Content Posted in 2024
1985 Variety Recommendations, Soybeans, Robert G. Hall, Joseph J. Bonneman, and Paul D. Evenson
2024 SDSU Data Science Symposium Schedule, South Dakota State University
2024 SDSU Data Science Symposium Schedule, South Dakota State University
2025 SDSU Data Science Symposium Speaker Information, Department of Mathematics & Statistics
2025 SDSU Data Science Symposium Speaker Information, Department of Mathematics & Statistics
2,3,4 Trihydroxybenzoic Acid, A Plant Secondary Metabolite Inhibits Cancer Cell Growth, Mina Akter
2-Color Rado Numbers for The Family of Equations x₁ + x₂ + ... xm-1 + c = (m - 1)xm, Joe Mousel
Abelson (Abl) Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Reduce Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) Replication In Vitro, Jennna Parliament
Abundance of Non-Target Coccinellids in Corn Rootworm-Resistant Maize, Bradley Lawrence McManus
A Burkean Analysis of the War Speeches of Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and George W. Bush, Kristofer B. Kracht
A Case Study: Electronic Teaching Methods From The Pandemic Era That Students Still Appreciate, Douglas De Boer
Access to Banking : A South Asian Perspective, Aditi Poudel
Accuracy Assessment of Airborne Laser Swath Mapping of Landslides, Jason A. Boomer
Accuracy of Body Composition Methods, the Influence of Age and Gender in Relation to Hydrostatic Weighing: A Meta-Analysis, Grant McAdaragh
"A Certain Slant of Light": Emily Dickinson and Synaesthesia, Erin J. Pavlovic
A Comparative Evaluation of Potassium Permanganate and Chlorine Dioxide for Preoxidation At The Sioux Falls Water Purification Plant, Laura B. Baumberger
A Comparison of Clinical Competency Expectations of New Graduate Registered Nurses, Lori Jo Bork
A Comparison of Mini-FLOTAC and McMaster Techniques, Overdispersion and Prevalence of Parasites in Naturally Infected North American Bison (Bison bison) in the USA, WIliam L. Johnson, Samantha Reynolds, Colton L. Adkins, Bradly Wehus-Tow, Jameson R. Brennan, Catherine B. Krus, Danielle Buttke, Jeff M. Martin, and Jeba R.J. Jesudoss Chelladurai
A Comparison of VO₂max and Metabolic Variables Between Treadmill Running and Treadmill Skating, Kriston Kay Koepp
A Content Analysis of "Culture Matters, the Peace Corps Cross-cultural Workbook", Annie M. Clement
Activated Sludge Kinetic Parameter Determination by Extant Respirometry, Michael P. Johnson
Active Bio-nanocomposites from Litchi Seed Starch, Tamarind Kernel Xyloglucan, and Lignin Nanoparticles to Improve the Shelf-life of Banana (Musa acuminata), R. Santhosh, Rahil Thakur, Preetam Sarkar, and Srinivas Janaswamy
A Durkheimian Analysis Of Worker Job Satisfaction: A Case Study Of Employees Of A Service Provider Organization, Jason Schnebly
Advanced Land Imager Relative Gain Characterization and Correction, Amit Angal
Advancing Biological Applications Through Microfluidic-Based Tool Development, K.M. Taufiqur Rahman
Advancing Karl Jaspers: The Connection Between the Theory of Existential Communication and Mentoring Satisfaction, Nolan Patrick Bowers
Aerial Rescue Protocol for the Tree Care Industry, Samuel Joseph Kezar
A Fluorescence Spectroscopic Method for Rapid Detection of Bacterial Endospores: Proof of Concept, Nancy Awasti and Sanjeev Anand
Age- and Site-Specific Colonization of Porcine Small Intestinal Epithelium by K88-fimbriated Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli in the Ligated Loop Model, Dana Curtis Beckler
Agouti Locus Modulation of Murine Melanogenesis, Parthasarathy Ramasastry
Agricultural Producers' Use of Genetically Modified Organisms: An Application of Rational Choice Theory, Michael E. Lawson
Agriculture in Dhaka, Bangladesh : A Geographical Perspective, Maliha Mayeed
Agronomic and Economic Evaluation of Biochar-Based Controlled-Release Nitrogen Fertilizers in Corn Production, Robiul Islam Rubel
Agronomic Response of Camelina to Nitrogen and Seeding Rate on the Northern Great Plains, Thandiwe Nleya, Dwarika Bhattarai, and Phillip Alberti
AI-Enabled Droplet Detection and Tracking for Agricultural Spraying Systems, Praneel Acharya, Travis A. Burgers, and Doang Nguyen
Alfalfa Stem Anatomy of Populations Varying for Resistance to Potato Leafhopper, Ana Micijevic
A Local False Discovery Rate based Assessment of Forensic and Biometric Matching System Capacity, Clarissa Giefer
Americanizing The Hero : Thoreau's Extension of Carlylean Heroism, Rebekah Billings
A Meta-Analysis of Gender Communication Courses, Jill M. Ward
A Model of Timpani Point-of-Impact Dynamics, Curtis Heaser
Anacardiaceae: Rhus typhina, R Neil Reese
Anacardiaceae: Toxicodendron rydbergii, R Neil Reese
Analysis and Performance: A Two-Pronged Approach to Making the Ballad Tradition Woman-Friendly, Kate Baum Fjelstad
Analysis of Factors Influencing the College Choice Decisions of NCAA Division I International Student-Athletes, Bryan Romsa, Katelyn Romsa, Jon Lam, and Agatha Ampaire
Analysis of Farm Programs Payments in South Dakota: 1990 - 2001, Yonas Hamda
Analysis of Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merr.) Response to Simulated Drift Rates of PGR Herbicides Using a Foliar Residue Test, Shane M. Andersen
Analysis of Symptom Burden among Female Veterans (Sci208), Brandon Varilek
Analysis of Toxic Chemical Agents and Therapeutics for Toxic Inhaled Agents’ Exposure, Khadija Bilkis
Analysis of Two Vaccination Programs in Dairy Cows and Their Impact on the Herd Performance and Colostrum Quality, Nicolas Arias Villegas
An Analysis Of Creative Arts Methods Used In Communication Disorders Intervention, Angie M. Guest
An Analysis Of Disability Service Offices At Public Universities In South Dakota, Teresa Schoenfelder-Evans
An Analysis of Ethical Appeals in Codependency Self-help Literature, Mary Schmidt
An Analysis of Safety Training and Training Needs in the Tree Care Industry, Shane J. Vosberg
An Analysis of Stephanie Herseth's 2002 Campaign for the United States House of Representatives, Stephanie L. Stubkjaer
An Aristotelian Analysis of Campaign Speeches Given By President Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 and Senator John McCain in 2000, Travis Ryan Dahle
An Assessment of the Oral Communication Training Given to Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives, Jeffrey S. Van Overbeke
An Automated On-The-Go Unloading System Reduces Harvest Operator Stress Relative to Manual Operation, Travis A. Burgers, Kusha Kamarei, Mukund Vora, and Matthew Horne
Anemia in Highly Prolific Sows: Implications on Piglet Outcomes, Farrowing Complications, and Longevity Considerations, Katlyn A. McClellan
An Era of Free Native American Press : Tim Giago and The Lakota Times, Indian Country Today, and The Lakota Journal 1981-2003, Louis George Whitehead
An Evaluation of NDVI Products from MODIS, SPOT VEGETATION, and AVHRR, Shannon Leigh Hofstadter
An Evaluation of Sodium Salicylate in the Periparturient Management of the Sow, L.J. Olson and E.M. Weaver
An evaluation of Soybean Meal Inclusion Rate in Pigs Fed from Wean-to-market, A. Kramer, J. Hong, R.S. Samuel, C.L. Levesque, R.C. Thaler, and E.M. Weaver
A New Real-Time Algorithm for Obtaining the ECG-derived Respiration (EDR) Signal from the Electrocardiogram (ECG), Shivaram P. Arunachalam
Animal Science News (April 30, 2024), Department of Animal Science
Animal Science News (April 7, 2022), Department of Animal Science
Animal Science News (August 27, 2024), Department of Animal Science
Animal Science News (August 6, 2024), Department of Animal Science
Animal Science News (February 13, 2024), Department of Animal Science
Animal Science News (June 25, 2024), Department of Animal Science
Animal Science News (March 26, 2024), Department of Animal Science
Animal Science News (May 28, 2024), Department of Animal Science
Animal Science News (November 26, 2024), Department of Animal Science
Animal Science News (October 14, 2022), Department of Animal Science
Animal Science News (October 28, 2022), Department of Animal Science
Animal Science News (October 29, 2024), Department of Animal Science
Animal Science News (September 24, 2024), Department of Animal Science
Animal Science Research Report 2024 (Complete Report), Department of Animal Science
An Integrated Chemical Approach for the Removal of Hazardous Cr(VI) and Other Contaminants of Tannery Wastewater: Biopolymer-assisted Adsorption Separation and Conversion Into Valuable Materials, Khathijathul Kubra, V. Pavithra, Buvaneswari Gopal, and Srinivas Janaswamy
An Integrated Hybrid P2P-DR Networks for a Transactive Energy Market Platform Considering Electricity Network Constraints, Sheroze Liaquat
An Inventory and Assessment of Significant Topographic Changes in the United States, Dean B. Gesch
An Investigation of Bidder Behaviour in WIC Infant Formula Rebate Auctions, Ashma Pandey
Annealing, Tianming Yao, Zhongquan Sui, and Srinivas Janaswamy
Annual, Monthly and Daily Pan Evaporation Maps for the State of South Dakota, Sudarshan Poudyal
A Novel Superabsorbent Material Based on Soybean Straw: Synthesis and Characterization, Jun Gau, Jingsong Huang, Tingguo Liu, Jianbin Chen, and Srinivas Janaswamy
A Novel Supercritical Carbon Dioxide + Ethanol Extraction to Improve Techno-functionalities of Pea Protein Isolate, Serap Vatansever, Jae-Born Ohm, Seney Simsek, and Clifford Hall
An Overview of Women’s Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Hannah Kleinschmit
Antioxidant Activity and Nutritional Values in Fruits of Viburnum lentago, Giani Perera
A One-Year Radiometric Evaluation of the Advanced Land Imager (ALI), Samer L. Hijazi
A Participatory Study of Site-Specific Response of Yield to Phosphorus in South Dakota as a Training Method for South Dakota Extension Educators, James Alan Wilson
Apiaceae: Cicuta maculata, R Neil Reese
Apiaceae: Perideridia gairdneri, R Neil Reese
Apocynaceae : Apocynum androsaemifolium, R Neil Reese
Apocynaceae : Apocynum cannabinum, R Neil Reese
Application of the RS Method to Detect Steganographic Messages in Database Tables, David Andrawis
Araliaceae : Aralia nudicaulis, R Neil Reese
A Review of Oleogels Applications in Dairy Foods, Bhaswati Chowdhury, Aditya Sharma, F. N. U. Akshit, Maneesha S. Mohan, Prafulla Salunke, and Sanjeev Anand
A Review on Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles as Efficient and Effective Antidiabetic Agents, Maryam Wahab and Srinivas Janaswamy
A Rhetorical Analysis of Three Characters from Moises Kaufman's Playscript The Laramie Project Using Kenneth Burke's Dramatistic Pentad, Scott Gessford
Artifacts of Learning – The Polytechnic Experience (Work in Progress), Nathan Spike, Kevin Dietsche, and Greg Slupe
Artificial Intelligence and Image-Based Phenotyping for Monitoring Morpho-Physiological Dynamics in Grapevines, Prakriti Sharma
Art in Mourning : Surviving The Survivors in Maus, Sheri A. Morey
Asclepiadaceae: Asclepias viridiflora, R Neil Reese
ASEE North Midwest Section Conference Program, October 4-6, 2023, South Dakota State University
A Spatial Decision Support System Design for Flood Risk Monitoring in East Africa, Sara Jean Paulson
Aspects of Beaver (Castor canadensis) Ecology in Eastern South Dakota, Jason D. Jungwirth
Aspects of Nucleotide Nutrition in Pigs, Christopher D. Mateo
Assessing Area-wide Biological Control of Leafy Spurge in Montana and South Dakota, John T. Murphy
Assessing the Performance and Cost Effectiveness of Rainwater Harvesting for High Tunnel Production Across Climates in the Continental United States, Mustafa Aydogdu
Association of Molecular Markers with Carcass Traits in Beef Cattle, Angela M. Sanborn
Associations Between Preweaning Calf Feeding Behaviors with Age at First Calving and Lactational Performance Using an Automatic Calf Feeder, Turner H. Swartz and Christina Petersson-Wolfe
A Statistical Analysis of Communication Apprehension and Graduate Teaching Assistants, Joshua N. Westwick
A Statistical Analysis of Communication Apprehension and International Students, Kyoko Okamoto
Asteraceae : Arnica cordifolia, R Neil Reese
Asteraceae : Artemisia absinthium, R Neil Reese
Asteraceae : Artemisia cana, R Neil Reese
Asteraceae : Artemisia dracunculus, R Neil Reese
Asteraceae : Artemisia frigida, R Neil Reese
Asteraceae : Artemisia ludoviciana, R Neil Reese
Asteraceae: Balsamorhiza sagittata, R Neil Reese
Asteraceae: Cirsium flodmanii, R Neil Reese
Asteraceae: Dyssodia papposa, R Neil Reese
Asteraceae: Erigeron divergens, R Neil Reese
Asteraceae: Eutrochium maculatum, R Neil Reese
Asteraceae: Gaillardia aristata, R Neil Reese
Asteraceae Ratibida pinnata, R Neil Reese
A Study in the Application of Six Sigma Process Improvement Methodology to a Transactional Process, Blain Graphenteen
A Study of Factors that Affect Filter Effluent Turbidity Levels, Cory P. Schoffelman
A Study of Press Freedom in Taiwan From 1949 to 2003, Cheng-Huan Chen
A Web-Based Approach For Myofascial Pain Syndrome Patient Monitoring In The Home, Xiaohong Chen
Bacillus Strains Used for Biological Control of Fusarium Head Blight : Identification, Growth Studies, and Lipopeptide Production, Nichole Louise Baye
Beauty and the Beast : Costume Design and Development, Kathy K. Laun
Beef Hot Carcass Weight Influences Proteolysis, Clay J. Carlson
Belowground Bud Banks and Land Use Change: Roles of Vegetation and Soil Properties in Mediating the Composition of Bud Banks in Different Ecosystems, Jing Wu, Xianzhang Hou, Lan Xu, Quanlai Zhou, Yongcui Wang, Ziwu Guo, Michael Opoku Adomako, and Qun Ma
Better Understanding of the Role Changes Experienced by Aging Male Inmates in a State Penitentiary, Diane K. Duin
Betulaceae: Corylus americana, R Neil Reese
Betulaceae Ostrya virginiana, R Neil Reese
Bioavailability of Vitamin D From Fortified Process Cheese and Effects on Vitamin D Status in the Elderly, Jana Johnson
Biodegradable Films from Soyhull Cellulosic Residue with UV Protection and Antioxidant Properties Improve the Shelf-life of Post-harvested Raspberries, Sumi Regmi and Srinivas Janaswamy
Biodegradable Films from the Lignocellulosic Residue of Switchgrass, Sajal Bhattarai and Srinivas Janaswamy
Biodegradable Packaging Films From Banana Peel Fiber, Mominul Hoque and Srinivas Janaswamy
Biodegradable, UV-blocking, and Antioxidant Films from Lignocellulosic Fibers of Spent Coffee Grounds, Sajal Bhattarai and Srinivas Janaswamy
Biogeographic Patterns of Littoral Invertebrate Communities and Responses to Disturbance in Prairie Lakes, Corey W. Braskamp
Bird's Eye vView of the Global Dairy Industry: Overview of Milk-producing Countries, Dairy Processes and Cost Comparison, Amulya Gurtu, Prafulla Salunke, and Tushar Kanti Debnath
Book Chapter : Milk and Dairy Products Analogues, Athira Syamala, Khushi Dubey, and Prafulla Salunke
Boraginaceae: Cryptantha celosioides, R Neil Reese
BPMV Effects on Ten Experimental Soybean Lines and Cultivars, Connie L. Strunk
Brassicaceae: Alliaria petiolata, R Neil Reese
Brassicaceae : Arabis glabra, R Neil Reese
Breakfast, South Dakota State University
Breast Tissue as a Local Drug Reservoir for Anticancer Therapy in Breast Cancer, Saniia Shchinar
Bruce Brandt Papers, SDSU Archives & Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library
Buckling Behavior of Thin Wall Stiffened Cylindrical Shells Through ML Techniques, FNU Tabish, Muhammad Hamza Karim, Rajesh Godasu, and Iraj H.P Mamaghani
Calcium, Phosphorus, and Amino Acid Digestibilities in Low Phytate Corn by Growing Pigs, Robert A. Bohlke
Calibration of DRAINMOD on Glacial Till Soils in Eastern South Dakota, Ajay Kumar Signh
Capparaceae: Cleome serrulata, R Neil Reese
Carbon Dynamics in Switchgrass Land Managed For Biomass Production, DoKyoung Lee
Catastrophic Events in North American Bison Populations, Kelly J. Altenhofen
Causal Explanations for the Evolution of ‘Low Gear’ Locomotion in Insular Ruminants, Roberto Rozzi, Sara Varela, Pere Bover, and Jeff Martin
Celastraceae: Cerastium arvense ssp. strictum, R Neil Reese
Cellulosic Fraction from Agricultural Biomass as a Viable Alternative for Plastics and Plastic Products, Srinivas Janaswamy, Madhav P. Yadav, Mominul Hoque, Sajal Bhattarai, and Shafaet Ahmed
Change of Scale in Upper Midwest Farms : A South Dakota Case Study, Luke M. Muller
Changes in Milk Protein Functionality at Low Temperatures and Rennet Concentrations, Mahmoud E. A. Hamouda and Prafulla Salunke
Changing Dietary Lipid Composition to Increase Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Transvaccenic Acid Concentrations in Milk Fat, Lance Aaron Whitlock
Chapter 24 - The Emergence of Predominance in the Constitutive Microflora of Dairy Membrane Biofilms, Sanjeev Anand and Pratishtha Verma
Characterization of Excretory/Secretory Antigens of Echinococcus Multilocularis Shared Between the Protoscolex and Adult Stages, Troy Lee Lackey
Characterization of Pathogenesis and Sites of Persistence of Type 1 and Type 2 Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus, Steven R. Lawson
Check-in / Luggage Check, South Dakota State University
Check-in / Registration, South Dakota State University
Chemopreventive Effects of [alpha]-Santalol on UVB-induced Skin Cancer Development in SKH-1 Mice, Bhanu L. Arasada
Chemopreventive Effects of [alpha]-santalol on UVB-induced Skin Carcinogenesis, Hima B. Valluri
Chemopreventive Effects of Dietary Flaxseed Oil On Colon Tumor Development, Karthika Natarajan
Chemopreventive Effects of Sarcophine-triol on Skin Tumor Development in Mice, Vipra Kundoor
Chenopodiaceae: Chenopodium berlandieri, R Neil Reese
Chenopodiaceae: Chenopodium simplex, R Neil Reese
Choice and the Victimization that Results : The "Special" Women of Edith Wharton, Sandy Buelow
Climate Change Adaptation for Embankment Through Biogeotechnics, Debayan Ghosh
Clinical Breast Exam Training Using Tactually Accurate Computer Simulation Among Healthcare Providers in Ghana, Dannica Callies, Danielle Schievelbein, Cynthia Elverson, and Judith Osae-Larbi
Closing Session with Dr. Thomas Brandenburger and Winners of Poster Announcement, South Dakota State University
Clustering of Synthetic Opioid Death Rates and Associated Factors in the U.S., Jason Hasse, Semhar Michael, and Brian Logue
College of Natural Sciences 2023 Year-End Publication, College Of Natural Sciences
College of Natural Sciences Newsletter, Spring 2024, College Of Natural Sciences
Coming Home : Native American return migration, Patricia A. Joffer
Coming to Terms Female Veterans' Experience of Serious Illness, Brandon Varilek and Mary Isaacson
Comparative Analysis of Ataka and Kanjincho, Yuriko Togashi
Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Anomaly Detection Models for GPS Spoofing Detection, Hasan Mirzakhaninafchi
Comparing Quadriceps Angle and Force Production in Healthy, Active Women, Sheena Dauer
Comparison of Ground-based Strength and Ground-based Power Regimen on Speed, Agility, and Power Output, Michael J. Ouverson
Competition Between Bradyrhizobium Strains for Soybean Nodulation, Lilia Ernestina Montanez Hernandez
Complexing Curcumin and Resveratrol in the Starch Crystalline Network Alters In Vitro Starch Digestion: Towards Developing Healthy Food Materials, Tianming Yao, Zhongguan Sui, and Srinivas Janaswamy
Comprehending the Impacts of Mutations Using Various Protein Model Systems, Ujwal Subedi
Computational and Experimental Modeling of Particle Transport Inside Respiratory Pathways and Indoor Environments, Abir Malakar
Computational Characterization of Extracellular Electro-Osmotic Flow During Tissue Repair, Ashley Jorgensen-Blocker
Computer Simulation of Warpage Formation in Injection Molding of a Plastic Step Pad, Sridhar P. Ramamurthy
Computer Technology's Impact on College Composition, Deana Hueners
Conservation Practices and Payment for Ecosystems Services: An Inquiry into South Dakota Farmers' Preferences and Decision-Making, Damilola T. Adereti
Consumer Diagnosis: A Study of Consumers' Behavioral Reactions to Information Obtained on Medical Diagnostic Websites, Brandi A. Diedrich-Roling
Contrastive Learning, with Application to Forensic Identification of Source, Cole Ryan Patten
Convolvulaceae: Calystegia sepium ssp. angulate, R Neil Reese
Convolvulaceae: Convolvulus arvensis, R Neil Reese
Corncob-derived Biodegradable Packaging Films: A Sustainable Solution for Raspberry Post-harvest Preservation, Sandeep Paudel and Srinivas Janaswamy
Cover Crops to Improve Soil Health in the North American Great Plains, Augustine K. Obour, Logan M. Simon, Jonathon D. Holman, Patrick M. Carr, Meagan Schipanski, Steven Fonte, Rajan Ghimire, Thandiwe Nleya, and Humberto Blanco-Canqui
Crozier Family Papers, SDSU Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library
Cultivar and Temperature Altered RNase Species in Winter Barley, Xiang Ding
Cultivating Curiosity: Instilling an Entrepreneurial Mindset with Project Based Learning, Adam Carlton Lynch and Gary Booking
Cultural Landscapes of Skateboarding, Chad T. Bertelson
Culturally Tailored Better Choices, Better Health® Sd Programs for South Dakota Tribal Communities: Engaging American Indian and Alaska Native Adults in Chronic Disease Self-Management Education, Sandra Melstad, Lori Oster, Megan Jacobson, and Richard Mousseau
Cupressaceae: Juniperus communis, R Neil Reese
Dairy Club Digest: Udderly Good Times, South Dakota State University Dairy Club
Dakota Territory Living History Museum, Inc. Collection, SDSU Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library
Data supporting the journal manuscript: From Past Habitats to Present Threats: Tracing North American Weasel Distributions Through a Century of Climate and Land Use Change, Amanda E. Cheeseman, David S. Jachowski, and Roland Kay
Data supporting the manuscript : Plains Spotted Skunks (Spilogale interrupta) Occur Independently of a Predator and Competitor., Kara M. White, Amanda E. Cheeseman, Joshua Stafford, and Robert Lonsinger
Data supporting the manuscript : The Difference in Aboveground Response of c3 and c4 Grass Dominated Plant Communities to Future Larger and Less Frequent Rainfall, Zigeng Chen and A. Joshua Leffler
Data supporting the manuscript : "Pasture and diurnal temperature are key predictors of regional Plains Spotted Skunk (Spilogale interrupta) distribution", Kara White, Amanda E. Cheeseman, Joshua Stafford, and Robert Lonsinger
Decadal Heat and Drought Drive Body Size of North American Bison (Bison bison) Along the Great Plains, Jeff Martin and Perry S. Barboza
Deep Neural Network for Survival Analysis of End-Stage Kidney Disease, Benjamin Honner, Semhar Michael, and Hossein Moradi
Degradation of Total Organic Halogen in Drinking Water Distribution Systems with Iron and Iron Corrosion Products, Rachel Zook
Democratic Development in Less Developed Countries : A Cross-National Study, 1974-1999, Jorgen G. Bro
Design and Fabrication of Robust Tunnel Junctions for Gas Sensing, Sachin Bhandari
Design and Implementation of a High-Speed Communication Module for Linux Cluster File System Using M-VIA, Chan-gon Yoo
Design and Simulation of Deep Drawing Process for Thermoplastic Composite Laminates, Tushar Naik
Designing RIS-assisted UAV 3D Trajectory Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, Linsong Li
Detection and Quantitation of Mycobacterium Avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis in Bovine and Bison Using Real-Time Molecular Beacon PCR, Jessica Lee Skaare
Detection, Predictors, and Immune Mechanisms of PRRSV Persistence in Boars, Aimee Nichole Wasilk
Determining the Optimum Ribeye Size for Beef Retail Consumers, Kurtis K. Sweeter
Developing Machine Learning Models for Selection of Management Zones, Sravanthi Bachina
Developmental Progression of Ovine B Cells, Michael D. Graybill
Development, Analysis, and Sensory Evaluation of Improved Bread Fortified with a Plant-Based Fermented Food Product, Miriam Cabello-Olmo, Padmanaban G. Krishnan, Miriam Arana, Maria Oneca, Jesus V. Diaz, Miguel Barajas, and Maristela Rovai
Development and Characterization of Novel Surface Modified PAMAM Dendrimers, Dipak S. Pisal
Development and Characterization of Transparent Soil Using Biodegradable Polysaccharides, Said Badshah
Development and Control of Biofilms: Novel Strategies Using Natural Antimicrobials, Sheetal Jha and Sanjeev Anand
Development and Evaluation of a Retrofittable Variable Rate Applicator Controller, Ahmed Abdalla
Development and Validation of A Blocking Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay For The Detection of Antibodies Against Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus, Neal Harold Ferrin
Development of a Gluten-free Bread with Added Heat-treated Yellow Pea Flour: Application of Response Surface Methodology, Tanya Jeradechachai and Clifford Hall
Development of a Microsatellite Marker Associated with Stem Rust Resistance Gene Sr35 in Wheat, Ebrahiem M. Babiker
Development of Analytical Methods for Isoflavones in Biological Samples, Regina Wixon
Development of an Enhanced Beta Glucan Beverage: Evaluating Satiety, Nutrition, and Shelf Stability, B. Rajpurohit, P. Krishnan, B. Manu, and MC. Treml
Development of an Image Database Web Service for Landsat Archive Using XML-RPC, Jae Hun Lee
Development of a Spray-dried Conjugated Whey Protein Hydrolysate Powder with Entrapped Probiotics, Shayanti Minj and Sanjeev Anand
Development of a Weighted Security Measure as a Design Metric, Bong Gun Cho
Development of Bed Shear Stress in Open Channel Flow in Smooth-To-Rough and Rough-To-Smooth Transitions, Linet Chietunda Paul
Development of Innovative Flocculation Technologies for Agricultural Water Treatment, Noor Haleem
Development of Value-Added Butter by Incorporating Whey Protein Hydrolysate-Encapsulated Probiotics, Kritika Gaba, Sanjeev Anand, and Athira Syamala
Development of Web-based Clipping Mechanism for Landsat Imagery, Jung Yeon Kim
Diabetes Health Indicator using Machine Learning Techniques, Xeng Yang
Dietary Manipulations to Improve the Nutritional Value of Milk by Increasing Milk Content of Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Amer AbuGhazaleh
Dinner, South Dakota State University
Distribution of Galectin-4 in Porcine Small Intestine, Melissa Wooters
Distribution, Roost Site Selection and Food Habitats of Bats in Eastern South Dakota, Vicki J. Swier
Do Agricultural Commodity Price Spikes Always Stem From News?, Zhouxin Li
Dryland Soil Moisture Management for Western South Dakota, Jason Gilb
Dynamic Subcritical Water Extraction, GC-MS Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Precipitation, David G. Ferris
EAM Lectures and Seminars - Ethel Austin Martin Program, Ethel Austin Martin Program
EAM Program Celebration October 4, 2019 : Director’s Address, Ethel Austin Martin Program
EAM Research Studies - Ethel Austin Martin Program, Ethel Austin Martin Program
EAM Talk - Director’s Address - Ethel Austin Martin Program, Ethel Austin Martin Program
Economic Incentives for South Dakota Farmers to Participate in the Conservation Security Program, Nicholas J. Streff
Ecophysiology of Bradyrhizobium Diazoefficiens USDA 110, Armaan Kaur Sandhu
Edible Packaging Systems for Improved Microbial Quality of Animal-derived Foods and the Role of Emerging Technologies, Zuhaib F. Bhat, Hina F. Bhat, Maneesha S. Mohan, Rana Muhammad Aadil, Abdo Hassoun, and Abderrahmane Ait-Kaddour
Editorial: Research Advances of Modification and Nutrition Properties of Food Carbohydrates, Volume I, Yanjun Zhang, Jianhua Xie, Bin Li, and Srinivas Janaswamy
Effective Methods of Simultaneously Teaching in Person and Online, Naseer Yari
Effectiveness of Dried Distillers Grains Plus Solubles as a Protein Source for Beef Cows Consuming Mature, Low Protein Forage, Heidi L. Doering-Resch
Effectiveness of Project WILD Classroom Instruction at the Middle School Level in South Dakota, Maria Swain Kearns
Effect of Body Weight and Reproductive Status on Phosphorus Digestibility and Efficacy of Phytase in Pigs, Rommel C. Sulabo
Effect of Cheese Coagulants on American-style Natural Cheese Proteolysis and Functional Characteristics of Process Cheese Made Therefrom, Ananya C. Biswas, Prafulla Salunke, and Lloyd Metzger
Effect of Decreased Estradiol-17β on the Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I System in Pigs, Chaundra K. Hilleson-Gayne
Effect of Dietary Fatty Acids Composition on Growth Performance and Fecal Consistency of Weaned Pigs, A. Forero-Salamanca, J.Y. Perez-Palencia, and C.L. Levesque
Effect of Dietary Isoacids Supplementation on Nutrient Digestibility of Growing Pigs Fed Corn-soybean Meal Diets, A.P. Benavides-Infante, M.T. Socha, L.A. Rodrigues, C.L. Levesque, and J.Y. Perez-Palencia
Effect of Dietary Xylanase Supplementation on Growth Performance, Apparent Ileal Digestibility of Nutrients, and Digesta Viscosity of Weaned Pigs Fed Wheat-soybean Meal-based Diets, S. Sheffield, K. Haydon, C.L. Levesque, and J.Y. Perez-Palencia
Effect of Different Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acids on Skim Milk Functional Properties, Rutvi Joshi, Suresh G. Sutariya, and Prafulla Salunke
Effect of Dried Corn Distillers Grains Plus Solubles Compared to Soybean Hulls, in Late Gestation Heifer Diets, on Animal and Reproductive Performance, Chanda L. Engel
Effect of Echinacea Angustifolia Root Extracts and Caffeic Acid Derivatives on Cancer Cell Proliferation, Eric Huntimer
Effect of Glycerol and Sorbitol on Cellulose-based Biodegradable Films, Sandeep Paudel, Sumi Regmi, and Srinivas Janaswamy
Effect of Hyaluronic Acid and Kappa-Carrageenan on Milk Properties: Rheology, Protein Stability, Foaming, Water-Holding, and Emulsification Properties, Prafulla Salunke and Suresh G. Sutariya
Effect of Hyaluronic Acid on Milk Properties: Rheology, Protein Stability, Acid and Rennet Gelation Properties, Suresh G. Sutariya and Prafulla Salunke
Effect of Methionine Addition to a Urea-grain Supplement on Intake and Digestibility of Mature Dormant Grasses and Performance of Cows Grazing Winter Range, Patrick A. Momont
Effect of Midday Pasteurizer Washing on Thermoduric Organisms and Their Progression Through Cheddar Cheese Manufacturing and Ripening, Khilendra Bhanduriya, Laura Mealy, Sanjeev Anand, and Lloyd Metzger
Effect of Mineral Ions on the Functional Properties of Starch Films: Towards Developing Novel Edible Films, Aliza Sigdel and Srinivas Janaswamy
Effect of Mixing on Manganese Removal in Granular Media Filters, Rajendra B. Shrestha
Effect of Pollen Source on The Grain Yield of Maize (Zea mays, L.), Imtiaz Ahmad
Effect of Postweaning Diets on Weaned Pig Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Intestinal Morphology and Function, Mary K. Hoppe
Effect of Protein Source on Amino Acid Nutrition in Ruminants Using a Semipurified Diet, Karl F. Hoppe
Effect of Simulated Emergence Date on Growth and Seed Production of Amaranthus Rudis and A. Retroflexus, Ebandro Uscanga Mortera
Effect of Storage of Skim Milk Powder, Nonfat Dry Milk and Milk Protein Concentrate on Functional Properties, Kartik Shah, Prafulla Salunke, and Lloyd Metzger
Effect of Temperature on the Rheological, Textural, and Sensory Properties of Butters from New Zealand Market, X. Yang, A. Saunders, and Maneesha S. Mohan
Effect of Tillage and Nitrogen Rate on Soil No3 -N Levels, Plant N Uptake and Yield of Corn, Walter Gordan
Effect of Vitamin D Fortified Cheese on Muscular Strength in Older Adults, Shari Ann Landmark
Effects of Anthocyanin Supplementation in Diet on Glycemic and Related Cardiovascular Biomarkers in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials, Ting Mao, FNU Akshit, and Maneesha S. Mohan
Effects of a Six-week Strength Training Program on Internal and External Rotation in Intercollegiate Baseball Players, Jason Nelson
Effects of Dietary Corn Origin (U.S., Argentina, and Brazil) on Pig Growth Performance, J.G. Halbur, A. Forero Salamanca, J.K. Jansen, J. Hong, J.Y. Perez-Palencia, C.L. Levesque, S.M. Mueller, R.C. Thaler, and E.M. Weaver
Effects of Dietary Manganese Supplementation on Growth Performance in Growing-finishing Pigs, A.F. Atoo, J. Hong, J.Y. Perez-Palencia, R.S. Samuel, C. Domenech, A. Shah, and C.L. Levesque
Effects of Dietary Rumen-protected Choline Supplementation to Periparturient Dairy Cattle on Inflammation and Metabolism in Mammary and Liver Tissue During an Intramammary Lipopolysaccharide Challenge, Turner H. Swartz, Barry Bradford, Laman Mamedova, and Kari Estes
Effects of Dietary Rumen-protected Choline Supplementation to Periparturient Dairy Cattle on Inflammation, Metabolism, and Performance During an Intramammary Lipopolysaccharide Challenge, Turner H. Swartz, Barry Bradford, Laman Mamedova, and Kari Estes
Effects of Feeding Varying Concentrations of Dry Distillers Grain with Solubles to Finishing Steers on Feedlot Performance, Nutrient Management and Odorant Emissions, Clinton Stanley Benson
Effects of Higher Levels of Soy Protein and Methionine on Periparturient Health of Sows, L.J. Olson, M. Dey, and E.M. Weaver
Effects of Hydration Status on Reaction Time and Movement Time in Collegiate Wrestlers, Candee Frederick
Effects of Hydrodynamic Cavitation and Temperature on Nanofiltration Performance for Concentrating Ultrafiltered Skim Milk, Achyut Mishra, Ram R. Panthi, Steven L. Beckman, Khrupa S. Vijayaragavan, Sanjeev Anand, and Lloyd E. Metzger
Effects of Implementing the Emergency Severity Index Triage in a Rural Emergency Department, Janelle Edwards
Effects of Land-Use and Climate Variability on Northern Prairie Wetlands, Richard Arlen Voldseth
Effects of Low-Cost, Low-Tech Tools for Riparian Restoration on Prairie Streams in Western South Dakota, James Andrew Joseph Bolyard
Effects of Mandatory Homework on Exam and Quiz Scores in College Algebra Classes, Jay P. Noland
Effects of Oxidative Stress on The Cytoskeletal Crosslinker Protein, Plectin, Prakash Manikwar
Effects of Partial or Total Replacement of Dried Distillers Plus Solubles with Soybean Meal on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Dietary Net Energy Utilization in Finishing Beef Steers, Cassidy Ross, Warren Rusche, and Zachary Smith
Effects of Peri-castration Pain Management Strategies on Feed and Water Intake, Performance, and Blood Cortisol Levels of Weaned Beef Steers, Andrea K. Brandner, Cody L. Wright, and Ana Clara B. Menezes
Effects of Phase Feeding Hybrid Rye on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Backgrounded Steers, Warren Rusche, Scott Bird, Brad Rops, Pete Sexton, and Zachary Smith
Effects of pH-Enhancement on Quality and Consumer Acceptability of Value-Added Meat Products, Andrew James Everts
Effects of pH Enhancement on Sarcomere Length, Desmin Degradation, Cooked Moisture Retention, Palatability, and Consumer Acceptability of Normal and Callipyge Lamb, Amanda K. R. Everts
Effects of Polyphenols on Gut Microbiota and Inflammatory Markers in Individuals with Overweight or Obesity: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials, Ting Mao, Yizi Zhang, Rakesh Kaushik, and Maneesha S. Mohan
Effects of Prairie Dogs on Plant Community Composition and Vegetation Disappearance in Mixed-Grass Prairie, Matthew B. Stoltenberg
Effects of Storage Conditions on Chemistry and Technological Properties of Different Cultivars of Chickpea, Shirin Kazemzadeh Pournaki, Atanu Biswas, and Clifford Hall
Effects of Storage Regimes on Chemistry, Functional Properties, and Vitamin Profile of Different Varieties of Chickpea, Shirin Kazemzadeh Pournaki
Effects of Substitution of DDGS with Soybean Meal in Finishing Diets: Dietary Protein Degradability and Ruminal Parameters, Grace H. Jardon, Natasha L. Macholan, Katherine M. Moening, Elissa R. Colombo, Zachary Smith, Warren R. Rusche, and Ana Clara B. Menezes
Effects of Vacuum Condensed and Ultrafiltered Milk on Cheddar and Pasteurized Process Cheese, Mayur Acharya
Efficacy of a Typical Clean-in-place Protocol Against In vitro Membrane Biofilms, Diwakar Singh and Sanjeev Anand
Efficient Real-Time Droplet Tracking in Crop-Spraying Systems, Troung Nhut Huynh, Travis Burgers, and Kim-Doang Nguyen
Elaeagnaceae: Elaeagnus angustifolia, R Neil Reese
Elucidating The Role of Sialic Acid in Tumorigenic Pathways, Kakali Das
Distracted In Practice, Maria R. Ebling, Jason C. Brown, and Benjamin M. Wallen
Employee Information and Training Needs Identified by Leaders in Large United States Pork Operations, Lora Duxbury-Berg
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: A View Into the Colonial Abyss, Tamara Joelle Voight
Engaging Industry Mentors in a Construction Management Capstone Program, Janet E. Merriman
Engineering of a Thermally Enhanced Bentonite-based Grouting Product, Ryan J. Carda
Environmental Persistence of Listeria Monocytogenes and its Implications in Dairy Processing Plants, Bhaswati Chowdhury and Sanjeev Anand
Epidemiological Research on Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat in South Dakota, Lawrence Edward Osborne
Equisetaceae : Equisetum hyemale, R Neil Reese
Establishing Validity and Reliability of a New Power Ergometer When Compared to Wingate Anaerobic Power Testing and Cybex Isokinetics, Matthew A. Raml
Estimating South Dakota’s Capacity to Meet K-12 School Meal Fruit and Vegetable Requirements With State-Grown Produce, Bridgette Bienias
Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition, The First Decade: Progress Report –1997-2006, Ethel Austin Martin Program
Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition, The Second Decade : Progress Report –2007-2017, Ethel Austin Martin Program
Evaluating Consumers' Acceptability of Laser-labeled Apple Fruit, Durga Khadka, Martin J. Talavera, Eleni D. Pliakoni, Logan L. Britton, Londa Nwadike, and Manreet S. Bhullar
Evaluating the Impact of Perceptual Loss in Generative Adversarial Models and Diffusion Models for Document Image Enhancement, Farzaneh Karimpour
Evaluating the Inclusion of Probiotic or Postbiotic in the Nursery Period on Pig Performance Through to Market, Gut Health and Microbial Populations, and Carcass Value, J. Castillo Zuniga, R.S. Samuel, and C.L. Levesque
Evaluation of AASHTO Seismic Design for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns, Andrew LeRoy Grismer
Evaluation of an Empirical Piecewise Regression Model in Simulating GPP in the Northern Great Plains, Li Zhang
Evaluation of a Novel Corn Fermented Protein Ingredient, Probiotics, and Postbiotics on Nursery Pig Growth Performance and Gut Health, Juan F. Castillo Zuniga
Evaluation of Commercially Available Sanitizers Efficacy to Control Salmonella (Sessile and Biofilm Forms) on Harvesting Bins and Picking Bags, Colton Ivers, Samhitha Chalamalasetti, Blanca-Ruiz Llacsahuanga, Faith Critzer, Manreet Bhullar, Londa Nwadike, Umut Yucel, and Valentina Trinetta
Evaluation of Dietary Fiber Technologies in Sow Diets, Garrin Shipman
Evaluation of Hemoglobin Concentration in Gilts and Their Offspring, K. McClellan, M.D. Lindemann, and C.L. Levesque
Evaluation of Membrane Concentrate Disposal on Water Quality of Receiving Streams, Rezaur Rahman
Evaluation of Murine Cytomegalovirus as a Potential Viral Vector, Malissa H. Mayer
Evaluation of Phosphorus Loss Potentials of Dominant Agricultural Soils in Eastern South Dakota Using Rainfall Simulations and Laboratory Studies, Angela R. Guidry
Evaluation of Phytogenic Feed Additive with Essential Oils and Plant Extracts on Growth Performance and in Newly-received Beef Steers, Justin Delver, Warren Rusche, and Zachary Smith
Evaluation of Reticuloruminal Temperature for the Prediction of Clinical Mastitis in Dairy Cows Challenged with Streptococcus uberis, Zelmer Rodriguez, Quinn K. Kolar, Kirby C. Krogstad, Turner H. Swartz, Llkyu Yoon, Barry J. Bradford, and Pamela L. Ruegg
Evaluation of the Effects of Water Quality on Drinking Preferences of Heifer Calves, Nirosh Senevirathne and Jill Anderson
Evaluation of Wet Distillers Grains with Solubles as Compared to Dry Distillers Grains with Solubles Fed to Growing and Finishing Steers, Kristina B. Santiago-Mateo
Examining the Relationship Between Rural and Urban Clinicians’ Familiarity With Patients and Families and Their Comfort With Palliative and End-of-Life Care Communication, Brandi Pravecek, Howard Wey, and Mary J. Isaacson
Experimental Study of Large Turbulent Structures in a Breaking Solitary Wave using Particle Image Velocimetry, Jeremy L. Gilb
Exploring Entrepreneurial Mindset of Engineering Students at a Rural Midwestern University., Oai Ha
Fabaceae: Astragalus canadensis, R Neil Reese
Fabaceae: Astragalus racemosus, R Neil Reese
Fabaceae: Gymnocladus dioicus, R Neil Reese
Factors Affecting the Nutrient Digestibility in Weanling and Grower Pigs, Vijayasmitha Rayadurg
Factors Influencing F18+ Escherichia coli Receptor Expression in Weanling Pigs., Robin Elizabeth Boots
Farmers' Rural Community Attachment : A Structural Symbolic Interactionist Explanation, Forrest Lee Sanner
Farm & Home Research (Spring 2003), South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station
Farm & Home Research (Spring 2006), South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station
Farm & Home Research (Winter 2000), South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station
Farm & Home Research (Winter 2001), South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station
Farm & Home Research (Winter 2002), South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station
Fate of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in soil, Amy Christie
Feasibility of Reintroducing The River Otter (Lontra Canadensis) in South Dakota, Alyssa M. Kiesow
Feasibility Study of Managing Peak Cooling Loads to Achieve Energy Cost Reduction in a Northern Climate Campus, Mark Rizkalla
Feeding Isoacids to Swine: Inclusion Level and Interactions with Dietary Fiber and Protein, Angie Patricia Benavides Infante
Field Analyst 1.1 : Design and Implementation of a Knowledge-based Sequential Decision Support System for Increasing Agronomic Management Intensity, Mohammad Mojahedul Islam
Field Evaluation of Potential Impact of Leafy Spurge Biological Control Agents on a Non-Target, Native Species, Stefanie D. Wacker
Field of Metaphor: Movies Sew the Seeds, Kathryn L. Gustafson
Field Scale Evaluation of a Flow-through Filtration System with Mixed Media to Remove E. Coli from Stormwater, Ankur Debnath
Floodplain Development and Considerations for Better National Policies, Pamela S. Anderson
Floristic and Vegetational Analysis of the Grand River National Grassland of Northwestern South Dakota, Christopher W. Kopp
Flow-sorting and Characterization of Four Cell Populations Resolved from the Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay, David Tritle
Forest Characterization Using Multi-Resolution Satellite Data and In Situ Measurements of Chequamegon National Forest in Wisconsin, Adam Guy Jon Case
Friends of the Hilton M. Briggs Library, Fall 2024, Hilton M. Briggs Library
Friends of the Hilton M. Briggs Library, Spring 2024, Hilton M. Briggs Library
From Block to Shred: Understanding the Factors Influencing Shreddability of Mozzarella Cheese, Gunvantsinh Rathod, Suresh Saatariya, Ram Kumar, Praveen Upreti, Prafulla Salunke, and J.K. Amamcharla
Functional Biobased Materials from Lignocellulosic Biomass, Shafet Ahmed
Functional Characteristics of Process Cheese Product as Affected by Milk Protein Concentrate and Micellar Casein Concentrate at Different Usage Levels, Prafulla Salunke and Lloyd Metzger
Functional Properties of Milk Protein Concentrate and Micellar Casein Concentrate as Affected by Transglutaminase Treatment, Prafulla Salunke and Lloyd Metzger
Future Perspective of Nanobubble Technology in Dairy Processing Applications, F.N.U Akshit, Ting Mao, and Maneesha S. Mohan
Generation of Synthetic Gap-Free Time Series by Bridging Satellite and Near-Surface Observations for Advancing Land Surface Phenology Detections, Khuong H. Tran
Genetic and Ecologic Effects of Seed Dormancy Genes on Seed Aging, Soil Seedbank Longevity, and Microbiome in an Isogenic Background of Rice ( Oryza sativa L.), Bhupinder Singh Batth
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Aerial and Proaxial Morphology of Switchgrass, Ronade Martine Zamy
Genetic Parameters For Feed Efficiency and Related Traits In Beef Cattle, Adrienne M. Hilbrands
Genetics Factors in Postmortem Muscle Metabolism that Influence Beef Tenderness, Bruce Cameron Shanks
Genetics of Resistance to Leaf Rust of Wheat and the Effect of Chloride on Host-pathogen Interactions, Syed Shabbir Azher Rizvi
Genetic Variation of Plant Water Relation Traits in Oat (Avena sativa L.), Nigatu Tadesse
Gentianaceae: Frasera speciosa, R Neil Reese
Geographic Dimensions of Anthropologist Leslie A. White's Culturology Theory, Zoran "Zok" Pavlovic
Geographic Mobility of Watertown, South Dakota Honor Students, Kristi J. Stricker
Geraniaceae: Geranium viscosissimum, R Neil Reese
Global Long-Term Climate Modeling Grid Land Surface Phenology (CMGLSP), Xiaoyang Zhang and Yongchang Ye
Golf Courses and Driving Forces: Ecoregion Land Use and Land Cover Changes - 1950 to 2000, Christopher R. Laingen
Grapevine Bud miRNAs Under Long and Short Photoperiods, R. Kaur
GRNs Associated with Soybean Nodules Occupied by High- and Low-capacity Nitrogen-fixing Rhizobia, Ramandeep Kaur
Growing South Dakota (Spring 2024), College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
Growing South Dakota (Summer 2024), College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
Growing South Dakota (Winter 2024), College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
Growth, Yield, and Yield Stability of Canola in the Northern Great Plains of the United States, Unius Arinaitwe, Sharon Clay, and Thandiwe Nleya
Harvesting Hope: Indigenous Undergraduate Narratives to Enhance Opportunities for College Enrollment and Persistence, Harvesting Hope Project
Healthcare Professionals’ Perspectives of Barriers to Cancer Care Delivery for American Indian, Rural, and Frontier Populations, Brandon M. Varilek and Sarah Mollman PhD, RN, CHPN, CNE
Hepatoprotective Activity of Cucurbitacin, Judit Bartalis
Hierarchical Clustering of Small Arms Propellants with Pseudo-Metrics, Janean Hanka, Jack Hietpas, Christopher Saunders, and JoAnn Buscaglia
High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method to Determine Natural Folate (5-methyltetrahydrofolate) and Added Folic Acid Content in Food Matrices, Sudheer Reddy Musukala
High Protein Powders Fortification of Nonfat Yoghurt: Impact of Protein Source, Protein to Total Solids Ratio, Storage, and Seasonality on the Functionality of Nonfat Yoghurt Made Using Glucono-δ-Lactone (GDL), Kartik Shah, Prafulla Salunke, and Lloyd Metzger
Horse Boarding Facilities in the North Carolina Piedmont: A Land Use Study on the Urban Fringe, Nathan E. Phillippi
HPV Vaccination Among Young Hmong American Adults, Zer Moua
I Can't Look Away: Parasocial Relationships with Dance Mom Characters Across TV and Social Media, Kennedy Kay Pirlet
Identification and Characterization of ESTs Involved in Wheat-Stem Rust Pathogen Interactions, Lanfang Bai
Identification and Characterization of Three Novel Rumen Bacterial Species in Sheep Fed a Concentrate Diet, Reid Frederick Anema
Identification of Genes Involved in Fusarium Head Blight Pathogenesis in Wheat, Denghui Xing
Identifying a Nurse-Driven Palliative Care Intervention in Response to the Needs of Rural Native American Caregivers, Madison Fitch; Sarah Mollman MS, RN; and Brandon Varilek
Identifying Management Zones Using Soil, Crop, and Remote Sensing Information, Jiyul Chang
IKONOS Satellite on Orbit Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) Measurement Using Edge and Pulse Method, Taeyoung Choi
IL-17A Inhibitors for the Treatment of Psoriasis, Mangesh Bankhele
Impact of an End-of-Life Simulation on Nurses’ Attitudes, Self-Confidence, and Communication Skills, Amanda Scofield
Impact of Differing Levels of Cash Rent on the Financial Performance of Farm Operations, Matthew J. Pearson
Impact of Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus virginiana L.) Canopy Diameter and Stand Canopy Cover on Aboveground Biomass and Composition in the Northern Great Plains Mixed-Grass Prairie, Austin Domeier, Lan Xu, Gary Hatfield, and Alexander J. Smart
Impact of Evidence-Based Interventions on Nurse Burnout Among Ambulatory Care Nurses, Haley M. Lupher
Impact of Feed Delivery in the First Days After Farrowing on Piglet Performance and Survivability, A. Bardales Castellanos, C.L. Bradley, and C.L. Levesque
Impact of Maturity Level and Geometric Cuts of Natural Cheese on Processed Cheese Product Functionality, Zeel Modi and Prafulla Salunke
Impact of Processing Method on AQF Functionality in Bakery Items, Dana Edleman and Clifford Hall
Impact of Solar Radiation on Perchlorate Formation in the Atmosphere: Evidence from Ice Core Measurements, Bishnu Kunwar
Impact of Transglutaminase Treated Micellar Casein Concentrate and Milk Protein Concentrate on the Functionality of Processed Cheese Product Slice Formulations, Prafulla Salunke and Lloyd E. Metzger
Impact of Transglutaminase Treatment Given to the Skim Milk Before or After Microfiltration on the Functionality of Micellar Casein Concentrate Used in Process Cheese Product and Comparison with Rennet Casein, Prafulla Salunke and Lloyd Metzger
Impact of Varying Molecular Weights of Hyaluronic Acid on the Functional Properties of Process Cheese Product, Rutvi Joshi
Impacts of Starter Fertilizer on Corn Development, Nutrient Uptake and Grain Yield in Eastern South Dakota, Larousse Dorissant
Implementation of a Daily Protocol to Reduce Central Line Days on a Medical-Surgical Unit, Katherine Wickstrom
Implementation of an Induction of Labor Protocol, Rebecca A. Erickson
Implementation of an Oral Sucrose Protocol for Advanced Practice Providers, Cori Shatto
Implementation of a Prediabetes Risk Assessment and Motivational Interviewing in Adults Ages 35 and Older, Emma Lilleberg
Implementation of a Venous Thromboembolism Protocol and its Impact on Nurses’ Attitudes and Knowledge, Mikelle Eliason
Implementing a Hydraulic Model to Develop a Unidirectional Flushing Program, Erin Richter-Steever
Implementing the Teach-Back Method on Pessary Utilization in a Urogynecology Clinic, Marissa Eich
Implications of Delayed Parenting on Mother-Daughter Relationships, Nicole A. Graves
Importance of a Lake-Wetland Complex for a Resilient Walleye Fishery, Logan Cutler, Steve R. Chipps, Brian G. Blackwell, and Alison A. Coulter
Improving Preventive Care Tasks in Adults Aged 50 and Older with Pre- Visit Planning in Primary Care, Destinee Rice
Improving Stream Connectivity In South Dakota, Colton Rainier Curtis
Impulse, Fall 2024, Jill Fier, Micayla Standish, and Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering
Impulse, Spring 2024, Jill Fier, Micayla Standish, and Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering
Incorporation of Probiotics and Other Functional Ingredients in Dairy Fat-Rich Products: Benefits, Challenges, and Opportunities, Kritika Gaba and Sanjeev Anand
Incorporation of Probiotics and Other Functional Ingredients in Dairy Fat-Rich Products: Benefits, Challenges, and Opportunities, Kritika Gaba and Sanjeev Anand
Increasing Retention of Women in Hunting and Fishing, Shelby Isensee
Increasing Soy Products Inclusion in Swine Diets to Improve Growth Performance, Health, and Pork Quality, Ashir Foreman Atoo
Influence of Beef Carcass Weight on Rate of Desmin Proteolysis in Four Muscles, Clay J. Carlson, Christina E. Bakker, Keith R. Underwood, Amanda D. Blair, and Judson K. Grubbs
Influence of By-O-Reg+ Beef Inclusion on Growth Performance and Carcass Traits of Beef Steers, Bergin DeBruin, Christina Bakker, Kyle Grubbs, Keith Underwood, Warren Rusche, Zachary Smith, and Amanda D. Blair
Influence of Diabrotica-resistant Cry3Bb1 Maize on Chrysoperla spp. (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) and Orius tristicolor (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) in South Dakota, Michelle L. H. Harland
Influence of Finishing Systems on Carcass Characteristics, Composition, and Fatty Acid Profile of Bison Bulls, Clay J. Newton, Lydia M. O'Sullivan, Keith R. Underwood, Judson K. Grubbs, Christina E. Bakker, Kristi M. Cammack, Thu Dinh, Carter Kruse, and Amanda D. Blair
Influence of Source of Origin and Region of Finishing on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Feedlot Heifers Fed in the United States, Erin DeHaan, Colten Dornbach, Amanda Blair, Nicole Burdick Sanchez, Jeffery Carroll, Paul Broadway, Warren Rusche, Kristin Hales, and Zachary Smith
Influence of Starch or Fiber on Realimentation of Transit Stressed Ruminants, Chad J. Mueller
Influence of Time, Temperature, and Carbon Level on the Development of Hydric Soil Characteristics in Saturated Soil Material Systems, Rebecca A. Blue
Influence of Vegetative Diversity During the Stocker Phase on Carcass Characteristics and Economic Returns of Beef Steers, Sydni Borders, Jameson Brennan, Christina Bakker, Keith Underwood, Kyle Grubbs, John Jaeger, Ken Olson, and Amanda Blair
Inheritance and Interaction of Fusarium Head Blight and Tan Spot Resistance in Spring Wheat, Ravindra N. Devkota
Inheritance of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Wheat, Subas Malla
In Praise of Motherhood and Domesticity : A Re-examination of the Works of Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Kate Chopin, Tanya Larson Vanderlinde
Intake of Phytochemicals by Americans and Their Potential Health Impacts, Heidi Weinkauf
Integrating Early Season Clover Cover Crops as a Living Mulch in Broccoli and Transitional Organic Winter Squash Production in Eastern South Dakota, Alexis Rose Barnes
Intentional Learning Theory: Validating Its Measurement, Sarah Mollman, Timothy J. Muckle, and Margaret Martinez
Internal and External Shoulder Rotation Strength Comparisons of NAIA and NCAA Division II Baseball Players, Nicholas W. Frei
Internal Visual Imagery and Its Effect on Penalty Kicks in Soccer, Lindsey Gwen Sosovec
Interpersonal Communication: An Analysis of Curriculum, Cassandra LeClair-Underberg
Intra-Industry Trade between the United States and Canada, Moore Simek
Introduction to Soil Health for High School Students, Jiyul Chang, Becki Ritter, Dean Feller, and Madhav P. Nepal
Investigating Dormancy and Germination Characteristics to Promote Restoration Success in the Northern Great Plains, Gregory A. Cooper
Investigating Green and Renewable Polymers to Combat Drought, Paul Strickler
Investigating the Role and Mechanism of Host Cell Death in Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Virus Infection, Michelle Steyn
Investigation of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Pathogenesis, Abuelyazeed Abdelkader Elsheikh
Investigation of the Role of Viral Glycoproteins gE and gI in Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 (BHV-1) Pathogenesis: Study of Cytoskeleton and Phosphorylation, Ehab Aly Drees Hassan
Investigation of the Teslaco Method for Islanding Prevention, Rijan Bhandari
Investigations of The Structure and "interfacial" Surface Chemistry of Bioglass Materials by Solid-State Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy, Gautam Sarkar
Invited Speaker: Pathways to Decarbonization, Brian Fladger
In Vitro and In Vivo Bovine Viral Susceptibility in American Bison (Bison bison), Chiharu Shiratori
Isolation and Characterization of the Agouti-Related Protein (Agrp) Gene in Suborder Suiformes, Juanita Perera
Isolation and Identification of the Outward K+ Channel Genes From Vicia Faba Guard Cell, Dong He
James K. "Tex" Lewis Papers, SDSU Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library
James Pollock Papers, SDSU Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library
Job Fair / Recruiting / Exhibitors, South Dakota State University
Juncaceae: Juncus torreyi, R Neil Reese
Keynote: Evolution of FinTech, a personal journey, Timothy Li
Keynote: The Role of the Data Scientist in the Era of LLM and GenAI, Rami Krispin
Lactational Response of Dairy Cows to Diets Containing Added Fat and Added Protein, Yong Kook Kim
Landsat-4/5 Band - 6 Characterization, Gyanesh Chander
LANDSAT 5 Characterization Of Outgassing Effects On The Thematic Mapper Cold Focal Plane, Esad Micijevic
Landsat 5 Relative Gain Analysis Characterization of the Relative Radiometric Gain of All Reflective Channels of the Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper, Sriharsha Madhavan
Landsat Scene Normalization Using MODIS 250 Meter Tree Cover Map, Bernard Adusei
Land Use Change and Phosphorus Transfer in Three Watersheds : Lake County, South Dakota, Jennifer A. Rover
Lanthanide Complexes of Nitrogen Macrocyclic Chelators as Luminescent Labels, Eric Allan Kalli
Laptop Technology in Higher Education : A Study of Student Perceptions, Loretta Sorensen
Leslie Marmon Silko and James Welch's use of the Travel Novel Genre and Native American Gazes in Gardens in The Dunes and The Heartsong of Charging Elk, Jason Benjamin Currie-Olson
Leveraging Large Language Models for Extracting Protein-Protein Interactions from Biomedical Corpora, Hasin Rehana, Nur Bengisu Çam, Mert Basmaci, Jie Zheng, Christianah Jemiyo, Yongqun He, Arzucan Özgür, and Junguk Hur
Lidar Remote Sensing and the Monitoring of Brazilian Amazon Forest Structure: Tackling Issues and Finding New Possibilities, Pedro Valle de Carvalho e Oliveira
Lifestyle/Exposure Model of Personal Victimization : Exploring the Relationship Between Deviant Behavior and Adolescent Victimization, Robert D. Friedenbach
Lignin Nanoparticles and Alginate Gel Beads: Preparation, Characterization and Removal of Methylene Blue, Tong Luo, Yanping Hao, Chao Wang, Weikun Jiang, Xingxiang Ji, Jiachuan Chen, Srinivas Janaswamy, and Gaojin Lyu
Literacy Development Of Preschool Children, Suzanne M. Parrott
Longevity in Afrikaner Cattle: A Survival Analysis, Allison M. Bot Steffl
Long-term Implications of Ethanol-Based Fuel on an Aviation Aircraft Fuel System, Daren Davoux
Looking Forward : E.M. Forster's Changing Liberalism, Nathan Serfling
Low Public Awareness Opens up New Opportunities for Highlighting Milk as an Iodine Dietary Source, Giovanni Niero, Simona Censi, Caterina Mian, Carmen L. Manuelian, Maristela Rovai, Eleni Tsiplakou, Luciana da Costa, and
Low-swinging Chariots : The Automobile and Fateful Nostalgia in The Magnificent Ambersons, One of Ours, and The Great Gatsby, Darin D. Halvorsen
Lunch, South Dakota State University
Lymph Node Regulation of Lymphocyte Migration and Breast Cancer Metastasis, Melissa Sue DeRycke
Lysine Augmentation of Corn Distillers' Grains with Solubles Using a Microbiological Treatment Process, Rachel J. Meyer
Machine Learning Methods used in the Player Ranking System for Team Sports, Kayanna Morgan
Macroinvertebrate Biomonitoring Criteria and Community Composition in Seasonal Floodplain Wetlands of the Upper Missouri River, Neil J. Haugerud
Management of Native Warm-season Grasses for Biomass Energy Production, Vanessa Mulkey-Olson
Manger Space Restriction Does Not Negatively Influence Growth Efficiency in Program Fed Feedlot Heifers, Erin DeHaan, Warren Rusche, and Zachary Smith
Manufacture of Loaf-type Processed Cheese Products Using Transglutaminase Crosslinked Micellar Casein Concentrate and Milk Protein Concentrate, Prafulla Salunke, Ananya C. Biswas, and Lloyd E. Metzger
Marital Couples' Perceptions of Communication Satisfaction During the Transition to Parenthood, Angela J. Niedermyer
Mass Balance of Tocols During Corn Ethanol Production, Christina R. Rausch
Mathematical Evaluation of Population Changes of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis as Free and Encapsulated Cells in Butter, Rakesh Kaushik, Kritika Gaba, Sanjeev Anand, and Gemechis Djira
Measurements of Velocity Field at a Circular Cylinder in Open Channel Flow by Particle Image Velocimetry, Kent R. Johnson
Mechanical Testing of Novel Biopolymers for the Replacement of Petroleum-Based Plastic Hay Bale Net Wrapping, Logan Wolf
Meta- Analysis for Studying Racial Disparities in All-Cause Mortality for Persons with End-Stage Kidney Disease, Prince Agyapong
Methods for Optimizing Detection and Evaluating Habitat Use of North American River Otters in South Dakota, Jessica Speiser
Microfiltration Process Enhancement with In-Line Coagulation, Robert J. Reiss
Microstructural Characterization of High-Protein Dairy Powders, Prafulla Salunke, Athira Syamala, and Lloyd Metzger
Mobilization, Social Control, and Racial Disorder in Southern States, Sae-Il Lee
Model of Water Quality in a Large Rural Water System, Majlinda Cami
Modification of Two PCR-based Assays for Use in Differentiating Trichostrongyle Eggs and Their Validation with Naturally-infected Calf Fecal Samples, Aaron Floyd Harmon
Molecular Approaches in Breeding for Low Linolenic Acid in Soybean Oil, Marie-Laure Sauer
Molecular Identification and Population Variability of Diaporthe Phaseolorum Var. Caulivora From Soybeans in South Dakota, Dongxiu Zhang
Molecular Modeling of Heterogeneous Catalysis, Jason Gialason
Molecular Regulation of Pyroptotic Cell Death By Controlling Gasdermin-D Function In Human Cells, Sylvia Otchere
Motivating 18 to 24 Year Olds to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Consumption, Amy L. Richards
Movement Ecology of Paddlefish and Walleye Reveal the Importance of Continued Interjurisdictional Management in Riverine and Lacustrine Systems, Kaitlyn Bearden
Movements, Productivity, and Band Recovery Analysis of Giant Canada geese in Eastern South Dakota, Bobby J. Anderson
Multicellular Behavior of Bacillus Cereus Growing as a Biofilm in Soil, Yun Luo
Multimode Point Spectroscopy for Food Authentication, Sayed Asaduzzaman, Nicholas MacKinnon, and Hossein Kashani Zadeh
MUTATIONS AND ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE IN MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS, Ryan M. Johnson, Bodhi Brady, Nicklaus Busse, Connor Beckman, Hunter Gloden, Joseph Glasrud, Zachary Smith, Hari P. Nepal, and Madhav P. Nepal
Native Cottonwood Riparian Habitat Site Selection Using GIS on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation, Julie A. Thorstenson
Negotiations Between Anishinaabe and an Outside University, Karen Anita Branden
Networking Break / Exhibitors / SDSU Ice Cream, South Dakota State University
Neurosteroids for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Chronic Pain (Paper), Meghan Haan
Neurosteroids for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Chronic Pain (Poster), Meghan Haan
Neva Whaley Harding Papers, SDSU Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library
New Analytical Techniques for Soy Phytochemicals : Saponins and Isoflavones, Jun Lin
New Clinical Applications for Three USDA Licensed Vaccines in the Prevention of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus or Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus, Kris Fogarty-Fairbanks
New Dimensions in Identity Control Theory, Stephen Van Buren
Nitrogen and Sulfur Fertilizers Effects on Growth and Yield of Brassica carinata in South Dakota, Dwarika Bhattarai, Sandeep Kumar, and Thandiwe Nleya
Nitrogen Application Timing and Cereal Rye (Secale Cereale L.) Cover Crop Influence Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Graig Reicks
Nitrogen Fertilizer Placement and Rate Impacts Sunflower Seed Yield, Oil and Protein Content, Rojina Kafle
Nonverbal Communication Behavior of Successful Leaders on NBC's The Apprentice 3, Jocelyn M. DeGroot
Nonverbal Cues of Uncertainty Reduction and Perceived Attractiveness During Initial Interactions, Valerie J. Kazmerzak
Northern and Western Corn Rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae): Investigation of First-Year Maize Damage in Eastern South Dakota, Nimesh Dinkerlal Kadakia
Northern Great Plains Native Seed Strategy, Lora Perkins, Amy Symstad, Jennifer Zavaleta-Cheek, Emily Rohrer, and Krista Ehlert
Numerical Study of Surface Water Flow Through The Proposed L-67 Levee Gaps for The Modified Water Deliveries to the Everglades National Park Project, Tina Marie Englund
Nurses' Knowledge, Confidence, and Compliance With an Ambulatory Surgery Discharge Checklist, Heather Van Marion
Nursing Faculty Attitudes Toward the Use of Laptop Computers in the Classroom, Heidi A. Mennenga
Occupational Stress and Work/Life Conflict Among Athletic Administrators: A Gender Comparison, Kathryn J. Morrison
Occurrence of Aerobic Bacterial Endospores in Dried Dairy Ingredients, Sheetal Jha, Neha Singh, and Sanjeev Anand
Oleaceae: Fraxinus pennsylvanica, R Neil Reese
Oleaceae: Fraxinus pennsylvanica, R Neil Reese
Onagraceae: Epilobium ciliatum, R Neil Reese
Opening Session: Welcome and Introduction: Dr. Sanjeev Kumar ‐ Dean of J.J. Lohr College of Engineering, South Dakota State University
Optimal Estimation of Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper Gain, Md. Obaidul Haque
Optimal Macroinvertebrate Metrics for Assessing Biotic Integrity of Intermittent Prairie Streams, Paul B. Lorenzen
Optimization of Cruciform Biaxial Composite Specimen, Anup A. Gupte
Optimizing Coagulation/Flocculation in the Ballasted-sand Process, Brett A. Runge
Optimizing Large Language Models and Multimodal Approaches for Biomedical Publication and Satellite Imagery, Youngsun Jang
Optimizing Manganese Removal Processes in Water Treatment Plants, Teresa C. Kub
Orchidaceae: Corallorhiza striata, R Neil Reese
Orchidaceae: Platanthera dilatata, R Neil Reese
Ordered Hydrocolloids Networks as Delivery Vehicles of Nutraceuticals: Optimal Encapsulation of Curcumin and Resveratrol, Tianming Yao and Srinivas Janaswamy
Organizational Culture's Impact on Job Satisfaction: A Reconceptualization of the Competing Values Framework, Isaac Thor Erickson
Ornamental Traits in Hyalella Azteca as Indicators of Water Quality : Implications for Biological Monitoring, Eric A. Miller
Overwhelmed and Unsupported: The Experiences of Long-Term Care Certified Nursing Assistants with Traumatic Events, Nicole L. Carlson
Palliative and End-of-Life Care Interventions with Minoritized Populations in the US with Serious Illness: A Scoping Review, Brandon Varilek, Katherine Doyon, Shelie Vacek, and Mary Isaacson
Papaveraceae : Argemone polyanthemos, R Neil Reese
Parameter Identifiability Analysis and Calibration for Power System Dynamic Models, Lei Wang
Parametric Study of ProtoDUNE - I And ProtoDUNE - II Single-Phase Neutrino Detectors Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Sahil Sharma
Paul Bunyan of Brainerd, Minnesota, David M. Borash
Performance Evaluation of a Pilot-Scale Fluidized Pellet Bed Reactor for The Treatment of RO/NF Concentrates, Bed P. Dawadi
Performance of a Vegetated Treatment System Simulation Model, Sara M. Smith
Perspective of Dairy Producers from California, Idaho, South Dakota, and Washington: Health and Business Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic During the Second Wave, Ainhoa Valldecabres, J. Wenz, Fernanda Ferreira, Mireille Chahine, Joseph Dalton, Mario E. de Haro-Martí, Maristela Rovai, and Noelia Silva-del-Rio
Perspectives of Dairy Employees at the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey of Health Risks and Educational Needs, Fernanda Ferreira, Maristela Rovai, Mireille Chahine, Mario E. de Haro-Martí, John Wenz, Joseph Dalton, and Noelia Silva-del-Rio
Phosphonamidate Peptide Analogues as Inhibitors of Collagenase IV : Potential Antimetastatic Drugs, Yi Fan
Phosphorus Digestibility of Inorganic Phosphorus Sources by Growing Pigs, Grant I. Petersen
Phosphorus Fertilization Impacts on Wheat Growth and Selenium Bioavailability, Sanghun Lee
Photoperiod Induced Shoot-tip Growth Cessation, R. Kaur and Anne Fennell
pH-sensitive Intelligent Packaging Films from Kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum) Starch and Gum Tragacanth Incorporated with Beetroot Peel Extract for Monitoring Shrimp Freshness, Rahul Thakur, Harsh Singhi, Vedsagar Rajesh Suryavanshi, R. Santhosh, Swarup Roy, Khalid Gul, Srinivas Janaswamy, Kirtiraj K. Gaikwad, and Preetam Sakar
Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Different Varieties of Spring and Winter Peas of South Dakota, Prakriti Dhakal
Physiochemical and Functional Properties of Sweet Potato Bread and Dietary Fiber Enriched Wheat Bread, Raed Alayouni
Plant Available Water Drives Semi-arid Forage Quality and Quantity in a Common Garden Greenhouse Experiment, Parker J. Witt
Planting Date, Cultivar, Seed Treatment, and Seeding Rate Effects on Soybean Growth and Yield, Thandiwe Nleya, Matthew Schutte, David Clay, Graig Reicks, and Nathan Mueller
Plant Pathways Associated with Competition for Soybean Root Colonization by Bradyrhizobium Strains, Athira Sethu Madhavan
Plant Protein Flavor Chemistry Fundamentals and Techniques to Mitigate Undesirable Flavors, Serap Vatansever, Bingcan Chen, and Clifford Hall
Plants Reduced Nitrous Oxide Emissions from a Northern Great Plains Saline/Sodic Soil, Sharon A. Clay, Thandiwe Nleya, David E. Clay, Deepak Joshi, Dwarika Bhattarai, Shin-Yi Marzano, and Bhanu Prakash Petla
Poaceae: Bromus tectorum, R Neil Reese
Poaceae: Cenchrus longispinus, R Neil Reese
Polymorphism in the Agouti-related Protein (agrp) Gene in Swine, Kent J. Donelan
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus : Acute and Persistent Infections and Genetic Divergence of the Virus During Persistent Infections, Douglas James Waldner
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) Protein Expression Studies, Wai-Hong Wu
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus : Viral Transmission in Semen and Comparative Pathogenesis of Virulent and Attenuated Isolates of the Virus, Curtis Dean Nelson
Porous Corn Starch Granules as Effective Host Matrices for Encapsulation and Sustained Release of Curcumin and Resveratrol, Maryam Wahab
Poster Session, South Dakota State University
Postprandial Thermogenesis : A Comparison of Various Proteins and Their Effect on Hunger, Satiety, and Appetite, Kevin A. Donnelly
Postprandial Thermogenesis of Various Protein Supplements, Jeremy K. Miller
Potential for Including a Sustainable Rural Development Function in the Conservation Security Program, Jean Michel Basquin
Potential Impact of Hazardous Material Spills in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Steven J. Van Aartsen
Practitioner Perception of Nutrition Education in Medical Curriculum for Diagnosis of Failure to Thrive in Infants and Children, DeLaine Rasmussen
Predicting Crop Yield Using Remote Sensing Data, Mary Row, Jung-Han Kimn, and Hossein Moradi
Predominance of Non-covalent Interactions of Polyphenols with Milk Proteins and Their Health Promoting Properties, Ting Mao, Philip Wescombe, and Maneesha S. Mohan
Preferential Binding of Polyphenols in Blackcurrant Extracts with Milk Proteins and the Effects on the Bioaccessibility and Antioxidant Activity of Polyphenols, Ting Mao, FNU Akshit, Iresha Matiwalage, Subha Sasidharan, Caren Meyn Alvarez, Philip Wescombe, and Maneesha S. Mohan
Preparation and Characterization of Iota Carrageenan-Cyclodextrin-Curcumin Fibers and the Release Nature of Curcumin in Simulated Digestion Conditions, Mohamed Salem Elfaruk and Srinivas Janaswamy
Preparation and Characterization of Lignin Nanoparticles and Chitin Nanofibers Reinforced PVA Films with UV Shielding Properties, Quanwei Zhou, Jiachuan Chen, Chao Wang, Guihua Yang, Srinivas Janaswamy, Feng Xu, and Zhong Liu
Preparation and in Vivo Characterization of Supra Molecular Bio Vectors (SMBV) as Antigen Delivery System, Aparna V. Gavande
PRESCRIPTION ADHERENCE RATES ACROSS MEDICATION CATEGORIES, Makenzie Stagner, Allie Weber, Madhav P. Nepal, and Hari P. Nepal
Prevalence of Salmonella and Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Finishing Beef Heifers Sourced and Finished in Two Different Regions of the United States, Erin DeHaan, Colten Dornbach, Kristin Hales, Ashley Hoffman, Ashlee Hanratty, Dalton Line, Taylor Smock, Jeff Manahan, Zach McDaniel, Kesley Kohl, Nicole Burdick Sanchez, Jeffrey Carroll, Warren Rusche, Paul Broadway, and Zachary Smith
Previous Management Impacts on Soil Phosphorus Levels, Jonathan Kleinjan
Primary Cilia and Intraflagellar Transport are Essential Regulators of Lymphangiogenesis and Modulate Cellular Trafficking of Ve-Cadherin, Delayna Paulson
Principal Component Analysis with Application to Credit Card Data, Eleanor Cain, Semhar Michael, and Gary Hatfield
Probabilistic Foundations for the Use of the Logistic Regression Bayes Factor in Forensic Source Identification, Dylan Borchert, Peter Vergeer, and Christopher Saunders PhD
Processing and Characterization of Zein from Distillers' Dried Grains, Feng Xiang
Production of Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies Against the Non-Structural Proteins of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus, Brandon J. Berkenpas
Progress from Five Years of Selecting for Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight Severity in Spring Wheat, Muna Kadariya
Project based experiential learning: Design of Blood Pressure Monitors in Bioinstrumentation, Ahmed Sayed
Promotion and Dissemination of Scientific Research in Graduate Education, Zhong Hu
Properties Of Extruded Corn Distillers Dried Grains With Solubles (DDGS) Using Single Screw Extruder, Chirag Shukla
Properties of the Process Capability Index Cpc, Arifa Sultana
Proportional Hazards Mixture Cure Models for End Stage Kidney Disease, Nathan Meyer, Semhar Michael, and Hossein Moradi
Propp's Fairy Tale Function in Braveheart : A Structural Analysis, Jerianne Moen
PRRS : Role of the GP5 in Cell Death, Elliot T. Stevens
Quickbird II Two-Dimensional On-Orbit Modulation Transfer Function Analysis Using Convex Mirror Array, Manjunath Kempaiah Rangaswamy
Radical Citizens: An Opposition Press Theory of the Finnish-American Labor Press Of the World War I Era, Lance Nixon
Radiometric Characterization and Calibration of the Landsat 4 Thematic Mapper, Cory Mettler
Rado Numbers for Two Systems of Linear Equations, Anthony Glackin
Ranunculaceae : Aquilegia canadensis, R Neil Reese
Rapid Bench-scale Membrane Studies of Organics Removal by Nanofilters, Chad E. Bachmann
Real-time Control with Handheld Computers Running Palm OS, Paula Kurtenbach
Real-Time ECG Analysis Using DSP Techniques, Robert P. Hanna
Recurrence Casting Process and the Surface Finish of RC Products, Rajesh Nagarajan
Reducing Emergency Department Decision to Admit to Disposition Time Using the Sydney Triage to Admission Risk Tool, Jolyn Sackmann
Refining the Inverse Lipschitz Constant for Injective ReLU Networks, Cole Rausch
Reflectance Data for Prediction Grapevine Physiological Parameters, Prakriti Sharma and Anne Fennell
Regional Distribution and Monitoring of Bats, Especially Species of Conservation Concern, Along the lower Missouri River in South Dakota, Brandon Terry Bales
Reimagining Hunting Through Women's Decision Space, H. Nash Jackson
Remote Sensing of Phragmites Australis with The EO-1 Hyperion Sensor, Bruce W. Pengra
Removal of Phosphorous, Copper and Zinc from Stormwater Using Powdered Activated Carbon (Pac) Based Water Treatment Residuals, Foysol Mahmud
Renewing the Curriculum: Cultural Studies in The College Composition Classroom, Kameo Crable
Respiratory Disease in Bighorn Sheep: A Varied Investigation of Immunization, Transmission, and Detection, Katelin Frerichs
Response of Gestating Beef Cows to Limit-fed Diets Containing Rolled Barley, Earl Hasting Ward
Response of Western Wheatgrass Tillers to Grazing and Effects on Production and Growth of Daughter Tillers in Subsequent Years, Taralyn Fisher
Responses of Soil Surface Greenhouse gas Emissions to Nitrogen and Sulfur Fertilizer Rates to Brassica carinata Grown as a Bio-jet fuel, Dwarika Bhattarai, Gandura O. Abagandura, Thandiwe Nleya, and Sandeep Kumar
Resveratrol : Antioxidant Effects and Drug Interactions, Puja Agrawal
Retirement Preparation of the North and South Dakota Farm/Ranch Household, Debra Pankow
Riding the Fence, Leaning to the Left, and Bending Over Backward : Awkward Positions in Teaching Gender Studies Within the College Composition Classroom, Julie Bergan Abraham
Role of Metal Chlorides in the Gelation and Properties of Fucoidan/κ-carrageenan Hydrogels, Nan Wang, Jie Tian, Srinivas Janaswamy, Geng Cao, Wenxiu Teng, Shuang Song, and Chengrong Wen
Role of Production Systems on Carcass and Palatability Attributes of Bison, Lydia Margaret Hite O'Sullivan
Rosaceae: Crataegus chrysocarpa, R Neil Reese
Rumen-protected Methionine Supplementation Improves Lactation Performance and Alleviates Inflammation During a Subclinical Mastitis Challenge in Lactating Dairy Cows, A. Paz, T.C. Michelotti, M. Suazo, J. Bonilla, M. Bulnes, A. Minuti, D. Luchini, E. Trevisi, A.F. Lima, J. Halfen, M. Rovai, and J.S. Osorio
Ruminant Pestiviruses Genetic Diversity : The Key to Detection and Control, Ausama Abd El-Raouf Abd El-Moneim Yousif
Rural American Indian Families and Resiliency, Tricia Wek-Visker
Schadé́ Vineyard : A Business Plan and Analysis, Kristin Lee Schwebach
SDSU Collegian, April 01, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 01, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 01, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 01, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 01, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 02, 1918, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 03, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 04, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 04, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 05, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 05, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 05, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 06, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 08, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 08, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 09, 1918, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 10, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 10, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 11, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 11, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 12, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 12, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 13, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 13, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 13, 1983, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 14, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 15, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 15, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 16, 1918, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 17, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 17, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 18, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 18, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April, 1886, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April, 1887, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April, 1888, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April, 1889, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April, 1890, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April, 1897, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April, 1898, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April, 1899, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April, 1900, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April, 1901, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April, 1902, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April, 1903, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 19, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 19, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 20, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 20, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 20, 1983, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 21, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 22, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 22, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 23, 1918, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 24, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 24, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 25, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 25, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 26, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 26, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 27, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 27, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 27, 1983, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 28, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 29, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 29, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, April 8, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, August, 1889, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, August, 1890, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 01, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 02, 1919, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 02, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 03, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 03, 1959, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 04, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 05, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 05, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 05, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 07, 1915, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 07, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 07, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 08, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 09, 1919, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 09, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 10, 1959, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 11, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 11, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 12, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 12, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 13, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 13, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 14, 1915, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 14, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 14, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 15, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 16, 1919, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 16, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 17, 1959, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 18, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 18, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December, 1887, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December, 1897, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December, 1899, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December, 1900, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December, 1901, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December, 1902, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December, 1903, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 19, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 20, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 20, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, December 6, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 01, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 01, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 01, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 02, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 02, 1983, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 03, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 03, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 05, 1918, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 05, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 06, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 06, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 08, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 08, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 08, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 09, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 09, 1983, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 09, 1983, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 10, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 10, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 11, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 12, 1918, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 12, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 13, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 13, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 14, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 15, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 15, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 15, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 16, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 16, 1983, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 17, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 17, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 18, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February, 1886, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February, 1887, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February, 1888, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February, 1897, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February, 1898, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February, 1899, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February, 1900, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February, 1901, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February, 1902, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February, 1903, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 19, 1918, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 19, 1918, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 19, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 20, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 20, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 21, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 22, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 22, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 22, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 22, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 23, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 23, 1983, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 24, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 24, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 25, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 26, 1918, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 26, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 27, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 27, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 28, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 29, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 4, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, February 7, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 05, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 05, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 06, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 06, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 08, 1918, Student Associaion of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 08, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 09, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 10, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 11, 1916, Student Assocation of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 11, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 11, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 12, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 13, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 13, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 14, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 15, 1918, Sutdent Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 15, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 16, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 16, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 17, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 18, 1916, Student Association South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 18, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 18, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January, 1886, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January, 1887, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January, 1887, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January, 1888, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January, 1898, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January, 1899, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January, 1900, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January, 1901, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January, 1902, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January, 1903, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 19, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 19, 1983, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 20, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 20, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 21, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 22, 1918, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 22, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 23, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 24, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 25, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 25, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 25, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 26, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 26, 1983, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 27, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 27, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 28, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 29, 1918, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 29, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 30, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 30, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 31, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, January 7, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, July, 1889, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, July, 1890, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June 01, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June 01, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June 02, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June 03, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June 05, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June 06, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June 07, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June 08, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June 08, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June 10, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June 10, 1916, Student Assocation of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June 13, 1922, Student Association of Soth Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June 14, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June 15, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June, 1886, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June, 1887, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June, 1888, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June, 1889, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June, 1890, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June, 1897, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June, 1898, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June, 1900, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June, 1902, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June, 1903, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, June 3, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 01, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 01, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 02, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 02, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 02, 1983, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 03, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 03, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 04, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 05, 1918, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 05, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 06, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 07, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 08, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 09, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 09, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 10, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 10, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 11, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 11, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 12, 1918, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 13, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 14, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 14, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 15, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 15, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 16, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 16, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 16, 1983, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 17, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 18, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March, 1886, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March, 1887, Student Assocation of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March, 1888, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March, 1889, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March, 1890, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March, 1897, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March, 1899, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March, 1900, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March, 1901, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March, 1902, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March, 1903, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 20, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 21, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 21, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 21, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 22, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 22, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 23, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 23, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 23, 1983, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 24, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 25, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 25, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 26, 1918, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 27, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 27, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 29, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 30, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 30, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 30, 1983, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, March 4, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 01, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 01, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 02, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 02, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 03, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 03, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 04, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 04, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 04, 1983, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 05, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 06, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 08, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 08, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 09, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 09, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 10, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 11, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 11, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 12, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 13, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 13, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 15, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 15, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 16, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 16, 1972, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 17, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 17, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 18, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 18, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 18, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May, 1886, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May, 1887, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May, 1888, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May, 1889, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May, 1890, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May, 1897, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May, 1898, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May, 1898, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May, 1899, Student Association of South Dakora State University
SDSU Collegian, May, 1899, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May, 1900, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May, 1902, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May, 1903, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 19, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 19, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 20, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 20, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 20, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 21, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 22, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 22, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 22, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 23, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 24, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 25, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 25, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 26, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 27, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 27, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 27, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 29, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 29, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 30, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 31, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 31, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 31, 1927, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, May 6, 1913, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 01, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 02, 1915, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 02, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 02, 1926, Student Associaiton of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 03, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 04, 1919, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 05, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 05, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 05, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 05, 1959, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 06, 1915, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 06, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 07, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 07, 1919, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 07, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 09, 1915, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 09, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 09, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 10, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 11, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 11, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 1, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 12, 1959, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 13, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 13, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 13, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 14, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 15, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 15, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 16, 1915, Student Assocation of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 16, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 17, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 18, 1919, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 18, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November, 1887, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November, 1888, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November, 1889, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November, 1890, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November, 1896, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November, 1897, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November, 1898, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November, 1899, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November, 1900, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November, 1902, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November, 1903, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 19, 1959, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 20, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 20, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 21, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State university
SDSU Collegian, November 21, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 22, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 22, 1919, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 22, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 23, 1915, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 23, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 23, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 23, 1971, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 25, 1919, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 25, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 27, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 27, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 28, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 28, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 29, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 29, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 30, 1915, StudentAssociation of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 30, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, November 8, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, Novemeber, 1901, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 01, 1959, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 02, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 02, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 03, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 03, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 04, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 05, 1915, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 05, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 05, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 06, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 07, 1919, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 07, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 08, 1959, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 09, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 09, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 10, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 10, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 11, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 11, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 12, 1915, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 12, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 12, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 13, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 14, 1919, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 14, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 15, 1915, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 15, 1959, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 16, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 16, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 17, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 17, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 17, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 18, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October, 1887, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October, 1888, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October, 1889, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October, 1890, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October, 1896, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October, 1897, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October, 1898, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October, 1900, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October, 1901, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October, 1902, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October, 1903, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 19, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 19, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 20, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 20, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 21, 1919, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 21, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 22, 1959, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 23, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 24, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 24, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 24, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 25, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 26, 1915, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 26, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 26, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 27, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 28, 1919, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 28, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 28, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 29, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 29, 1959, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 29, 1969, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 30, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 30, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 30, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 31, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, October 4, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 18, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September, 1888, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September, 1889, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September, 1890, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September, 1896, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September, 1898, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 19, 1916, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 19, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 20, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 21, 1915, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 21, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 22, 1919, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 22, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 23, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 24, 1959, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 25, 1917, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 25, 1923, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 26, 1915, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 26, 1922, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 26, 1968, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 27, 1910, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 27, 1921, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 28, 1915, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 28, 1920, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 28, 1926, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 29, 1925, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 30, 1919, Student Association of South Dakota State University
SDSU Collegian, September 30, 1924, Student Association of South Dakota State University
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Self-Consolidating Concrete for Box Culverts in South Dakota Using Local Aggregates, Amanda Lee Boushek
Session 1: Commercial Finance Account Management Scorecards - Risk & Propensity, Sebastian Sowada and Ed Krueger
Session 1: Fighting the Good Fraud Fight, Adam Elliot
Session 2: Development of a Machine Learning and Computational Method to Identify Geographic and Racial Disparities in End-Stage Kidney Disease, Brandon Varilek, Semhar Michael, Hossein Moradi, Surachat Ngorsuraches, and Patti Brooks
Session 2: Transforming Maternal Care: Building a Comprehensive Database for Better Outcomes in South Dakota, Christine Hockett, Tianna Beare, and Jyoti Angal
Session 3: A Deep Learning Strategy for Solving Physics-based Bayesian Inference Problems, Deep Ray, Assad Oberai, Javier Murgoitio-Esandi, and Agnimitra Dasgupta
Session 3: Characterizing Rational Transplant Program Response to Outcome-Based Regulation, David Mildebrath, Taewoo Lee, Saumya Sinha, Andrew J. Schaefer, and Ahmed Osama Gaber
Session 3: Into the Cat-VRS: Cracking a Clinical Conundrum Before It’s Too Late, Daniel Puthawala
Session 4: Rprofet – A Library for Fast/Stable Credit Scorecards, Krystal Wang and Thomas Brandenburger
Session 5: An Empirical Study on One-Step Ahead Stock Price Prediction Using Deep Learning Model and High Dimensional Method, Feiyang Xu and Zhiguang Wang
Session 5: Machine Learning for Stock Return Prediction: Transformers or Simple Neural Networks, Zhiguang Wang, Junze Sun, and Feiyang Xu
Session 5: Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT in Finance Research: Opportunities and Challenges, Zifeng Feng, Gangqing Hu, and Bingxin Li
Session 6: Model-based Clustering Analysis on the Spatial-Temporal and Intensity Patterns of Tornadoes, Yana Melnykov, Yingying Zhang, and Rong Zheng
Session 6: On Contaminated Transformation Mixture Models, Yana Melnykov, Xuwen Zhu, and Volodymyr Melnykov
Session 6: The Size-biased Lognormal Mixture with the Entropy Regularized Algorithm, Tatjana Miljkovic and Taehan Bae
Session 7: A Local False Discovery Rate based Assessment of Forensic and Biometric Matching System Capacity, Clarissa Giefer
Session 7: Clustering of Synthetic Opioid Death Rates and Associated Factors in the U.S., Jason Hasse
Session 7: Hierarchical Clustering of Small Arms Propellants with Pseudo-Metrics, Janean Hanka
Session 7: Studying Algorithmic Bias in Forensic Source Identification Problems, Isaac Gbene
Session 7: Student speed presentations, South Dakota State University
Session 8: Clustering Singular and Non-Singular Covariance Matrices for Classification, Andrew Simpson
Session 8: Machine Learning based Behavior of Non-OPEC Global Supply in Crude Oil Price Determinism, Mofe Jeje
Session 8: Robust CNN-based Automatic Modulation Classification, Mark Arinaitwe, Rajesh Godasu, and Ahmed Abdelhadi
Session 9: Improved Geolocation of Satellite Measurements Using Bayesian Hierarchical Models, Paul May
Session 9: Iterative Estimation of Coefficients for Generalized Linear Models on Pairwise Scores, Cami Fuglsby and Jung-Han Kimn
Session 9: The Embedding Gap, when are manifold close?, Michael Puthawala
"Shall I Speak for Thee?" Lucrece, Lavinia, and the Language of Rape, April Myrick
Simulating the Impact of Crop–livestock Interaction on Crop Performance Using DSSAT, Teerath Rai, Sandeep Kumar, Thandiwe Nleya, and Gerrit Hoogenboom
Simulation of Maize and Soybean Yield Using DSSAT Under Long-term Conventional and No-till Systems, Teerath Rai, Sandeep Kumar, Thandiwe Nleya, Peter Sexton, and Gerrit Hoogenboom
Simulation of Reacting Supersonic Flow in a Cavity Flameholder, Mohamed Benjelloun Touimi
Small Grains, 1992 Variety Recommendations (1991 Crop Performance Results), Robert G. Hall, Clair Stymiest, Joseph J. Bonnemann, Harry A. Geise, and Paul D. Evenson
Small Grains, 1993 Variety Recommendations (1992 Crop Performance Results), Robert G. Hall, Clair Stymiest, Harry A. Geise, and Paul D. Evenson
Small Mammal Survey of Custer State Park, Andrew R. Ellis
Small-scale Sustainable Agriculture as a Platform for Experiential Learning, Devin Berg
Social and Cultural Variations in Accounts Used by Apprehended Shoplifters, Caroline Mitchell
Social time (Cash bar), South Dakota State University
Socioeconomic and Demographic Indicators of County Level Net-migration in The Northern Great Plains (1990-2000), Joshua J. Turner
Soil Health Class-2: Soil pH, Jiyul Chang, Becki Ritter, Dean Feller, and Madhav P. Nepal
Soil Responses to Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus Virginiana L.) Afforestation and Prescribed Fire in South-Central South Dakota, Robert Schaefer
South Dakokta State College Fifty-first Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota Agricultural College 1892 Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota Agricultural College
South Dakota Agricultural College 1893 Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota Agricultural College
South Dakota Agricultural College 1900 Graduating Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota Agricultural College
South Dakota Agricultural College Eleventh Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota Agricultural College
South Dakota Agricultural College Fifteenth Annual Commencement Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota Agricultural College
South Dakota Agricultural College Fourteenth Annual Commencement Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota Agricultural College
South Dakota Agricultural College Tenth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota Agricultural College
South Dakota Agricultural College Twelfth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota Agricultural College
South Dakota Cattle Producers and The Internet, Alaina M. Burt
South Dakota Opt Out Vote, A Sociological Analysis, Thomas E. Osowski
South Dakota Rural Bone Health Study, Ethel Austin Martin Program
South Dakota's Community Forest Structure and Composition, Sarah D. Mason
South Dakota State College 1943 Winter Term Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College 1957 Fall Quarter Graduation Exercises, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College 1958 Fall Quarter Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College 1958 Summer Quarter Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College 1958 Winter Quarter Graduation Execises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College 1959 Summer Quarter Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College 1959 Winter Quarter Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College 1963 Summer Quarter Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College 1963 Winter Quarter Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Baccalaureate Services and Seventy-fourth Graduation Exercises, Spring 1960, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Fall Quarter 1961 Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Fall Quarter 1962 Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Fifth-sixth Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Fifty-eighth Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Fifty-fourth Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Fifty-ninth Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises and Baccalaureat, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Fifty-second Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Fifty-seventh Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Fifty-third Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Fortieth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Forty-eighth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Forty-fifth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Forty-first Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Forty-fourth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Forty-ninth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Forty-second Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Forty-seventh Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Forty-sixth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Forty-third Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Seventieth Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Seventy-fifth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Seventy-first Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Seventy-second Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Seventy-seventh Annual Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Seventy-sixth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Seventy-third Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Sixtieth Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Sixty-eighth Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Sixty-fifth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Sixty-first Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Sixty-fourth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Sixty-ninth Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Sixty-second Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Sixty-seventh Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Sixty-sixth Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Sixty-third Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Summer 1935 Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Summer 1936 Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Summer 1937 Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Summer 1939 Graduation Exercises, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Summer Quarter 1960 Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Summer Quarter 1961 Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Summer Quarter 1962 Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Thirtieth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Thirty-eighth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Thirty-fifth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Thirty-first Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South dakota State College
South Dakota State College Thirty-fourth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Thirty-second Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Thirty-seventh Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Thirty-sixth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Twenty-eighth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Twenty-first Annual Commencement Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Twenty-fourth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Twenty-ninth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Twenty-second Annual Commencement Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Twenty-seventh Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Twenty-sixth Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Twenty-third Annual Commencement Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Winter Quarter 1961 Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State College Winter Quarter 1962 Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State College
South Dakota State Univeristy Graduation Exercises, December 15, 1984, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University 1964 Summer Session Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University 1965 Fall Semester Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University 1965 Summer Session Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University 1966 Fall Semester Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University 1967 Fall Semester Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University 1968 Fall Semester Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University 1968 Summer Session Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University 1969 Fall Semester Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University 1969 Summer Session Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Eightieth Annual Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Eighty-eighth Annual Commencement, May 4, 1974, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Eighty-fifth Annual Commencement, June 6, 1971, Brookings South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Eighty-fourth Annual Commencement, May 31, 1970, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Eighty-ninth Annual Commencement, May 3, 1975, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Eighty-second Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Eighty-seventh Annual Commencement, May 5, 1973, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Eighty-sixth Annual Commencement, May 28, 1972, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Eighty-third Annual Commencement, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Fall 1971, January 29, 1972, Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduate Commencement, May 10, 2014, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduate Commencement, May 4, 2019, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduate Commencement, May 5, 2012, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduate Commencement, May 5, 2018, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduate Commencement, May 6, 2017, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduate Commencement, May 7, 2011, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduate Commencement, May 7, 2016, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduate Commencement, May 9, 2015, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, August 1, 1970, Brooking, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, August 3, 1972, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, August 5, 1971, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 10, 1983, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 10, 2005, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 11, 1982, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 11, 1993, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 11, 1999, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 11, 2004, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 11, 2010, Brookings South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 12, 1981, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 12, 1987, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 12, 1992, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 12, 1998, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 12, 2009, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 13, 1975, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 13, 1980, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 13, 1986, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 13, 1997, Brookings, South Daktoa, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 13, 2003, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 13, 2008, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 14, 1974, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 14, 1985, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 14, 1991, Brookings, South Dakokta, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 14, 1996, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 14, 2002, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 15, 1973, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 15, 1979, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 15, 1990, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 15, 2001, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 15, 2007, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 16, 1972, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 16, 1978, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 16, 1989, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 16, 1995, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 16, 2000, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 17, 1977, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 17, 1988, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 17, 1994, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 18, 1976, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, December 9, 2006, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, Fall 1970, January 30, 1971, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, July 25, 1975, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, July 26, 1974, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, July 31, 1973, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Graduation Exercises, May 6, 1978, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Ninetieth Annual Commencement, May 1, 1976, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Ninety-eighth Annual Commencement, May 5, 1984, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Ninety-fifth Annual Commencement, May 9, 1981, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Ninety-first Annual Commencement, May 7, 1977, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Ninety-fourth Annual Commencement, May 3, 1980, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Ninety-ninth Annual Commencement, May 4, 1985, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Ninety-seventh Annual Commencement May 7, 1983, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Ninety-sixth Annual Commencement, May 8, 1982, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Ninety-third Annual Commencement, May 5, 1979, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hndred-Sixth Annual Commencement, May 2, 1992, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Eighteenth Annual Commencement, May 1, 2004, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Eighth Annual Commencement, May 7, 1994, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Eleventh Annual Commencement, May 3, 1997, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Fifteenth Annual Commencement, May 5, 2001, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Fifth Annual Commencement, May 4, 1991, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One-Hundred first Annual Commencement, May 2, 1987, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-fourteenth annual commencement, May 6, 2000, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Fourth Annual Commencement, May 5, 1990, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Ninteenth Annual Commencement, April 30, 2005, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Ninth Annual Commencement, May 6, 1995, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One-Hundred Second Annual Commencement, April 30, 1988, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Seventeenth Annual Commencement, May 3, 2003, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Seventh Annual Commencement, May 8, 1993, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-sixteenth Annual Commencement, May 4, 2002, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Tenth Annual Commencement, May 4, 1996, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One-Hundred Third Annual Commencement, May 6, 1989, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Thirtieth Annual Commencement, May 1, 1999, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Thirtieth Undergraduate Commencement, May 7 , 2016, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred Thirty-fifth Commencement Ceremonies, May 8-9, 2021, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred Thirty-fourth Commencement Ceremonies, May 9, 2020, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Thirty-Second Undergraduate Commencement, May 5, 2018, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred Thirty-Sixth Commencement Ceremonies, May 7, 2022, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Thirty-Third Undergraduate Commencement, May 4, 2019, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Thrity-First Undergraduate Commencement, May 6, 2017, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Twelfth Annual Commencement, May 2, 1998, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Twentieth Annual Commencement, May 6, 2006, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Twenty-Eighth Undergraduate Commencement, May 10, 2014, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Twenty-Fifth Annual Undergraduate Commencement, May 7, 2011, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Twenty-First Annual Commencement, May 5, 2007, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Twenty-Fourth Annual Commencement, May 8, 2010, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Twenty Ninth Undergraduate Commencement, May 9, 2015, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Twenty-Second Annual Undergraduate Commencement, May 6, 2008, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Twenty-Seventh Annual Undergraduate Commencement, May 4, 2013, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University One Hundred-Twenty-Sixth Undergraduate Commencement, May 5, 2012, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University Seventy-Ninth Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
Southeast South Dakota Experiment Farm Annual Progress Report, 2023, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station
Soutn Dakota State University One-Hundredth Annual Commencement, May 10, 1986, Brookings, South Dakota, South Dakota State University
Soybean Aphid Aphis Glycines Matsumura (Homoptera, Aphididae) in South Dakota: Impact on Soybean Glycine max (L.) Merrill (Fabales, Fabaceae) Development and Yield, Eric Andrew Beckendorf
Soybean (Glycine max L.) Production Management Effects On Early Growth Phosphorus Uptake And Grain Yield In Southeast South Dakota, Steven C. Dinsmore II
Soybean Prediction Using Computationally Efficient Bayesian Spatial Regression Models and Satellite Imagery, Robert J. Fischer, Hossein Moradi Rekabdarkolaee, Deepak R. Joshi, David E. Clay, and Sharon A. Clay
Soybeans, 1990 Variety Recommendations (1989 Crop Performance Results), Robert G. Hall, Joseph J. Bonnemann, and Paul D. Evenson
Soybeans, 1993 Variety Recommendations (1992 Crop Performance Trials), Robert G. Hall and Paul D. Evenson
Soybeans, 1994 Variety Recommendations (1993 Crop Performance Results), Robert G. Hall and Paul D. Evenson
Spatio-Temporal Change of Support Applied to South Dakota Area Deprivation Index Rankings, Annika Spors and Hossein Moradi
Species Distribution Modeling of Aquilegia brevistyla (Ranunculaceae): A Critically Imperiled Black Hills Disjunct Species, Eric Daniel Puetz
Sport Regions : Professional Sports Allegiance in Rural South Dakota, Peter C. Edeburn
Storage stability of chocolate can be enhanced using locust protein-based film incorporated with E. purpurea Flower Extract-based Nanoparticles, Shubam Singh, Hina F. Bhat, Sunil Kumar, Rana Muhammad Aadil, Maneesha S. Mohan, Charalampos Proestos, and Zuhaib F. Bhat
Strength and Stiffness of Energy Panel Structures Wood-framed Metal-clad Diaphragms, Corey Sawatzky
Strong and Biodegradable Films from Avocado Peel Fiber, Shafaet Ahmed and Srinivas Janaswamy
Strong, UV-blocking, and Hydrophobic PVA Composite Films Containing Tunable Lignin Nanoparticles, Rui Tian, Yue Liu, Chao Wang, Weikun Jiang, Srinivas Janaswamy, Guihua Yang, Xiangxiang Ji, and Gaojin Lyu
Structural Construction and Surface Modification of Copper Current Collectors for Lithium Metal Batteries, Yaohua Liang
Student Experiences with Active Learning Across Course Delivery Modalities, Devin Berg
Students' Bond to Their School and Interscholastic Athletics in a Consolidated School, Rosalee Dallman
Studying Algorithmic Bias in Forensic Source Identification Problems, Isaac Gbene, Dylan Borchert, Semhar Michael, and Christopher Saunders
Study of the Performance Characteristics of An Axial Flow Fan Using CFD, Rama S. Akula
Study on Phosphorus and Nitrogen Concentration of Corn Hybrids Adapted in South Dakota, Pravin Gautam
Subjective Measurement in Prophylactic Knee Bracing, Jacob E. Resch
Substitution of Modified Distillers Grains with Soybean Meal with or without Hulls had Negligible Effects on Growth Performance, Efficiency, and Carcass Traits in Yearling Steers, Cassidy Ross, Scott Bird, Zachary Smith, and Warren Rusche
Success and Communication : An Analysis of High School Athletic Coaching Staffs, Kevin G. Sackreiter
Survival Analysis of Tree Species: Investigating Mycorrhizal Types, Soil Characteristics, and Environmental Factors., Shree Krishna Nyaupane
Synergistic Effect of Ozone and Microgard (MG300) To Inactivate Listeria Monocytogenes in Ready to Eat Cooked and Cured Ham, Ravirajsinh P. Jhala
Synthesis of Isocyanate-based Dendrimers, Photodendrimers and L-aspartic Acid Based Dendrimers, Genliang Lu
Targeted Browsing With Goats for Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus virginiana L.) Control, Alanna M. Hartsfield, Alexander J. Smart, Lan Xu, and Kelly A. Froehlich
Teaching Applied Management Courses Online: Considerations for Good Practices, Albena Yordanova, Elizabeth Tofte, and Byron G. Garry
The Aggregation Behavior and Structure of Blends of κ-carrageenan and ε-polylysine Hydrochloride, Jie Tan, Tingting Li, Srinivas Janaswamy, Nan Wang, Shuang Song, Hang Qi, and Chengrong Wen
The "Art" of Edith Wharton's Fiction : The Legend and Portrait of Beatrice Cenci, Amy M. Einspahr
The Best Method for Recruiting Low-Income 18-24 Year Olds, Vanessa Leek
The Care Partner Experience and the Young Adult with Advanced Cancer, Samantha R. Fischbach
The Competitive One-Act Play Program in South Dakota High Schools from 1974 to 2003, Mark W. Lindell
The Effect of Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 or Type 4 On The Functional Characteristics of Monocyte-Derived Macrophages, Brian Lee Ransom
The Effect of Foxtail (Setaria spp.) Interference in Spring Wheat, James A. Wilson
The Effect of Mandatory Price Reporting on the Structure of Weekly Reported Grid Premium and Discount Prices for Fed Cattle, Joe Micheal Priebe
The Effect of Oxidative Stress On The Cytoskeletal Structures And The Crosslinker Protein, Plectin, In Human Cortical Neurons, Pramod K. Allani
The Effect of Social Determinants of Health on End-Stage Kidney Disease Mortality Across Diverse Adult Populations: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Prince Agyapong
The Effect of Soluble Soybean Polysaccharide Addition to Permeate Concentrate on Lactose Crystallisation, Growth and Recovery During Lactose Manufacturing, Venkateswarlu Sunkesula, Prafulla Salunke, and Lloyd E. Metzger
The Effects of Caffeine and Ephedrine on Excess Post Oxygen Consumptions and Lipolysis, Christina Ann Heilman
The Effects of Degradation on PLA when Combined with Additives in a Single Screw Extruder, Jack Koester
The Effects of Dehydration on Body Composition, Mark Small
The Effects of Dexamethasone Administration on Physiological, Behavioral, and Production Parameters in Dairy Cows after a Difficult Calving, Turner H. Swartz, Dana Bryant, Hollie Schramm, Allison Duncan, Robin White, Cynthia Wood, and Christina Petersson-Wolfe
The Effects of Energy Balance and Exercise on IGF-I and IGFBP-3, Michael J. Ormsbee
The Effects of Glyphosate-tolerant Soybeans and Bt Corn on Cellular and Molecular Kinetics of Mouse Testicular Development, Denise G. Brake
The Effects of Graphing Calculator Use on Student's Understanding of Functions and Graphs in College Alegbra, Rebecca J. Hunter
The Effects of Higher Protein Intakes on Adaptations to Training, Shawn Tausz
The Effects of Public Performance on an Individual's Ability to Self-Monitor, Teresa L. Fester
The Effects of Repetitive Overhand Throwing on Markers of Muscle Damage, Justin Brink
The Effects of Tillage and Agricultural Use on Soil Arthropods in Central South Dakota, Christopher Wayne Noble
The End of Deutsche Mark: The Bundesbank, The Euro, and the Evolution of Central Banking, Zülbiye Y. Jorgensen
The Fate of Chemical Disinfectants, Trihalomethanes and Haloacetic Acids in South Dakota Municipal Water Distribution Systems, Morgan R. Gagliano
The Fate of Phosphorus From Long Term Biosolids Application, Brian Fitzpatrick
The Financial Knowledge of First Year College Students : Implications for Curriculum Development, Julie A. Doss
The Fraction of Biomass of C3 and C4 Plants in the C3 Plant Community and C4 Plant Community, Zigeng Chen and A. Joshua Leffler
The Hutton Project: Long-Term Agricultural Impacts on Soil Loss and Carbon Dynamics in Eastern South Dakota, Eli Halverson
The Impact of Deep Manure Injection on Water Infiltration, Nutrient Distribution and Corn Yield, Mark Reiman
The Impact of Precipitation as an Adverse Weather Condition on Transportation Construction in South Dakota, Akosua Ofosua Okyere-Addo
The Influence of By-O-Reg+ Beef, an Oregano-based Essential Oil Supplement, on Growth Performance, Carcass Traits and Meat Quality of Finishing Beef Steers, Bergin Mackenzie DeBruin
The Influence of Calcium Metabolism on Beef Tenderness, Theresa Anne Walsh
The Influence of Nitrogen and Plant Population on Corn Production in Eastern South Dakota, William Tjentland
The Influence of Socioeconomic Conditions Upon the Composition of the U.S. All-Volunteer Armed Forces, Susan Bunger
The Investigation of the Use of Coal Mine Refuse for Embankment Fill and Subbase Material in South Dakota, Richard S. Uckert
The Legacy of Hawthornean Guilt in Faulkner's Fiction, Jennifer Kluck
The Medium-term Impacts of Integrated Crop–livestock Systems on Crop Yield and Economic Performance, Teerath Singh Rai, Thandiwe Nleya, Sandeep Kumar, Peter Saxton, Tong Wang, and Yubing Fan
The Nexus of Gut Microbiota, Diet, and Health, Sajal Bhattarai and Srinivas Janaswamy
The Perceived Empathicness and Attentiveness of the University Instructor, Michael L. King
The Persistence of Racialization Literature, Gender, and Ethnicity, Luz Angélica Kirschner