Washington, D.C. to Discuss Farm Legislation, Part 2
South Dakota Farmers Union Ladies Fly-in Interviews
South Dakota Farmers Union Ladies Fly-in Interviews
South Dakota Farmers Union Ladies Fly-in Interviews
South Dakota Farmers Union Legislative Action Conference Radio Announcement
South Dakota Farmers Union Legislative Action Conference Radio Announcement
South Dakota Farmers Union Legislative Action Conference Radio Announcement
South Dakota Farmers Union President Ben Radcliffe on Food Prices
South Dakota Farmers Union President Tony Dechant on Farm Legislation
South Dakota Farmers Union Radio Advertisement
South Dakota Farmers Union Radio Program
South Dakota Farmers Union Standing Proud Campaign
South Dakota Farmers Union State Headquarters Building Dedication
South Dakota Farmers Union State Headquarters Building Dedication
South Dakota Farmers Union Winter Workshop
South Dakota Farmers Union Women's Conference on the Crisis in Rural America
South Dakota Farmers Union Women's Conference on the Crisis in Rural America
South Dakota Farmers Union Women's Conference on the Crisis in Rural America
South Dakota Farmers Union Youth Program Luncheon
South Dakota Farmers Union Youth Program Promotional Advertising
South Dakota Farm Facts from 1964 Census of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
South Dakota Farm Facts from 1974 Census of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
South Dakota Farm Facts from 1974 Census of Agriculture, Marvin P. Riley and Fred Bender
South Dakota Fertilizer Recommendations Eastern Area, Cooperative Extension
South Dakota Fertilizer Recommendations Western Area, Cooperative Extension
South Dakota Grain Elevator Location and Cost Analysis, Frederick Lorenz
South Dakota Ground Water Supplies, F. F. Kerr and Merlin J. Tipton
South Dakota Gubernatorial Inaugural Addresses, 1889-1931, Terry L. Peterson
South Dakota Oat Variety Trial Results, J. Kleinjan, C. Graham, M. Caffe-Treml, P. Krishnan, S. Ali, K. Kirby, S. Hawks, and N. Hall
South Dakota Planning and Zoning Manual, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
South Dakota Poverty Data, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
South Dakota Property Tax Amendment B Advertisement
South Dakota Range and Pasture Judging Handbook, James R. Johnson, Charles M. Schumacher, and Gilbert G. Bierwagen
South Dakota Range Sites, Charles M. Schumacher and James R. Johnson
South Dakota's Evolving Settlement Landscape : Primary Factors of Site Selection, Catherine Marion Lockwood
South Dakota's Farm Labor Program 1943-1947, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
South Dakota's Noxious Weeds, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
South Dakota Soils : A Generalized Soils Map of the East River Area of South Dakota, F. C. Westin and G. J. Buntley
South Dakota Soils : A Generalized Soils Map of the West River Area of South Dakota, F. C. Westin and G. J. Buntley
South Dakota Soils : The Distribution and Average Yields for Crops Commonly Grown in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
South Dakota Standards for Construction of Irrigation Wells in Shallow Unconsolidated Glacial Sediments, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
South Dakota Standards for Irrigation Pumps and Power Units, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University / Agricultural Experiment Station / Cooperarative Extension Service, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University College of Engineering 2011 Annual Research Review, Office of Engineering Research
South Dakota State University College of Engineering 2012 Annual Research Review, Office of Engineering Research
South Dakota Stockman's Guide, G. A. McDonald
South Dakota's Weather Modification Program, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
South Dakota Tax Facts for Financing State and Local Government, Mark A. Edelman
South Dakota Thriving, Fall 2009, College of Agriculture &. Biological Sciences
South Dakota United Nations Association 1955 Convention
South Dakota United Nations Association 1955 Convention Panel Discussion
South Dakota United Nations Association Convention
South Dakota United Nations Association Convention
South Dakota United Nations Association Convention
South Dakota United Nations Association Convention
South Dakota Vote Yes on Amendment A Advertisement
South Dakota Water Resources Management Act: A Tool for Water Resources Development, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Southeast South Dakota Experiment Farm Annual Progress Report, 2019, Southeast South Dakota Research Farm and South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station
Soybean Production, Donald J. Reid
Soybean Root Growth and Water Uptake, V. Rasiah
Soybean Row Spacings, Plant Populations and Yield Components, Erol Oral
Soybeans, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Soybeans, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Soybeans in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Special Instructions for the Adjustments and the Care of the Sewing Machine, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
Special Instructions for the Adjustments and the Care of the Sewing Machine, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
Special Purpose Water Districts, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children : Attitudes of South Dakota participants, Jane Wilson Howard
Spink County, SD Air Photos (1939 Field Notes + Soil Lines), Plant Science Department
Spink County, SD Air Photos (1939 Part A + Field Notes), Plant Science Department
Spink County, SD Air Photos (1939 Part B + Field Notes), Plant Science Department
Spink County, SD Air Photos (1939 Part C + Field Notes), Plant Science Department
Spink County, SD Air Photos (1939 Part D + Field Notes), Plant Science Department
Spink County, SD Air Photos (1953 Part A), Plant Science Department
Spink County, SD Air Photos (1953 Part B), Plant Science Department
Sporadic Bovine Encephalomyelitis (Buss Disease), Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sport and Poetry : An Exploration of the Inter-Relatedness of Words and Actions, Ardis C. Resen
Sporulation behavior of Bacillus licheniformis strains influences their population dynamics during raw milk holding, N. Awasti, S. Anand, and G. Djira
Spread of Plasticity from the Tip of a Penny-Shaped Crack, Zong Shyong Luo
Spring 2018 Water News, Department of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering
Spring 2019 News: Encapsulated fertilizer improves nutrient release, protects water quality, Christine Delfanian
Spring 2019 News: Rain gardens reduce urban runof, protect environment, Christine Delfanian
Spring 2019 News: Researchers developing sensor to quickly detect viral DNA, Christine Delfanian
Spring 2019 News: Saturated bufers remove nitrates from tile drainage water, Christine Delfanian
Spring‐applied Corn Herbicides Impact Fall‐planted Cover Crops in South Dakotaa, Sydney Pridlie, S. A. Clay, and G. Shaffer
Springboard for Efficiency, Dorothy H. Neufeld
Spring Wheat Production, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Spring Wheat Production, Robert G. Hall
Spring Wheat Production, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Spring Wheat Production, Elmer Sanderson
Spring Wheat Production, Elmer E. Sanderson and Leon S. Wood
Square Peg in a Round Hole, Christian Dames
Stain Removal, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Stain Removal Chart, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Stain Removal Chart, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Stain Removal Chart, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Staking Our Claim to Water through Conservancy Subdistricts, Cooperative Extension
Staking Our Claim to Water through Conservancy Subdistricts, Raymond Lund
Stalk Rot of Corn, Leon S. Wood
Stalled but Safe, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Stalled but Safe, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Stand Densities of Interseeded Alfalfa During the Initial Years of Establishment and the Effect of Applied Nitrogen and Phosphorous on Five Selected Grasses, Levi Mudogo Akundabweni
Stand Establishment and Production of Alfalfa Cultivars in Legume Residues, Robin Renae Bortnem
Starting a Lawn, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
State Funding of Water Resources Project (Under the Water Resources Management Act), Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
State Funding of Water Resources Project (Under the Water Resources Management Act), Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Status and Reflections of South Dakota State University Athletic Lettermen, James P. Koch
Status, Past and Present, of Male Physical Education Graduates of Concordia College, 1954-1970, Neal Arlyn Jeppson
Staying Connected – Interactive Student Learning during the COVID Transition to Remote Learning, Jeffrey A. Starke, Margaret L. McNamara, Richard J. Povinelli, Daniela Castillo-Perez, and L. Noelle Brigham
Steps in Planning a Farm or Ranch Business, Wallace G. Aanderud, John N. Maher, and Ronald Thaden
Stereochemistry of Reactive Intermediates in Organophosphorous Chemistry, Alagappan Thenappan
Sterling Women from Sterling Township : Women's Writing as Literature and History, Janet Hovey Johnson
Steve Cross - Great Western Casualty. Executive Panel Discussant
Storage in Your Home, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Storage in Your Home, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Storage Quality Measurements of Two Large Hay Packages, Ronald Eugene Schrempp
Strain-Based Mechanical Failure Analysis of Buried Steel Pipeline Subjected to Landslide Displacement Using Finite Element Method, Sean Goodluck Mamuzo Edeki
Strategies for developing new membrane separation processes, L. E. Metzger
Strawberries, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Strengthening South Dakota Tourism, Arnold J. Bateman
Strengthening South Dakota Tourism, Arnold J. Bateman
Structural and functional modifications of kudzu starch modified by branching enzyme, H. Li, B. Cui, S. Janaswamy, and L. Guo
Structural Characterization and Digestibility of Curcumin Loaded Octenyl Succinic Nanoparticles, Z. Hu, T. Feng, X. Zeng, S. Janaswamy, H. Wang, and O. Campanella
Structural Differentiation, Technology, and Employee Fringe Benefits : A Model of Formal Organization, Paul Eric Krueger
Structural Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Message Signs with Adhesive and Welded Joints, Ibin Amatya
Structural Performance of a Precast Prestressed Concrete Composite Pavement on U.S. Highway 14 - bypass, Eugene A. Dietz
Stubble Mulching in South Dakota, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Student-Faculty Interactions as Predictors of Retention and Satisfaction among Generation Z College Students, Stephani Jarecke
Studies of High Level Copper Supplementation to Rations for Growing-Finishing Swine, Larry Wayne De Goey
Studies of the Prevention of Silica Urolithiasis, Dong-Hao Lu
Studies on Reaction of Mimosine with Various Amines and Effects of Mimosine on Tyrosine Decarboxylation, Paul D. Ballata
Studies on the Immune Response to Bovine Herpesvirus Type 4 (BHV-4) in Cattle, Shirley K. Wynia
Studies on the Sterile-Insect Technique as a Means of Controlling the Stable Fly, Stomoxys Calcitrans (L.), in a Beef Cattle Feedlot in Brookings, South Dakota, Michael Aguilar Catangui
Study of a 41.6 KV Distribution System, Rene Meka Monneyang
Study of an Automatic Sphygmomanometer System, James B. Morgan
Study of Laminar Heat Transfer in a Cone, Chang-Shieng Philip Hsia
Study of Senior Citizens in Fargo, North Dakota, and their Perception of Television Commercials and Television's Influence on Medication-taking Habits, Judith Lito Wilkinson
Study of the Availability of Funds to Finance Industrial Development in South Dakota, Timothy D. Bornitz
Stunts for Community Meetings, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
Sub-critical Growth of Cracks Under Longitudinal Shear, Bhubanesh K. Agarwal
Subcritical hydrolysis: an approach to valorize ice-cream wastewater, M. Enteshari and S. I. Martinez Monteagudo
Subsoil Nutrient Levels, Soil Genesis, and Soil Classification in Selected Northeastern (MLRA 102A) South Dakota Soils, Kent Evert Cooley
Substituting Grain for Hay in Winter Rations for Beef Cows, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Sudangrass for Supplemental Forage, Cooperative Extension
Sudangrass for Supplemental Forage, Elmer E. Sanderson and Ralph Cline
Sugar Beets in Eastern South Dakota, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Sugar Beets in Eastern South Dakota, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Suitability of Lagoon Effluent for Irrigation in South Dakota, Allen F. Schmitt
Suitability of Selected Organisms for Monitoring Leachate at a Refuse Disposal Site, John Nathan True
Suitability of Water from a Gravel Pit Pond in East Brookings as a Public Water Supply, Timothy Dean Stefanich
Sulfur and Methionine Supplementation with Urea for Feedlot Cattle, Bryan E. Davidson
Sulfur Supplementation with Soybean Meal or Urea for Feedlot Lambs, Joseph Cletus Ebert
Summer Engagement in Cyber Undergraduate Research Experiences (SECURE), Douglas W. Jacobson, Diane T. Rover, Joseph Zambreno, and Allegra Frickel
Sump Pump Survey and Loading Analysis of Sewers in the East Acres Subdivision of the City of Brookings, South Dakota, Ronald Gene Abraham
Sun Grant Initiative: North Central Regional Sun Grant Center Ten-Year Report: 2008-2017, Vance Owens
Sun Grant Initiative: The First Fifteen Years, Sun Grant Initiative
Sun Yat-sen's Inductive Support and Deductive Reasoning in Selected "Three Principles of the People" Speeches, Chen-lung Ringo Ma
Supercritical fluid extraction as a deodorization tool: Effect on pea protein isolate properties, S. Vatansever, J. B. Ohm, S. Simsek, and C. Hall
Superior's Fury, Vickie Prussman
Supplementation of Opaque-2 and Normal Corn with Lysine and Tryptophan for Finishing Swine, John G. Volz
Supplementation with Vitamins A and D of Beef Cattle Finishing Rations Containing Various Levels of Carotene from Corn Silage and Corn Grain, Harold Richard King
Supplying Energy for Milk Production, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Supplying Minerals and Vitamins for Milk Production, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Supplying Protein for Milk Production, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Surface and Structure Engineering for Next Generation Lithium Metal Batteries, Ke Chen
Survival of Fecal Coliforms and Fecal Streptococci in River Water, Joseph Walter Zerfas
Susan Vanderplas – University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Sweetpotato enriched wheat bread: A step towards addressing Vitamin A deficiency and glycemic response concerns, D. Mbogo, M. Elfaruk, T. Muzhingi, and S. Janaswamy
Swine Dysentery, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Swine Erysipelas, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Swine Producer's Guide, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Swine Producer's Guide, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Swine Producer's Guide, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Swine Production : A Manual for Pig Club Members, G. S. Weaver and C. H. Thompson
Swine Selection and Breeding Programs, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Swine Selection and Breeding Programs, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Swine TB or Mycobacterial Infection in Swine, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Swine TB or Mycobacterial Infection in Swine, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Synthesis and Room Temperature NMR Analysis of Dimethylpiperazines, David L. Lyle
Synthesis of 3-deoxy-N-acetylglucosamine and Attempted Synthesis of 4-deoxy-N-acetylglucosamine as Possible Antibacterial Agents, Gary C. Van Riper
Synthesis of S-(1-diazo-2,2,2-Trifluorethyl) Cysteine Dioxide : A Potential Gutamine Antagonist, Robert M. Olson
Synthesis of Some Organic Conductive Materials, Margaret Hsien-Chun Wang
Table Lamp Design, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Table Lamp Design, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Table Toppings … Day, by Day, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Tailoring the Grain Boundaries of Wide-bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells by Molecular Engineering, Khalid Emshadi
Taking Soil Samples, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Taking Soil Samples, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Talcott Parsons' Economic Sub-systems Model and County-to-County Net Migration Patterns in South Dakota 1975-1980, Richard E. Barnes
Tame Grasses for Pasture or Hay, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Taxation and Farm Loans in 1953
Taxation of Cooperatives in South Dakota : An Evaluation of Selected Tax Proposals, Marc R. Wiitala
Taxes, People, Plains, Part III : Decision Making in Public Finance, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
Taxes, People, Plains, Part II : Providing and Paying for Public Services, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
Taxes, People, Plains, Part I : Why Be Concerned?, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
Taxonomic Composition, Biomass, and Trophic Structure of Grassland Invertebrates at Cottonwood, South Dakota, Pauline Estelle Hamm
Taxonomy of the Agropyron Intermedium and Agropyron Trichophorum Complex, Emmanuel Kidane Mariam
Tax Reform and Foreign Policy in South Dakota
Teachers' Perceptions of Experiential Learning in the 3-Circle Agricultural Education Model, Jon C. Schreurs
Teaching Natural and Artificial Selection in Production Agriculture, Madhav P. Nepal and Clayton W. Scott
Teaching On-Line CSC 150, Paula Kurtenbach
Teaching Selected Clothing Concepts Through Independent Study in Beginning Clothing Construction, Jeanette C. Sweet
Team-Based Learning & Immediate Feedback Forms, Byron G. Garry
Technological approaches for the production of D-tagatose from whey permeate, S. I. Martinez Monteagudo
Technology-based Culturally Relevant Chemistry Education (CRCE), Mercy Adoma Fosu
Teenagers Teaching Nutrition: Effects on Their Own Dietary Habits, Marlys Hauck-Fenner
Telemetered Cardiac Responses and Energy Expenditures of Two Women Engaging in Intercollegiate Basketball, Sandra Ann Bode
Temperature Effects on Integral Abutment Bridges During Early Construction Stages, Mumtaz Bashir Sarsam
Temperature Effects on Integral Abutment Bridges During Final Construction Stages, David Earl Holman
Temperature effects on three downy brome (Bromus tectorum) seed collections inoculated with the fungal pathogen Pyrenophora semeniperda, Krista A. Ehlert, Zachariah Miller, Jane M. Mangold, Fabian Menalled, and Alexandra Thornton
Tensionmeters for Measuring Moisture of a Peat Moss Casing Layer, Rahmad Djakaria
Ten Steps in Planning Your Farm or Ranch Business, Aanderud Wallace G.
Ten Steps in Planning Your Farm or Ranch Business, Aanderud Wallace G., Fales, John N. Maher, and Francis Crandall
Teosinte (Zea mays ssp parviglumis) Growth and Transcriptomic Response to Weed Stress Identifies Similarities and Differences Between Varieties and with Modern Maize Varieties, S. A. Bruggeman, D. P. Horvath, A. Y. Fennell Dr, J. A. Gonzalez-Hernandez, and S. A. Clay
Testing the Glow CubeR Display Pixel, Layne R. Mostad
Test Procedures and Results for Skidtric, Gregg A. Hanson
Textile Care: Keeping Clothes in Service, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Textile Care: Some Problems and Solutions, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
Textural properties and sensory study of garbanzo and corn-based extrudates containing distiller's dried grains, P. Singha, K. Muthukumarappan, and P. Krishnan
The 1962 Wheat Stabilization Program, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
The Abundance and Seasonal Distribution of Tabanidae (diptera) in Spink County, South Dakota, with a Study of Geographic Variation in Chrysops Aestuans Wulp, Philippe Earl Cobb
The Adjustment of Foreign Students at SDSU, Mansour Haghighatian
The Aesthetics of Springboard Diving : A Realistic Rendering in Ceramics and Wood, Peter W. Vanderpan
The Aggie News, December 1926, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, December 1927, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, December 1929, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, December 1930, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, December 1930, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, February 1930, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, February 1931, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, January 1929, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, January 1930, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, January 1931, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, June 1925, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, June 1926, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, June 1927, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, June 1928, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, June 1929, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, June 1930, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, June 1931, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, March 1926, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, March 1927, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, March 1928, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, March 1929, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, March 1930, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, March 1931, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, November 1929, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, Sept. 1925, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, September 1926, South Dakota State University
The Aggie News, September 1927, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, September 1928, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, September 1929, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, September 1930, South Dakota State College
The Aggie News, September 1931, South Dakota State College
The Aggressiveness and Drive of Football Players by Position, Patrick P. Williams
The Agronomic Effects of Difenzoquat on Spring Wheat as Affected by Stage of Growth and Variety, Randal Lee Anderson
The Alfalfa Weevil and It's Control, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
The Alfalfa Weevil and It's Control, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
The American Negro in Selected Writings of Robert Penn Warren, H. Lynette Olson
The Appeal of C.S. Lewis and The Screwtape Letters, Ruth E. Manson
The Application of ERTS-1 Multispectral Imagery for Crop Resource Evaluation and Inventory, James Lester Heilman
The Art of Framing a Picture, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
The Art of Framing a Picture, Donna M. Spooner
The Art of Selecting a Picture, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
The Ashland Press: An Historical Overview, Paul Joseph Skamser Jr.
The Associations Between Meal Planning and a Healthy Diet for Incoming College Freshmen, Morgan Brower and Lacey McCormack
The Attitudes of Judges, State's Attorneys, and Bar Attorneys Toward Allowing Television Cameras into South Dakota Courtrooms, Terry L. Harris
The Auditory Sensitivity of the Coyote (Canis latrans), Kim Darwin Hanson
The Benefits of Grain Futures Even if You Don't Trade in Them, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
The Benefits of Grain Futures Even if You Don't Trade in Them, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
The Benefits of Grain Futures Even if You Don't Trade in Them, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
The Benefits of Grain Futures Even if You Don't Trade in Them, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
The Big Stone Lake Chautauqua and Summer School Institute, Michael R. Schliessmann
The Biology of the Influenza D Virus, Jieshi Yu
The Black Hills Aspen : Management Implications from Treatment Results, Steven Peter Riley
The Challenges of Engineering Education, Engineering Practice, Code of Ethics, and Social Justice, Rachel Shannon
The Changing Impact of Natural Disasters in Brookings County, South Dakota, Linda K. Hillestad
The chemistry and processing of dairy products, L. E. Metzger
The Chinese Radio and Television Stations in the United States : A Historical Exploration, Lin Liang
The Collegian: April 04, 2018, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: April 05, 2017, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: April 06, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: April 10, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: April 1, 2015, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: April 12, 2017, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: April 13, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: April 15, 2015, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: April 17, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: April 20, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: April 22, 2015, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: April 24, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: April 25, 2018, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: April 26, 2017, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: April 27, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: April 29, 2015, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: August 22, 2018, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: August 23, 2017, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: August 24, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: August 26, 2015, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: August 29, 2018, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: August 29, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: August 30, 2017, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: August 31, 2016, The Colllegian Staff
The Collegian: December 02, 2015, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: December 04, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: February 01, 2017, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: February 03, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: February 05, 2020, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: February 07, 2018, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: February 08, 2017, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: February 10, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: February 12, 2020, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: February 13, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: February 15, 2017, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: February 17, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: February 24, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: February 27, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: January 09, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State Unversity
The Collegian: January 11, 2017, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: January 13, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: January 15, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: January 16, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: January 17, 2018, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: January 24, 2018, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: January 25, 2017, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: January 27, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: January 29, 2020, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: January 31, 2018, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: January 31, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: March 01, 2017, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: March 02, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: March 13, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: March 15, 2017, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: March 16, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: March 20, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: March 22, 2017, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: March 23, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: March 24, 2018, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: March 29, 2017, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: November 01, 2017, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: November 02, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: November 06, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: November 07, 2018, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: November 08, 2017, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: November 11, 2015, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: November 15, 2017, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: November 16, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: November 19, 2015, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: November 20, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: November 29, 2017, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: November 30, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: October 03, 2018, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: October 05, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: October 10, 2018, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: October 11, 2017, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: October 17, 2018, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: October 18, 2017, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: October 19, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: October 21, 2015, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: October 25, 2017, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: October 26, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: October 28, 2015, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: October 30, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: October 31, 2018, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian Orientation Issue, Summer 2017, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: September 02, 2015, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: September 07, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: September 09, 2015, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: September 11, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: September 13, 2017, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: September 14, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: September 16, 2015, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: September 18, 2019, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: September 20, 2017, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: September 21, 2016, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: September 23, 2015, The Collegian Staff
The Collegian: September 26, 2018, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: September 27, 2017, The Collegian Staff, South Dakota State University
The Collegian: September 30, 2015, The Collegian Staff
The Color Orange, Kennedy Pirlet
The comparison of using the backboard versus the basket rim as a point of aim in basketball shooting, Ronald L. Kouri
The Competitive One-act Play Program in South Dakota High Schools, Raymond L. Peterson
The Composition and Dynamics of the Soil Algal Flora in a Western South Dakota Grassland, Judith Ann Freeman
The "Conscience of the Community" in South Dakota Those Recent Changes in the Jury Selection System; What Effect Will They Have on the Corporate Attitude?, Lee M. Jorgensen
The Construction of a Racquetball Skills Test Battery for Beginning College Women, Barbara K. Halverson
The Construction of a Racquetball Skills Test Battery for Beginning College Women, Barbara K. Halverson
The Coteau des Prairies: An Area Study, Orville E. Gab
The Coteau du Missouri : A Regional Study, Robert A. Speck
The Creative Direction of Jean Anouilh's Becket, Bette J. Gerberding
The Dance of Cystic Fibrosis: Experiences of Living with Cystic Fibrosis as an Adult, Brandon Varilek and Mary J. Isaacson
The Day My Heart Broke, Bridget Henderson
The Decompostion of Organic Matter in Two Midgrass Prairies in Western South Dakota, Venance H. Lengkeek
The Detection of Salmonellae from the Big Sioux River Using Fluorescent Antibody Technique and Improved Cultural Methods, Ralph Lamar Pierce Jr.
The Determination of Lead by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrocsopy : A Study of the Molecular Interferences, Ahmed Elsayed Abdelfattah
The Determination of Phosphorus in Fertilizers by Molecular Emission Spectroscopy, Miliand P. Sant
The Determination of Salmonellae Transmission in Embryonated Chicken Eggs by the Use of Whole-body Sagittal Section and Fluorescent Antibody Techniques, Mark Michael Kieffer
The Development and Initial Public Relations Efforts of the Tyrone Guthrie Theatre, Sandra K. Cudmore
The Development and Role of China's Revolutionary Press, 1899-1911, Yu-sheng Chen
The Development of a Training Film and Manual Based on the South Dakota State University 5-2 Defense, Conrad Mahlon Hellrich
The Development of China's Population, 1949-1984 : A Geographic Appraisal, Wu-Jian Zhu
The Development of Palestinian Territoriality, Jan Charles Betholf
The Development of the National Forensic League in South Dakota, Nancy Leigh Wheeler
The Development of Validated Metric Teaching Materials: Basics, Barbara Vanhove Hoff
The Development of Validated Metric Teaching Materials : Length, Joanne Parry Dankey
The Differences in Learning Styles Between Generic and Adult Nursing Students, Dianne Lee Clemens
The Dilemma of South Dakota Youth, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
The Distribution of Primitive Roots in Fields of Order P², Marilyn Sol Gerjets
The Economic Feasibility of Confinement Feedlots and the Analysis of Seasonal Marketing Variations for Feeder Cattle in South Dakota, Daniel W. Francke
The Economic Feasibility of Small Scale Cooperatively Organized Fuel Alcohol Production in Eastern South Dakota, Daryl Arthur Brehm
The Effectiveness of Aeration and Potassium Permanganate Oxidation and Filtration on Removal of Iron and Manganese from Ground Water, Steven J. Quail
The Effective Use of Graphic Design in Public Relations, Alvera Kromer
The Effect of 2,4-D and Atrazine on the Growth Rate of a Mixed Algae Culture, John P. King
The Effect of a Commercially Available Caffeine Based Dietary Supplement on 40-Kilometer Time Trial Performance, Lee A. Weidauer
The Effect of Age on the Sensitivity of Cell Cultures to Clostridium Difficile Toxin, Jo Anne Tichota-Lee
The Effect of Age, Preparation Method, Storage Time, and Storage Temperature on the Palatability and Fatty Acids of Freeze-dried Pheasant, Shirley J. Mittan
The Effect of "Al Manaahil" on Spelling and Reading of Students in Third Grade, Muntaha Issa Haddad
The Effect of an In-season Weight Training Program on the Muscular Strength of Intercollegiate Football Players, James E. Willet
The Effect of Application Variables on Tank Mixtures of Quizalofop and Bentazon, Eirc L. Larson
The Effect of Cooperatives and Other Market Structure Variables on Ammonium Nitrate and Anhydrous Ammonia Pricing, 1951-1972, James Alan Mankin
The Effect of Experiencing a Death on Life Insurance Ownership, Jung Song, Heejung Park, Narang Park, and Wookjae Heo
The Effect of Ferric-nitrilotriacetic Acid on Selected Hemogram Parameters of Gestating and Lactating Swine and Their Offspring, Thomas Allen Heirigs
The Effect of Fertilization of a Native Lowland Pasture on Forage Intake and Nutritional Value of Diet Selected by Grazing Sheep, John Joseph Doyle
The Effect of Fibers on the Physical Properties, Serviceability, and Ultimate Load Capacity of Cellular Concrete Beams, Hamid Behdad
The Effect of Group Counseling on the Self Concept, Richard Noel Manley
The Effect of Intrabronchial or Subcutaneous Immunization on the Respiratory Tract of Calves, Alethea M. Fry
The Effect of Market Weight and Ration Concentrate Level on Carcass Traits of Bulls, Heifers and Steers, Peter B. Smith
The Effect of Mineral Filler, Asphalt Content, and Curing Time on the Properties of Cold Mixes When Used for Low-volume Roads, Naser A. Abdalla
The Effect of Music on Treadmill Running, Eddy S. Salata
The Effect of Neonicotinoid Clothianidin on Ring-Necked Pheasant Survival and Reproduction, Michael Sundall
The Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Grain Protein Content and Yield of Spring Wheat in South Dakota, Syed Dara Tazul Islam
The Effect of Nutrition Education on the Dietary Intake of College Students, Elizabeth Ann Pond
The Effect of Ozonation on Pipe Corrosion and Water Stability, Jan E. Hardie
The Effect of Participating in a Fitness and Lifetime Skills Program on Attitude Toward Physical Activity, Paul C. Konrad
The Effect of Participation in a Wellness Program on Cardiovascular Function and Self-concept in Middle Aged Men and Women, Marvin R. Jones
The Effect of Photoperiod and Melatonin on Reproductive Performance of Anestrous Ewes, Anthony Martin Wolf
The Effect of Photoperiod, Ergocryptine Injection and Melatonin Feeding on Reproduction in the Ewe, Cindie Marie Luhman
The Effect of Photoperiod on Reproduction of Targhee Ewes, Richard D. Rogen
The Effect of Prostaglandin F2-alpha on Synchronizing Estrus in the Ewe, L Dean Churchill
The effect of prostaglandin F2cl Administered During Early Gestation in Ewes, Paul E. Naasz
The Effect of Range Condition and Season of Grazing on the Amount and Quality of the Diet Selected by Grazing Steers, David W. Rodgers
The Effect of Rate and Source of Nitrogen and Cutting System on Bromegrass, Ron Henry Gelderman
The Effect of Simulated Hail Damage on Oats, David Gaylord Hanson
The Effect of Simulated Natural Toxaphene Exposure on the Immune Respone of Mice, Linda Reilly-Gergen
The Effect of Sodium Hexametaphosphate on the Palatability of the Freeze-Dried Chicken, Ngoc Hoa Giang
The Effect of Steel Fibers and Compressive Reinforcement on the Plastic Rotation Capacity and Properties of Reinforced Concrete Continuous Beams, Nizam A. Qassem
The Effect of Steel Fibers on the Properties and Behavior of High Strength Reinforced Concrete Beams, Saadi Jaber Musa
The Effect of Subsurface Layered Trifluralin and Dicamba on Field Bindweed, Winter Wheat, and Corn, William Ben O'Neal
The Effect of Triptorelin on Ovulation Rate and Conception Rate in Gilts and the Endocrine Profile in Non-Pregnant and Early pregnant Gilts, Joseph Wollbrink
The Effect of Various Levels of Dietary Sunflower Seeds on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Growing-Finishing Pigs, Alan D. Hartman
The Effect of Various Proteins and Amino Acids on Salenium Toxicity to Rats Fed Corn-based or Wheat-based Diets, Ailene Annette Herr
The Effect of Various Root Characteristics on Root-pulling Resistance of 44 Inbred Lines of Corn, John R. Jenison
The Effect of Varying Dietary Selenium Levels, Selenium Source and Dietary Composition on Growing Swine, Terry B. Goehring
The Effect of Varying Lysine Levels in Starter Diets on Pig Performance and on Subsequent Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Robert C. Thaler
The Effect of Visuo-Motor Behavior Rehearsal on the Accuracy of the Overhand Throw, Beth A. Kirchner
The Effect on Instructor Workload of Implementing Active Teaching Methods to Improve Student Enthusiasm and Performance, Cory Mettler and Nate Ziegler
The Effects of 2-Chloroethylphosphonic Acid on Bud The Effects of 2-Chloroethylphosphonic Acid on Bud Vascularization in Sorghum Halapense, L.ascularization in Sorghum Halapense, L., Robert Allen Peterson
The Effects of a Circuit Weight Training Program on Body Composition, Muscular Endurance, and Muscular Strength in Untrained Females, Stephen M. Woodden
The Effects of a Collegiate Wrestling Season on Selected Physiological Measurements, James W. Riesselman
The Effects of Acute Ammonia Toxicity on Certain Blood Chemistries in Sheep, Gayleen Riedemann
The Effects of Acute Ammonia Toxicity on Certain Homogram Parameters in Sheep, William C. Kirkpatrick
The Effects of Aerosolized Lead on the Immune and Hematopoietic Systems, A. Nuri Ozkan
The Effects of a Set Circuit Weight Training Program on Strength and Muscular Endurance of College Age Men, Craig E. Olsen
The Effects of Biological Traits on Efficiency of Beef Production to Weaning, Brad A. Freking
The Effects of Biological Type and Breed Composition on Production in Beef Cattle, Michael D. Monfore
The Effects of Climate on Total Digestible Nutrient Consumption of the Cow and Calf and Cow Efficiency, David G. Boom
The Effects of Climatic Conditions on the Frequency of Patient Acting Out-Behavior in a Psychiatric Setting, Jacqueline Mangnall
The Effects of Dynamic Range of Motion Exercises and Static Stretching on Strength and Range of Motion of the Hip Joint, Carol A. Kanetzke
The Effects of Erosion and Desurfacing on Soil Properties and Productivity of a Typic Haplustoll, Hero T. M. Gollany
The Effects of Erythropoietin, Dibenzyline, and Iron Dextran on the Hemogram of Doe and Fetal Rabbits, Eugene Austin Gardner
The Effects of Excess Arginine on Lysine Utilization in Rats and Swine, David L. Hagemeier
The Effects of Fathead Minnows and Yellow Perch on Nutrient Concentrations, Phytoplankton, and Zooplankton Populations in Three Prairie Lakes, Darryl Lynn Jongsma
The Effects of Gender on Isokinetic Peak Torque and Torque/Time Relationship, Bryan K. Minnich
The Effects of Identified Student Characteristics on Their Understanding of Science, Patricia Mutch Cheeseman
The Effects of Increasing Hamstring Flexibility on Peak Quadriceps Torque in College-age Females, Mark Loren Amundson
The Effects of Interval Training in Ambient Temperature Variations as Measured by Cardiovascular Endurance, Bernard Alexander Moore
The Effects of Irrigation Application Depth on Corn Yield and Soil Moisture, Ronald L. Frankenstein
The Effects of Livestock Waste on Some Soil Strength Characteristics and Selected Tillage Operations, Rodney Joseph Devine
The Effects of Nonmetropolitan Net Migration Rate on Selected Demographic and Employment Characteristics in the Agricultural Western Plains Division of the West North Central Region, 1970-1980, Abidemi Olumide Oyinlade
The Effects of Participation in Competitive Basketball on Weight-loss and Selected Measures of Basketball Related Skills, Gary Esboldt
The Effects of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching Techniques on College Age Football Players, Peter Chapman
The Effects of Protein Level and Age on Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Nutrient Digestibility of Growing-finishing Swine, Tim S. Stahly
The Effects of Rapid Decompression on Total Plasma Phospholipids and Selected Hematological Parameters in Dogs, Lawrence J. Fortuna
The Effects of Selected Training Intensities and Durations on Blood Cholesterol and Selected Anthropometric Measurements, Alan Ingmar Molde
The effects of selected training intensities and durations on Improvement and Maintenance of Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Joel Austin Swisher
The effects of sequential enzyme modifications on structural and physicochemical properties of sweet potato starch granules, L. Guo, H. Tao, B. Cui, and S. Janaswamy
The Effects of Sex and Delayed Chill on the Biophysical and Organoleptic Properties of Intact and Restructured Beef Steaks, Bruce Colin Paterson
The Effects of Sex and Hormonal Implant on Carcass Characteristics and Palatability, J. David Stout
The Effects of Steel Fibers on the Plastic Rotation Capacity and Properties of Reinforced Concrete Continuous Beams, Khani Sahebjam
The Effects of Tank Operation and Design Characteristics on Water Quality in Distribution System Storage Tanks, Christopher T. Olson and Delvin DeBoer
The Effects of the Diet Suggested in the United States Dietary Goals on Serum Cholesterol Levels, Paula Kay Peters Madigan
The Effects of Two adhesive Ankle Taping Techniques Upon Selected Motor Abilities and Ankle Flexibility, Robert Carl Hoeg
The Effects of Various Training Programs on Selected Measurements of College Women, Jeanne Kathleen Riis
The Effects of Varying Intensities of Physical Activity on Performance of a Gross Motor Task, Jan E. Flynn
The Effects of Wage-Incentive Standards of Industrial Productivity in Eastern South Dakota, Ronald C. Hegge
The effects of zinc chelator TPEN in bovine mammary epithelial cells evaluated via a fluorescence resonance energy transfer approach, R. Mohan and J. S. Osorio
The Efficiency of Four Selection Schemes for Improvement of Cold Tolerance and Disease Resistance in Maize, Andrew Rocholl Bettendorf
The Electric Choremaster: Development and Performance of an Agricultural Electric Tractor, Brian D. Vik
The Electric Choremaster: Development and Performance of an Agricultural Electric Tractor, Brian D. Vik
The Oakwood Digitization Project, Steven Wingate
The Erythropoietic Effects of Dibenzyline, Atropine and Iron Dextran on Doe and Fetal Rabbits, Rex Edwin Riis
The Evaluation of an Independent Study Kit to Train Home Care Workers, Lois Ann Vikse
The exfoliated fecal transcriptome (exfoliome) and its resemblance to the intestinal gene expression in dairy calves, F. Rosa, N. A. Carpinelli, R. Mohan, F. C. Avaroma, S. Busato, M. Bionaz, A. Gomez, and J. S. Osorio
The Existence of Reversed Digit Addends Modulo n, Lance Adair Wheeler
The Farmer's 1948 Income Tax, I. F. Hall, L. H. Barnes, and E. M. Elwood
The Farm Plan, Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University
The Farm Situation in the 1931 Drought and Grasshopper Areas of South Dakota, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension
The Fast Hartley Transform on a Parallel Processor, Boon Pock Lim
The Fate of Nitrogen in Wastewater Applied to Rapid Infiltration-Percolation Basins, John Peter Dickinson
The File and Find Filing System, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
The Forgotten Realist, John Garvey
The Forms of Language in the Plays of Eugene Ionesco, Samuel Beckett, and Harold Pinter, Charles A. Haggerty
The Frequency of Nurse Reported Stress and its Relationship to the Physical Attributes of Various Nursing Units, Richard Michael Jones
The Hamstring-quadricep Strength Ratio of College-age Females, Roderick G. Moore II
The Header Stack-Barge for Harvesting, Gabriel Lundy
The History of Men's Basketball in the Netherlands, James Dale Woudstra
The Horse as Symbol in D.H. Lawrence's St. Mawr, Dolores Elizabeth Horwood
The Identification of Changing Sex Roles Within a Family Unit as Perceived by First Graders, Janelle Fridley Jones
The Impact of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Ruptures on Subchondral Bone Density in Collegiate Populations, Zach Harbaugh
The Impact of Flooding in Brookings County, South Dakota 1936-1985, Jan M. Griesenbrock
The Impact of Project Adventure on the Self Concept of Adolescents, Sandra I. Jerstad
The Impact of Subsurface Physical Characteristics on the Effectiveness of Subsurface Drainage in the Northern Great Plains, Mehmet Emin Budak
The Impact of the Repeal of South Dakota Marketing Act on the Producer, Processor, Retailer, and Consumer, Clarence Mends
The Infiltration of a Lagoon Effluent for Final Waste Treatment, William B. Sherman
The Influence of an Unusually High Water Table on Ground Water Quality at a Refuse Disposal Site, Charles Strock Johnson
The Influence of Corn Removal Date on Corn Rootworm Oviposition, Resultant Larval Populations and Damage, Michael F. Holm
The Influence of Diet on the Gut Microbiome, Kayla Wede
The Influence of Frame Size on Growth and Carcass Characteristics in Swine Taken to Heavy Weights, Wayne Vanderwert
The Influence of Mixing on Bacterial Activity, Viability, and Settling Characteristics in an Aerated Lagoon Treating Municipal and Industrial Wastes, Arden E. Wallum
The Influence of Mixing on the Performance of an Aerated Lagoon Treating Municipal and Industrial Wastes, Gregory G. Huza
The Influence of Sodium Phenobarbital on the Hepatic Adenosine Triphosphatase Activity and the Development of this Enzyme in the Rat, Gerald H. Mettler
The Influence of Soils and Vegetation on LANDSAT Spectral Signatures, Gary Dean Lemme
The Influence of Weather Factors Upon the Predictability of Oat Yield and Related Factors, Sapol Bahari Jusman
The Interactions of Change in Nutrition on Uterine Environment and Cholesterol Concentrations in Beef Cattle, Taylor N. Andrew, Kaitlin M. Epperson, Jerica J. Rich, Saulo Menegatti Zorca, Abigail L. Zezeski, Thomas W. Geary, Rhea D. Lawrence, Julie A. Walker, and George A. Perry
The Intertemporal Persistence of Risk-tolerance Scores, J. E. Grable, Wookjae Heo, and M. Kruger
The Inventional Components of Emil Loriks' Agrarian Farmers Union Rhetoric, 1934-1938, Elizabeth Everson Williams
The Investigation of the Relationship Between Emotional Engagement and Creativity, Elif Elcin Gunay, Chih-Yuan Chu, Liyuani De Jesus Delgado Tapia, Omar El Menoufy, Ani Yam, Shibani Raje, Rafal Jonczyk, Danille S. Dickson, Janet van Hell, Zahed Siddique, and Gul E. Okudan-Kremer
The Investment/Replacement Way to Find the Value of a Shelterbelt/Windbreak, Larry Helwig, Norman W. Baer, and Sheridan Dronen
The James River Highlands : An Area Study, Thomas P. Welch
The James River Lowland : A Regional Study, Lee A. Howland
The Journal of Undergraduate Research: 2019
The Lake Country Silo, R. L. Patty and L. A. Eberlein
The Laws of Thermodynamics, Cheyenne Marie Marco
The Literary Apprenticeship of Laura Ingalls Wilder, William T. Anderson
The Lunatics, Brittany Kopman
The Magnitude and Timing of Rail Abandonment Impacts on Selected Economic Variables for Rural South Dakota Communities, J. Michael Alley
The Meaning of Zenocrate in Tamburlaine, Parts I and II, Yoon-Hee Park
The Meanings and Ways of Parental Involvement Among Low-income Filipinos, Aileen S. Garcia and Maria Rosario de Guzman
Themes Expressed in the Rhetoric of Two Women's Rights Movements, Ann Holt Logan
The Metal Promoted Hydration of di-2-pyridyl Ketone and the Crystal and Molecular Structures of bis-2,2',N,N'-Bipyridyl Ketone-Hydrate Chromium(III) Chloride and Ruthenium(III) Chloride, Shaun Owen Sommerer
The Military Image in the Poetry of A. E. Housman, Richard Alan Hudson
The Milking Machine, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
The Minnesota River Lowland : An Area Study, Ronald R. Crawford
The Modification and Use of an Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer for Data Collection at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature, Vernon Lee Baumberger
The Narrow Room : A Critical Study of the Sonnet Sequences of Edna St. Vincent Millay, Ann O. Boultinghouse
The Nature and Meaning of Recreation and Leisure Activities of Rural, Retired Males, Ronald L. Kortemeyer
The Nature of Speech Communication Offerings in the Bible Colleges of the Independent Christian Church and Churches of Christ, Gerald E. Sappington
The Nebraska Cyclone: Lillie Williams and the Embrace of Sport and Spectacle, Lisa Lindell
The New Beginnings Newsletter, April 2020, Shana Harming
The New Beginnings Newsletter, July 2020, Shana Harming
The New Beginnings Newsletter, June 2020, Shana Harming
The New Beginnings Newsletter, May 2020, Shana Harming
The New Beginnings Newsletter, November 2020, Shana Harming
The New Beginnings Newsletter, October 2020, Shana Harming
The New Beginnings Newsletter, September 2020, Shana Harming
The Night My Uncle Called the Cops, Sara Henning
The Norwegian Heritage in America: Rølvaag's Concern for a Pluralistic Society, Hazel L. Halvorson
The Nutritive Value of High Protein Oats, Double Mutant, Waxy, Opaque-2 and Normal Corns in Pig Starter Diets, Steven L. Robbins
The Occurrence and Effects of Entomophaga grylli on Grasshopper Populations in South Dakota, Roger Allen Bohls
Theories of Image-making in Hogarth, Reynolds and Blake, Anne C. Johnson
The Original Survey Notes of Beadle County as a Geographical Reference, Ralph Jay Borkowski
The Origin and Development of Sunday Competition Between The Hartford Courant and The Hartford Times, James M. Neal Jr.
The Parmesan Cheese Model System: Alleviation of Browning Defect in Parmesan Cheese, Megan Huegli Aubrey
The Performance of Quartzite and Natural Aggregate in Flexible Pavement : A Case Study, Mohammed Hossien Roghani
The Photochemistry of tetramethyl-3-thio-1,3-cyclobutanedione, Mason Ming-Sun Shen
The Physiological and Anthropometrical Effects of a Circuit Weight Training Program on the Endomorph, Mesomorph and Ectomorph, Ronald C. Downs
The Physiological Effects of a Season of Intercollegiate Wrestling on Selected Fitness Measures, Charley Eugene Corle
The Physiological Effects of a Season of Varsity Swimming Competition and Training on Selected Bodily Responses of Swimmers, William George Cook
The Pleasure of Reading Doubled, Jacob Ford
The Policies and Procedures of Financing Interscholastic Athletics in Selected Public High Schools in South Dakota, William V. Wheeler
The Preparation of Some Molybdenum and Tungsten Complexes, Linda Fay Bowden
The Present Status of Intramural Sports Programs for Boys in South Dakota High Schools, Thomas Lee Farrell
The Prevention of Blisters on the Hands of Horizontal Bar Gymnasts by the Use of Cryotherapy, Randall Ray Nelson
The Profitability of Alternative Marketing Strategies, Freddie Joe Baatz
The Program Preferences and Demographics of Subscribers to the South Dakota Public Television Network Program Guide, Vicki A. Welch
The Public Relations Efforts of South Dakota Colleges and Universities as Reflected by the Attitudes of South Dakota High School Seniors, Daniel F. Jorgensen
The Quality Look in Clothing Construction, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
The Quality Look in Home Furnishings, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
The Quality Look in Home Furnishings, Donna M. Spooner
The Quality of Surface Runoff from a Farmland Area in South Dakota During 1969, Rick D. Benson
The Reasons for Out-Migration of Selected Student-Athletes from South Dakota, Gregory Lee Schmidt
There is a Oneness, Lawrence Diggs
The Relationship Between Denial and Behavior Pattern in the Patient Experiencing Myocardial Infarction, Cynthia Collmann Barinsky
The Relationship between Developmental Opportunities, Burnout, and Turnover Intentions: An Exploration of Potential Moderating Effects, Derek Gravholt
The Relationship Between Exercise Activities and Self-esteem in Elderly Populations, Marcia Taylor
The Relationship Between Food Rules and Childhood Obesity in Rural and Non-Rural Families, Anna Venjohn
The Relationship Between Home Economics Teachers' Conceptual Systems Levels and Classroom Discipline Ideologies, Kathleen R. Winberg
The Relationship Between Leadership Style and Career Winning Percentage of NCAA Division II Football Coaches, Murray A. Anderson
The Relationship Between Obesity and Fertility in the Lethal Yellow Mouse (Ay/a; C57BL/6J), Kim William Jeppesen
The Relationship Between Selected Social and Environmental Factors and Cancer Mortality by Planning District in South Dakota, 1960-1980, Mansour Haghighatian
The Relationship Between Sociological and Biographical Variables and Self-Concept Scores of Four- and Five-year Old Children, Linda E. Derscheid
The Relationship Between Soil Test and Small Grain Response to P Fertilization in South Dakota Field Experiments, Paul Elias Fixen
The Relationship of Freestyle Sprinting Ability in Swimming to Selected Measurable Traits, Keith Charles Sutton
The Relationship of Hitting Ability in Baseball to Selected Anatomical Measurements and Motor Responses, Larry Lester Edlund
The Relationship of Jump Shooting Ability in Basketball to Selected Measurable Traits, Donald F. Dahl
The Relationship of Root-pulling Resistance, Tassel Size, and Silk Delay with Yield in the F1 Hybrids of 12 Corn (Zea mays L.) Inbreds, David W. Peters
The Relationship of Selected Preprogram and Intraprogram Standardized Examination Scores and Age to National Council Licensure Examination-RN Scores in a Rural Associate Degree Nursing Program, Marge Scudder Brchan
The "Republic of the Spirit" : Marital Love in Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth, The Custom of the Country, and The Age of Innocence, Nancy Lee Preszler
The Response of the Face Fly (Musca automnalis) to Seasonal Changes in Manure Quality, Timothy James Lysyk
The Revolution and its Treatment of Women's Rights Themes, Dorothy J. Cline
The Right Time to Breed Cattle, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
The Right Time to Breed Cattle, Cooperative Extension South Dakota State University
The Role and Molecular Mechanisms of Wss1 in Preserving Genomic Stability, Daniel Kwesi Sam
The Role of Agriculture in South Dakota's Economy : An Approach to Analysis, Mahlon George Lang
The Role of Allelopathy on the Vegetational Composition of Disturbed Sites on the Samuel H. Ordway Memorial Prairie, Randy C. Bartels
The Role of Commercial Banks in Industrial Development in South Dakota, Loren W. Tauer
The Role of Cooperatives in Improving the Quality of Life in the First Planning and Development District of South Dakota, Gordon D. Vande Voorde
The Role of Endophytes in Conferring Salinity Tolerance in Prairie Cordgrass and the Winter Wheat Mint Variety, Jeffery Bartel
The Role of Western Equine Encephalitis and Saint Louis Encephalitis in Mosquitoes and Animals of South Dakota, Mark Edward Steichen
The Routledge Handbook to the Culture and Media of the Americas, Luz Angélica Kirschner, Miriam Brandel, Wilfried Raussert, Giselle Liza Anatol, Sebastian Thies, Sarah Corona Berkin, and José Carlos Lozano
The Routledge Handbook to the History and Society of the Americas, Olaf Kaltmeier, Josef Raab, Michael Stewart Foley, Alice Nash, Mario Rufer, and Luz Angélica Kirschner
The Routledge Research Companion to Popular Romance Fiction, Maria T. Ramos-Garcia
The Sandhills of South Dakota : A Regional Study, Robert E. Weimer
The Scheduling of Patients in a Physician's Office, Viswanath Gowtham
The Short Stories of Djuna Barnes : A Less Disquieting Vision, Patricia Doughty